The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 565 Brother, they bully me!

At this moment, Yu Liang still didn't know what happened to the Lord God's little wife. He only knew that his group was in big trouble now.

He was obviously going up, but he appeared on the second underground floor of the underground palace. Instead of taking this opportunity to leave the underground world, he went deep into a more dangerous place.

"Father, do you have any guesses about the rules of this origin ghost story?" Yu Liang heard the priest's words and immediately asked curiously.

In any case, the priest must have more experience in dealing with the source of ghost stories than he does, and these experiences are a kind of intangible wealth.

To be able to survive at the hands of so many origin ghost stories, there is no doubt about the priest's level.

"The rules have nothing to do with illusions. There may be some cognitive distortions, but it may mainly be an inversion of symmetry." The priest grabbed a handful of soil again, "This Aze next to you should understand that one of the Aze has the ability to reverse direction, and the main god's ability is similar to that, but it is more thorough."

He continued: "In that land of Aze's reversal, living creatures can clearly feel that the sense of direction in their minds is inconsistent with the sense of direction of their actual bodies, resulting in behavioral disorders, and now our brains perceive The direction is consistent with the body.”

"Where's the Illusionist?" Yu Liang poked the confessor with his elbow.

The priest has said this, so he will naturally have some special associations.

"We are with Aze himself. They entered the underground world earlier, but they have been wandering in the tunnels and underground palaces on the underground level. The specific situation is not clear. After all, we are not a complete whole." The confessor shrugged, but did not Too sure, "As for whether they knew about this a long time ago, I don't know anyway."

"How about I come over later and ask?" Yu Liang made a friendly suggestion.

The confessor's face changed when he heard this, and he quickly stopped him and said, "No, brother, really don't, their situation is very complicated. If they pull it back and forth, there may be problems in the entire underground world."

"See, you really know more than you think." Yu Liang shrugged like he did just now. This scoundrel look made the confessor grit his teeth.


Why is there such a cute combination of strong luck + goblin hook gun in the world?

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you everything. I'll explain it in advance. You have to listen to it yourself. Don't blame me if you get caught by something." The confessor cursed in his heart, but he still had to put on a smile on the outside. , because he knows that this born writer has many ways to disgust people.

If Yu Liang had an idea and wanted to take advantage of him but not much, then he would be as disgusted as eating a fly.

Fall out, it's unlikely; feel sick, come back, you don't have that talent.

"To put it simply, the key words of this Rat God's rules are gravity and accumulation, with some cognitive modifications." The confessor continued, "For the current situation, you are lucky and unlucky. Lord Rat Lord may have shaken his origins a week ago and is in a sluggish state, so the rules of the entire underground world have also changed."

"Did it move from order to chaos? It sounds like the root ghost story is not in a good state." The priest made a judgment.

"Maybe, but as you know, the root monsters are a very special kind of existence. They may not fight with each other and cause serious injuries, and then need to be healed quietly." The confessor was a little helpless, "Compare them to It is unreasonable to paint a super beast that is king of the earth."

"Of course, they bring about weirdness, they are the source of weirdness, but if you observe the weirdness from a human perspective, and then infer their situation from yourself, you may get a completely wrong answer." The priest said. This is an insight, and it seems that I have suffered a lot of related losses.

The confessor looked at the priest with a little appreciation in his eyes, as if he was watching his own child grow up.

He continued: "Anyway, it is because this root ghost story contains cognitive distortions that Aze did not share the information with you. He was worried that it would affect your judgment, especially the priest's [God] power."

"He wants to use our actions as an experiment, right?" Yu Liang said coldly.

"Uh, no way. Helping each other in the face of strange stories is the truth." The confessor scratched his head in embarrassment, but this denial seemed relatively weak.

"Gravity... In this case, it can indeed explain why we appear below the underground palace when we walk upward, because the reversal of the direction of gravity makes [God]... cause problems with our judgment." The priest let go of his hand and let The sand in his hand fell to the ground.

