The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 673 I am a prison bully, who is my prison guard?

Scene card: Software "███"

Status: Enabled

Origin of the Strange Story: Desktop Pet "Electronic Shao Luo"

Existing Yu Liang: Shadow Yu Liang, Real Yu Liang (Hidden)

Participants: A small number

The copy "Flat Country" has been generated. I wish all players a happy game.

With the successful launch of [Overstepping], Yu Liang also generated the "Flat Country" copy and sent the shadow Yu Liang hidden in the barrel into the copy.

The scene card of the copy is a software with multiple layers. It needs a carrier to run normally, and this carrier is the computer in front of Yu Liang.

After the Flat Country copy officially entered the operation stage, the desktop pet "Electronic Shao Luo (the suffix name against the sky, not changed by Yu Liang, probably modified by himself)" jumped out of the layer software and appeared on the computer desktop.

Normally, the scope of the Flatland dungeon is the software named with three black spaces (it may be automatically blocked and not displayed). As the root of the dungeon, the desktop pet cannot leave the dungeon directly, but due to her own program characteristics and special rule power, she ran to the computer desktop without much effort.

The scope of the dungeon cannot limit the desktop pet, but the computer itself can limit her.

She is like a very special two-dimensional creature. Although she has mastered absolute rules, she still cannot break through the shackles between two-dimensional and three-dimensional at will.

Those who master the rules are also rule-abiding.

The electronic Shao Luo on the computer desktop looked around curiously, as if thinking about why she appeared in this somewhat unfamiliar computer. She remembered that there should be a vast universe outside her "house".

Black is the main tone of the universe. There are star-like cards displayed in the universe, which seem to be orbiting something, but she can't see what the center of the universe is, so she doesn't have much impression.

It's not that many card stars are orbiting around a giant baby-like Yu Liang, right?

As for now, she is no longer in the universe.

The desktop pet was very sure of this, and then she understood her situation. She came to the dungeon again and became the gatekeeper of a dungeon.

But what should I do this time?

Electronic Shao Luo had some doubts in her heart. Her weak sense of responsibility made her start to think about this problem involuntarily, but she soon put it behind her and returned to the software to find her "Yu Liang" to play. She was even too lazy to take a second look at the scene in the plane country.

Yu Liang witnessed the whole process in front of the computer and was speechless, but he believed that Electronic Shao Luo should be able to handle the anomalies in the plane country.

As a pure two-dimensional electronic creature, the ability of the desktop pet is limited to the computer and the two-dimensional world. Such a limitation also gives her unlimited authority within a limited range.

The barrel man root that was pulled into the world of the plane country by the shadow Yu Liang must be unable to do anything to the desktop pet. Both are root strange stories. The gap in this dungeon can be described as a world of difference, which can be called a dimensionality reduction attack.

Once the barrel man source shows the ability of the source level, it will be immediately discovered and arrested by the desktop pet in the computer. Yu Liang is absolutely sure of this.

If the source level ability is not used, whether the barrel man source lurking in the plane country can fight against the shadow Yu Liang...

It is an unknown.

After all, Yu Liang handed over the round skin bag that was originally lent to An Buchen and Li Geng to the shadow Yu Liang, which is equivalent to handing over the highest power of the plane country to the shadow Yu Liang.

Under such a great advantage, if the shadow Yu Liang cannot suppress the barrel man source, it will be considered a waste of life.

As for whether this guy will collude with the barrel man source...

It doesn't make sense, because the only god "desktop pet" in the plane country is on his side. One-sixth of the barrel man source plus the shadow Yu Liang can't do anything to the desktop pet. She can even directly extract the layer of the plane country and clear everyone with one click.

Of course, the desktop pet will not do this, because she still wants to push the completion of the plane country copy, so that she will not be trapped in this copy.

When the prisoner reaches the day of being "executed", the prison guard has completed his mission and will be entitled to retire.

However, retirement or not has no meaning for the desktop pet. She only cares about the real Yu Liang in the prison mirror copy, and other external factors have little influence on her.

In this way, among the root ghost stories that Yu Liang has come into contact with at present, the desktop pet is the happiest and simplest.

After completing the creation of cell 007, Yu Liang clicked on the folder of the barrel prison and personally confirmed that it was running.

