The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 596 Hahahaha, my son looks like an emperor!

As the lawyer's brain was completely burned in his skull, the magician put away the machine and looked back at Yu Liang: "What are your plans?"

"I intend to tell the truth. Xu Cixi has the right to know." Yu Liang shrugged and said almost without hesitation.

He would not hide it from Xu Cixi under the guise of "for your own good", because this kind of thing is too stupid.

We are all adults, so there is no need to get too involved in each other's lives.

Even if Xu Cixi is sad because of this, all he can do is repay the comfort from his friends and wait for the other person to get better.

But when the magician heard Yu Liang's words, his face darkened, and he immediately asked: "I'm asking you what your plans are about the ghost story 'human beings'. At this time, the first thing you think of is our founding lady." ? You are a bit unprofessional."

Yu Liang: "..."

There was a rare moment of embarrassment, and then he immediately said seriously: "This lawyer's memory is just a memory placed in the strategy group. It can only be regarded as a big framework. I believe there are more detailed contents, such as strange stories." Humanity's current situation and specific plans should be stored elsewhere."

"Indeed, except for the memory of the previous attackers, the subsequent part about S1 can only be said to be a general background. There is not much mention about the events after S1's death." The magician nodded and said, "But according to this paragraph It is not difficult to deduce something from the new information. On the one hand, the strategy team will continue to collect essays and promote the restart work. On the other hand, they will try to find the whereabouts of S1. After all, the current S1 is not dead, it may just become Part of the Bucket Man.”

Yu Liang thought it made sense, nodded and said: "Indeed, if we can find it, we might be able to recover with the help of the strategy team."

"In this case, it seems that I have a solution." The magician took out another thing from the inventory, "Here, the copy beacon."

This thing looks like a small flag, and the base is an eight-claw-shaped ruby. The texture is excellent. You can tell at a glance that this thing is not ordinary.

"What's the use?" Yu Liang asked.

"Place it in a corresponding location. As long as there are signs of a copy 'infested' nearby, then when the deadline for your next copy comes, you will definitely enter this copy." The magician simply introduced, "This thing It is very rare and cannot be obtained by having strength. You also need to be very lucky to obtain it from the world of ghost stories."

He pointed at the eight-clawed ruby ​​​​under the beacon: "This thing is taken from a unique creature in the four-dimensional space. After being taken, the creature will surely die. It has the power to be determined in all the turbulence of time and space. Only with the ability of 'anchor' can we create such a beacon."

"So this kind of creature is very rare?" Yu Liang asked curiously. As a businessman...and writer's instinct, he wanted to breed this kind of creature.

No matter what happens, you can just catch them and sell them for money.

"Of course, it has been extinct for a long time. Maybe there will be some last season. This season I will probably have just one like this." The magician put the copy beacon away because he felt that the writer's eyes were a little scary. .

"Will there be another season last season?" Yu Liang thought in his heart, as if he had connected some previous clues.

That Lin Xiangu relied on this thing to enter the low-level ghost story dungeon, right?

As T1 last season, this thing may not be as difficult to obtain as it is now.

Now, Yu Liang somewhat understands why the "human beings" of Guaitan want to prevent them from obtaining memories. The memory of the raiding team not only contains the path of the attackers, but also the traces and whereabouts of S1.

Moreover, Xue Wubin was once a player of the Haicheng Alliance. If there is this, those weird "human beings" will never believe the Haicheng Alliance.

"Do you want to put this beacon on the dock and the next dungeon will be a dungeon related to the Barrel Man?" Yu Liang had already judged the magician's idea.

The magician did not hide his plan: "Yes, and this beacon also has a function. It can open a copy that has been closed."

"The closed copy..." Yu Liang's heart moved, and he could probably understand what it meant.

It's very simple. Some copies will change under some special circumstances and eventually evolve to an unsolvable level.

For this kind of dungeon, Kaitan World will not invest players in it on a large scale to die. After all, resources like Kaitan players are still very scarce.

If one dies, one is missing, and Yu Liang will feel sorry for the officials.

For example, the original Moon dungeon actually has a clear tendency to evolve into an unsolvable dungeon. The Moon has gained the ability to look back and modify its cognition. With both of these things in hand, he is basically invincible.

