The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 529 Fungus and Bookmaker

"Hey, new baby!" Li Huachao shouted excitedly as he looked at the baby that had just come out of the pot. He looked at the baby from body to toe and showed a satisfied smile.

Judging from the body shape, Zaizi's frame seems to be taller than before, but overall he is still thin and weak. His hair is longer than before. Secondly, he is still stooped, so his long hair almost completely blocks his delicate and fair face. Face.

The baby now has dark lines on his body, and the whole body has more of a sense of mystery, as if he is some kind of princess from the demonic realm, but he also has a delicate and dull feeling, which is a bit cute.

She noticed that the familiar hunter was observing her, so she stretched out her hand and opened a small gap in the hair hanging in front of her face, revealing a black eye to look at Li Huachao in front of her.

"Hmm!" After confirming that the person in front of him was Li Huachao, Zaizi opened his hands and took hurried little steps to ask Li Huachao for a hug.

"Eh?" Li Huachao hugged Zai Zi. He could clearly feel that Zai Zi's whole monster had become more agile, at least his IQ was much higher than before.

In the past, I basically could not express my joy through hugs.

Moreover, this girl's transformation is becoming more and more beautiful.

Li Huachao looked at Zai Zi's toothy smile from both sides to his ears, feeling that he was becoming more and more attractive.

It feels like raising a daughter.

At this time, Li Huaniang controlled Li Huachao's left hand and used her ability, so she separated from the opponent's body and stood on the other side of Zai Zi. She smiled and touched Zai Zi's head, and then rubbed the smooth black hair. .

In her memory, Zai Zi was also tamed by her, so she naturally had a high affection for Zai Zi.

"Huh?" Zaizi's eyes widened and he hurriedly pushed back his hair. He looked at Li Huachao and then at Li Huaniang. He probably couldn't believe that there were actually two hunters.

There was obvious confusion in her eyes, as if she couldn't tell which of the two hunters in front of her was her real master.

After thinking for a while, Zai Zi found the difference between the two hunters, so he stepped forward and squeezed Li Huachao's breasts, beat them twice, and they were hard. Then he looked at Li Huaniang's breasts, grabbed them and then let go. There was a kind of elasticity visible to the naked eye. Potential energy is released.

From then on, she made a judgment and quickly got behind Li Huachao, looking at Li Huaniang in front of her with a wary look.

"Hahahahahaha, the harder the better." Li Huachao immediately laughed wildly.

"Tsk, is poaching something difficult? Just wait." Li Huaniang expressed dissatisfaction with this and was extremely tough.

"Don't bother me after we break up." Li Huachao retorted.

"Aren't these two one and the same? How could they still break up?" Lu Baoshen was a little confused and couldn't figure out the relationship between Li Huachao and the three of them for a while.

"Hey, don't talk nonsense. Hua Niang and I just have a relationship that satisfies each other. Although it feels good to be together, it can't replace Bai Yueguang's position in my heart." Li Huachao heard Lu Baoshen's words and immediately spoke out road.

"That's right." Li Huaniang would not give in to Li Huachao on this issue. She licked her lips with a wicked smile and looked at the little kid who was hiding behind Li Huachao timidly with a small head exposed. I like this kind of challenging thing.”

Li Huachao: "..."

Broken, this familiar feeling is...

Am I going to become a miser?

I have forgotten that Li Huaniang also has a [Tauren] seal, so don’t be fooled by a Minotaur or anything like that!

Li Huachao's face turned dark instantly. He looked at Zaizi and then at Li Huaniang, feeling an indescribable strange feeling.

At this moment, the innocent and simple Zaizi didn't understand what was going to happen. He just looked at Li Huaniang in front of Li Huachao with two curious eyes from his hair, and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Some are familiar and some are unfamiliar. You can feel that the other person will not hurt you, and there is a stimulating feeling when you come into contact.

"Li Huachao, try Zai Zi's ability." Yu Liang could vaguely feel the abnormality of Zai Zi's ability, but he still needed to try it out with actual performance.

Judging from the ability description, Zai Zi's ability seems to have no upper limit.

The more times you are attacked within three minutes, the more copies you can produce, and copies can also produce copies. Even if there is a time limit of three minutes, as long as you have enough attack speed, you can create hundreds of copies. Thousands of cubs.

During this process, Zai Zi can also randomly discover a strengthening direction through [Adaptability], and then inherit the strengthening and restore blood volume by devouring the clone...

If given a certain amount of time, wouldn't this be purely raising a father?

"Use different levels of damage?" Li Huachao asked, and then used some mysterious and ancient hunter language to speak and gesture at Zaizi.

