The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3614: Necromancer appears

boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng threw a punch.

The guy's body was blasted on the spot.

"You have to have the strength to pretend, otherwise you can only pretend to be beaten !!!

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed a look of disdain, and he hummed coldly.

Then the remaining evil-eye tribe strongmen were all shot and killed by Xiao Yifeng.

Facing Xiao Yifeng, they are just like ordinary people, they have no ability to resist at all.

But before Xiao Yifeng killed them, they searched for some extra-terrestrial demons from their memory.

There is still a long distance between the demons outside this domain and here.

If they fly, they will arrive soon.

But now Bailang can fly for a short time alone.

Both Xiao Yifeng and Mo Ji can only walk on foot.

And Bailang couldn't fly with them both.

So they can only walk to the outer demons.

"I had known that they should have taken Longgan Tianlong !!!!!!"

Xiao Yifeng suddenly regretted that he did not bring Longgan and Tianlong this time.

Otherwise, they can now take the dragon directly to the Demon Clan.

After leaving the city, Xiao Yifeng stepped into a mountain ten minutes later.

The mountains are long and continuous, and the forests, canyons, and dangerous peaks are full of mystery.

"It's so full of life!"

It didn't take long to step into this mountain.

Xiao Yifeng felt a strong sense of death, giving people a gloomy feeling.

"There seems to be something dead here !!!"

Bai Lang said.

Xiao Yifeng waved his hand, and the five undead warriors he had previously obtained appeared here.

When these five undead warriors appeared, they were absorbing the dead air in the air.

They went directly to the source of this dying energy, and Xiao Yifeng three also followed.

A few minutes later, Xiao Yifeng and they came outside a canyon.

And the thick air of death in this valley seems to condense into a mist.

The canyon was filled with death, and a group of people in grey robes were refining something.

In front of them were one after another who had no life breath, pale faces, and sunken eyes.

This group of people in gray robes stirred the seal and urged an influx of death into these people.

It made these dead people start to feel a terrible breath.

"They should be people of the Necronomicon outside the Territory.

Bai Lang looked at the group and said.

"Creating Necro !!!!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes glowed with brilliance.

Soon these undead spirits were filled with terrible breath.

Each of them has stepped into quasi-reincarnation and reincarnation.

Even the dead spirits in the divine realm have begun to be born.

Xiao Yifeng was shocked when he saw this scene.

Unexpectedly, this Necromancer could make so many necromancers with such strength.

This is simply a master of mass production, completely open.

Huh! !! !!

Just then, the five undead warriors rushed into the canyon as if receiving some kind of induction.


Immediately the eyes of the group of gray robes in the canyon were frozen and drank.

At this time, the five undead warriors appeared in the canyon, rushing towards the undead.

They devour madly and absorb the dead air inside them.

The most needed thing for undead battles is death.

The death gas in these dead spirits is exactly the food they need most, just like a hungry wolf meets a sheep.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of those Necromancers seemed extremely ugly.

They attacked towards the five undead warriors.

Boom boom! !! !!

The strength of these five undead warriors has reached the final stage of the **** realm to the great consummation.

Coupled with the characteristics of the undead, they are not afraid of any harm.

The armor defense on them is also very amazing.

It's not so easy for this group of Necromancers to hurt them.

As for these five undead warriors, they waved their sharp swords and attacked the people of this necromancer regardless of all of them.

Together, the five of them were invincible, and this group of Necromancers couldn't resist it.

At this moment, the dying spirit in these undead bodies in the canyon is still pouring into the five undead warriors in a frenzy, enhancing their fighting power.

boom! !! !!

A roar rang out from a cave in the canyon.

Then several figures came out.

These people are all powerful men above the peak of the spiritual realm, among them there are several powerful real gods.

They stared at the five undead warriors with a startled look.

Immediately his gaze fixed, his eyes flashed with cold mansions.

"Is this the undead?"

One of the people said watching the five undead warriors.

As people of the Necromancer, they are good at making necromancers.

It is natural to see the difference between these five undead warriors at a glance.

"No, they should be legendary undead warriors !!!"

Said a Necromancer with real strength.

"Undead Warrior !!!"

They all looked startled when they heard these four words.

They have heard of undead warriors in the books of the Necromancers.

That is a higher-level existence than the undead, and the combat effectiveness is terrible.

And I do not know how painful and tired, only follow the command of the master to fight frantically.

They just thought the undead were just legend.

I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes today.

"Take down these five undead warriors !!!"

The Necromancer, the true **** of strength, shouted.

The rest rushed towards these five undead warriors, ready to take them all down.

These five undead warriors are powerful though.

However, in the face of this group of Necromancers who have the power of true gods, they are still difficult to resist and are suppressed.

But with the power of their undead warriors.

Even if the other strong person with the true state of God wants to win them, it is not so easy.

Huh! !! !!

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng and the three of them rushed over to ~ and shot at the people of this group of Necromancer.

In less than half a minute, all of these Necromancers were killed.

And the dying spirit inside the necromancy in this gorge was all absorbed by the five undead warriors.

Xiao Yifeng then planned to leave here.

The empty eyes of the five undead warriors were staring at the cave from which the crowd just came out.

"Anything else in this cave?"

There was a curious look in Xiao Yifeng's eyes, looking at the cave.

There was a horrifying death in this cave.

Rumble! !! !!

Soon there were rumblings in the cave.

The terrible breath continued to sweep from the cave.

In a blink of an eye, a tall, hollow man came out of the cave with a terrible death.

Obviously the other person is a necromancer.

And one's strength is to the point of achieving great completion of Shenwu Realm.

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