The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3590: 4th flame

puff! !! !!

This little Lei blew out blood, his face pale.

Xiao Yifeng also backed up again and again, with a moan, his face paled, and blood dripped from the corners of his mouth.

The power of this holy thunder was truly terrifying.

"I want you to die!!!"

Although this thunder was injured, the killing in his eyes was even more crazy.

He urged a secret method, forcibly inspiring all the power of Sanpin Thunder in his body.

He will completely kill Xiao Yifeng by relying on these three products of the Holy Thunder.

With the power of these three products, the thunder came on display.

The void is filled with a terrifying thunderous power.

The whole void was roaring.

It seems that there are countless thunder and lightning here and there, like the advent of heaven.

This little thunder now released has completely surpassed the attacking power of the true **** strong.

Even Xiao Yifeng felt a sense of horror of oppression, and the inexplicable feeling in his heart was because of these three products.

Rumble! !! !!

Just then, Xiao Yifeng's body also roared.

A terrible hot breath erupted directly from Xiao Yifeng's body.

With a bang, a hot and horrifying flame swept out.

The temperature of the entire space skyrocketed by hundreds of degrees.

It feels like being in the flame mountain.

"Is the flame integrated?"

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed a look of surprise and joy.

The previous half of the flame in the body merged and transformed towards the flame.

This transformation is now more than three years.

Finally at this moment, the fusion and transformation of this half-holy flame finally succeeded.

After the fusion of these half of the torch, the flame was completely advanced.

Rumble! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng summoned the flame, which was advanced to the flame.

As soon as the flame came out, there was a sound of earth-shaking sounds.

The hot breath of terror continued to flow.

The billowing heat wave swept away in all directions.

"The breath of this flame is so strong !!!"

Said World of Warcraft.

"Boy, while this flame is not yet fully formed, incorporate the remaining half flame in your body and the emperor's celestial flame into it !!!"

Devouring World of Warcraft said suddenly.

Suddenly Xiao Yifeng urged Emperor Tianyan in his body and the semi-holy fire he had obtained before.

Pour into this forming flame.

boom! !! !!

As new flames merge into this flame.

The breath erupted from this torch was even more terrifying and took it to another level.

The scorching heat breathed the whole mountain into the furnace.

All the trees and flowers on this mountain withered instantly.

The rock faces were blackened by the flame heat wave.

As for the sight of this little Thunder, his look was startled.

Immediately he did not hesitate to fully urge Sanpin Shenglei to erupt.

Xiao Yifeng banged fiercely.

"Cangyan Palm !!!"

Xiao Yi snorted, urging the flame that had just been transformed into a five-finger flame palm.

Sanpin Shenglei blasted out fiercely towards this small thunder.

This Cangyan Palm is like a flame mountain suppressing Xiao Lei and the eruption of Sheng Lei.

After a series of earth-shattering sounds passed.

The whole mountain was roaring and cracking.

Pieces of rock rolled down, and this terrible power made all people at the foot of the mountain completely stagnant.

As for the Fengshen and Vulcan under the siege of the eight major avatars, they have been completely destroyed.

Huh! !! !!

Suddenly, a sound of vomiting blood sounded.

The third-grade Holy Thunder that erupted from this small thunder was completely suppressed by the palm of Cang Yan transformed into this Holy Torch.

Xiao Lei was knelt on the ground, spit a blood in his mouth, and was seriously injured.

Obviously, these three grades of holy thunder still can't resist Xiao Yifeng's newly transformed flame.

Today, the flame of Xiao Yifeng merges Emperor Tianyan and other semi-holy flames.

Its grade has completely reached the point of the fourth-grade holy fire, and naturally the three-grade holy thunder cannot be resisted.

There are two powerful semi-holy flames, Ziyan Thunderfire and Emperor Tianyan.

In addition to the fusion of the remaining semi-holy flames, it is also fortunate to transform into the fourth-grade holy flames.

Seeing this four-grade flame, Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed a look of excitement.

Having these four grades of the torch is also very helpful to the improvement of Xiao Yifeng's combat effectiveness.

Although he still has three thousand stars inflammation, after all, he has not mastered all three thousand stars inflammation.

At that time, with the power of San Qianxingyan, his combat power will definitely be more terrifying.

"Well, I said that even if you have Sanpin Thunder, you are not my opponent at all."

"You will always be the defeat of my men, and here is where you are buried !!!"

"Dare to remember my woman, you only have a dead end !!!"

Xiao Yi shouted coldly, his eyes full of contempt and looked at this little thunder.

"Do not……"

The unpleasant look in Xiao Lei's eyes roared directly.

"go to hell!!!"

Xiao Yifeng's fourth-grade flame in the palm of his hand blasted fiercely towards this little thunder.

boom! !! !!

Just then, there was a roar in the thunder.

A terrible ray of light burst out, blocking Xiao Yifeng's attack.

This thunder light directly turned into a figure.

This figure is the Thunder Emperor in the starry sky, which exudes a thunderous power.

"You are so brave, you dare to kill my blood !!!!"

The Thunder King roared at Xiao Yifeng.

"Well, Thunder King, I dare you to suppress, why not dare to kill you?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the Thunder Emperor coldly.

"Are you the Great Emperor?"

The Thunder Emperor gave Xiao Yifeng a sharp look.

In the tomb before, he just didn't pay much attention to Xiao Yifeng's face because he just lifted the seal ~ ~.

So Xiao Yifeng was not recognized for a while.

"of course!!!"

Xiao Yifeng hummed coldly.

"Star Emperor, he is my bloodline son, you can't kill !!!"

The Thunder King shouted coldly.

"Do you think I have no previous life strength after reincarnation, can you talk to me like this?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the starry emperor coldly.

"It's good if you know, you've repaired from scratch now, even if you're evil again."

"It takes at least hundreds of years for you to cultivate the strength of your previous life."

"And it won't take me long to fully recover its peak strength. By then, you, the star emperor, will be no different from the ants in my eyes.

"So you better not think about killing my bloodline, maybe I can let you live longer."

The Thunder Emperor looked at Xiao Yifeng and hummed coldly.

Obviously, because Xiao Yifeng is reborn and rebuilt now, the other party also completely ignores it.

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