The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 666: Kingly power replaces divine power, fighting poison with poison

The prompt box that triggered the ghost story flashed quickly in front of him. Yu Liang recorded the scene two hours later in his mind, and then he watched helplessly as his future self was forced to jump out of the window by future Zhong Chen. , and quickly disappeared into this room.

He quickly rushed to the window and looked down, and saw with his own eyes that Future Yu Liang ran into a certain cabin, and then his figure gradually dissipated, and finally disappeared completely in front of him.

The connection between time and space is not stable. The projection of Future Yu Liang disappeared at this moment. If you want to find Future Yu Liang again, I am afraid it will take a lot of effort.

This kind of search cannot rely on Lu Baoshen's hook gun. After all, Yu Liang is just a projection appearing here in the future.

But now, another bigger problem was placed in front of Yu Liang, which made his face become more solemn than ever before.

"Just now... that was... Zhong Chen, uh, uh?" Li Huachao also witnessed everything that happened in this room just now. He could understand what exactly happened just now, but for some reason, there were discontinuities and many inconsistencies in his voice. Pause, as if the network card keeps dropping frames.

"Well, here's the trouble, why did you stop at this scene?" Yu Liang couldn't help but cursed with a stern face, and then looked at Li Huachao and Lu Baoshen who were present, "Don't tell her when Zhong Chen comes later. This matter is already troublesome enough. I'm afraid that this guy will find the infected and mutate himself after he understands what happened."

"Oh, okay." Li Huachao responded quickly this time, seemingly because Yu Liang gave the reaction he wanted.

Lu Baoshen looked at Yu Liang, then at Li Huachao, and suddenly nodded seriously: "I know, I will keep it a secret. It turns out that Zhong Chen's obsession after becoming a bucket man was to let Yu Liang help She becomes a woman."

As he spoke, Lu Baoshen seemed to have thought of some weird scene, so he said "Huh".

Yu Liang: "..."

No, buddy, don’t interpret it as such a weird thing. These words combined together are very nerve-wracking, you know?

But in this way, Yu Liang determined the answer in his heart without much hesitation.

The stop-motion animation stops at the moment when Bucket Man Zhong Chen pounces. Under normal circumstances, Zhong Chen would probably be asked to turn into Bucket Man to reenact this scene, but this is basically a multiple-choice question that can only choose one or the other.

Do you want a stamp [the person who cheats time] or do you want Zhong Chen to live normally?

No need to think too much, Yu Liang will only choose the latter at this moment.

Even if he changes the future and gets punished, he will not make such a choice that is worse than a beast.

Once you become a barrel person, especially an infected barrel person, there may be no way to return to normal. Looking back on the loyal and crazy appearance just in the future, it is much more terrifying than the normal barrel person Ma Debang or Hua Jie.

In this case, is it necessary to use imitation to reproduce the scene just now?

Yu Liang contacted the AI ​​in his glasses, accurately described to the AI ​​what he had just seen, and at the same time ordered the AI ​​to use existing materials to generate a freeze-frame scene.

AI is not a living thing. It cannot really see the projections of future Yu Liang and Zhong Chen that just appeared in this room, so it needs to rely on Yu Liang's narration to depict the scene.

There are Zhong Chen’s materials, the infected bucket man’s materials, and room materials. This kind of thing is not difficult for the advanced artificial intelligence in Cyber ​​City. It was copied in front of Yu Liang in just two minutes, and it was precise. The extent was far beyond what Yu Liang had just seen with his own eyes.

"Lu Baoshen, use the phone in this room to call our room and tell the people in the room to gather everyone in the corridor outside within fifteen minutes. Don't enter the room until I come out. "Yu Liang assigned Lu Baoshen a task.

The phone lines on the cruise ship can only be connected internally. Rooms can communicate with each other and between rooms and the service front desk by phone.

"Oh, okay." Lu Baoshen nodded and immediately wanted to run to the bedside to make a phone call, but this move was immediately stopped by Yu Liang.

Yu Liang pointed to the next room: "Use the phone next door and don't touch anything in this room."

"Okay." Lu Baoshen shrugged, feeling quite helpless.

Yu Liang on the other side continued to think, and he realized something bad.

What happened two hours before Yu Liang in the future?

