minutes ago.

Lu Baoshen finished his harsh words, but when he looked at the powerful enemy in front of him, he still felt a little frightened, and even had the urge to admit defeat on the spot.

Look at the fighting power of the opponent, this general grid, if he gets punched, it will hurt for a long time, right?

But it wouldn’t be good if he just gave in immediately after he said the cruel words. It would damage the author’s reputation as the leader of the universe/

Moreover, by grabbing the soldiers himself, strictly speaking, he was delaying time for Yu Liang. Now it was only delayed for tens of seconds, which was far from being effective.


So let's give it a try and delay it for a minute?

Lu Baoshen thought of how Lu Mingzhe and Li Huachao looked when they were duel. Under normal circumstances, such a flexible gambler would definitely be the nemesis of a physical warrior, and soldiers might not be able to touch him.

Moreover, if Lu Mingzhe's casting distance was two more steps, the gambler would definitely win.

Thinking of this, Lu Baoshen felt some confidence emerge in his heart.

"Come on." He looked at the soldier ten steps away and hooked his hand.

Hearing the gambler's words, the soldiers quickly stepped forward as if they had been given the clarion call to charge.

He has his own persistence and cannot make a surprise attack, but at the same time, he will not be arrogant to any extent and will not say nonsense like "I will give you three moves."

Lu Baoshen said that after the battle started, he would definitely attack, try to eliminate the opponent in the shortest time, and then go back to support and end the battle completely.


Lu Baoshen let out a long breath, clenched his fist hard, grabbed five silver coins in his hand, and then suddenly opened his hand, causing the silver coins to pop out in multiple directions.

A distance of ten meters is nothing to a soldier. He entered Lu Baoshen's attack range with just one step. Lu Baoshen did not hold back and directly typed the character "break" to harass, and at the same time directed at someone beside him. A silver coin has the character "Mu" printed on it.

However, the soldier did not dodge, and allowed the "broken" character to hit him. At the same time, he strode in front of Lu Baoshen, and the military thorn in his hand moved with his thoughts, approaching Lu Baoshen's face.

! ! !

[Thousands of Arts]!

Lu Baoshen didn't expect the soldier to be so fast. He barely reacted until the opponent was about to attack him, quickly changed positions, and at the same time hit the prepared new characters on the soldier.

"Huh?" The soldier was a little surprised by the sudden disappearance of Lu Baoshen. He was quite familiar with this ability of short-distance space jumps. He had experienced it from magicians many times, but now it was different.

A magician needs to "open the door" before making a space jump. Perhaps he can use certain magic techniques to make "opening the door" extremely natural or hidden, but there is always a prelude. Old rivals of magicians like Aze can often start from It can be judged from some details that the magician wants to teleport.

For this reason, Aze has also studied magic for a long time, and the magician never misses every scene during his tour. He sits in the first three rows, and even the magician will say hello to Aze before the official performance. A familiar look.

Of course, there were also people in the Haicheng Alliance who wanted to use this rule to trap Aze, but they were immediately stopped forcefully by the magician.

Anyone who affects his magic performance in real life is his enemy, and Aze who is watching the magic is his audience. At this time, designing to capture Aze is an enemy of the magician.

A magician in reality will never use ghost stories to perform magic. All magic is within the scope of human power. He makes a very clear distinction between reality and the world of ghost stories, but Aze understands the magician's heart very well. idea.

This is all because the magician is too narcissistic. He does not want other players to simply classify his top creativity in magic as magical power, so that they cannot deeply feel how awesome he is.

Do you think I did it with supernatural powers?

That would be an insult to my magic skills.

In short, everyone in Aze's team is familiar with this teleportation ability, and the corresponding three knives have countermeasures.

Soldier Aze is no exception.

Lu Baoshen's teleportation is different from that of a magician. He does not need to "open the door", but it still has a prelude.

The soldier realized this after being hit with the "broken" character five times.


The gambler will first type a character before switching positions, and the gambler's teleportation range is only five steps, and each teleportation does not exceed the five-step range.

Facing a physical warrior like him, a squishy gambler might be out of the game after just one hit. However, every time the opponent teleports, he is stuck within the five-step range. This is not a good choice. The five-step range is really It was too short, so short that he could catch it with just one swoop.

Therefore, the range of five steps is the gambler's ultimate teleportation distance.

The soldier made a quick judgment and tensed his muscles.

After the gambler showed the ability to teleport, he realized that this battle could not be too hasty. He had to understand how the ability worked before attacking.

Haste makes waste, with multiple flashes, if you do it forcefully, it will only consume a lot of physical strength, and you will also withstand some additional character attacks.

