The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 561 It’s a waste to give this ability to a lawyer, why not join the Writers Universe?

If you say you don't care, you really don't care at all.

Yu Liang didn't care at all what happened to Li Huachao. Anyway, there weren't many things in the entire underground world that could hurt that guy.

The missing lawyer counts as one, but Li Huachao has a hunting mark, and there is also a villain arena that forces a duel. If there is a fight, it is hard to say who will win.

The source of the ghost talk is considered one, but Li Huachao has [source insight]. As long as he is not a fool, he will definitely not take the initiative to trouble the source of the ghost talk.

There are not many remaining players or rat men who can threaten the root hunters. They are all used to stack the murder book for Li Huachao.

Therefore, now Yu Liang has decided to completely let Li Huachao go. According to the past scripts, it won't take long for Li Huachao to bring back a lot of fun, and at the same time, it will bring him a lot of benefits.

Yes, Yu Liang has figured out the characteristics of Li Huachao. He can really cause trouble, but he is also a truly blessed general who can always bring unexpected gains.

If it doesn't work, use Lu Baoshen's goblin hook lock to force Li Huachao back. Anyway, the hook gun cools down very quickly, so it is very convenient to use to find people.

Under such a premise, the process of hooking Li Huachao with a hook and gun is like "fishing". If the line is long enough, the longer he waits for Li Huachao, the greater the harvest Li Huachao may bring back, but at the same time, the trouble he will cause will also be greater. Probably bigger.

It depends on how long he dares to give Li Huachao free time to move around.

Yu Liang led Li Geng and others downstairs, helped the players dispel the stench, and at the same time gathered the players from the Haicheng Alliance, and soon led them to find the priest.

"Fortunately, what just happened did not cause any casualties to the players." The priest felt relieved when he saw Yu Liang.

No matter what, he still hopes that the Haicheng Alliance can do well, at least not losing too many players in his hands.

"Well, I lured those rat people away. You don't have to worry about the threat of the rat people for a short time." Yu Liang did not show too many emotions, as if such things were just casual and not worth mentioning.

"Oh? Did you lead him away?" the priest said in surprise, and he couldn't help but think highly of Yu Lianggao.

Those rat people dragged the building underground, and it was obvious that they had bad intentions. It would be a good thing if the writer could lure them away before the rat people took action.

Just now, the priest forcibly dismantled the barrier he had set up, and received some backlash, so he first found a hidden location to appease the source of ghost talk on his body, and then came out to gather his subordinates.

If the source of the ghost talk is not dealt with properly, it may cause even greater trouble.

It was precisely because of this incident that the priest was not struck by Li Huachao's flashlight, but his hearing was slightly affected, but in the case of the source of ghost talk, the impact was not too great.

He looked around at the players around him and saw only the two T1 gradient helpers hired by the lawyer, but not the lawyer, so he frowned and asked, "Where are the lawyers?"

"Escaped." Yu Liang still answered calmly, but this time the answer was much faster. He also supplemented the lawyer's behavior, "He ran away after noticing the large number of rat people. Coupled with the poisonous gas, it will slip away even faster."

"Okay." The priest responded simply, but unconsciously he began to compare lawyers and writers.

Both are new and outstanding players in the Haicheng League, but their performance and character are completely different.

Lawyers will be captured by the weird talkers created by writers just by meeting them. They are incomparable in terms of combat power. However, when lawyers are in danger, they just want to run away, but writers can take the initiative to take on the responsibility of rescue...

If the priest remembers correctly, the writer does not seem to have received much favor from the Haicheng Alliance, but he can come out to take the lead at critical moments. For this alone, it is meaningless how many people slander him.

Moreover, the price of the Grass Baby Blind Box is indeed not expensive. The monster column is a new setting recently introduced in the world of Kaitan. Writers who have the ability to tame and sell Kaitan creatures do not have rare items to live in. Instead, they pay special attention to whether novice players can buy them. rise.

There really aren’t many Kaitan players with such a conscience.

On the contrary, what are the lawyers who have received many preferential treatment and resource support from Haicheng Alliance doing?

Haha, this person is afraid of comparison.

The priest only felt that all the resources in the alliance were being fed to the dogs. This kind of thing must not be mentioned in front of the writers, but he would definitely discuss it with the other founding chairs in private.

