The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 577 The writer must have some ideas

The priority of words is above all else.

The meaningless but thought-provoking words were still echoing in the minds of the seven people present, and then they heard Qin Haijian's soft muttering.

He expressed his sincere gratitude: "Fortunately, there is a bookmaker here, otherwise it would be really difficult to find the meaning and origin of such a rare word."

Sometimes the settings of Kaitan World really made him feel uncomfortable. Under the influence of the specific rules, there were really not many characters to choose from.

Qin Haijian can probably guess that the Chinese language and culture are profound and profound, and just a few words can form words that have been used by people before. But without knowing the exact meaning, he just can't use this "word symbol".

For example, would anyone use the word "poxiao" like this among normal people?

Of course there is none, so he has to find the source, and this source is probably used by the ancients several seasons ago. There is no Internet in this city, so it is really difficult for him to look up new words, okay?

Fortunately, the booksmith guy was there, and he got the answer after some questioning.

One of the meanings of "poxiao" is to laugh loudly, and it comes from "Xu Yi Jian Zhi·Ghost Pulling Out the Tree". He has forgotten the specific sentence, but he knows that there is such a word anyway.

"Uncommon words, word symbols?" Yu Liang heard Qin Haijian's words clearly, and his mind quickly began to analyze what this reset meant.

I don’t know what Qin Haijian’s idea is, but since he is teaching them more advanced ghost story settings, they must work hard to learn it!

If you fall behind, you will really get beaten!

According to Qin Haijian, characters and root rules are at the same level. This is not difficult to understand. Players control the characters, while root monsters control the rules.

But now, guys like Qin Haijian are able to use rules and characters at the same time. The combination of the two produces "word symbols", which have a higher priority.

Does the root ghost story symbolize the "word"?

Does it mean that the core of the zoo ghost story is Miss "Zhi"?

No, no.

What Qin Haijian said is that the rules of root ghost talk represent words, and there is an essential difference between the two.

For example, the power Miss "Zhi" masters is not only shadow, but also cognitive distortion, body modification, etc.

If you guessed it correctly, the root of these abilities is "words".

To put it simply, a root ghost story may have the power of multiple "words". When combined with characters, the composed word symbols will be even more diverse.

Yu Liang thought of the "broken" character that had just appeared in Qin Haijian's hand. Coupled with his understanding of Qin Haijian, he could probably guess that the other party's root rule was related to "laughter".

So does breaking smile refer to breaking face smile?

Or does it mean something else?

While Yu Liang was thinking, a sudden burst of unbridled laughter sounded on the court. The laughter was wild and violent, and seemed to contain roars and coughs.

This laughter quickly interrupted his thoughts, and he also noticed the solemn atmosphere at the moment.

There was laughter, but no one was laughing, and everyone's expressions even turned grim.

Because it was the sword in the coach's hand that made the laughter come out.


As Qin Haijian said, what makes people laugh is the source of ghost stories, not just living things or non-living things.

Before this, "Smile" had shown its power, and all living and non-living things in the Moon Community began to smile.

If it were a living thing, it would be okay to say that "Zhi" could forcibly cut off the cognitive connection between the living thing and "Smile". If it is not recognized, it would not be affected, but if it is not a living thing...

This is outside the scope of "Zhi"'s power, so to a certain extent, "Smile"'s ability restrains "Zhi".

However, even at that time, "Zhi" itself was not affected by "Smile". It would be great fun if the source of ghost stories could be so easily distorted and controlled.

Well, that's about as much fun as it gets right now.

"Sword?" The coach swung the sword in his hand. The blade of the sword had been bent. The hook on the hilt and the blood groove on the sword together formed a mutated smiley face.

And as he waved, the Root Sword broke through the air and made a sword sound of "hehehehe".

Recalling the encounter just now, the coach seemed to feel that something similar to a character penetrated the sword, but the speed was countless times faster than a normal character, almost instantaneously.

Even he needed to recall carefully to notice the path of the word symbols.

Not only that, when the sword hit him, he was within the casting distance of Qin Haijian's character, because he chose to get close to Qin Haijian.

This word symbol is similar to a character in a sense, but it is an all-round enhanced version. For example, it can carry root rules?

"Be careful, this guy might be able to steal abilities!"

At this time, the beekeeper’s reminder came immediately.

