The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3139: Tiantu Breakthrough


Shouted Xiao Yifeng, and he rushed out and ran directly to Xiner's room.

In this room's Lingchi, Bai Xin'er had been awake, and his extremely severe injuries had completely recovered.

The strength of this Bai Xin'er was a strong breakthrough to the five-dominated realm, and he suddenly crossed the fourfold realm.

"Xiner !!!"

Xiao Yifeng came to this room and looked at Bai Xiner.

"Brother Xiao !!!"

Bai Xin'er looked at Xiao Yifeng with a very excited expression.

Xiao Yifeng came to Bai Xin'er, and the two immediately hugged.

"Brother Xiao, I thought I would never see you again!"

Bai Xiner said with tears in his eyes.

"What happened? You are my woman, how can I let you die !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Bai Xiner and smiled.

Reached out to wipe the tears from his face.

"Is this your wife? It looks beautiful!"

At this moment Tianhai Youruo came over and looked at Bai Xin'er.

"you are?"

Bai Xin'er looked at Tian Hai Youruo with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Her name is Tianhai Youruo, the master of this Beihai Temple!"

Xiao Yifeng introduced.

"Hello there!!!"

Bai Xin'er quickly looked at Tian Hai Youruo and said.

"I broke through!"

At this time, Bai Xiner suddenly found that her strength soared to the fifth level of her dominion, and she looked shocked.

"The water of the Lingchi is the water of heaven and earth, which is very helpful for the cultivation of strength, but your strength is too low."

"So you can't raise too much realm, otherwise the water of this Lingchi is enough for you to step into reincarnation!"

Tianhai Youruo said.

"Is it so powerful?"

Xiao Yifeng looked shocked.

"Will I collect the water from this pond?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Tianhai Youruo and said awkwardly.

"Of course you can, but you are my life-saving benefactor, this water of the pond is nothing!"

Tianhai Youru nodded.

Xiao Yifeng then directly brought the entire Lingchi together.

The water in this pond is a treasure, and he will bring it back to his other women.

By that time, they can help them quickly improve their strength.

Rumble! !! !!

Just then, a roar of noise suddenly came out of the Beihai Temple.

"It's your friend who accepts the inheritance of the Witch God!"

Then the messenger said suddenly.

Xiao Yifeng, they came outside the room where Tu was accepted for inheritance.

At this moment Tu Tu has accepted the last inheritance of this witch god, and his strength has broken through to dominate the realm.

With a wave of his hand this day, Tian Tu's figure appeared outside the palace.

Rumble! !! !!

There was a roar of noise instantly.

Soon the light of each law began to fall, and blasted directly toward the body of Tiantu.

This scene is also a shock to those martial arts soldiers who have stayed outside the Beihai Temple.

When they saw the light of the Laws evoked by the Law, their eyes were full of shock.

Soon the light of the Ten Principles rushed directly into the body of Tiantu, which made people suddenly shocked.

It was horrifying to have born an anti-natural talent who inspired the light of the Ten Laws!

Even Xiao Yifeng was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that Tu could be able to evoke the light of the Ten Principles on this day. It seems that the blood of the witch **** is indeed very powerful.

As the light of the Ten Principles entered the body, there was a roar of noise in the body of Tian Tu.

The power of terror erupted from his body, and the blood of the gods and witches was inspired.

His body began to skyrocket, and his own realm began to skyrocket.

Boom boom! !! !!

Soon Tian Tu's body was raised by seven or eight meters, and he became a super giant.

In one realm, he stepped directly into the **** of Yae, and everyone around him was shocked.

At this moment, Tiantu was exuding a thick and arrogant breath.

The body is piled up like hills, exuding a breath to suppress the audience.

Although this day's slaughter is the **** of Yae.

But the breath emanating from him was more terrifying than the title.

"It is indeed a descendant of the witch god. He has the blood of the witch **** and has inherited all the inheritance of the witch god. It seems that a new generation of witch **** is coming soon!

Tian Hai Youru said at this time looking at Tian Tu.

"Miss, do you say he is really the Great Star Emperor?"

The emissary on the side looked at the sky and said.

"Even a new generation of witch gods are with him. Do you think he is the Great Emperor of the Sky!"

Tianhai murmured quietly.


The female messenger looked at Xiao Yifeng with an incredible look.

"I didn't expect to come to this world and sleep for hundreds of thousands of years to see the legendary Emperor of the Starry Sky. It seems that this sleep is not in vain!"

Tian Hai Youruo looked at Xiao Yifeng with strange eyes.

At the same time, somewhere in the Divine Realm.

A man meditating suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a strange color in his eyes.

"A new witch **** bloodline was born!"

The man murmured, his eyes flashing with light.

Immediately he twirled his hands with Yin Jue and waved toward the void in front of him.


The man shouted sharply.

Ripples rippled in the void in front of him, and a mirror began to emerge.

As a result, the mirror broke directly.

"How could this be? Where is this new Witch-God bloodline? I can't detect his trace!"

There was a look of shock in the man's eyes.


There was a smile on the corner of the man's mouth, and his eyes flashed brilliantly.

And outside this Beihai Temple.

This day's breakthrough also attracted many people.

At that time, the main owner of the knife door appeared here, and his eyes saw the sky-slaying of seven or eight meters, and a shocked look flashed in his eyes.

Soon the Lord of the Knife Gate noticed Xiao Yifeng's eyes, his expression sank.

"Damn boy, go die !!!"

On this day, the knife door master looked at Xiao Yifeng's eyes full of murderous applause ~ ~ Apparently Xiao Yifeng's abolition of Wang Zitao on the magic island also made the knife door master completely angry.

So when he saw Xiao Yifeng for the first time, he shot.

He wants to completely kill the guy who killed his young son and abolishes his oldest son.

boom! !! !!

The master of the sky knife door erupted the terror of the title.

The force of the sword's rule, which comprehends the power of the six rules, comes to Xiao Yifeng.

Watching this day, the main door of Daomen came to kill.

Xiao Yifeng's gaze fixed, a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes, and he was about to shoot.

A cold and low sounded like a sudden sound from the flood.

"I want to kill the young master-die!"

The cold drinking sound passed into the main door of Knife Gate, and his body shivered inexplicably.

A thick sense of fear swept across him.

In the next second, a palm that seemed to cover the sky fell directly on the head of the sword door master on this day, and then held it.

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