The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3660: 壕 inhumanity

Soon the auction will begin.

Ren Xuan Xuan is the host of this auction.

Some words that set off the atmosphere were spoken from Ren Xuanxuan, mobilizing the enthusiasm of everyone to bid.

Next, the same lot was put on the auction floor.

Most of these lots are star-level martial arts techniques.

Occasionally, there are several martial arts skills of the first and second grades of the month.

There are some reincarnation artifacts.

These things were also photographed by the audience at an extremely high price.

As for Xiao Yifeng, he is naturally not interested in these things.

Powerful exercises and martial arts, a lot of the yin and yang bans in his mind and the memory of the starry sky emperor.

He has no shortage of weapons, the day after tomorrow Lingbao congenital Arcana waved.

In an instant, ten minutes passed.

Every lot is sold at a very high price.

They used the **** coin to buy, and of course there were a few **** stones.

In the major worlds of the sky, God coin is the most common currency, the higher is God stone, and then the **** crystal.

However, this **** stone **** crystal is generally only used by powerful forces.

Other forces, even if they have them, are used to cultivate.

"The next thing we are going to auction is an ornament. This ornament is definitely a woman's favorite being."

Ren Xuan Xuan looked at the crowd and said.

She picked up a box and opened it.

A dazzling light shone out.

Ren Xuanxuan took out a **** like Feng Yan from this box.

This mule has a lifelike Suzaku, shining with scarlet light.

Gives a very noble look.

Seeing this sister-in-law, all the women who were present at the moment were all bright and excited.

Suddenly I liked this bitch.

Xiao Yifeng looked at the bitch, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"This **** ... is not easy !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Boy, this mule has the breath of the beast Suzaku, this is not an ordinary ornament !!!"

The voice of Sky Warcraft sounded in Xiao Yifeng's heart.

"God Beast Suzaku !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed.

I did not expect that this mule actually contained the breath of the **** beast Suzaku, no wonder it was so simple.

"The name is Huan Yu Que, and it is said to be the legendary beast of Suzaku."

"It is a noble and holy treasure that symbolizes women.

"It is the most dazzling presence in that crowd, and its status will definitely improve by several levels."

Ren Xuanxuan held the Huan Yuque in his hand and said with a smile.

Soon a bunch of Miss Qianjin made bids.

Many of them are asking.

"Five million tokens !!!"

At this moment, a crisp and sharp voice sounded directly.

A woman stood up and called out.

Hearing the woman's hawking, most of the people who were present were absent.

Obviously the identity of the woman is not simple.

Xiao Yifeng also learned the identity of the woman from other people's mouth.

The other party is Miss Mo Yu, the head of the three major families of Qianyun City.

In the capacity of this Miss Mo family, most people naturally dare not compete with them.

In the last competition, the Miss Mo family directly raised the price to one hundred thousand **** coins, and this price is also astounding.

One hundred thousand **** coins can make a third-rate sect door live for one year.

At this moment, almost no one is bidding with this Miss Mo family, and the latter is staring hard at this Huan Yuque.

"Twenty inferior stones !!!"

At this time, a sudden sound sounded, shocking everyone.

Miss Mo's face was even more sinking.

They looked away and noticed Xiao Yifeng, who was bidding.

Many people present were surprised at Xiao Yifeng.

This is the first time that tonight's auction has been used by God Stones, and the shot is 20 inferior God Stones.

Ten thousand **** coins is equivalent to a sublime **** stone.

Twenty inferior stones are 200,000 **** coins! !! !!

At this moment Miss Mo's face was very ugly.

"Thirty million gods !!!"

The Miss Mo's cried again.

"One hundred pieces of sublime **** stone !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

His words made everyone in the audience feel a shock.

Their eyes were wide, with an unbelievable look.

Even this Miss Mo family was completely stunned.

One hundred inferior **** stones, that is equivalent to one million **** coins.

Even if the main city of Ganyun City isn't easy to get out.

This young man directly took out a hundred sublime **** stones for an ornament, which is a giant.

"Do you want to keep asking?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at this Miss Mo family and smiled.


This Miss Mo's shouted coldly.

"Two middle-class **** stones !!!"

Suddenly, another voice sounded.

This voice also instantly attracted everyone in the auction.

They looked away again, and saw a group of people walk into the auction hall.

Headed by two young men and women, the male instrument Yu Xuan Ang, the female is also extraordinary temperament.

Both of them are the strength of Shenwu Realm in the later period. In this world, they can be regarded as martial art geniuses.

There were dozens of people behind them, all of them masters of martial arts.

It is this young man who bid for two pieces of Chinese **** stone.

"Brother, what do you want this bitch?"

Said the young man and woman, looking at the youth.

"Of course it was bought for Shimei. This is the first time Shimei has come down with me. I will naturally give you a little gift."

"This Huanyu Que is just right for Shimei, when she will be absolutely gorgeous."

The youth said with a smile.

There was a look of shame in the woman's eyes.

"Is there anyone else who can add the two middle-grade **** stones?"

The youth glanced proudly at the audience.

The whole audience was silent for a while.

One medium-grade **** stone is equivalent to one hundred low-grade **** stones ~ ~ The two medium-grade **** stones are two hundred low-grade **** stones.

As for how many **** coins is equivalent, it is impossible to imagine.

"Fight money with me?"

Xiao Yifeng sneered at the young man.

The young man looked at Xiao Yifeng with a provocative look.

"One hundred pieces of Chinese **** stone !!!"

Next, Xiao Yifeng's words directly made the audience completely silent.

Including that young man and Ren Xuanxuan's expression on the auction floor were petrified and rigid.

A hundred Chinese **** stones?

Everyone present was stunned and looked at Xiao Yifeng.

Apparently Xiao Yifeng's generous fright scared them completely.

One hundred middle-grade **** stones, this is 10,000 lower-grade **** stones.

It is equivalent to a second-class sectarian gate for months of cultivation resources.

Now people are so easy to bid out! !! !!

It's utterly inhuman! !! !!

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