He changed his sentence and changed "God" to "us". The reason is also very simple, because of course God cannot make mistakes.

"So now we should go back to the underground level and continue walking downwards?" Yu Liang looked at the tunnel that the priest had just dug using the power of [God], and his brows suddenly frowned.

The soil around the tunnel actually had a liquid texture, but it was obvious that the large particles in it were converging and sinking toward the central depression.

Overall, the tunnel entrance looks like quicksand, exerting a unique suction force on the surrounding environment.

"Don't get too close. There's something wrong with this cave entrance now. If it sinks, it's likely that you won't be able to return to the underground level." The priest also noticed the quicksand-like tunnel entrance and sighed.

This effect should be the embodiment of the word "accumulation" in the rules of the root ghost story.

It is said to be "accumulation", but it turns out to be "filling".

"It's strange that the situation I saw from God's perspective has changed." Li Geng walked to Yu Liang's side, "Just now, when I was looking at the situation on the second underground floor from the first underground level, what I saw was the world on the ground. When I After entering the second underground floor for a while, what I saw became the second underground floor again, and above us was the underground first floor, and below us was chaos. Every time I looked over, I would feel dizzy."

He looked at the confessor: "Didn't you say that there is no 'hallucination' in the rules of the root ghost story? Why do I feel like I am under an illusion now?"

"I don't know. Who can clearly explain the rules of ghost stories? Aze is not omnipotent." The confessor said that he did not know.

The priest thought for a while and gave a possible explanation: "Do you know the principle of motion sickness? What you feel now may be somewhat similar, both because the balance of the body and the perspective is broken, and the root ghost story changes the gravity. This is probably reason."

"It makes sense." Li Geng had already put away his perspective. He looked up and looked above him. The entire second underground floor was dozens of meters high, and the ceiling above was also earthy brown.

He asked: "So now we should go in the opposite direction of gravity? The correct ground should be underground at this moment?"

"Not necessarily." Yu Liang still shook his head. He thought about the priest's words just now and thought of something, "The priest's chant just now said about the 'twisting upward road' and 'lead us up forty meters'. So we can’t ask [God] to open a direct passage for us to the earthly world?”

"No, such words are not clear enough. [God] may help me open a portal directly to the ground, but the other side of the door may not be our world." The priest shook his head and expressed his thoughts on Yu Liang Negative, "And the consumption of the portal is far greater than digging up the soil to create a passage, and the side effects may be beyond my ability to bear."

He made a simple summary: "My ability is actually to use the power of [God] on my behalf. In my perception, forty meters upward is the earthly world, so changing the lines of chanting does not allow us to directly go there." To the earthly world.”

"Okay." Yu Liang had no choice. "It's a pity that the architect's ability is to 'create' and cannot open up passages. Otherwise, he can help open up passages."

Speaking of this, he inevitably thought of a strange story about the origin that might be familiar.

Strictly speaking, that is one sixth of the source of the ghost story, which is the "Smiling" Qin Haijian seen in the Moon Community.

Qin Haijian's alienated profession is a blasting engineer, which is exactly the opposite of Li Geng's alienated profession.

If that guy is here, drilling holes should be an easy task, right?

"Let's wander around for a while. This place is a little different from what I imagined. There are no signs of biological activity here, but there are also no signs of source ghost talk activities. We seem to have come to an unknown and strange area." The priest continued. , he looked at the top of his head and smiled again, "As for why I just said that the rules of the root ghost story may be related to 'symmetry'..."

A stone appeared in his hand, which seemed to be found from the handful of soil he had just grabbed. He threw the stone high.

The group of people watched the stone quickly rise into the air, then gradually slow down, and finally generate a second acceleration and fall on the ceiling.

"Symmetry? There are two sources of gravity in this space? One is under our feet, and the other is in the sky." Yu Liang made a quick judgment, and he understood what the priest meant, "In this case, the origin of this strange story may be somewhere At the abnormal source of gravity."