He does have a strong ability to avoid damage, but this does not mean that he can ignore the damage of characters.

For players with low gradients, characters are the most effective means of killing physical warriors with high gradients.

At this moment, in the two-dimensional world, what soldiers can observe visually is very limited, and character attacks that can be avoided with reaction speed cannot be avoided in time.

But what he doesn't know is that in the hands of gamblers, the character's hit is inevitable, unless he can catch the gambler and force the gambler to give up operating [Thousand Skills].

Soon, Lu Baoshen passed the first minute of the battle, and this unexpected success made him feel warm.

In this minute, he successfully dodged every charge of the soldier. Even if there were a few dangerous ones, fortunately, he reacted quickly and smoothly used [Qian Shu] to move behind or to the side of the soldier. And send a character.

It may be the character "burning", it may be the character "breaking", or it may be the character "cleaving". In short, it will not make the soldiers feel better.


This soldier is not very strong either.

He looks more like a stupid guy than Li Huachao in T2.

Because the main characteristic of the military profession is to be able to fight and resist, in terms of mobility, you can only rely on your own physical bonus, and there is no means of sudden acceleration.

Lu Baoshen is quite capable of dealing with this kind of enemy now. At least the opponent cannot hit him and can only be beaten passively.

This minute was easily delayed.

Lu Baoshen's tail couldn't help but curl up. If he played this way, he might even cause some fatal injuries to this stupid big man.

You know, he also has the character "Thunder" on his body but has not used it. That is the real killer weapon for all beings to be equal. If he is hit, even a soldier will not be able to take advantage of it.

At this moment, there were a lot of silver coins scattered around Lu Baoshen. Four characters were shuttled between these silver coins and himself, constantly looking for angles to attack the soldiers from the side or the rear, while the soldiers were running rampant among the silver coins. Want to catch Lu Baoshen.

However, this five-step radius is Lu Baoshen's absolute territory. A soldier who is like a bull can only be played like a bull by Lu Baoshen, a bullfighter, who repeatedly misses him.

However, the soldier did not show any anxiety or frustration. During this period, he tried many methods to defeat the enemy and also collected more critical information.


Silver coins, like characters, are one of the conditions for teleportation. The gambler in front of you can even rely on silver coins to change the character's movement trajectory, making the character's hit rate reach 100%, because the character being avoided will not be hit by something else. Dissipate, but come back.

The soldiers tried to clean up the silver coins within a five-meter radius, but were quickly dissuaded by the steady stream of silver coins they took out.

Sure enough, gamblers can have as many resources as they want. This guy designed the battle mode specifically for physical warriors like him.

I have to say that it did cause him a lot of trouble.

The soldier felt his health. After eating more than a dozen characters in a row, plus the damage he suffered earlier, he only had about 30% left.

No more, no less. For his unique fighting style, 30% health is almost reaching his strongest fighting state.

When he is about to die, the soldier will have greater stability, and only then will he start to use various health-regenerating seals.

He was cultivated as the core of Aze's combat system, so stamps would naturally be obtained first. Aze used a lot of resources to obtain information and opportunities about the stamps, allowing soldiers to have many recovery stamps, and also It has a highly targeted seal.

[Blood Soul Pursuit]: Only once per day, when a character attacks you and causes you to bleed, you can mark the opponent with blood and perform a full-power locking attack (guaranteed to hit).

In comparison, the actual effect of this stamp may be more suitable for swordsmen, but unfortunately, swordsmen are not as tough as soldiers, and this kind of stamp that requires selling blood to trigger is not very suitable for him.

This is used to catch flexible players like magicians. The locking attack can lock the space and even time around the target at the same time. No matter whether it is teleportation or time travel, it is impossible to escape this inevitable blow.

However, in addition to being flexible and versatile, the magician's characteristic is also a damage explosion. If the swordsman hits him to trigger [Blood Soul Pursuit], he will probably look like he is dying, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

The soldiers are ready to use this seal to trick gamblers, but the most critical moment has not yet come.

"Be careful. Just now, my fighting spirit is far from reaching its peak, because you are only T2. But now, I admit that you are an equal opponent to me, and my fighting spirit will be further improved." The soldier reminded In a word, just now, his fighting spirit was only 100%, but now the 120% mode is the real full firepower.

In just an instant, the soldiers approached Lu Baoshen and almost stabbed him through Lu Baoshen's body. Lu Baoshen completed the teleportation at the last moment, but cold sweat broke out on his body.

No, the soldiers have become faster, and the state of the Four Talisman Realm is not enough. If it is still like this, I have no spare power to attack and can only keep dodging!

