The Best Physiognomist

Chapter 154: Smart and Cunning Zhou Yaru

"I'm sorry, I came in by mistake in a moment of impatience. Please forgive me, Miss Zhou."

After clearing up the doubts in his mind, Jiang Fengye immediately thought that when the other party was taking advantage of the bathroom, his adventurous intrusion would definitely frighten the other party, and at the same time, the dazzling Taoist skills just shown would also frighten the other party.

Therefore, he quickly apologized.


Facing Jiang Fengye's apology, Zhou Yaru quickly waved her hand.

"In the dark, you didn't know there was anyone in the room, so I don't blame you for this."

Since the other party did not pursue the fault of breaking into the room just now, Jiang Fengye breathed a sigh of relief and quickly left.

"Girl, we are destined to meet each other, and we will see you in the future. I have some important things to deal with now, so I will leave first."

Because the severe damage to his mind requires meditation to recover, which requires an absolutely quiet and safe environment, so he is now eager to return to the apartment in Golden Orchid Courtyard.

"Please wait!"

Just when Jiang Fengye turned around and was about to leave the room full of ambiguous atmosphere through the open window, Zhou Yaru's voice suddenly came from behind to persuade him to stay.

"Miss Zhou, what else can you do?" Jiang Fengye turned around and looked at Zhou Yaru and asked.

"The talisman that burned automatically just now and the golden-armored giant that transformed were not tricks and magic, right?" After thinking for a moment, Zhou Yaru asked with a look of anticipation in her eyes.

"Miss Zhou is right, everything you saw just now was magic."

The moment Zhou Yaru tried to persuade him to stay, he knew that the other party must be asking about the dazzling Taoist technique he had just performed. This gave Jiang Fengye a headache and he didn't know how to hide it.

After all, the other party is just an ordinary girl in the secular world, and is not suitable for knowing and being exposed to Taoism that goes beyond scientific understanding.

The guess given by the other party out of curiosity immediately reminded him of excuses and reasons for covering up.

Therefore, he quickly nodded and admitted, and began to make up his identity.

"I would like to solemnly introduce you. My surname is Jiang and my first name is Maple Leaf. I am a magician who specializes in sleight of hand performances."

Hearing that Jiang Fengye had fabricated his identity based on his guess, Zhou Yaru couldn't help but give him a look, then revealed and questioned with a hint of dissatisfaction in her tone.

"Whether it's a self-burning talisman or a transforming golden-armored giant, if it's all magic, then detailed arrangements and coordination must be made in advance."

"I don't know when you booked the room? Where is the companion who performed the magic with you?"

He just followed the other party's guesses and made up temporary reasons without thinking of the deeper flaws.

Therefore, facing Zhou Yaru's exposure and questioning, Jiang Fengye suddenly didn't know how to refute and answer.

Seeing the speechless Jiang Fengye being questioned by him, Zhou Yaru continued to question with a glint of pride in her eyes.

"If you insist that the talisman that spontaneously ignited and the golden-armored giant that transformed just now are not Taoism, then why did you try so hard to prove the real existence of Taoism in front of the bus station half a month ago?"

When he heard Zhou Yaru mention that half a month ago, he exposed the scam of the old man with white beard at the bus station and used the talisman to prove the real existence of Taoism, Jiang Fengye suddenly raised his head and began to observe the other person carefully.

In the end, the image of Zhou Yaru in front of him gradually overlapped with that of the beautiful girl wearing a light blue lapel waist dress and holding a few books in her arms. This made him couldn't help but shake his head and sigh with a wry smile.

"It turns out it's you!"

"I didn't expect that among the hundreds of people watching, you would not only notice me, but also never forget me." Jiang Fengye's sigh made Zhou Yaru feel very happy.

"No matter where and at any time, beautiful girls are always the most eye-catching." Jiang Fengye flattered her with emotion.

"Thank you for your compliment!"

Faced with Jiang Fengye's unsolicited flattery, Zhou Yaru happily accepted it and then asked with a smile on her face.

"Now, are you still insisting that the automatic burning spell and the transformed golden-armored giant just now are magic?"

In response, Jiang Fengye shook his head and smiled bitterly, but did not continue to deny it.

"Jiang Fengye, I want to ask you something."

The default was to wait for indirect recognition. After Zhou Yaru breathed a long sigh of relief, she suddenly asked nervously.

"Do you think there are ghosts in this world?"

After hearing Zhou Yaru's question, Jiang Fengye immediately mobilized his spiritual power to open his eyes, and then carefully observed the other party. There was no trace of resentment or evil spirit, which made him frown slightly and asked.

"Miss Zhou, why did you suddenly think of this question?"


Walking to the bedside with a sigh, Zhou Yaru introduced with a slightly frightened expression.

"Three months ago, a girl in the dormitory next to ours died unexpectedly. Although the reason given by the school was that she had a sudden heart attack and died of suffocation due to insufficient blood supply, I know this is a lie."

"Because not only did I know that girl well, I knew she had no so-called heart disease at all, but I also witnessed her death with my own eyes."

"Her eyes were gouged out alive, there were black handprints on her neck, and the veins on her arms were protruding, so I suspect she was probably killed by a ghost."

After hearing Zhou Yaru's story, especially the description of the deceased's appearance after death, Jiang Fengye knew that her guess was basically close to the truth.

But the only thing that is not 100% certain now is whether there will be another identical victim next time.

Because the ghost who has really committed the crime will be unable to control his mind and continue to do evil because of the pleasure and power surge brought by killing.


When Jiang Fengye asked if there were other victims, Zhou Yaru hurriedly shook her head and explained.

"Since the accidental death of that girl, the school has been safe and sound until now."

After hearing Zhou Yaru's explanation, Jiang Fengye couldn't help but began to doubt her previous guess.

"Miss Zhou, are you sure you didn't see things? Or is it that the girl herself has other causes of illness."

"I'm 100% sure!"

Faced with Jiang Fengye's doubts, Zhou Yaru explained with certainty.

"Firstly, the girl who died unexpectedly was named Zhou Jingying. She was not only my neighbor in the same community, but also my classmate in elementary school, middle school, and high school. So I can be 100% sure that she had no heart disease or other diseases."

"Secondly, the people who witnessed Zhou Jingying's death included me, five roommates, and two people in our dormitory. One of the roommates took a six-month leave of absence because he couldn't bear the psychological pressure."

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