The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 608 Thirty times backtracking the game, starting now

Continuous explosions were heard in the distance, and the outside of the Haicheng Alliance's camp was finally enveloped in an "empty" deathly silence. Yu Liang also did not give the Kaitan humans a chance to collect intelligence, and chose to go back in time and space to three minutes ago.

For him, the worst news of this retrospective is that he discovered that the "human" side of the ghost story will also retain the memories before and after the retrospective, which greatly reduces the value of the experience he accumulated in each reincarnation.

The reason why Yu Liang can retain his memory is that this memory is temporarily stored in the body of the Moon Butler. The moment Yu Liang completes the retrospective, the Moon Butler refills it with the memory before the retrospective. During this period, no one can The seams are connected, so Yu Liang's feeling is that his body has gone back, but his consciousness has not directly gone back.

Under this circumstance, Yu Liang made some guesses about the consciousness retained by these strange "human beings".

First of all, it can be confirmed that the "human beings" of Kaitan themselves are absolutely unable to preserve their memories. They have not reached the level of Kaitan. So there are two possibilities for the consciousness they retain.

One is because of the root ghost story in them. The root ghost story is the measure of memory. Under normal circumstances, the memories that are retained are all because of the root ghost story.

However, Yu Liang was slightly suspicious, because according to the judgment of Butler Moon, the state of those root ghost stories was a bit strange.

"Do those ghostly 'human beings' retain their memories by relying on the source of their ghostly tales?" When Yu Liang completed the retrace and reappeared in the camp, he immediately asked the Moon Butler who reappeared next to him.

"Maybe." The answer given by Butler Moon was not clear. "According to what Mr. Yu Liang often said, the source of ghost stories is the measure of memory, so they may rely on the source of ghost stories to retain their memories."

Yu Liang thought about what Butler Moon said and felt something was wrong, so he asked: "You judgment in the past was wrong?"

"No, no, no, it's not wrong, it's just not that accurate." Moon Butler shook his head, "The source of ghost stories is an existence that transcends time, because their consciousness does not follow the entity in the three-dimensional space."

He explained to Yu Liang in an easy-to-understand way: "It's very simple. Human consciousness comes with the body. This is your human materialism, that is, the brain takes precedence over consciousness."

"For the root ghost story, the consequence of generating consciousness in the entity is to be easily manipulated." Yu Liang understood the butler's explanation and realized this at the same time.

For a being like Root Kaidan, if consciousness exists in the entity, it would be too fragile.

Take smile as an example. It can easily affect all substances, including organic and inorganic substances, causing them to have the emotion of "smiling". If the consciousness of the root monster exists in the entity, when the entity smiles, their consciousness will also Then he couldn't help but laugh.

If this is really the case, wouldn't Qin Haijian kill all the source of ghost stories with one move?

Judging from the current situation, this is obviously not the case.

"So where does the consciousness of the root ghost story exist?" Yu Liang asked. Just as he asked the question, in the shadow under his feet, Miss "Zhi"'s two eyes were floating on the water-like shadow, but One here and one there.

Just looking at the combination of eyes and shadows, there is a kind of retarded beauty.

This issue is also a concern for Miss Zhi. After all, she is not as experienced as Moon Butler, not to mention that Moon Butler is an absolute expert in "memory" and "consciousness", and his experience will definitely crush her.

There is no harm in knowing more about the origin of the world.

"It exists in the rules and in the energy." Moon Butler Yuyou said, "Their consciousness exists in a special space. That space is like a safe exclusive to the Origin Ghost Story, which stores their abilities. , you can access regular energy at any time."

Yu Liang immediately thought of the adventurer's ability to open boxes. That guy relied on this special ability to steal the root power: "I heard, you mean their consciousness is still stored in the safe? "

"Yes, transmit consciousness to the existence of the three-dimensional space at any time. Since that space is absolutely private and hidden, it is also a safety valve for the source of ghost stories to preserve their consciousness." Moon Butler explained.

The two eyes in the shadow revealed a color of sudden realization. Miss Zhi, who was hiding in the shadow, slammed her hand. She seemed to understand why she hated the adventurer so much.