Lu Baoshen's heart was beating loudly, constantly reminding him that his body was reaching its limit, but he still gritted his teeth and his voice came from the bottom of his throat: "Come again."

His current condition is very good. He can feel that after being trained by soldiers, he has mastered the Four Talisman Realm and can even sprint towards the Five Talisman Realm...

No, with this kind of mentality, the most you can do is complete a breakthrough one day after this battle is over, and you will never be able to defeat the soldiers here.

Yes, to defeat the soldier, he must defeat this guy!

At this moment, Lu Baoshen suddenly realized what it meant to be pretentious like Lu Mingzhe.

If you say what you can do, you are awesome; if you imitate Lu Mingzhe and say harsh words but cannot do it like he did in the past, then you are just stupid.

Regardless of the outcome, this is the only thing he must do.

If you do that, that guy might come back!

The fifth character, on!

Lu Baoshen gritted his teeth and typed the fifth character.

In his mind, the movement trajectories of the five characters emerged in the form of five-colored lines. They did not appear in a tangled mess, but were absolutely clear.

Even if he could only maintain the Five Talisman Realm for a period of time, he would still be able to eliminate the soldiers here!

On the other side, the soldier noticed that a character was added to Lu Baoshen's side again, and he was surprised.

The state just now was not the opponent's limit?

Interesting, I need to use faster speed and stronger strength to fight against it.

He lunged forward and stabbed Lu Baoshen's vital parts.

Just as he expected, Lu Baoshen disappeared in front of him, and he quickly retracted his weapon and rushed in the other direction with a sliding step.

The breath appears faintly there. If it is only five steps away, there will be almost no obstacle and it will definitely hit!

The soldier blindly stabbed at that position with absolute confidence. However, when he turned around, what he saw was the golden light that symbolized the characters.

At the five-step position, there is no gambler, only a broken character prepared in advance.

This time, the "broken" character hit his vital part, almost tearing open his skin. Due to the characteristics of the two-dimensional world, the soldier suffered near-fatal injuries.

[Unyielding Will] When you receive fatal damage, you will only suffer 50% of the damage.

While reducing damage, help soldiers survive and quickly use stamps to recover.

"Your movement distance is not five steps?" The soldier looked at the slowly recovering health value and was a little surprised.

"I didn't say that." Lu Baoshen smiled. His character casting distance has been increased to seven steps, and the teleportation distance can be further two steps.

This move successfully tricked the opponent, but it was a pity that it did not directly capture the soldier.

Of course, this is not because Lu Baoshen is cunning, it is just because he forgot at first...

I'm used to it, and I usually do it in five steps. Who in the right mind would think of changing it to seven steps?

Then, as he was beating, he discovered that at this time, he was a little more ghostly, and he still teleported in five steps, and he really reached the opposite side.

"But you also did one thing wrong. The character just hit my vital point. I was injured enough to satisfy the effect of the stamp." The soldier let out a long breath, feeling absolutely sure in his heart.

The blood soul pursuit has been triggered, and the next move will be useless no matter how the gambler dodges it.

He continued: "Correspondingly, the next attack triggered by the stamp will be sure to hit, and it will be fatal. I may not be able to stop, so you have lost."

"Did you lose?" Lu Baoshen was still immersed in the joy of succeeding in his conspiracy just now, but the soldier's words immediately stunned him, and his blood was half extinguished.

He believed that the soldiers would not lie to him, but it was difficult to accept the situation.

No, why is it so difficult to accept?

He had been dragging on for a full five minutes, and the burst of output from the Five Talisman Realm just now caused his brain to start to feel dizzy, which was a precursor to overdrafting his mental power.

It seems to have done its best.


it's not finished yet.

"No, come on, don't hold back, I still have means." Lu Baoshen became determined, and he raised his fingers at the soldier again.

At least I can still bet, bet one last time.


The sudden excitement just now was not only because of my awakening, but also because of his impatience to make a move!


That guy had woken up a long time ago, he just kept watching and waiting!

"What move?" The soldier wondered subconsciously.

If there was, it should have been used long ago, right?

As a T1 physical warrior, is the pressure on him so insufficient?

"Bet on him coming out."

The moment Lu Baoshen spoke, the soldier activated the seal, and blood appeared all over his body, like a sharp sword piercing Lu Baoshen's chest.

Then, the soldier heard Lu Baoshen's words. The moment he regained his thinking, he stabbed Lu Baoshen away from Lu Baoshen's vital point.

"Him?" The doubtful voice seemed to come from the bottom of the soldier's heart. He was already very close to Lu Baoshen's body, and the military thorn was almost half submerged in the opponent's body.

At this time, the gambler smiled, and then suppressed his smile.

"he and I."

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