The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 23 Snape's Thoughts

What Ino didn't know was that not long after he left, the Slytherin common room fell into extreme silence.

The previous prefect also left and returned at this moment, and stood aside obediently, without any of his previous posture.

Behind the prefect, there was a middle-aged wizard with greasy hair.


"Professor Snape!"

"Mr. Dean!"

The little snakes who were chatting just now stood up and saluted and said hello as if they had seen their natural enemies.

However, Snape turned a deaf ear to the greetings from around him, and only nodded slightly when he passed one or two students.

Snape walked up to Malfoy expressionlessly, and then looked at him up and down silently.

"Professor!" Malfoy stood up with some restraint, which was in sharp contrast to his impassioned attitude just now.

"You enjoy this honor?" Snape looked around, "And you guys! Is it a sense of accomplishment to get together and listen to gossip?"

"Sorry! Professor."

"I'm leaving now."

"I still have papers..."

Following Snape's scolding, the number of people in the entire common room dropped sharply, and everyone left in an instant.

Even some students who were really writing papers chose to take their things back to their dormitories.

At this moment, Malfoy was the only one who was sitting on pins and needles. It wasn't that he didn't want to leave. As the only person named by the professor, others could just leave, but he couldn't.

A few minutes later.

There were only three people left in the huge Slytherin common room.

"Lucius wrote to me and asked me to take care of his excellent son..."

Seeing the helpless Malfoy in front of him, Snape really didn't want to say anything more.

But due to the favor he had received from Lucius, he could not choose to turn a blind eye.

"You can do whatever you want from now on, but don't let me hear you talking behind my back again."

"Professor, I understand." Malfoy nodded quickly, and then, with Snape's acquiescence, ran back to his dormitory as if he was running away.


As Malfoy completely disappeared behind the door, only Snape and the male prefects of Slytherin were left.

"Mond, please be quiet during this period. As for your old methods, you can implement them, but pay attention to the methods and methods."

The prefect, Mond Yacles, was born in the Yacles family of the twenty-eight Holy Houses. He easily understood what Snape meant.

'Quiet' means that Slytherin will no longer be as noisy as in previous years. As for "paying attention to means and methods", it's just a matter of telling them to stop the past tradition.

Although I feel a little unhappy, the situation is stronger than the person.

"I know what to do! Mr. Snape!"

As Prefect Mond's back gradually faded away.

a long time.

Snape raised his arm, looked at it carefully for a moment, and then gently put it down.

Today's sorting ceremony reminded him of a person he once admired when he was in school.

During the dinner, Snape once again saw those amber eyes. Unlike the purity and clarity that others saw, what he saw was only falsehood.

It's like there are countless unknowns and secrets hidden under the deep blue sea.

When he was still in school at Hogwarts, Snape had the opportunity to meet each other. He had the same black hair, the same gentleness and grace, and even the same gentle smile on his face.

When the two figures overlapped in his mind... Snape felt trembling in his heart for no reason.

And this was the reason why he made a special trip to the common room after the banquet tonight.

As the head of Slytherin, Snape also had to consider the safety of his students.

Everything in Hogwarts this year made him feel weird, whether it was the new students, the professors, or the principal.

Therefore, he wanted to nip all hidden dangers in the bud, including the traditional 'little tricks' of previous prefects in the college.

For this reason, it doesn't matter even if we miss out on the Academy Cup for six consecutive years.

Thursday, September 2, 1991.

In the early morning, amid a call, Ino reluctantly opened his eyes.

"Thank you, Draco! I'm awake."

"That's good. There's still half an hour until class starts, so you can still catch up and have breakfast. I also got the class schedule for you and put it on the table."

After Malfoy finished speaking, he hurried out.


As the door closed, Ino couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.

Looking at Malfoy's furious look, he knew without a second thought that he must have gone to the Great Hall early and then pretended to wait for Harry to 'encounter' him.

"What a preference...but I have to find a chance to buy an alarm clock!"

Ino looked at the bedside pocket watch. It was exactly 8:30. Just as Malfoy said, there was still half an hour until class.

But he knew very well that in this half hour he not only had to wash and dress, but also had to battle wits with those moving stairs. If he really cared about it, there was no time for breakfast at all.

ten minutes later.

After Ino washed up, put on a brand new robe, and picked up the class schedule left by Malfoy on the table.

"Charms class... is actually not a Transfiguration class."

Although it was different from what he expected, it was actually normal.

The first period in the film and television work is the Transfiguration class between Slytherin and Gryffindor, but this is not a short one-hour movie. There are too many variables in a real world.

"Nothing can be late."

The moment he saw the class schedule, Ino had a plan, that is, he would rather skip breakfast than be late for the first spell class.

Charms is his most important course, so Professor Flitwick's first impression is very important, and it directly depends on whether he can open a small stove in the future.

As a Slytherin, it is already difficult for a Ravenclaw headmaster to start a small stove. If he is late on the first day...

Thinking of this, Ino directly opened his suitcase, took out a piece of dry cheese, and also hurried out.

8:50 am.

"Huh! I finally caught up. Fortunately, Professor Flitwick didn't come." Ino muttered softly.

After dealing with the stairs, I finally arrived at the door of the Charms classroom.

After walking into the classroom, I found that many people were already here, especially Xiaoying, who had a blue pattern on his collar. Almost everyone was already in place.

"Mr. Swinburne! You will sit in the first row."

Just when Ino was about to find a seat of his choice, a voice came from behind the podium.

"I heard that last night outside the castle, you successfully released the fire-making spell and let it float quietly on the top of the wand, lighting up everyone."

Professor Flitwick, who was less than two feet tall, was seen walking up the special small stairs to the lecture table step by step.

"Thank you for the compliment! Professor Flitwick." Ino said with a smile, "My love for magic made me practice it for a long time during the summer vacation."

"Although I encourage talented students to learn on their own, what I want to say is, don't blindly practice on your own." Professor Flitwick said with approval.

Then he looked at the students in the classroom and warned in a serious tone:

"I hope you can also remember this and don't blindly practice magic alone. I encourage you to learn on your own, but I hope you practice magic under my guidance."

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