The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 573 Breeding Strange Derivatives

"Is the marriage process so simple?"

The diamond girl blinked and looked at the big red notebook in her hand, her eyes resting on the three characters "Marriage Certificate".

Is it as simple as getting married?

Why is the situation different from what my brother said?

The diamond girl frowned slightly, but her doubts were quickly explained by Yu Liang.

"Of course, the main thing in modern society is to keep everything simple. You only need to get a marriage certificate from the Civil Affairs Bureau to register your marriage." Yu Liang said with a smile.

This must be to simplify the ceremony. If we really have three books and six etiquette like ancient etiquette, we will definitely not have enough time.

It would be better to not engage in any extravagance or waste as it is now.

"Tsk, tsk, that's a really handsome picture for me." Li Huachao opened the marriage certificate, looked at the diamond-naked man on it, and said it was very nice.

"Haha, I'm obviously beautiful too, right?" Li Huaniang snorted, pointing to her handsome self in a denim suit on the marriage certificate.

Yu Liang: "..."

I have completely forgotten that you two are idiots. I really feel outrageous every time I think about it. There are actually three people in the photo on the marriage certificate.

That's right, if you open the marriage certificate, you can see that Li Huachao and Li Huaniang are standing next to the diamond girl, showing a perverted smile of "hehehe" at the same time.

If it weren't for the official seal on the marriage certificate, Yu Liang would have thought that the two twin brothers and sisters were some kind of perverted kidnappers who forcibly kidnapped the weak and pitiful Gentan Shushu Lord God.

Fortunately, the Lord Shushu didn't know what this meant, so he took the marriage certificate photos of the three people in a daze.

Yu Liang followed Li Huachao, Li Huaniang and Diamond Girl out of the Civil Affairs Bureau. He just felt that there was something wrong that he couldn't complain about.

At Li Huachao's strong request, Li Geng first set up a civil affairs bureau on the second underground floor, and then brought one person, one strange creature and one source of strange talk in for marriage registration.

By the way, the characters in Yu Liang's universe showed up one by one and acted as staff, giving Shushu the all-round experience.

Others don't know, but Lord Rat has his big round eyes open all the time, showing his interest in the whole wedding process.

It can be seen that his life in the second underground floor is very boring, and he usually has nothing to play with.


Yu Liang thought about it and caught the key words, so he thought of Miss "Zhi" hiding in the shadow.

It seems that "it" was captured by the game console in this state, right?

The situation of the Rat Lord God is not as good as "Zhi", because at that time "Zhi" could still play with people in the zoo, but now the Rat Lord God can only play with mud at most.

Yu Liang thought of the adventurer and was going to wait and ask if the adventurer had brought any game consoles to Wangcheng.

"Zhi" may have one, but he wants to snatch the game console from "Zhi" and give it to other root monsters...

Not likely.

He has no confidence in other things, but Yu Liang is still very confident in human industrialized entertainment projects.

Out of consideration for human nature, from the age of forty to fifty to the age of two or three, which age group does not have loyal fans of video games?

Diamond Girl seems confused, so start with simple puzzle games such as Fruit Ninja and Angry Birds, and you will definitely be able to grasp Diamond Girl.

As long as we can find the source of Kaitan's desires, the subsequent negotiations will be much easier, and the Kaidan Factory can be carried out smoothly.

Well, it’s not difficult to understand that the eight-hour work system must be strictly adhered to in the root of ghost stories, right?

After completing the work, you can get money, and with the money, you can buy games, let alone stand-alone games. When Diamond Girl gets the title of Glory Worker, Yu Liang will not mind giving her a year-end bonus.

For example, pull an internet cable into Wangcheng so that he can play online games.

I hope I can get around "it" and pull it in smoothly.

Now Yu Liang has learned the origin of the diamond wedding set from Li Huachao, and also knows the existence of enchanted coins.

Needless to say, writer Yu Liang, who has a keen business mind, immediately knew what this meant.

The defensive power of diamond armor can be evaluated as terrifying, but since the molting efficiency of the Rat God is not that high, these materials can be made into smaller items for sale.

For example, diamond breast shields, diamond bucklers, etc., as items ripped off from the source of Kaitan, they must be priced at a high price, and they are targeted at players like the founding seats.

