The Black Card

Chapter 1137: Weibo, Weibo

The other employees of Qixuan are unknown. Of course, they do not have access to Qixuan's senior management, especially the board-level struggle. They just wonder how these managers and technicians can be removed from the company.

At the beginning, some people played drums in their hearts. Qixin announced that this was the rhythm of going to market soon.

However, as these people quarreled in the company, the ordinary employees learned the truth.

For a time, whether it was out of jealousy that they once owned shares, or because they really felt that this group of people betrayed Shi Lei was not something. Ordinary employees' eyes changed suddenly when they saw these people.

There is disdain, gloat, and even more disdain.

Even some upright employees jumped out and pointed at the group of people and yelled: "Can you point your face? Who did this company do it with one hand and one foot? When you enter the company, you take the shares, and the salary is at least other similar companies. More than twice, you actually betrayed Shi Shao? Who is Shi Shao? He is the boss. What qualifications do you have to ask your boss to come to the company every day to sign in to work? The things he does outside are more important than your role in the company. . Actually, you do n’t go to work for the reason that you have less impeachment stones, you really have big faces. "

Someone next to it stubbornly said, "That is, this group of people is the lack of people's hearts and minds. It must be that the new shareholders promised them better conditions. It didn't matter that I had died for the rich and for the birds. But since the choice is my own, If you fail, you should swallow the bitter fruit yourself. Be a little bit nostalgic and make a big noise in the company. I really do n’t know how you got into the management position. "

"Shi Shao doesn't come to the company, but what does the company do not need him to worry about? I was the first group of employees to join the company. At that time, only twenty people in Qixuan were missing. I have witnessed for more than a year that Shi Shao How did you lead everyone step by step to today. Say Shi Shao can't go to work? When the company has a problem, which time isn't Shi Shao's solution? "


The hustle and bustle in the company ended as security personnel forcibly expelled those people from the company, but they reached the ground floor of the building, but still made a lot of noise outside the door.

Employees of other companies who heard it, advised them, "Do n’t quarrel here, you can use Weibo to expose the ugly face of this company. You are noisy here, and the building's properties are difficult to do. Finally You must be deported. "

When those people heard it, their eyes suddenly lighted, yes, on Weibo, exposed them, and let the whole society see how Qi Xuan treated them badly, and even fired them.

These people took out their mobile phones, edited one after another, and posted them.

The content is reprimanding Qi Xuan and Shi Lei, expelling their hard-working entrepreneurs, yelling one by one, letting everyone brighten their eyes, see the ugly faces of Qi Xuan and Shi Lei, and annoy Shi Lei's ungratefulness, betting on Qi The development of Xuan will not take long.

After posting these Weibo posts, although these people only have more than 10,000 followers, it is unknown how many of them are bought dead powder, but hesitation Qi Xuan has always been the subject of hot discussions on Weibo, so one stone aroused Qian Zhonglang. Their Weibo was quickly reposted by some marketing accounts, and its influence expanded rapidly. Absolutely heated discussions on the Internet about Qi Xuan's senior management and the removal of half of the technical department.

Qi Xuan is inevitable and once again became the subject of Weibo headlines. Its popularity, which took more than two hours, became the first hot spot on Weibo of the day.

By evening, one of the Weibos had become the first hot spot on Weibo this week. Shi Lei was returning to Wu Dong's high-speed rail at that time. Several calls were made to his mobile phone to tell him about it.

Shi Lei smiled slightly and said, "Jumping Clown."

I didn't even go to my heart and hung up the phone.

However, the phone kept ringing, and Shi Lei chose to answer the call at the beginning. However, all the calls were made by some media. They all wanted to get the first-hand information from Shi Lei, and wanted to know how Shi Lei answered.

Shi Lei knew that the fermentation of this incident seemed to be more serious than he thought. He turned off the mobile phone, then sat in the car, calmly thinking about how to take countermeasures.

After arriving at Wu Dong, Shi Lei re-opened the phone and saw a dozen SMS notifications of missed calls. One of them was a number belonging to Yao Er.

Shi Lei certainly did not bother with the other numbers, but gave the drug two calls.

"Sir, you're so busy on Weibo, can't you be disturbed?"

With a smile in Yao Er's voice, it didn't seem to take it seriously.

Shi Lei said distressed: "A lot of the media just called. I couldn't help but just shut down. Is there any solution for this?"

"I already called the police and asked the police to apply to the prosecutor's office. Then I found a friend of the prosecutor's office and asked them to sign a search warrant. Now, the company's technical department is cooperating with the police to obtain evidence, and there should be results soon. "

Shi Lei froze and said, "Alarm?"

Yao Er smiled: "This is the best solution. Those employees from the technical department may not leave any evidence, but the managers, they will not know that they deleted everything from the computer, and they will still be on the hard disk. Leaving traces. I called the police for evidence ... "

Shi Lei didn't know much about this, and asked, "What the **** is going on?"

Yao Er explained: "These people definitely have transactions with Dai Zhenxing. Otherwise, they have no reason to stand with Dai Zhenxing. As long as transactions are involved, this is an illegal act. Files on the computer are deleted. In fact, Instead of erasing this information from the hard disk ~ ~ but hiding it. Do a hard disk recovery, as long as no new files are written to those tracks on the hard disk, these information will be recovered. At that time, we only need to publish these chat records, and we don't need to say anything, we can directly face. "

"Will this be too much trouble?" Shi Lei was worried about Qi Xuan's reputation.

"Clearing the black horses is a good performance of the company before going public. After removing these pests, investors will only have more confidence in our operations ... Oh, Shi Qiang called and should have results. I will pick him up first Phone. "

Shi Lei also arrived at the parking lot at this moment, took the car and went straight to the company.

Yao Er sent a WeChat soon to let Shi Lei check it on Weibo.

Parked on the side of the road, Shi Lei went on Weibo, and immediately saw a Weibo post by Qi Xuanguan Weibo that had no description, only nine pictures.

These nine pictures are from nine different web versions of WeChat. Although they do not have WeChat names, the avatars let the media who have these managers WeChat know immediately what the WeChat is all about.

The content is exactly the same, all involved transactions, the content of the transaction is to require them to oppose Shi Lei at the shareholders meeting.

If there is no money to exchange, there is nothing to oppose, but when it comes to money, it is illegal.

A marketing account immediately reposted this Weibo, and explained that those Weibo avatars were suspected to be those who were expelled from Qixuan this time. After a while, the Weibo was boiling again, but this time, the voice of Hei Qixuan was only There is a hard way to go, but those who support Qi Xuan and Shi Lei are scolding those talents as true ingratitude.

Soon, the official Wei Wei of the local police in Wu Dong also posted a Weibo, saying that the police had filed a case and was investigating Qixuan's fired today.

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