He looked at the sky and the ground, not sure where the source of this abnormal gravity was.

But there is no need to worry. From now on, there are only two sources at most. Just check them one by one.

"Well, that's probably it." The priest smiled gently, "Originally, I wanted to leave here before the root ghost story found us, but judging from the current situation, it is unlikely that we will leave here directly, so take the initiative Go find it."

He took out something that looked like a scepter from his inventory. The scepter was so long that it could almost reach his shoulder when standing on the ground.

The entire body of the scepter is made of a special alloy, which reflects the luster of gold or silver under the light. The top of the scepter is also inlaid with five special gems, one large and four small, with a uniform color and looks extremely luxurious.

The priest let go of his hand, and his scepter floated beside him, moving with his pace: "After all, there are many people with 'abilities' in this team. If you face a head-on confrontation, you may not be afraid of a single source. Weird stories, even in His territory.”

"In that case, let's go and find that guy." Yu Liang looked at the reserved priest Shen Hua, and instinctively felt a feeling of reverence in his heart.

It's just like……

It was like looking directly at the body of God.

His eyes fell on the scepter. The priest had not used his weapon for such a long time, but now he used the scepter. Is it because he was fully prepared for battle?

Under the leadership of the priest, the player group began to explore the empty second underground floor.

The entire second underground floor feels very strange. Apart from scattered stones, there is only a large expanse of black soil and nothing else.

At a glance, Yu Liang could even see the horizon.

Li Geng, on the other hand, entered the God's perspective again and began to play placement games in mid-air. From time to time, he would create a piece of earth and stone and watch it fall to the ground, or fall to the sky.

Through such placement, he can make a more detailed judgment on the current strange "gravity".

As the data of more falling stones was presented, Li Geng clicked his tongue, feeling a little strange.

"Wait a minute, it seems that there are not two gravity sources here." He called Yu Liang, "This gravity feels wrong."

Fifteen minutes have passed now, and the players have found nothing on the second underground floor. There is only soil and stone here. It seems that the root of the ghost story has not yet begun to build the infrastructure here.

Some players have already begun to randomly dig in the soil layer, but there is at least 40 meters of soil layer between the second underground layer and the other layer. Such a vast project is definitely not something that players can complete now.

"What?" Yu Liang knew that Li Geng had been conducting placement experiments, and he probably discovered something now.

Li Geng shook his head and explained in advance: "I am just guessing. I have indeed felt something strange so far."

He continued: "It's possible that instead of two sources of gravity, there is one source of repulsion."

"Repulsive force?" Yu Liang understood Li Geng's description, but immediately questioned, "Impossible. If the strong repulsive force from this distance is exerted on us, we will probably lie directly on the ground."

Gravity is actually attraction. Originally they believed that gravity exists on the ground and in the sky, that is, the ground and the sky will attract objects in between at the same time.

Now Li Geng's idea is that there is no source of gravity, but a source of repulsion in mid-air, which repels things to both ends, one end is the ground and the other end is the sky.

"No, gravity still exists. The Lord God did not modify the earth's gravity. He just arranged a one-way repulsion in mid-air to push things into the sky." Li Geng explained, "If it is the original idea of ​​dual gravity , then at a certain position in mid-air, the attraction will reach equilibrium, and we should see clods of soil hovering in the air, but there is not."

"In that case..." Yu Liang looked at the idle game that Li Geng had just played, and he made some discoveries.

"Yes, the Lord God has always been there." Li Geng pointed in a direction, "On the line 23.8 meters above the ground."

As if to reward Li Geng's discovery, when everyone's eyes focused on that area, the air in mid-air suddenly began to swim, and then a huge mass appeared in front of everyone.

He backed away in fear, then was bounced away by the repulsive force he had arranged, and landed on the soil in the sky, letting out a high-pitched scream.

"Brother, brother! I was discovered! They bullied me!"

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