The Best Physiognomist

Chapter 35 Warning

If it weren't for the sensation caused by Jiang Fengye's donation, she and Du Jialei would have successfully accomplished good things just now.

As long as they have that close relationship, she will definitely be able to become a manager of the mall next.

At the same time, her physical condition during the critical period allowed her to have the blood of the Du family. With the chairman's personality that likes children so much, even if she cannot become the official daughter-in-law of the Du family, she can still enjoy a life of wealth and glory by virtue of her status as a mother with a son.

But all this was destroyed by Jiang Fengye standing in front of the donation box on the first floor. How could she not feel angry and full of resentment in her heart?

After donating the 500,000 in the second bag, Jiang Fengye was about to bend down to take out the cash in the third bag when he unexpectedly felt a gaze full of strong resentment.

The height from the first floor to the sixth floor of Guihe Shopping Mall reached 38 meters, which was beyond the range of ordinary people's clear vision.

But for Jiang Fengye, the height of 38 meters was no different from the height of one meter.

Looking up suddenly, Jiang Fengye immediately saw the beautiful clerk named Shanshan, staring at him with crazy and resentful eyes.

In fact, if this woman hadn't secretly instigated, Du Jialei might not have used cash humiliation to compete for Su Lizi.

If this woman hadn't secretly called the security room behind his back, the conflict and bet just now might not have happened.

So, for the series of conflicts between him and Du Jialei just now, this beautiful clerk named Shanshan should bear at least half of the responsibility.

Originally, seeing that he could get a 1% commission out of the 2 million cash, he didn't want to pay too much attention to the other party, but he didn't expect that the other party's resentment towards him would be so deep that it might bring him the risk of being implicated in the consequences, so Jiang Fengye had to warn the other party.

With a gentle flick of his right hand, a dagger that had been placed in his sleeve in advance appeared directly in his palm.

Then, he mobilized the spiritual power of Dantian to penetrate into the dagger, and then threw the dagger directly to the guardrail on the sixth floor.


Accompanied by the sound of a hard object being forcibly pierced, the military dagger thrown by Jiang Fengye directly pierced into the guardrail that Shanshan was holding tightly, and was less than one centimeter away from her right hand finger.

Seeing the military dagger less than one centimeter away from her finger, feeling the chill emanating from the dagger, Shanshan's face turned pale as paper, and the crazy resentment in her eyes was instantly replaced by fear.

Because with the height and power of the dagger that Jiang Fengye had just thrown, if he wanted to secretly assassinate her, it would probably be as easy as crushing an ant.

At this moment, in addition to endless fear, she no longer had a trace of resentment towards Jiang Fengye.

And the few beautiful shop assistants and customers closest to Shanshan, looking at the dagger inserted into the guardrail, showed shock in their beautiful eyes, and a different idea emerged in their hearts.

After using the dagger to warn Shanshan, Jiang Fengye retracted his gaze from the sixth floor and continued to donate money, but no one noticed that every pile of money he put into the donation box would be inexplicably missing one.

Twenty minutes!

It took Jiang Fengye twenty minutes to put all the 1.98 million cash into the donation box.

At this time, the donation box, which was about two meters long, was filled with red coins, which not only brought an unimaginable visual impact to the people on the scene, but also subtly affected the emotions and thoughts of the people on the scene.

At this moment, some middle-aged and elderly people who were most susceptible to infection also took out fifty green bills and one hundred red bills and began to contribute their love.

Jiang Fengye also took this opportunity to reach out and pull Su Lizi to quietly leave the mall.

And just as they left the mall, Yang Guosheng, the captain of the second team of the criminal police team, rushed into the mall with seven criminal police and a dozen armed police with live ammunition.

But when he saw the people donating in an orderly manner and the donation box filled with countless red coins, he could not help but be stunned for a moment.

After being stunned, he, who was experienced, immediately ordered five criminal police officers to guide the customers to leave the first floor lobby as soon as possible, and ordered eight armed police officers with live ammunition to block all exits of the building, and then led the remaining criminal police and armed police officers to the elevator entrance on the first floor.

Because according to the reporter's account, the blackmailer was not only powerful but also cruel, so he needed to protect the reporter's safety as soon as possible, and he also needed to learn the physical characteristics of the criminal from the reporter.

However, just when he led people to the elevator entrance, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

"Captain Yang, according to the latest news, the blackmail case just now was just a misunderstanding, and the reporter has taken the initiative to withdraw the case. You can lead the team back now."

After the phone was connected, a majestic voice came from the phone.

"Chief Zhao, what is the reason for the misunderstanding? Who is the person who reported the case?" Yang Guosheng asked in confusion, signaling the criminal police and armed police behind him not to enter the elevator for the time being.

"Captain Yang, don't ask questions that you shouldn't ask, and follow the command to withdraw the team!"

A slightly helpless voice came from the other end of the phone.


After responding with a salute, Yang Guosheng turned his head and instructed Qi Bingwen beside him.

"Remove all alerts, and then return to your teams!"

"Captain, what about those who were being guided out of the mall?"

Pointing at the nearly half of the people who had been guided out of the mall, Qi Bingwen looked embarrassed.

"Anti-terrorist drill, fire drill, catching thieves, can't you think of such excuses!"

Criticizing Qi Bingwen with an unhappy look, Yang Guosheng stepped into the elevator and pressed the indicator button to the sixth floor.

He temporarily put aside the murderer he was pursuing, and then brought a large group of people to catch the extraordinary blackmailer, but the task of arresting was suddenly cancelled after arriving at the crime scene. This made Yang Guosheng feel a little angry, and he also felt that something was wrong.

So, he let Qi Bingwen lead the team back to the criminal police team, and he stayed alone in the mall to investigate carefully.

However, when he learned from the clerk of the luxury brand store on the sixth floor that the blackmailer was Jiang Fengye, the person who reported the case was the young master of the Du family, and the real reason why everyone on the first floor donated money, Yang Guosheng finally understood why Director Zhao asked him to lead the team away quietly.

After all, with the special influence of the Du family in Ningji City, there are some things you have to turn a blind eye to.

Standing in front of the guardrail of the corridor on the sixth floor, looking at the donation box on the first floor hall filled with countless red banknotes, Yang Guosheng frowned and muttered to himself.

"Jiang Fengye, what kind of person are you?"

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