Instead of giving resources to the white-eyed wolves like lawyers, it is better to give them to writers. After all, they do have many high-quality resources that they cannot use.

Some are used to cultivate "trumpets", which are similar to actors' personality clones or "trumpets" created by writers. Such resources are almost only used by actors or writers.

According to the priest's understanding, most of the resources stored in the Haicheng Alliance were stolen by Aze.

In this case, it is better to give them all to Yu Liang.

The second is the resources used to cultivate monsters. The use of these resources first requires players to have monsters. Among the founders, only beekeepers can barely count, so these resources can basically be used by others.

Afterwards, it would be enough to ask the beekeeper to send some disposable bee slaves, but now it can be distributed evenly for writers to use, which can be regarded as training for the rookies in the league.

Of course, the priest will definitely leave some special resources because he realized one thing.

As the writer sells the monster grass babies on a large scale, the resources for raising the monsters may increase in value, and the priest himself also has a need for this.

After all, who can refuse a handsome grass baby...

Well, that's not really what he meant.

At this moment, the priest who thought about this incident immediately decided that whoever plays the "priest and little boy" joke in the Haicheng Alliance, he will definitely teach that person a profound lesson.

"You are very good. Your performance will be remembered by the Haicheng Alliance." The priest patted Yu Liang's shoulder and then walked to the center of all the players.

"I am a priest, now follow my command. Within one minute, you must be divided into several groups, each group of three to five people. Next, I will give the person with the highest gradient level in each group a pair of eyes and a 'sixth sense' ', he will lead each group to follow my pace, and then I will take you out of the underground."

The priest's voice was calm and contagious, and it quickly calmed down the other players present.

Blindness, deafness, and even loss of sense of smell. These special situations do make people panic unconsciously, but now that they hear the priest's voice, the players immediately feel much better.

As if they heard God's teachings, God himself whispered in their ears, telling them that God would never give up on any player.

"Just us as a team." Yu Liang looked at Xu Cixi, the perfumer and the adventurer.

Strictly speaking, they are the only "people" in this team, the others are concept people.

"Okay." The adventurer and others had no objections.

Probably due to their blindness and deafness, the adventurers appear to be inactive.

After all, not everyone can be like Li Huachao, who can remain full of vitality even if he is blind.

Several people gathered around, indicating that they were in a group. They didn't wait long before the priest's words sounded again.

"God said that people should be united, love, and help each other, so the human captain of each team will grow new visual eyes and awaken the sixth sense. As the eyes of the team, he will guide the team in the dark and boundless underground palace. Walking and crawling."

The priest read aloud, and golden light appeared on his body again, connecting with the many clergymen behind him, and forming an even greater light.

The golden light group is divided into several strands and flows to each team. It automatically searches for the players with the highest grade in the team and gives them new eyes and a mysterious-sounding "sixth sense."

"Hey, I can see it." The adventurer opened his eyes, but it was not his own eyes that opened.

He could only be sure that these eyes were born on his face. As for the rest, he might have to look in the mirror to discover them.

As for that sixth sense...

The adventurer felt it, and he noticed that there seemed to be countless sensitive tentacles around his head, and he could explore the surroundings according to his wishes, up to a distance of about five meters.

"This sixth sense..." The adventurer tried to touch the wall around him with his tentacles, and passed through smoothly, but he could still feel the existence of the wall.

This means that the tentacles have no physical body, but they can indeed sense things around them.

"Hey, would you like to ask Aze if you have time to come over? I have something to ask the designer of the Metaverse." Yu Liang asked the confessor.

"What are you going to do? Are you going to use some abilities outside of the dungeon?" The confessor was not stupid, and he immediately guessed Yu Liang's plan.

Yu Liang nodded: "Yes, let him come over and give me a buff."

This kind of skill that allows players to use the abilities in the dungeon outside the dungeon is still very useful, otherwise Yu Liang would not be able to create outside the dungeon.

Moreover, he also wants to know the lawyer's specific abilities through the prophet Yan Hu. Without the designer of the metaverse, this is also impossible to achieve.

"Hiss—from the Yuan Universe..." The Confessor discussed with Aze's body on the team's voice channel, and soon received a positive answer.