Just before he used the "burn" character to eliminate the scout bees, he noticed that all the bodies of the scout bees disappeared, and then Qin Haijian emerged from the flames.

This is very unreasonable!

The flames indeed suppress the scout bees, but it is still difficult to burn them down to ashes. They seem to have never appeared before, disappearing together with the flames.

This made the beekeeper suspicious, but he needed to distance himself from Qin Haijian at that time. He didn't have time to tell his guess. Now the damn sword started to laugh. If he didn't say anything, the coach would be arrested in turn. If the sword seals it, it will be all over!

Damn it, didn't the writer say that Qin Haijian just has the ability to "smile" and be a blasting engineer?

Could it be that Qin Haijian didn't use all his strength when he fought with the Lord Shushu? !

"Stealing abilities? As long as it's the object of a smile?" The coach realized something, but he reacted quickly and without hesitation summoned a strange-looking grass baby from his monster column, killing the already smiling child. The raised sword penetrated Cao Ying's body and plunged directly into the ground.

Then the coach said to everyone in a deep voice: "The word talisman just now does not have the ability to control the range. Be careful and hide the source of the ghost talk on your body. We can do it together."

"Oh, yes." The adventurer noticed the coach's judgment and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Before the sword can be completely controlled, he uses one of his own grass babies as a price. When sealing the grass babies, he also seals the sword itself.

Anyway, the sword's killing power is not enough. All you need to do is give Cao Ying some recovery medicine and wait until Qin Haijian is dealt with before coming back to rescue Cao Ying.

Naturally, Yu Liang noticed the coach's decisive decision and had to admire the founder's rich combat experience.

The other founding chairs also began to launch targeted attacks on Qin Haijian. The priest's chains suddenly tightened, and the programmers used shortcut commands to attack Qin Haijian's eyes, as if they were hacking the opponent's camera.

Since tokens are similar to characters in a way, blinding might work.

The coach put on a pair of special blue gloves, then yanked the energy chain, trying to pull Qin Haijian in front of him.

As for the beekeeper, he did not attack Qin Haijian. Instead, he turned his search attention to the surrounding streets, focusing on areas where people could hide.

"Hey, hey, hey?! Tell me what the safe word is!" Qin Haijian yelled in panic, and then denounced the barbaric behavior of the founders, "Don't you people who mix letters actually not set up a safe word? It's another case of tying up. Play is blindfolded again, if you go too far you will go to jail!"

"What safe word?" Xu Cixi, who turned into a hamster, saw that the founder quickly controlled the situation, so he followed Yu Liang's example and stood still, "It feels a bit like the heart anchor. Do you mean the same thing?"

"To a certain extent, it does mean the same thing." Yu Liang noticed the beekeeper looking around, so he casually responded to Xu Cixi with some simplicity.

Xu Cixi frowned, vaguely guessing, but said nothing.

As the coach exerted force, Qin Haijian's body was inevitably pulled in front of him, and then the coach strangled Qin Haijian's neck.

"Hey, how dare you face me at such a close distance?" Qin Haijian, who had lost his sight, looked at the coach with a smile, and the panic just now no longer existed.

The coach obviously had no intention of playing with Qin Haijian anymore. He just used his fingers to twist the opponent's neck lightly and said, "Tell me everything you know. I don't have much patience."

"Are you threatening a great source with death?" A surprised expression appeared on Qin Haijian's face, and at the same time it was a little funny, "Brother, I won't die."

"Then just go die." In just a few words, the coach judged that this Qin Haijian seemed to have nothing to say, and the coach's patience had been exhausted and he wanted to kill this Qin Haijian here.

The coach is very confident in his mental resistance, but Qin Haijian's tricks will always fall into the source of strange talk, so he still doesn't want Qin Haijian to communicate too much.

"Wait a minute, we can negotiate a deal." Qin Haijian's face showed that mean smile again, and people could tell at a glance what he was planning, but they were not sure what this guy was doing. Think about something.

"What deal?" Yu Liang asked from a distance. He probably knew what Qin Haijian wanted.


According to "Zhi", the moon currently existing in the shadow is the original version, and the original version of the moon may contain three types of abilities: "retrospection", "suspiciousness coming true" and "absorbing other root rules". It is one of the most perverted root ghost stories that Yu Liang has ever encountered, and it has extremely strong growth potential.