After creating the copy, the connection between him, the shadow Yu Liang and the desktop pet was actually very weak. Only through this computer could he confirm that the situation was still under his control.

Cell 007: Two-dimensional space line

[File is running]

The familiar "bang" sound and the pop-up prompt box made Yu Liang completely relieved and handed over the matter here to Li Geng, and he was taken back to the cruise ship by the snake.

There was only about half an hour left before the stop-motion animation was due in two hours, and Zhong Chen's performance in the stop-motion animation became excellent with the help of everyone.

As a pure man, Zhong Chen naturally doesn't know how to put on makeup. Fortunately, Xu Cixi is proficient in this field. It is said that when she was still a student and had not yet chosen a career, she considered the profession of makeup artist.

At that time, she considered many professions, and makeup artist was one of the candidates, but in the end, under the advice of Yu Liang, she chose the current hypnotist.

This makeup skill was demonstrated in Zhong Chen, and the ability of the hypnotist is equally important.

Under normal circumstances, Zhong Chen could not perform the crazy and violent appearance of the barrel man Zhong Chen, but with the help of hypnosis, Zhong Chen's mental vigilance gradually relaxed, and he walked towards the crazy appearance in the stop-motion animation.

This hypnotic state will not have much impact on Zhong Chen himself. He only needs to inspire the heart anchor to return to normal after completing the replay of the stop-motion animation. Zhong Chen will only regard it as a strange dream.

With careful preparation, Zhong Chen's performance was more and more in line with the level in the freeze-frame picture. The two-hour time node soon arrived, and Yu Liang also sat by the bed in the room, waiting for the "barrel man Zhong Chen" to break in.

"Yu Liang! You are the only one missing, you are the only one missing! I am only one short of you to become a real woman! My dear little Yu Liang!"

Zhong Chen, who has slender limbs (compared to normal barrel men, it is still very strong) suddenly broke through. She shouted slogan-like lines and rushed towards Yu Liang with a ferocious face. Her body was covered with scarlet liquid similar to blood, and a strange smell blew towards her.

However, Yu Liang did not pay attention to what it was now. Instead, he made a surprised expression and turned around to escape from Zhong Chen's pounce.

"Cut!" Director Xu Cixi saw the right time and gave an order. Zhong Chen in the air immediately fell to the carpeted ground like a drone with its battery removed. The wooden barrel on his body hit the ground with a rumbling sound. The impact even caused many cracks to appear on the bottom of the barrel.

It is conceivable that if a barrel man can really be born in this barrel, it is probably a rare barrel man who will drown.

"Ah? Is it over?" Zhong Chen felt pain and woke up from the hypnotic state. She looked around blankly, wiped the smelly blood-like fluid on her body, and took a few pieces of paper to wipe it.

"Well, there should be no problem. It must be enough to fool the old guy "Time". "Yu Liang nodded. The stop-motion animation just now was recorded by the glasses, which was no different from the previous simulation.

"So what should we do next? Yu Liang at this node in the next four hours has gone to nowhere. That guy has his own ship and even a sky boat. How can we find him?" Li Huachao ran in from the corridor and asked Yu Liang about his next plan.

Yu Liang could only shrug and say, "If you ask me, I can only tell you that I would choose to go to the dock to see the situation, or find an island nearby to settle down and see the situation, but this is just a normal situation. If there are infected people chasing and blocking me, then I don't know which direction I will run to."

"The dock? The dock is still far away. I think it's more reliable to go to the nearby island." Li Huachao rarely made a normal suggestion.

"That's right, it's not a good idea to go to the dock in this situation." Yu Liang readily accepted this suggestion, but he was thinking about plan B in his mind.

If I really can't find the projection and freeze-frame of Yu Liang in the future, I'm afraid I can only give up this strange story and prepare to welcome the arrival of the Lord of Time and Space.

I hope that the Lord of Time and Space has read Marx, Lenin and Mao, knows who the current main enemy is, and doesn't target him.

Or can he sneak away to other timelines to hide at that time?

You are looking for Yu Liang in the main timeline. What does it have to do with my "Zhi" version of Yu Liang?

Or maybe just call Aze back to take the blame, he is definitely a good scapegoat anyway.