The second is the coin. This enchanted coin is simply the core technology of Huahuoer and can be used to make many interesting things.

Even Li Huachao thought of the use of rocket thrusters, disposable bombs and small planes, not to mention the entire universe of Yu Liang.

After Lu Mingzhe learned about the coins, he immediately ordered two thousand coins to use alternately with his normal coins.

The coins launched by the "force" can still change their positions when they are out of his control, and the items after the positions are changed will inherit the "force" on the coins.

To put it simply, after launching the coin and exchanging the coin with Li Huachao's body, Li Huachao will be driven by this force and shoot into the distance like a cannonball.

It is very useful when used to rush into enemies, but what is even better is another situation.

Think about it, the physical warrior finally got close to Lu Mingzhe, but Lu Mingzhe popped a coin into the distance, then reversed the positions of the coin and the physical warrior, and then just watched the physical warrior launch it into the distance...

How disgusting must this be?

With the blessing of the enchanted coin, Lu Mingzhe's fight against a physical warrior is truly a purely restrained relationship, a type of grandfather fighting his grandson.

If a physical warrior can touch his side, he will lose.

Of course, Li Huachao had experimented. After being launched by the coin, he could still control his body to stop, which was equivalent to using his own strength to compete with the force on the coin.

Not to mention the effort, it can only slow down one's body, but cannot achieve the effect of stopping immediately.

This is also inevitable. After all, the magic on the coins was exerted by the root monster. It is already good for players to fight against it. If you want to immediately eliminate the influence and stop it immediately, I am afraid that only King-the coach among the physical warriors can do it. .

However, this kind of energy confrontation will definitely make any physical warrior feel uncomfortable. If it happens a few times, the energy consumption will be terrible.

The only thing that made Lu Mingzhe a little unhappy was that he could feel that his reaction speed was not enough.

Yes, now he has touched the ceiling of human nerve reflex speed, but it is still not enough.

If you want the object to inherit the "force" from the coin, you must make the coin change position when it accelerates to the fastest speed, and at the same time, it must not exceed his control range.

How much reaction space is there in this interval?

The limit of normal people after training is 0.13 seconds, but as a player, Lu Mingzhe has a stronger reaction speed. Coupled with the effect of the stamp, he has reached 0.07 seconds.

And this is still not enough.

During this period of time, he could barely control the position of a coin and the thing selected by the character, but he couldn't do more.

The reason is simple. The level of the gambler [Qian Shu] has been improved to a new level.

Above the Five Talisman Realm...

He is in the one-coin realm, and he is obviously still far away from the two-coin realm.

You need to strengthen training, explore the limits of the human body, and you also need to use some off-board tricks.

Lu Mingzhe made a training plan for Lu Baoshen in his mind. He knew very well that after the enchanted coins were added to the [Thousand Arts] system, his fighting style would develop more comprehensively.

The enchanted coin is a complement, giving him more options when being approached by a warrior, and it can also be a fuse.

After the layout of Domain Naihetian is completed, a physical warrior affected by his operation will become the key core to ignite the multi-array.

This enchanted coin has a flight time and distance. With the support of a certain reaction speed, it rotates towards the extreme distance to the side, behind or directly above the physical warrior, and then rotates the physical warrior and the activated enchanted coin. Place it in the lineup.

As the positions of itself and the chips are reversed, the first stage of the chip formation is triggered, and at the same time, all the chips are moved one step towards itself, triggering the chip formation.

At this moment, the physical warriors who were propelled into the formation by the force carried by the enchanted coin were at the point of exhaustion and were unable to escape quickly, and were eventually overwhelmed by the successive blasting effects of the formation.

Since the reversed positions form a perfect angle of a triangle, this move can be called Lu's Triangle Kill.

The principle of such an operation has emerged in Lu Mingzhe's mind, and several formation models have been arranged at the same time, which can be arranged according to different needs.

It's a pity that if he wants to achieve such a killing move, he must step up his training with Lu Baoshen, otherwise there will definitely be trouble.

If you don't do it right, you will turn yourself into the body warrior's face and you will be finished.

Lu Mingzhe's idea of ​​using enchanted coins is very simple. It only needs to be used on a serious path to exert a powerful effect, but others are different.

