The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 580 Continue to restart

"short essay!"

The adventurer leaned back, frightened by this astonishing word.

The essay written by these weird "human beings" is even more terrifying, because the things that appear in the essay will definitely become facts and can be called the most powerful history book of the years.

Whatever you write, others have to believe it. It is as absolutely authentic as chat records and can be believed by the whole world.


The courage and courage to write a short essay using the "words" of rules formed by the source of ghost stories can be said to be simply terrifying.

The layout was started several years ago, hiding the strange rumors about the origins deep in Forgotten City, and at the same time, they have absolute trust in every one of their kind, believing that they can bring back the "words" needed to complete the "History of the Years"... …

If Qin Haijian hadn't said this himself, it would be difficult for anyone present to believe it.

Those are all origin ghost stories, and they are not some T4 gradient ghost creatures. Are these ghost "human beings" just tied back?

Just because the prototype of these weird "human beings" is the so-called Raider?

Isn't this outrageous?

However, when he thought that a few years ago, a guy who might just be an ordinary person wandered around the Forgotten City where the source monsters came one after another, and solved many ghost stories involving the source monsters, Yu Liang suddenly felt that it was not too outrageous.

After all, the attacker at that time might have been just an ordinary person, but now the Kaidan "human beings" are strictly considered Source Kaidans, so it is not surprising that they have the ability to attack other Source Kaidans.

"A short composition...what are they going to write?" The priest was shocked by the information revealed by Qin Haijian. Even though he was well-informed, he did not expect such a thing to happen.

Doesn't [God] say that people who return to Forgotten City carrying the source of Kaitan cannot be Kaitan "human beings"?

Why does it seem to be the opposite now? People who carry the source of ghost stories are more suspicious!

what is happening?

Does it mean that he needs to be thrust into the ground by the sword of the root again and ask [God] again to get the accurate answer?

"On this point, I can only speculate on the thoughts of these weird rumors about 'human beings'." Qin Haijian had actually made some guesses, but he couldn't be too sure, as this might have the opposite effect.

After all, these weird "human beings" have big plans, and until they actually reveal their goals, no one can guarantee that this is their entire plan.

"Tell me about it." Yu Liang wanted to hear Qin Haijian's side of the story. Now they had no other way to learn about "human beings" in Guaitan. They could only hear what double agent Qin Haijian thought.

Qin Haijian stood in the middle of the crowd, looking around. He enjoyed the feeling of stars looming over the moon. It felt like sitting on the edge of a tall grain pile, listening to his story.

"From my brief contact with them, it seems that this group of Kaitan 'human beings' are actually very confused. They are just tool people created by the Raiders to assist 'such and such'. However, due to the random operation of the Kaidan Kaidans, the They woke up early.”

"It's like a group of brown bears that went into hibernation and suddenly woke up in the winter, and a feeling of confusion enveloped them, making them at a loss."

"And these weird 'human beings' are completely different from ordinary people. They don't have normal emotions and desires, and they don't have main tasks like buying a house, a car, getting married and having children. Everything other than the 'original Raiders' is not what they want to care about, but Now that the 'original Raiders' have disappeared from history, they will inevitably fall into a kind of confusion."

"At the beginning, this confusion can still be suppressed, because human beings' instinct is to eat and occupy more. They began to occupy the territory and reproduce in the center of Forget City, but it was not easy because their opponents were the root cause. Unbelievable."

"Even with the instinct of a raider, Kaitan's 'humans' still paid a heavy price to gain a small amount of territory. This is because of some root causes in the surrounding areas. Kaitan does not want them to be completely extinct."

"I don't know whether this is simply not an opponent or a deliberate attempt to show weakness to the enemy. In short, some weird 'human beings' ran away and left the Forgotten City, and some weird 'human beings' occupied the territory and began to practice aimlessly. "

"In the end, when human instincts were satisfied to a certain extent, they fell into the same confusion as at the beginning. But this time, they were not as weak as before. They had gained enough power and had the knowledge of strange stories. Far from what it used to be.”

"The Kaitan 'humans' who have mastered the power of the glyphs finally showed their fangs. They began to capture the source monsters according to their own needs. They used the wisdom of an attacker to find the weaknesses of the source monsters and relied on the priority of the glyphs to carry out sneak attacks. "

"Because they were very covert, it took a long time for them to be noticed by other Kaitans. At this time, the Kaitan 'humans' had already accumulated strength and did not need to be too afraid of the Kaidans, so a strange relationship formed between them. balance."

"However, this is only an apparent balance, because Kaitan 'humans' are secretly exporting themselves to enter the Kaidan world and obtain the source Kaidan in the copy."

"So what exactly are they going to do with these words?"

"If it were me, I might choose to burn enough 'words' into the river of time to restart the world."

When the word "restart" appeared, Yu Liang suddenly understood why the strange "human beings" who seemed to be on the side of mankind caused the first major incident of this season.

No, this cannot simply be considered the first big event of the season, it may represent the end of the world of ghost stories!

It’s obviously the last big event!

If the whole world is restarted, maybe everything will disappear, ashes will return to ashes, and dust will return to dust.

Maybe only the root ghost talk can survive, but players like them will disappear.

"Restart? What do you mean? Are they going to let Wangcheng start over?" The coach still didn't think boldly enough. He just thought that the strange "human beings" wanted to restart the "Wangcheng Incident".

Qin Haijian just looked at the coach with an expression of "Kid, you are too naive", then shook his head and said:

"No, no, no, restarting Wangcheng will not satisfy them."

"I said that they were born for the Raiders, and now the guy who can replace the Raiders has not yet appeared, but they have awakened, so their ultimate ideals and meaning of existence can never be satisfied."

"They fell into an endless emptiness and ultimately chose to restart the entire world and get their Raiders back."