Yu Liang inevitably began to think wildly in his mind, and finally turned back to a more important question.

How to go to the timeline of the "Zhi" version of Yu Liang?

If he can get there, with the ability of the character collector, Yu Liang is very sure that he can deal with one-sixth of the barrel man roots in one fell swoop by strengthening "Zhi".

Even if he is still not assured, he can also create the eighth time and space line to disperse the power of the barrel man roots again.

Yu Liang has already conceived the core of this eighth time and space line, which is not a difficult problem.


There is a natural separation between dreams and reality, and Yu Liang in the dream is also Yu Liang, who should be able to force the barrel man roots to separate.

As for the creator of the dream, it is of course the snake that only knows how to eat and wait for death every day on the sky boat.

After enjoying such a long leisurely life, it should also help share some pressure.

With the pseudo-root-level dream power combined with the root essence of the blood wind root, Snake's level is enough to compete with one-seventh of the barrel man's root, and he is definitely qualified to be the gatekeeper prison guard in the dream.

But Yu Liang is not sure how to create a "Dream Yu Liang" that meets the standard. This is not something he can do just by saying it. If the power of the barrel man's root cannot be separated, then there is no point in creating a dream cell.

You can't let Snake create this "Dream Yu Liang" character, right?

Yu Liang dared to guarantee that the dream Yu Liang created by this guy was definitely an idiot character who produced endless energy by knocking on the dog basin. This must be the dream Yu Liang he wanted most.

It would be outrageous if the origin of the barrel man could be related to this thing. At least Yu Liang himself did not hold any hope.

While thinking, Yu Liang was on the terrace at the end of the corridor again. It seemed that the crisis was resolved. Some people reappeared on the deck outside. They were still nervous, but the overall atmosphere was much better than half an hour ago.

Since the crisis was resolved, the attack of the barrel man should be two days later, right?

Almost everyone thought so, and it was right to think so, just like when the computer screen went black for a few minutes and then automatically recovered, the person in front of the computer would think that it was fine and would not investigate the specific reasons behind the black screen.

However, in the process of thinking, Yu Liang noticed a detail that would be subconsciously ignored.

The most clear source of information so far is Shadow Yu Liang, who told Yu Liang the underlying logic of the "time and space line" and "prison" through the mouth of the octagon, and this was also confirmed by the cuckoo.

It seems that there is no problem. The only question is how did Shadow Yu Liang know?

Why was he trapped in the shadow of the barrel?

What does that barrel mean?

Is its role really just to provide Shadow Yu Liang...

By the way, will it be cracked by Zhong Chen again?

Do these other Yu Liangs and characters have an internal connection network? How come they all seem to know something I don't know?

Yu Liang was a little helpless, and then he began to habitually list the commonalities of various timelines, trying to find the breakthrough point at this moment.

There is a Yu Liang in each timeline, this is beyond doubt, otherwise the barrel man root will not be attracted at all.

Secondly, the Yu Liang in each timeline actually has at least one root-level power to drive, which is also beyond doubt, otherwise it is impossible to suppress the barrel man root.

Well, there may not be one in Aze's timeline. He only has a useless and unfilial son, which leads him into a dead end.

In this way, Yu Liang in each timeline is not actually a prison guard, but a local snake "prison bully" supported by the prison guards, who uses the support of the prison guards to suppress the new barrel man's root.

There is Yu Liang in the story line, and the prison guard who provides the root power is Yu Niang.

Needless to say, "Zhi" is a combination of prison bully and prison guard.

The situation of consciousness and soul Yu Liang is similar, while shadow Yu Liang is obviously a prison bully, and the prison guard is the desktop pet "electronic Shao Luo"...

In this way, my identity should also be the prison bully (suppressed version) of the main timeline, so what about the prison guard who has the same taste as me?

Yu Liang frowned and looked at his palm with some confusion. It was stained with some red liquid that appeared at some unknown time. It might be the liquid that Zhong Chen used to imitate blood.

Or is it that this is also part of the trigger theory?

Yu Liang's frown relaxed, he clenched his palm and slowly pushed forward.

Nothing happened in front of him.

However, the cracked wooden barrel in the room far away from the field of vision suddenly shook, as if someone gently pushed it.

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