An Buchen said that these coins could be used to add several emergency escape devices to the tank house, similar to the ejection seats of fighter jets, which could eject her at critical moments for self-protection.

After all, we cannot live or die with the Tank Daofu.

And under this design idea, she will also design a set of invisibility talismans + smoke bombs for the seat. After ejecting, she and the seat can "dissipate" between heaven and earth together, leaving the battlefield at the speed of light.

Well, as for rocket thrusters and wings, these are things that definitely need to be studied, there is nothing much to say.

As for other flower activities, you still need time to think about them.

The enchanted coin can be regarded as a powerful one-time propeller, and it does not rely on energy. It is lightweight and can be used in many places.

(If you have any suggestions, you can tell me, I can copy them^_^)

Li Geng also thought of something very interesting.

The character creation entity module takes time to generate, in this case, as long as the coin is placed in the area where the module is generated, the module will include the coin in the middle.

Yes, that's right, carrying a coin in the earth "wall" can completely achieve this effect.

The coin will start again when it receives "force", driving the entire module to migrate, achieving the effect of flying "off the wall".

The only drawback is that Li Geng cannot freely control the position of the coins. He can only achieve this effect by placing the coins in advance.

Of course, it would be different if Lu Baoshen was included. With Lu Baoshen around, coins could basically appear in various locations on the battlefield as he wished.

And this kind of "flying peak" running around in the field will inevitably become an important weapon for disgusting people in Li Geng's hands.

Just like playing Cat Leo, a wall appeared in front of them. A normal player would definitely want to go around it. As a result, the side of the wall was bumped by the new module set by Li Geng. The coin was activated and brought the wall towards the player...

The damage may not be great, but the nausea is really disgusting, much more disgusting than simply setting up two walls to block the enemy.

Not to mention that Li Geng can also create a flying fortress to top the mountain, or control the displacement of the load-bearing columns of the building he made to cause the total collapse...

Civilian magicians will produce more flowers after the arrival of coins. When placed on the real battlefield, they will become extremely agile, and their cooperation with the troops is top-notch.

As for Yan Hu...

After being temporarily placed in the universe, he said that fighting with fists is still interesting, so Yu Liang designed a thruster wristband for him, which can get stronger propulsion when punching.

The effect of this coin is affected by physical fitness. If the physical fitness is low, the power of the thruster wrist guard will be weak, but when placed on a hundred-meter-tall giant...

It’s basically a Pacific Rim-level steel punch.

After completing the simple wedding process, the guests formally took their seats and enjoyed a banquet with a rat-like style.

Strictly speaking, these things may not be unpalatable. If you are a player who likes to eat things like durian, snail noodles, and stinky tofu, you may enjoy eating them and have many things in common with the Rat Man.

They talked about how to make sour bamboo shoots, how to pickle stinky tofu, etc., while other players were livid and forced themselves to eat these things.

I really don’t dare not give it to Gengen Kaitan’s face.

The guests were at the banquet, and the newlyweds had already entered the sleeping palace built for them by Li Geng.

Although it was said to be a dormitory, they actually slept in separate rooms, and Li Huachao and Li Huaniang slept together, while Lord Shushu slept alone.

Yu Liang gave the death order to this innocent and cute Root Ghost Story, not to do anything else, just to smoothly discharge its characteristics.

This is fundamentally different from biological reproduction and has nothing to do with mating.

It is a kind of blasphemy to use such low-level words to describe the behavior between the root ghost stories, at least that's what "Zhi" said.

The characteristics of the output are not things like eggs and sperm, but the weird "essence" of existence.

If everything goes well, this set of procedures will definitely bring a lot of benefits to Li Chaoniang.

There are actually many strange powers belonging to the Lord Rat God, including "power", "accumulation" and so on, so it is not yet known what characteristics he will emit. There is a feeling that he is breeding spiritual pets, and Li Chaoniang is relatively fixed.

They only mastered one kind of strange rules——

Release speed.

Therefore, Yu Liang is very much looking forward to the Kaitan derivatives born under this situation.

Shot speed suppression, this feature has such terrifying benefits for normal players, if combined with any other strange rules...

How scary would it be?

What's even more terrifying is that this strange derivative may be called Li Huachao's father.

Isn’t this scene a bit wonderful?

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