Next, continuing to send players to the moon community may just provide nutrients to the moon and help it thrive.

This moon is much more extreme than the rabbit-shaped god. He has no martial ethics at all. He uses memory modification to hide the normal channels for leaving the dungeon. If Qin Haijian hadn't told Yu Liang in the end, Yu Liang wouldn't have known about the kind of thing in the room. What exactly can a basin do?

Barrel Man's dungeon is probably the ultimate form of this type of unsolvable dungeon, at least Guaitan World has no way to control them anymore.

As early as when the zoo incident first came out, the Bucket Man was able to chase the paper people, which shows that the Bucket Man has existed for at least several decades, and can even be said to have become a natural disaster in the Forgotten City.

"You entered the Barrel Man dungeon alone... aren't you being too confident? This dungeon may have been completely filled with monsters like this." Yu Liang said more tactfully, "Besides, if you think about it carefully, S1 All the people protected by the Root Monster have been instantly killed by the barrel men. If they are attacked by multiple barrel men at the same time, I’m afraid it won’t be a good thing.”

The magician smiled and did not pay attention to Yu Liang's persuasion: "Some things must be done. Before that, it is also extremely dangerous for a person to sneak into the depths of Forgotten City to find strange 'human beings'."

Having said this, he paused and looked at Yu Liang: "And when did I say that the beacon can only be used by one person? Of course, this difficult copy must be downloaded together."

"Yes, that's right. It's really hard for you founders." Yu Liang said seriously, with sincere admiration on his face.


However, he didn't say much, let alone use any method to force Yu Liang to do anything, because he knew very well that some things could not be avoided by choosing to escape.

The world of ghost stories will severely torture everyone who thinks about procrastination. This writer still seems too young.

"Okay, the matter about the lawyer's body is almost over, we should go back." Yu Liang walked to the edge of the rooftop, and his eyes fell on the church with the stained glass again, "Do you know what's going on there?"

"After reading the memory of the strategy team, you should have guessed that it is one of the camps of survivors in the Forgotten City." The magician stood on a high place and looked there with Yu Liang, with a little regret in his tone, "Among them Some humans have begun to try to master the power of Kaidan, and use the power of Kaidan beyond the setting of the Kaidan world."

"It sounds very vital. You seem to have known about their existence for a long time. Have you never thought about taking these people out of Wangcheng?" Yu Liang was a little curious about what the magician thought of these Wangcheng people.

The magician shook his head: "I said that they have been contaminated by the ghost stories and are not affected by the world of ghost stories. They will be in danger if they appear in reality."

"With their abilities, they cannot leave the Forgotten City through so many territories with strange origins, so leaving it alone is the best option." He sighed, "But I will still bring some necessary things to them when entering the Forgotten City. Supplies, food, seeds, medicines, etc., they have the right to live."

"Okay." Yu Liang said nothing more, he knew this was the best choice.

Bringing these humans who have been contaminated by ghost stories back to reality might cause some big trouble.

If he is not sure of making things better, he will not take the initiative to change the status quo. Taking things one step at a time is not his style.

Those who have the ability will have responsibilities, and those who have responsibility have to be responsible for more people. This is not humane, but it must be done.

It's a pity, if the rabbit-shaped god hadn't gone crazy, the dreamland of heaven might really be a good place for the Forgotten City people.

"Let's go back. There is nothing particularly critical in the memory of the strategy team. We can tell the other founders later." The magician continued, "As for the beacon and the dock... don't talk about it yet, I will Go find the dock. I just entered the pioneer dungeon last month, and it will be about a month and a half before I enter the new dungeon. If I don’t show up again in this month and a half, just think that I was killed by the barrel man."

Having said this, the magician looked at Yu Liang very seriously: "If I am killed by the barrel man, never appear near the dock. When a scene similar to the dock comes, leave quickly, and be sure to leave 50 A distance of more than a thousand meters.”

Yu Liang looked at the other party in silence, and finally nodded seriously.

It seems that the magician is very aware of his own danger. If the magician's ability is inherited by the barrel man, it will really be a terrible disaster.