No wonder she unconsciously had the urge to kill the adventurer when he opened her box. It turned out to be because the safe was naturally her safety valve. If the safety valve was fiddled with like this, would it not make her angry?

I see.

"I have a friend who has the ability to steal the energy in this safe. Then wouldn't he be able to steal the consciousness of the source of the ghost talk?" Yu Liang was a little curious.

From the looks of it, the value of adventurers’ box-opening abilities is still rising!

This is one of the few human players that can strongly affect the alienated professional ability of the root monster.

"No, this is not possible." Butler Moon shook his head, "Because it is a safety valve, the source of consciousness of most of the source ghost stories is stored in 'one hour later', and at least one hour later."

"In one hour?" Yu Liang didn't understand what Butler Moon meant.

The Moon Butler used a very simple example to explain this matter: "If you are a person with the ability to predict the future, and you know that someone wants to explore your memory, you need to set up settings for your memory. A password, what kind of password is absolutely impossible to be cracked?”

Yu Liang fell silent. He knew that the key to this question lay in the four words "predicting the future", but as for a code that would never be cracked...

"This is not complicated. Just prepare a timer that will refresh randomly every second. It will give you a new irregular 24-digit password every second. Then you set your memory password to refresh after one hour. Just come out with the 24-digit password and change it every second with the timer." Moon Butler said with a smile, "In this case, unless someone can master the ability to predict the future and get this timer, Otherwise it would be impossible to break the code in their memory."

Yu Liang, on the other hand, was impressed by this apt example that contained a mystery. Is this what it feels like to have a calm and reliable adult Gengen Kaitan in the team?

That's great.

Taking another peek at the two eyes in the shadow, the color of educated conviction became more intense.

Obviously, Miss "Zhi" completely accepts this statement, because according to the Moon Butler, the origin of the source of consciousness of the source monster exists one hour later, which makes all creatures living in the current time and space unable to affect them.

Some Root Kaidans of the same level may be able to touch the source of consciousness of the Root Kaidan if they have the ability to influence the future, but this is a very difficult thing.

And "Zhi" also understood why the more the adventurer stole her energy, the more she couldn't suppress the anger in her heart, because as time passed, the adventurer got closer and closer to the one-hour safety valve.

This kind of anger comes from an uncontrollable feeling of tension and crisis.

As a root monster, "Zhi" hasn't felt this kind of crisis for a long time, so she didn't wake up until now.

I have a consciousness safety valve and I don’t even know it?

"Zhi" in the shadow poked her body curiously. She felt that there seemed to be some secrets or switches hidden in her body, which were mysteries that she had not explored in the past.

"During the last retrospective, because the priest's [God] sealed a large number of root ghost stories with his sword, the consciousness of those root ghost stories was in a low-activity state. I discovered some interesting things from it." Moon said slowly, He lightly pulled up the night in the camp and continued, "The way these ghost talk 'humans' conquer the source of ghost talk relies on affecting the source of their consciousness. They have brought the source of consciousness that should have been an hour later to the present. , and then used special means to intercept the source of consciousness and the power of rules that are continuously transmitted to the three-dimensional space, making himself the carrier of the power of rules."

"Is this the reason why the 'half' of Kaitan humans can directly use the power of Kaitan and the word symbols?" Yu Liang suddenly figured out this. To a certain extent, this is a good way to integrate humans and Kaitan. The result of the fusion is that the Kaidan "human" has mastered both the power of the source Kaidan and the words.

Butler Moon nodded and said: "The general process is like this. The three-dimensional entity of the Origin Monster is a beacon. Only with the beacon, the source of consciousness and the power of rules will be continuously transmitted from another space. However, due to the real-time nature, the Origin Monster The safety valve no longer exists, and this power was stolen by the strange 'human beings'."

"I have to say that the guy who invented this method is a genius."

Butler Moon sighed sincerely.

Yu Liang faintly touched the pulse to solve this crisis, and he asked curiously: "So is there any way for us to interrupt the transmission of this power? Return the power to the source of Kaitan?"

