The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 581 It’s been 2 months

Hai Xiaotang was also shocked!

An indescribable joy suddenly arose in my heart.

But she was afraid that this would be another empty joy...

The doctor smiled and said, "I'm not sure either. You can go to the hospital for a checkup, but the possibility of pregnancy is very high!"

He Meilian was very happy: "I'm definitely pregnant, I'm definitely pregnant! Xiaotang, let's go to the hospital for a check-up right now!"

"Okay!" Hai Xiaotang nodded.

She also wanted to know the result as soon as possible. It would be great if she was pregnant.

He Meilian immediately took Hai Xiaotang to the hospital for examination.

On the way there, she contacted the doctor. Because the Dongfang family had shares in the city's No. 1 Hospital, she always used the green channel every time she went to the hospital.

So as soon as she arrived at the hospital, the best doctors immediately examined Hai Xiaotang.

Hai Xiaotang was looking forward to and nervous throughout the whole process.

There is also an inexplicable sense of peace and confidence.

She believed that maybe this time she was really pregnant...

The test results came out soon. She was indeed pregnant and the baby was already 2 months old!

The moment he heard the news, Hai Xiaotang felt that the whole world was beautiful.

He Meilian was even more excited and immediately called Dongfang Zujie and Dongfang Yue.

However, the person they most want to notify is Dongfang Yu...

On the way back, He Meilian comforted her: "Xiaotang, Yu'er is very busy right now, so I can't contact him for the time being. Don't worry about anything. When we contact him, we will tell him the good news!"

Hai Xiaotang smiled and nodded: "Mom, I know. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"It's fine! From now on, you can raise the baby at home with peace of mind. Don't think about anything else. Just give birth to the baby with peace of mind."

"Well, I know what to do." She will take good care of her body and give birth to the child healthily.

She will also wait for Dongfang Yu to come back with peace of mind...

He has been away for almost 2 months, and he should be back soon.

He said before he left that he would be back in a month or two at most, so he should be coming back.

When he comes back, he will definitely be happy to know that she has a child.

Hai Xiaotang immediately became excited, but what she didn't expect was that Dongfang Yu did not come back as scheduled...


After Qiao Ning was imprisoned, she lived like a zombie every day.

She was kept alone in a small room and could only go out step by step during the day and bask in the sun.

At night, she couldn't sleep all night long.

Just like that, I don't know how many days passed, just when Qiao Ning thought she would never have insomnia.

That night, she quickly fell into a drowsy sleep.

Then, she felt someone hugging her body in her dream...

The man's arms are so strong, and his chest seems to be very hard...

Qiao Ning slightly raised her heavy eyelids, but what she saw was pitch black.

But in a daze, she seemed to hear the man's breathing...

But she was too sleepy and tired, and soon she fell asleep again. But she had a strange dream. She dreamed that she was drifting in the sea for a long, long time... until finally she fell into darkness completely, and even her dreams disappeared.

The next day, Qiao Ning opened her eyes and woke up and found that it was already dawn outside.

The sunlight shines in through the small window, which is a bit dazzling.

She tried to prop herself up, but found that her whole body was sore and weak, and her head was a little dizzy.

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