"Hmm!" Zaizi made an affirmative sound, then opened his big mouth and let out a fierce and threatening hiss.

So Li Huachao then used all kinds of force to try to hurt the Zai Zi. The number of Zai Zi gradually increased, and several Zai Zi gradually appeared in the living room.

In the blink of an eye, there were more than thirty cubs in the living room, but they all seemed to have their own ideas, running around in the living room, looking for a place to hide themselves.

Black light emerged from the bodies of some mantises, probably because their ability [Adaptability] was triggered.

Some mantises have larger mouths and sharper teeth; some mantises have mutations on their legs, with more obvious muscles on their legs and slender spines. It is conceivable that she should They can run faster and have a strong grip; some mantises have obtained special gray energy wrapped around their bodies, which can help her hide themselves better.

Protective coloration, poison sacs, long tentacles...

The mutations of the cubs each have their own characteristics, and the repetition rate is not too high, showing a variety of patterns.

"Uh." The perfumer on the side couldn't help but clasp Xu Cixi's arm hard. She still hated bugs and was a little uncomfortable with the many cockroach characteristics displayed by the boy.

Of course, this is not fear. How afraid can a player in the Kaitan world be afraid of Kaitan creatures?

She has seen even the most disgusting scenes, mainly because this is where she lives.

Thinking about it, it's still a little uncomfortable to have a swarm of cockroach-like creatures crawling in the dark where you live.

After Li Huachao's attack reached a certain level, the mantis cub let out a hiss, then quickly retreated and pounced on the other mantis.

The crack enlarged in an instant, and if you looked inside the abyss-like mouth, you could even see some of the organs inside the throat. Zaizi didn't hesitate and swallowed all the clones in front of him into his body.

In an instant, the same mutation appeared on Zai Zi's body, and identical barbs appeared on her legs.

As the main body, she had the absolute ability to suppress the clones, devouring all the cubs in half a minute, and her condition quickly recovered, gaining momentum far beyond what she had just been.

But on the surface, Zai Zi has no human form at all. He basically looks like a Martian cockroach man, but is slightly more delicate.

Barely able to rush, but very difficult.

Through Li Huachao's test and Zai Zi's own strange language description, Yu Liang roughly knew the details of the Zai Zi's ability in front of him.

For the current Zai Zi, a certain degree of damage is required to trigger the ability. Her T2 level physical fitness allows her to ignore some minor injuries.

Injuries such as slaps and stabs are basically not counted. Li Huachao must attack some key areas to be considered as damage.

Some minor injuries that can be offset by the regeneration ability cannot trigger Zai Zi's ability, so when Li Huachao hurt Zai Zi just now, he stabbed him with a table knife while begging for forgiveness.

This scene almost looks like a super pervert is torturing his lover, a bit like slapping her twice and then hugging her and saying I love you.

Normally, Li Huachao would definitely not be so abstract. The main reason was that there was Li Huaniang watching eagerly next to him, which made him a lot gentler.

Every knife cuts on your body and hurts my heart.

Anyway, the effect of the final picture is extremely anti-human and heavy-tasting, and many characters present expressed that they could not accept it.

After devouring a dozen mantis women, Zai Zi probably returned to a good fighting state, and had about twice the original fighting ability.

At this time, Li Huachao tried to attack Zai Zi again, but the clone that split from Zai Zi was not the Zai Zi in its current state, but the Zai Zi in its original state. This was considered a limitation to a certain extent.

Otherwise, it will be like playing 2048. Two powerful bastards repeatedly split each other and then stacked up. I am afraid that the body will become a saint in three minutes.

Now, if this is the case, each inherited evolution in Zai Zi lasts about three minutes. In the extreme state, it can probably reach the level of pseudo-T1, but it will not last too long, and someone will need to help her carry it out. dehiscence.

Judging from the final result, it is still very strong. The only pity is that the cubs as the main body do not have absolute control over the clones, so the cubs born are in a relatively chaotic state and will not obey orders. At most, they can only Can control them to attack a target.

Yu Liang originally wanted to let the cubs try to attack each other. After one round of attack, the number of cubs can be doubled, and in two or three rounds, the number can be reached to a terrifying level.

It's quite possible that the clone's cub is almost in an unconscious state, just like the scene when Li Huachao encountered the mantis for the first time.

Ignore her and she will basically not take the initiative to provoke you.

Like a cockroach hiding in the dark, without much thought about other creatures, it only knows how to crawl around in the darkness every day.

From the looks of it, is it possible that the kid next to Li Huachao is also a clone?

A true clone of the original Mantis?