"According to this idea, 'human beings' cannot preserve their memories because the two-way connection between the original ghost story and the three-dimensional space has become one-way." Moon Butler thought for a moment, "This is what I thought at the time. It’s just a stand-alone game NPC reason.”

"Well, I understand. In that case, they should use a special method to preserve the memory." Yu Liang immediately had a guess in his mind, "For example, before backtracking, transfer the memory back to the strategy team, backtrack After completion, the Raiders are transmitted back. They are the predecessors of historical observers, and it is not too difficult to have such an ability."

This method is similar to the way the moon preserves his memory. If you want to preserve the memory of "ordinary people", you can only rely on this method.

"Well, the friend you just mentioned... is very crucial." Butler Moon found an opportunity from the retracement, and a subtle smile appeared on his face, "The safety valve no longer exists, which means he can directly steal Going to the origin of Kaidan's consciousness is the way to destroy Kaidan 'humanity' from the foundation."

He said cheerfully: "The source of the world's suffering and monsters has been talking about 'human beings' for a long time."

For some reason, Yu Liang looked at Butler Moon and suddenly felt that this guy was somewhat similar to Aze.

Could it be that he is also a habitual revolutionary criminal?

As the singularity appeared in the center of the camp, the players of the Haicheng Alliance gradually collapsed, and the moon came out at the right time to harvest the power of faith. After gathering the power of faith, the backtracking was started.

"Okay, the chatting time is over, now let's get down to business." Butler Moon's voice came from the reincarnation and became the first words that rang in Yu Liang's ears when he opened his eyes.

Looking at the Moon Butler next to him, he still looked well-dressed, but after noticing Yu Liang's gaze, he said in time: "There are thirty root ghost stories in total, and each safety valve closed represents a root ghost story. Out of the control of Kaitan 'human beings'."

"Can't go back?" Yu Liang sensed something similar to a level-breaking game from Butler Moon's words.

Butler Moon smiled: "The Origin Ghost Story is an existence that transcends time. This does not refer to its three-dimensional part, but to their more original part of the different space. The power of rules and the origin of consciousness there ignore retrospect. Once your friend successfully handles a safety valve, the root ghost story will not return to its past state due to backtracking."

After saying this, Butler Moon stepped aside, allowing Yu Liang to face the adventurer face to face.

The adventurer looked at Butler Moon and then at Yu Liang. He vaguely noticed that the atmosphere at the scene was a bit strange, but he still followed his lines and said: "It's bad, I seem to have discovered something incredible."

"Stop talking about this, there are more important things." Yu Liang motioned the adventurer to follow him, "Have you ever thought about collecting the power of thirty root ghost stories in a row?"

"Thirty? Such an exaggeration?" The adventurer immediately forgot what he was about to say. All he could think about now was collecting the power of thirty source ghost stories.

"Of course, and within three minutes." Yu Liang smiled, feeling that the adventurer's reaction was interesting.

The adventurer caught up with Yu Liang excitedly and said, "What are you going to do? As long as you ask Chrysostom, I will do it."

"I'll tell you later. You may have to go on an expedition with the coach." Yu Liang thought for a while. His current thinking is not clear yet. He may need to use the coach to test the situation on the "human" side of Guitan before he can make a decision. specific countermeasures.

Although this has become a thirty-level breakthrough game, it is still a game that requires both sides to compete. Whoever can spy out more information can expand their own victory possibilities to a greater extent.

Judging from the difficulty of obtaining information, the Haicheng Alliance has a certain advantage.

This is also the only advantage in the entire war.

Yu Liang came to the camp where the priest was. As soon as he entered, he saw the priest who had finished using the holy nails and gradually transformed into a light point state. He was immediately stunned.

This doesn't seem to be the same as what's written in the script.

"[God] has told me everything, and I know what will happen." The priest turned his head to look at Yu Liang with great effort, "I only have three minutes left to live, please leave me alone for a while, okay? I need To pass on [God's] method of use, someone must inherit my will."

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