However, at the same time, only the magician is the most suitable to explore the location of the dock, because his ability brings him excellent security.

"One more thing. If you want to set up a safe zone here, you must solve the issue of the strange 'human beings'." The magician frowned slightly, and he could also feel that it was a bit tricky.

The strange story is that "human beings" have discovered the location of the safe zone. Even if they don't invade on a large scale, they only need to send some members of the strategy team to harass them every day, and the safe zone can be turned upside down.

One and a half had already made the founders feel like they were facing a formidable enemy, directly killing more than a dozen players. If there were more members in the strategy team, they might not be able to control the situation.

At this time, "Zhi" reached out and threw the empty Coke can out of the shadow, and then controlled Yu Liang's shadow to slowly move towards the water tank, because she remembered that the magician just took out the Coke from the water tank.

Since the Shadow Eater Snake spits out a lot of shadows for Yu Liang, Yu Liang's shadow is much larger than that of a normal person, which is also conducive to the control of "Zhi" to a certain extent.

To put it simply, it was originally a small dry toilet, but now it looks like a luxury villa.

Yu Liang glanced at "Zhi" who was trying to get the Coke from the water tank, ignored her and continued to listen to the magician.

"I have an idea about this, but I'm not sure if it can be achieved." The magician has a lot of ideas about the overall situation of Forgotten City in his mind. "In the early years, the source of Forgotten City and the strange talk about 'human beings' were determined." After the agreement, the water in the well does not cross the river, but recently the ghost talk 'humanity' has gone a bit too far in order to restart. If we can use the ghost talk about the source of Forget City to put some pressure on them, they will probably be a lot more honest."

Having said this, the magician couldn't help but sigh, "But the problem is how to gather some root ghost stories together? The root ghost stories of Wangcheng come and go, and the situation has changed from the past, and some root ghost stories have entered Sleeping period..."

The source of the strange story that gathers the Forgotten City?

Yu Liang blinked his eyes, and his eyes involuntarily focused on the shadow "Zhi" who was turning on the water tank next to him. He nodded slowly and said, "I have a method, but it's too dangerous."

"Oh?" The magician noticed something and turned to look at the shadow "Zhi". He understood what the other party wanted to do, so he stretched out his hand and pulled it. When the water tank opened, two or three cans of Coke fell out.

Yu Liang watched the satisfied shadow move back towards his body, and immediately sighed and said: "Let us go back first, we still need to ask her what she thinks."

In the blink of an eye, the magician had put Yu Liang back into the tent. Then he waved and walked out of the tent: "I'll explain the situation to them. You chat with her."

"Sister 'Zhi', I want to ask, did you see that Raider when you were at the zoo?" Yu Liang immediately asked his doubts.

It is possible that "Zhi" has met the Raider, after all, she is also a person of that era.

"I have no impression. I only know that there is a director." He opened a can of Coke and turned on his game console. "The Raiders are none of my business. If I could go back to the past with you, the first thing I would do is Kill the director."

When he said this, "Zhi"'s tone was frivolous, but Yu Liang knew that it contained full of murderous intent.

Although "Zhi"'s personality has become much more restrained after she became a human, she is still the source of the monster who wantonly tortured other creatures in the zoo, and has an undying hatred for the director who imprisoned her.

"However, the method used by the director to imprison you may be a trick adopted by the attackers." Yu Liang replied seriously.

"Zhi" clicked Yugi's hand for a moment, then continued: "Okay, then kill the attackers together."

Yu Liang glanced at the game interface. It seemed to be a crime-themed gangster game.

Okay, the case has been solved, no wonder it was either "killed" or "killed", so "it" should be allowed to go back to playing Nintendo parent-child games.

At this time, an earthquake-like movement suddenly came from outside the camp, and a strange skylight pierced the sky with terrifying force.

Just when Yu Liang was nervously looking for the source of the noise through the small window of the camp tent, a familiar voice sounded in the camp.

"Hahahahahahaha, my son looks like an emperor!"

The voice belonged to Li Huaniang, and combined with the lines, Yu Liang immediately guessed what happened.

Zhuan Bao was born?

Good guy, it also caused strange phenomena in the world. (End of chapter)

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