However, under the gradual influence of Li Huachao, Zai Zi gained his own intelligence and followed Yu Liang out of the zoo.

There seems to be some secrets in this kid. Later, Li Huachao can go into the zoo dungeon to investigate. It would be great if he could find the real core body of the kid. Maybe it can help the kid to a higher level.

Yu Liang thought this, and then saw Li Huachao raise his hand and put the cub into the monster pen.

"You..." Yu Liang was stunned for a moment.

No, doesn’t this kid belong to the universe?

When did you modify the ownership rights?

"It suddenly occurred to me that there seems to be no blocked monster column in my duel arena, which means I can bring a mount." Li Huachao said plausibly, "And the cub is a perfect match for me. If you think about it, she can multiply , and if I kill the clone, I can quickly stack up the killing buff of the Hunting Mark. If we stay together, you kill me and eat. If nothing happens, the machine gun will hit you, and the buff will be stacked up quickly. Then go into the arena to find it. People challenge each other..."

"It's quite disgusting." Yu Liang had to admit that this villain was really disgusting, and now he could lead others in a one-on-one fight.

The key is that normal players don't have strange pets. Li Huachao basically brings helpers to carry out righteous beatings.

Lu Mingzhe on the side looked at Li Huachao who had subdued Zai Zi, with a solemn look on his face.

To a certain extent, Zai Zi has some restraint on his abilities.

His burst is not very high. Except for the "Thunder" character and the four-frame explosive chips, it is difficult to drop the cub in seconds. Then the cub's ability to split after being beaten is very disgusting. Filling the entire Naihetian realm.

At that time, the smart advantage that gamblers are proud of will of course disappear, and they can only lose in front of the bastards filling the screen.

The hunter has subdued the mount, which is really difficult to deal with.

"Lu Baoshen, Li Huachao has Zaizi under his command. After all, this is a monster creature that he has tamed before. There is nothing to say. The problem is that it is a bit difficult for us to fight the combination of Li Chaoniang and Zaizi now. Do you have any good monster creatures? Recommended, this time we enter Cyber ​​City, it’s best to conquer one as well.”

"Strange creatures?" Lu Baoshen thought and subconsciously took over his body. He rolled his eyes and thought of a possible suitable candidate.



Great Elder, shouldn’t he be considered a human being?

If it's a strange creature, it seems like it could be used as a mount?

At this moment, Yu Liang didn't know what big deal the gambler brothers were plotting. He watched Xu Cixi take out the projector from the room, and then displayed a map of Forget City on the screen in the living room.

This map of Wangcheng was what Yu Liang got from the Toad-shaped God last time.

"This time we are a separate team. The Haicheng Alliance will gather at this location, and we enter Haicheng from this street on the east, pass through the area where the 'fungus' is, and come to this safe area." Xu Ci Xi pointed out a road on the map, "The threat of this fungus is not too high, as long as you don't inhale the fungus powder and don't wake it up."

"Won't the Haicheng Alliance act together with us?" Yu Liang was a little surprised, "It's not that there is strength in numbers..."

"No, what we have to face is the source monster, and we are facing the source monster directly. If we put all the eggs in the same basket, it is easy to be annihilated in the hands of one source monster, so we need to go through several roots separately. The territory of Kaitan is gathered in this proven safe zone." Xu Cixi explained, "There are a lot of players in this operation. There are too many players in one area, and the power of Kaidan is mixed, attracting the possibility of the source of Kaidan spying. The sex is even higher.”

"That's it, okay." Yu Liang nodded in agreement.

Although he felt that following the five founding seats would provide a higher safety factor, if everyone thought so...

That would be unsafe.

Out of many people there will be fools, and he didn't want to be implicated by others.

The lawyer's subordinate who played with paradoxes in front of the bookmaker was the best example. It was not easy to meet a root monster who was friendly to humans, and he forced him to get angry. He really didn't know how much he weighed.

And thinking about it carefully, the strength of their team is absolutely magnificent. Yu Liang feels that no one of the founding seats can handle them alone.

In a simple four-man team, how many T1s are there?

He can't even figure it out anymore. Can you help me figure it out?

"The northwest of this fungus is the booksmith's place. If you have a chance, should you go to the bookmaker's place to see the situation?" Yu Liang noticed that the upper part of the fungus was the bookmaker's territory, and he immediately got his thoughts on it.

If we could get some answers from the booksmith, it might make Haicheng and his party go more smoothly.

"Indeed, this is why I chose this path." Xu Cixi nodded and gave a positive answer, "We have to take a detour to find the bookmaker, but we must be quick and return to the safe zone within the specified time. That’s all.”

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