If Lu Mingzhe hadn't used infinite casting distance to change the direction of the moon, I'm afraid the moon would have become stronger and stronger, turning the copy into a complete dead end.

Therefore, this thing is the origin of the strange story that Yu Liang absolutely does not want to see again. If it appears in real life, I am afraid that even Lu Mingzhe will not be able to do it again.

When the moon possessed the real moon, Lu Mingzhe forcibly switched positions again to create a total lunar eclipse. The sudden change in gravity may tear apart part of the earth. This is definitely not the result Yu Liang wants to see.

"Oh, I need Miss Zhi in you." Qin Haijian couldn't see Yu Liang's figure, but he still turned his head in that direction.


Yu Liang was slightly stunned. Didn't this guy still want the moon just now?

Why is it suddenly necessary?

And how does he know that this strange origin of his body is "from"?

For a moment, Yu Liang had a thought of killing people and silencing them.

"Hey, don't be too stingy. You can't use it now anyway, so you might as well give me the word first." Qin Haijian could feel what Yu Liang's silence meant, "Don't worry, I don't want you to use it yet." Do you trust me? I will definitely pay you back when the time comes, and maybe I will pay you some interest or something, and I will also tell you the details about those guys, how about it? Am I loyal enough?"

Qin Haijian kept mumbling: "Also, think about it, as soon as I understood the rules of the glyphs, I couldn't wait to come over and tell you. I'm a young boy, and I know a lot of secrets."

"What exactly do you want to do?" Yu Liang frowned as he listened. He really didn't know what Qin Haijian's purpose was for doing all this?

Li Huachao likes to leave his mark in history and pole dancing, and Aze likes to make revolutions and disappear. What is the situation with Qin Haijian?

Why are there so many types of happy people in this world?

It’s really troublesome, can you die?

"Hehe." Qin Haijian gave a habitual chuckle, and then the chained body straightened up, and he announced his goal with a crazy look on his face: "What I want is-"

"Laugh out loud in the wilderness a hundred years from now, whether as a human or a monster, for a human or a monster!"

Qin Haijian opened his eyes and glanced at everyone present with his gray-white pupils: "You will all die by then, and only I can become a monument that records ghost stories and human beings."

Then he smiled again, looked at Yu Liang, and said in a gentle tone: "Don't worry, I will record your story, weave it into an epic, and sing your story in the wilderness while using Wine and roses will be offered to your souls."

"What a great ideal." Yu Liang teased, but he still didn't feel relieved about Qin Haijian.

It would be great if, as Qin Haijian said, this guy was just jumping around repeatedly to survive, at least his choices and actions could be predicted.

"So what you're saying is...the current players are stronger?" The coach keenly analyzed another meaning from Qin Haijian's words.

Since Qin Haijian wanted to be the second and fifth son and join the stronger side, he shouldn't tell them the Ci Fu at this time.

Strengthening the stronger side is in line with Qin Haijian's goal.

The coach continued: "Something happened inside Wangcheng? The situation of those 'human beings' is not very good."

"Ha, do you look so smart?" Qin Haijian looked at the coach with a surprised expression.

"Stop talking nonsense to him and do it for me."

In the end, it was Yu Liang who had the final say. He stretched out his hand to summon the biting snake and walked towards Qin Haijian with a smile.

"If your guess is correct, the word talisman should also need a casting distance? Snake Eater, come on, open his eyes!"

Three little snakes that had been hungry for a long time rushed forward. One snake ate shadows, one snake ate character casting range, and one snake ate the inventory.

You like being a player, right?

You don’t like being a source of ghost stories, do you?

Have you forgotten that the players are under the control of me, the writer?

"Eh? Damn, what the hell? Where's the casting distance of my character?!" Qin Haijian's eyes widened and he looked at the prompt box that popped up on his page, which was a little hard to accept for a while.

No, the character's casting distance is gone. What the hell am I doing if I can't cast word symbols?

Isn't the purpose of becoming a player just to use word symbols?

[Due to unknown reasons, your character's casting distance is -1, and the current character's casting distance is 6]

[Due to unknown reasons, your inventory is -1, and the current number of inventory slots is 12]

(Initially 5 and 10, Qin Haijian used special props to increase them.)

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