The Best Physiognomist

Chapter 582 Qi Liangkai's Diary


The human who took the diary not only did not look through the contents in the diary, but stared at him with a scrutinizing and questioning look, which made the black cat feel quite unhappy. He called out and pointed at the diary in his hand with his claws.

The black cat’s unhappy cry reminded Jiang Fengye to put away the scrutinizing and questioning look in his eyes, and then he reached out to open the diary in his hand and found that it recorded the daily life and work of the owner of the manor, Qi Liangkai.

Since it was the black cat who asked him to read the diary left by Qi Liangkai, it must be very likely that there were clues to the massacre, so he read it carefully.

Of course, his cautious character and alert mentality also made him reserve more than half of his energy to be vigilant against the black cat to prevent the other party’s sneak attack.

It took him nearly forty minutes to finish reading the diary with 400 pages.


After gently closing the last page of the diary, Jiang Fengye couldn’t help but sigh.

Because the diary in his hand clearly recorded the causes and consequences of Qi Liangkai's family being exterminated.

Originally, according to Qi Liangkai's accumulated wealth and social status, he was not qualified to buy Wufeng Manor.

But He Shuhao, the developer of Wufeng Manor, was a cousin of his wife Xia Huiyuan, and he had received his great help in the early stage of starting a business, including very precious connections and cash support.

Therefore, before the opening of Wufeng Manor, He Shuhao had reserved a manor for him that was not for sale, which is now Manor No. 31.

As for the other five manors that were not for sale, they were secretly given to the concubines of several wealthy family heads in the provincial capital.

Those who can live in Wufeng Manor are either the leading helmsmen of various industries or the famous families who hold power. This makes Qi Liangkai, who has the opportunity to contact powerful people, feel extremely excited and also discover the huge business opportunities contained therein.

Because if private training schools want to develop, they need not only a large number of policy-supported projects, but also a steady stream of students.

The powerful people in the manor can meet the two conditions required for the development of the training school at the same time.

Therefore, Qi Liangkai took advantage of the advantage of being close to the water and visited the owners of the manor one by one.

During the visit, he accidentally discovered that there were a lot of evergreens planted around the pavilions of each manor, just like his own home.

Although evergreens symbolize the good wishes of happiness, peace and prosperity, for the real powerful people, they neither care about the meaning of evergreens, nor like this kind of flowers with low ornamental value.

Moreover, even if someone really likes evergreens, it is impossible for all the owners of the manor to like them and plant them in large quantities.

Therefore, Qi Liangkai, who is naturally curious, secretly investigated.

After nearly three months of investigation, he was surprised to find that in the 36 manors in the Wufeng Manor area, not only was there a pavilion in the courtyard of each manor, but also the style and size of each pavilion, as well as the distance between the building and the gate were exactly the same.

If the thirty-six identical pavilions were the result of the developer's high requirements for the quality of the manor, then why were the buildings used for living so ordinary in quality!

Moreover, he knew He Shuhao very well and knew that he was not a real estate developer who valued integrity.

So, driven by curiosity, Qi Liangkai directly dismantled the pavilion in his own manor and unexpectedly discovered that there was a tree root of unknown length buried under the pavilion.

Qi Liangkai, whose curiosity was completely aroused, simply took professional excavation tools from the training school, and then dug along the direction of the tree roots in the dead of night.

After three nights of excavation, he finally found the source of the tree roots, which was under the two dragon statues in the middle of the manor area.

However, what surprised Qi Liangkai was that under the dragon statue, in addition to the root extending from the pavilion in his own manor, there were another thirty-five tree roots.

According to the direction of each section of the tree root, he had a very strong premonition in his heart that the end of the thirty-five sections of the tree root might come from the pavilions of thirty-five manors.

Such a strange scene made Qi Liangkai worry, worried that the tree roots extending under the dragon statue would bring him and his family.

So, with anger rising from his heart and evil courage coming out, he directly raised the machete in his hand and cut off the tree roots extending from his own pavilion.

But when the tree roots were cut off, what flowed out of the broken ends of the tree roots was not milky white liquid, but blood with a strong fishy smell.

If ordinary people encountered this situation, they would have been scared and ran away, but Qi Liangkai, who was born brave, not only did not leave, but used the glass bottle in the tool box to fill a bottle with blood.

Originally, he planned to send the blood to a friend at the provincial inspection institute, and wanted his friend to help test the specific composition and origin of the blood.

But because the Lunar New Year was approaching, the express delivery industry had already closed down, so he could only temporarily put the bottle of blood in the study.

Although the diary ended here, Jiang Fengye could clearly restore what happened next.

According to the records in the file, as a black cat with a high status in the family, he could enter and exit all the rooms of the manor at will.

On the night of New Year's Eve, the black cat accidentally knocked over the bottle of blood while playing in the study, causing the blood in the glass bottle to flow out.

The unique smell of the blood made the black cat drink the blood uncontrollably.

Although the blood containing special energy allowed the black cat to upgrade to a demon beast in a very short time, it could not match the state of mind of the demon power, causing the black cat's mind to completely fall into a violent bloodthirstiness, resulting in the brutal murder of Qi Liangkai's family and the nanny.

As for the fact that the police did not find any clues afterwards, the reason was that the cat demon, who improved his state of mind through killing, gradually regained his mind after completely controlling the rapidly increasing demon power in his body.

Knowing the seriousness of the family-destroying tragedy, it recreated the scene of the crime based on the crime plot it saw on TV, and used the cat clan's unique ability to confuse people to induce the police investigating the scene.

In other words, a large part of the records in the file are actually wrong.

For example: the wound on the body was a knife wound, but it was actually a bloody claw wound.

For example: No black cat's paw prints were found at the scene, but in fact the entire living room was covered with bloody cat paw prints.

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