Chapter 47: Fierce Battle! ! Qianhao’s power (seeking collection)

“Need to be close, close combat!”

After making a simple judgment in his heart, Qianhao slashed across the sword abruptly, slashing towards the playground.

There was a bottomless crack in the playground in an instant. However, it hasn’t waited for the spectators to react. Why do you do this?

Qianhao instantly inserted the sword into the crack, and with a backhand, “Boom”, a playground was lifted deeply.

Aoyama Yuga in the distance suddenly said: “I thought I had enough Yuga to fight. I didn’t expect that I saw Qianhao today, and found that the Yuga posture of Qianhao during the battle is not inferior to me.

Everyone has their foreheads covered with black lines. This is not the focus. It’s an understatement and a playground is set off. This is no longer the same level. At least many people have found that Bakugo’s brows are already deeply frowned at this moment. It also showed unwillingness.

There is also a strange guy with red hair on the left and white on the right, and a circle of burn marks around his left eye. His complexion is not very good at the moment.

Looking at the small playground that was set off, Aizawa Shouta also suddenly condensed his eyes, subconsciously thinking: “Is it to block my sight and prevent me from eliminating the quirk?”

However, for a moment, Aizawa Shouta’s face changed slightly, and Madara suddenly cracked the small piece of playground that was set off.

With countless blade lights, a small piece of the playground suddenly burst, turning into countless rubble and lasing towards Aizawa Shouta.

“Very good offensive!”

Aizawa Shouta sighed with emotion, and pulled her legs to the side. However, in the next second, Aizawa Shouta’s hairs were slightly erected, and suddenly a sharp blade of light slashed from the top to the bottom in the dust of countless rubbles.(Read more @

“This guy has a really good fighting spirit.” With a secret praise from the bottom of my heart, Aizawa Shouta’s body suddenly twisted strangely, avoiding the light of the sword.

“Teacher, I seem to have said that if you don’t take it seriously, you will die.” A slightly inaudible voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Aizawa Shouta’s face changed suddenly, and he didn’t wait to turn around, ‘Boom’, a terrible force made him fly out like a cannonball.

“Bah, bah, bah…”

Rotating in the air several times, and finally dragging traces of several tens of meters on the ground, removing most of the strength of Aizawa Shouta, kneeling on the ground, his face showed solemnity for the first time: “This kid, even a sword Staying in the air and falling, he is hidden in the dust stirred up by countless rubble, passing behind him.”

The plan sounds simple, but the difficulty of realization is extremely high. In the final analysis, Aizawa Shouta was careless and did not notice Qianhao’s real body.

“Teacher, be serious!” Qianhao picked up the sword that fell on the ground, pointed it at Aizawa Shouta, and said indifferently.

At this moment, everyone in Class A who was watching the game was silent, as if they could not believe that what they saw was the truth.

“As a professional hero, Qianhao will be kicked into the air.”

It’s like a dream. Even if Aizawa Shouta is not injured, the visual impact has made people lose the ability to speak. The grapes on his head are covered with cold sweat on his forehead. This monster seems to be staring at me. Now, Feng Tianshi seems to see the hell life that will be restless in the future.

“Boy Qianhao, you have a lot of combat experience. Maybe Aizawa will suffer a lot.” All Might, who was watching the battle secretly in the distance, commented thoughtfully, and then seemed to remember what he just said, “Mr Aizawa wants to eat.” Big loss’, All Might’s face suddenly showed a little disbelief. This is probably because I can’t believe what I said, after all, Qianhao was there when he was a teenager.

“You don’t have much strength with this foot.” Aizawa Shouta said flatly after patted the dust on his body.

Qianhao did not refute this. He was originally not good at strength, and the evaluation given by the smart chip was only a trivial D. However, if he is underestimated because of this, he has to ask about the blade in his hand.

The blade light broke through the air, Qianhao shot out like an off-string arrow,

“Quick battle, don’t expose too much.” Qianhao whispered in his heart. Qianhao held a sword in his hand and pulled out a ray of sword.

Horizontal cut, vertical cut, vertical cut, oblique cut, countless random cuts, they are called “Hundred Flowers Dazzling Chaos”


The endless blade light completely enveloped Qianhao and Aizawa Shouta,

However, what followed was a fierce collision, “Boom Boom”

The white bandage wrapped around Aizawa Shouta’s neck turned into a train at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye and hit the blade.

Suddenly, the sword was uttered, and the white bandage was actually wrapped around the sword. Aizawa Shouta was holding the white bandage in one hand, and the other hand turned into a sharp claw to grab Qianhao who was close at hand.

“Teacher, I’m sorry, I seem to be very good at fighting and kicking.”

Aizawa Shouta was slightly stunned, but unexpectedly Qianhao put down the grip of the sword abruptly, relying on his stature a little shorter than him, changing his hands repeatedly, and slapped him towards his lower abdomen.

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