Logically speaking, at this point in time when the strange story is triggered, Yu Liang who will be four hours in the future will see Yu Liang who will be two hours in the future in this room.

Yu Liang in the other three timelines did not encounter Yu Niang in the suddenly changed world line. Their time has not changed, which means that they will inform Yu Liang two hours later about the attack by the barrel man.

However, this is of no use. Just like the judgment made before, the collapse of the cruise ship seems to be an inevitable outcome. This cannot be changed even if the future is predicted.

And the most important thing is that Yu Liang doesn't know whether Yu Liang will successfully obey time in the future.

No matter how you look at the scene just now, it looks like an accident, which means that Yu Liang in the next two hours has failed in the weird talk about "people who obey time".

Forget it, I guess I just need to obey myself two hours later. It doesn't matter even if Yu Liang two hours later is different from Yu Liang four hours later.

Prioritize the principle of proximity. If Yu Liang is completely "disobedient" from the future, then he will have no room for maneuver, right?

The Kaidan Incident will never give him an impossible task.

"Do we need to reproduce the scene two hours later Yu Liang as completely as last time?" Li Huachao looked at the picture projected in his glasses and kept thinking in his heart. He valued his partners as much as anyone else. , "Blood and other things can be replaced with ketchup, and you can probably do it with your fingers. If it doesn't work, just use real ones. It's just that it's a bit hard to find limbs that meet Zhong Chen's standards. After all, not everyone has Zhong Chen." It’s a pity that Chen has such extraordinary muscle lines.”

As he muttered, his eyes fell on the barrel, and he noticed the most critical cos prop: "By the way, we need a barrel, emmm, barrel people's barrels basically look like this, so we need to use Madbon or Did Sister Hua kill her and take away the bucket? Just Ma Debang. Sister Hua’s bucket is a bit small and does not fit Zhong Chen’s body shape. The last thing is the acting. It’s hard for me to imagine Zhong Chen saying these lines in a normal state. The scene is probably going to be a huge scene of shame, and maybe she will choose to recreate it by turning herself into a real barrel man.”

Yu Liang glanced at Li Huachao and did not interrupt the other person's thoughts. He knew that this guy would keep talking when he was a little nervous.

For Li Huachao, every companion is very important, and the so-called "care leads to chaos" may have a similar meaning.

"Don't worry, try to reproduce it as much as possible. If you can't reproduce it, forget it. Fighting off the barrel man's attack is the most important thing at the moment. Stamps and so on..." Yu Liang sighed, and explained his decision as if to boost morale. Tell Li Huachao, "If you can't get it, then you can't get it."

"Okay." Hearing Yu Liang's promise, Li Huachao immediately beamed, and Yu Liang's next words made him even happier.

Yu Liang thought of what he had learned before and said directly: "Didn't Lu Bao hook a wooden barrel on his body once? If it doesn't work, try using that barrel. I think it's not much different from the barrel that Zhong Chen will live in in the future."

However, after saying these words, Yu Liang was instinctively alert. He felt that there seemed to be some conspiracy.

Lu Baoshen's [Xiangli] always fails. He said that "someone" is playing tricks, and what he hooked back through [Xiangyi] happened to be such a barrel. Now Yu Liang happened to think of it. Let Zhong Chen and Cask combine to recreate the scene...

I always feel like there's something bad hidden in it.

Forget it, give up for now and don’t engage in these nonsense.

Yu Liang felt a little helpless in his heart. He still didn't want to gamble with Zhong Chen's life. The barrel in the inventory was really strange, unless he could figure out what the barrel man's source had done.

The game between the player and the source monster is unfair most of the time. He may just be fighting the air. Maybe this is indeed a good opportunity, but what can be done?

Players can't afford to gamble. Didn't you see that gambler Lu Baoshen also lost? Are you honest?

Thinking of this, Yu Liang quickly left the room. He still needed to go downstairs to find An Buchen and inform him of the current situation.

An Buchen and Li Geng can be regarded as the think tank roles in the team. Due to their different personalities, they may be important characters who can complete what Yu Liang did not expect.

At this time, Zhong Chen, who had received the news in advance, had already arrived in the corridor. Li Huachao saw her resolute face and couldn't help but look away.

"You protect Lu Baoshen here, while Li Hua and I go down to find An Buchen. After a while, the founders and others will come back. You told them not to enter this room, and just wait for me on the terrace on this floor." Yu Liang He ordered Zhong Chen to look after Lu Baoshen where he was.