The designer of the metaverse does not have any tasks now and can be employed flexibly. Moreover, he has not lost his vision and hearing, and he will be taken care of if he is placed next to the confessor.

Strictly speaking, the confessor's ability belongs to that of a physical warrior in Aze's personality clone.

Although he is an explosive physical warrior, he is indeed a martial artist and needs a domain master by his side to assist him in combat.

The combination of a physical warrior plus a domain master is far stronger than the combination of two physical warriors combined. This is also the basic combat unit formed by Aze.

"Okay, if you want to pull me over, just don't pull the wrong Aze. The other Azes have missions, so don't mess up Aze's plan." The confessor had no objection to Aze's body, so He informed Yu Liang of the result, "But the rental is conditional. You have to help Aze customize a grass baby."

"Okay, it's just a grass baby." Yu Liang agreed happily. This is not something that costs too much money.

However, after responding to the situation, Yu Liang reminded Aze in time: "By the way, help me pay attention to the position of the lawyer guy. Don't let him escape, but don't kill him directly. Let's divide the work and take care of him." Maximize profits, it’s a T1 alienated profession after all.”

"Okay." The confessor relayed Yu Liang's words. He naturally understood what Yu Liang wanted to do.

Alas, I will only be able to help the lawyer to save himself at that time. May the lawyer's soul rest in peace.

So Lu Baoshen simply turned twice and fired the goblin hook gun. He was now blind and did not have a strong sense of direction, so two symbolic turns were enough.

Soon, he caught the entity and slowly dragged the Metaverse Designer over.

"We caught the right one, he is the designer of the Yuan Universe." The confessor immediately told Yu Liang the result. He inexplicably felt like he was in some kind of airport control tower, communicating with the ground staff.

"Oh, oh, that's good." Yu Liang breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time began to look forward to the lawyer's abilities.

Lu Mingzhe reminded Yu Liang: "It's best to use the goblin hook less often. I can feel that something is curious about the goblin hook. It should be the 'main god' of the rat man."

He added: "Looking at it this way, try to catch people in the same area as much as possible, and don't let the hook pass through too many Root Kaidan territories, otherwise there will always be bad-tempered Root Kaidans who will try to intercept them. Although they are not sure about them Whether the ability can affect the goblin hook gun, but it is still a dangerous move."

"Okay." Yu Liang agreed and wrote down this item.

It would be fine if the players who were arrested were lawyers, and they would be cut off if they were intercepted by the source monsters. But if they were arresting their own created characters, then it would be a big problem if they were intercepted by the source monsters.

With the implementation of the Metaverse Designer, his abilities automatically began to operate.

This is a halo-like effect. Players around him will enjoy this buff for a long time and will not disappear, so Yan Hu immediately checked the lawyer's panel and informed Yu Liang of the result.



Gradient: T1

Title: Litigation Stick (details of ability unknown)

[Refutation]: Temporarily seal the opponent's alienated career panel ability. If the target is a Kaitan creature, its panel ability will be sealed. The sealing time depends on the opponent's gradient level (the sealing time of the root Kaitan is constant at 0.5 seconds and will not change due to any factors) .

[Defender]: Choose both sides, choose another target, and choose a crime (only the lawyer can see it). Until the verdict is found, the target will not be able to be selected by any abilities from both camps, and will ignore range-based abilities. If the target commits a corresponding crime during this period, the target will be tried accordingly after the verdict, otherwise he will be acquitted. The sentencing process is based on the target gradient level, and the sentencing penalty is based on actual law (reduced by 500 times).

[Evidence Collection]: You can find or forge "evidence" before judgment. After obtaining "evidence", you will be able to defend in three different directions: "innocent defense", "reduction of sentence defense" and "guilt plus one". If perjury is discovered, the lawyer himself may be imprisoned.

[Reverse Judgment]: Your testimony will have a great impact on the outcome of the verdict. After the verdict is established, all the evidence will become facts.

"This lawyer's ability... is a bit interesting." After hearing about the lawyer's ability, Yu Liang's blind eyes lit up, and he immediately thought of many wonderful uses in his mind.

It is really a waste to give it to people like lawyers, it is better to join the glorious universe of writers.

That's it.

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