Qin Haijian said something in a cold voice that was almost impossible in everyone's eyes.

"Let the world go back to the time when the first cell was born, and follow the normal historical trajectory for thousands of years. When history repeats itself to the time when the Raiders appear, they will know exactly what to do."

"They will become a group of observers hidden in time, quietly watching the development of history until they see the attackers appear in the Forgotten City."

"At that time, they can find the ultimate meaning of their existence and complete the mission of their birth."

Xu Cixi on the side was already a little stunned. She even felt sincerely that she should not be present in this meeting.

This was equivalent to her attending a regular meeting as a senior executive of the company. As a result, she walked into the conference room and suddenly saw Luo Ji, Zhang Beihai and others, who were discussing how to resist the Trisolaran invasion.

By the way, there is a man sitting in the corner, his name seems to be Luo Feng.

"You want to restart the whole world just because of the emptiness in your heart? I think this is a bit too extreme." Even extremists like Li Huachao think this kind of thing is too crazy.

Why don't we all come and learn pole dancing from him? If you can't, just learn the whole thing from him. He promises that it will be very interesting and not boring at all.

"It's possible that if they are a group of weird 'human beings' who are divorced from all human love and low-level taste, they may indeed do such a thing in order to pursue the meaning of their existence." The programmer agreed with this speculation, "It's like a A person has gained eternal life and has control over both money and power. When everything fails to satisfy him, of course he will start to think about himself."

Hearing this, Li Huachao immediately looked at the programmer nervously and asked cautiously: "What do you mean by low-level taste?"

"Money, power, women, men, lolita, etc., the slightly more advanced ones may be knowledge and truth." The programmer subconsciously gave the answer, but it was still a little strange why the hunter asked such a question at this time.

"That's good." Li Huachao breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that his "pole dancing" and "whole work" were not vulgar taste, and it seemed that there was still hope of saving the strange "humanity".


She just felt that this conversation was meaningless and disturbed her emotions.

"No, they can all restart. Why can't they just go back and see what the Raiders want to do? It's easier to see the past than restart the timeline, right?" The beekeeper expressed doubts about this.

"Catch someone who doesn't listen carefully." Qin Haijian shook his head regretfully, stretched out the pointer he took out from nowhere and tapped the beekeeper's head gently, "I told you that the attacker was completely wiped out. There are traces of his own existence, and now even the Lord of Time and Space - if he exists - doesn't know who this guy is, and he will definitely not be able to remember the Raiders when he recalls the past."

The beekeeper's face darkened and he dared not speak in anger.

Then, Qin Haijian summarized his thoughts: "Because the so-and-so who inherited the Raider's wedding dress has not yet appeared, the causal chain has not yet been completed, and the Raider has not been replaced yet."

"The fact that it has not been replaced means that it still exists; the erasure of traces means that it does not exist anymore. This is a very special state."

"It is at this point in time that the "observers" will be able to see the Raiders again when the game is restarted. If it is restarted, there will be Raiders again in history. This is the inevitability of history."

"Looking back at history, we can't see the existence of raiders; restart history and let history run according to its original trajectory every minute. At this turning point in history, Forget City, raiders will definitely appear."

"This is probably the thinking logic of 'human beings' in Guaitan."

However, there are obviously many loopholes in such speculation, and there is absolutely no way to win everyone's belief so easily. The most critical point is -

"History has inevitability, but it also has contingency. Any small change may cause the Raider to fail to appear in the Forgotten City smoothly. Even if it does appear, it may not be able to turn the tide and achieve what he has done in this timeline. "The programmer expressed confusion, "From the perspective of anyone with normal thinking...restarting the world is a meaningless thing, because if we do it all over again, the timeline will never develop as it originally did."

Qin Haijian showed a "little boy can be taught" look and nodded to answer the other party's question: "Of course they want to know what you said, so..."

Suddenly, he turned to look at Yu Liang: "Do you still remember what happened in the copy of Moon? How do you remember it?"

How do you remember?

Yu Liang was startled when he heard this, and then the sentence immediately appeared in his mind: "The origin of the ghost story is the measure of memory."

If you want the raiders to definitely appear after the restart, it needs to symbolize that the original model of history cannot be changed at all.

It is possible to eliminate all chance and make all historical procedures inevitable!

From ancient times to the present, from beginning to end, there is only one eternal existence on this planet -

The source of the strange story!

They remember everything, from the beginning to the end!

Now that the Kaitan "humans" have brought back many of the Source Kaitan, by combining the memories of these Source Kaitan, it may be possible to simulate the current timeline one-to-one in the restarted history.

The true appearance of the attacker may appear in front of the strange "human beings".

"I understand what you mean." Yu Liang nodded gently, "If there is enough help from the source of ghost talk, this matter may be completed."

The Raiders are bound to appear, but due to his own choices, there is no such guy in history.

This means that there will be a difference between the current timeline and the timeline after the restart, and the difference is this Raider.

The person who left no impression on the source of Kaidan is the raider, the one who created the "human beings" of Kaidan.

"If this is really the case, the matter will be serious, and it will be difficult for us to convince those guys. From their perspective, there is indeed a high probability of success, and they will not care about other people's feelings and only want to satisfy their own existence. Demand. What's more terrible is that the observer of history you just mentioned..." Yu Liang sighed, and then continued, "I may have seen it."

Not only had he seen it, but he might have deceived it. He suspected that the so-called Lord of Time and Space was the "historical observer", so he would strictly guard against anyone making fraud and deceiving time.

The consequence of cheating time may be that the timeline of this space and time is disrupted, causing some events to not occur as originally planned.

Just saying this, it was Qin Haijian's turn to be surprised, and his brain started to work rapidly: "If you see these historical observers..."

"That means the world has been restarted——"

"And it will continue to restart."

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