Although Yu Liang said in the future that the barrel man's attack would come in an hour, it was best not to take it lightly. A fragile person like Lu Baoshen must have a physical warrior as his partner to ensure maximum safety.

Creatures like the Barrel Man are somewhat similar to the zombie crises often seen in movies. If a single zombie appears, there is nothing to worry about. Once the zombies start to infect each other, it is like an avalanche, which can easily destroy the normal order.

If nothing else, I'm asking you if you're afraid of an infected person who can change his position and spread his plasma everywhere.

Yu Liang looked at Lu Baoshen again, and suddenly had the idea of ​​taking him into his own universe and locking him up.

It's useless in my own hands, but if it turns into an infected bucket person, it will definitely be like a nightmare. Thinking about this shit after it turns black makes me feel sick.

But now he had no time to worry about this. All the way to the laboratory passage, the two security guards guarding the door hesitated slightly after seeing that it was still Yu Liang and Li Hua, and let them in.

Anyway, An Buchen said that the entry approval documents would be filled in later, so it would be no problem to fill in one and two, and they were too lazy to stop these two people.

"There's a problem." Yu Liang broke into An Buchen's laboratory and told the other party what he learned from future Yu Liang, "There will be an invasion by the barrel man in more than fifty minutes, and it will be a special kind. The infected people will become even crazier."

An Buchen would not be clear about this matter. After all, she only saw the future Yu Liang who triggered the strange talk for a few minutes, and the invasion of the barrel men happened after that.

"Wait, An Buchen?" Yu Liang felt something was wrong as he spoke. He saw An Buchen's body trembling slightly, and his glasses were also in a relatively dull state. It looked like something had happened to him. Something very scary.

A terrifying incident that can scare the T1 Fairy?

Yu Liang instinctively thought it was funny, but in fact it was not funny.

"That guy is here." An Buchen looked at Yu Liang, her distracted eyes recovered a little. She steeled herself and said to Yu Liang, "Mad King Xue Wubin, he bypassed the timeline and appeared in this copy. She was hit, and she also snatched my sky boat, which is the planned 'city in the sky'. He should have gone to the dock to find Xue Wubin, the barrel man of this time and space."

"Mad King?" Yu Liang was stunned for a moment, and then he knew why An Buchen was like this, but he still felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Just such a name would definitely not scare him. After all, he had never really seen the oppression of this so-called mad king, but judging from An Buchen's state...

I'm afraid he is an extremely difficult guy.

One person, one boat.

I went directly to find Xue Wubin in this copy.

According to An Buchen, this guy is the embodiment of sanity and madness, a bit like Jerome in the movie and TV series "Gotham".

In this case, this is definitely not an arrogant guy, so there is only one explanation for why he went directly to local Xue Wubin.

Absolute confidence.

His strength is probably superior to anyone below the level of the entire dungeon, otherwise he would never be so arrogant.

Even the existence of this level of root ghost talk...

A head-on confrontation may not be possible.

For a moment, Yu Liang felt a huge headache.

The current situation is already so complicated, and you have created another Mad King version of Xue Wubin.

Do you want to challenge Yu Liang's status in the multiverse?

Whether the mad king killed the native Xue Wubin or whether a new Xue Wubin's head grew on the barrel of the native Xue Wubin, it was not a good thing for Yu Liang.

"You said, there will be a barrel man attacking later?" An Buchen saw Yu Liang and began to think independently in his mind, "Then the defense of the barrel man on the dock will become empty..."

She looked at Yu Liang with some doubts in her tone. It was obvious that she couldn't believe what she was thinking of, but out of some understanding of the Mad King, she still said it: "In the later part of the story line, The root of the Bucket Man has not appeared for a long time. Instead, it is the Mad King who has established a huge Bucket Man empire and is doing one thing at the same time.”


"The king's power replaced the divine power. I don't know whether the mad king in the story line completed this thing, but I may have thought of what the creator of the story line wanted to do."

An Buchen said, and the expressions of the two people present fell into solemnity at the same time. Only Li Huachao pressed his nose with a brand new nail that he had just polished not long ago, and flicked an unknown object away.

A fourth plan for the barrel man’s roots…

Is it just fighting fire with fire?

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