The Black Card

Chapter 1177: Connect the UK

According to these investigations, the police first confirmed that Shi Lei did not lie. In addition to him and the three dead, there were indeed three people in the villa that night.

At this time, news from all quarters has been summarized.

The Real Estate Bureau, the intermediary and the original homeowner all confirmed that Shi Lei never appeared at any transaction site related to this property. The person responsible for this property transaction was an employee of Qixuan headquarters.

However, the employee has now disappeared, and the police are searching hard to find this person. Although he cannot prove any of the homicide, it can at least prove whether the property belongs to Shi Lei.

However, in the course of the investigation, we found clues about the purchase price of this house.

The transfer records from the bank can prove that the source of funds for the purchase of the house was remitted from the United Kingdom, not to Shi Lei.

Anyway, from this point, at least it can be said that the ownership of this property is doubtful.

For the three whites, they are obviously still in Huaxia. The police have taken control of the intersections in and out of Wu Dong. After investigation, it is basically certain that the three did not leave Wu Dong. Unless, they were transported out of the car as corpses.

The Provincial Department ordered that even if Wu Dongcheng is to be excavated three feet, the three must be found.

To see people live, to see dead bodies.

During the detection process, clues surfaced. In the eyes of the police, the suspicion of Shi Lei is indeed getting smaller and smaller.

The most critical is the contradiction between Shi Lei and Dai Zhenxing, which is limited to Qi Xuan's helm. From the summary of all investigations, Shi Lei has undoubtedly mastered the situation. In other words, in the battle between Dai Zhenxing and Shi Lei, Shi Lei had completely defeated Dai Zhenxing, and the police could not find the motive for Shi Lei's murder of Dai Zhenxing.

However, the time given to Australia is less than one day, but all the clues that have surfaced to a certain extent seem to be broken. Now it seems that only by finding those three people can we form a real Breach. Even if those three people are dead, this can confirm Shi Lei's innocence to some extent.

Moreover, the police suspected that the death of Dai Zhenxing and the two women dead had a direct relationship with these three people.

The investigation of the case seemed to be deadlocked.

After Shi Lei's request, and Yu Banzhi personally communicated with the Provincial Department, plus the Bai family and the Yu family put pressure on the Provincial Department together, Shi Lei was not left in the police station, and the police network opened up to allow him to return In my villa in nine places.

However, it was natural that the police also carried out round-the-clock surveillance of that villa to ensure that Shi Lei could not leave.

After Shi Lei returned to the villa, he called Wei Bodhi. Wei Bodhi told him that because of this incident, he had a more or less relationship with the pupils of the night. Bebera also said that he would provide Shi Lei to find the true murderer for free. Services to ensure that the suspicion of Shi Lei was eluted.

After passing the portraits of the three people to Wei Bodhi, Wei Bodhi promised to find the whereabouts of these three people within 24 hours.

Twenty-four hours are needed because no one can be sure that these three people are still alive.

If it is a living person, with the energy of the pupils of the night, these three people will be found quickly, and it will take no more than three hours.

But if these three people are dead and the corpses must have been dealt with, it will take a bit of effort to find them.

Shi Lei was actually dissatisfied with this time, but was helpless. He could only wait patiently for Wei Boti to confirm the news for himself.

Outside the villa, the police responsible for monitoring Shi Lei are exhausted physically and mentally. In the past few days, they have almost been spinning and have no time to drink and eat.

After handling the contact with Wei Bodhi, Shi Lei also invited them to enter the villa, and they were too tired outside and provided them with enough meals.

However, at the Wudong Police Station and the Jiangdong Provincial Department, the investigation of this case was caught in a stalemate, and all aspects of the investigation seemed to have been suspended, which left the commander of the provincial department at a loss.

Shi Lei himself wasn't particularly practical. He could almost conclude that Dai Zhenxing's death was related to the ferryman, which made it impossible for him to tell this information to anyone except Wei Bodhi.

Seeing the time given from the Australian side, there were only the last six hours left. The provincial office was a bit unable to sit still. They sent experts again to determine with Shi Lei everything that happened that night, trying to find other things out of it. Breach.

Shi Lei suddenly realized a problem during the communication with the people from the provincial department.

The gold lord behind Dai Zhenxing is the European consortium, and the European consortium has not had any movement so far. This is obviously an extremely abnormal thing.

Unless, they knew Dai Zhenxing's death earlier than the police, or Dai Zhenxing's death was directly related to them.

Shi Lei informed the police about this discovery, but the police were unable to do anything about it.

Not to mention that the other party is a huge consortium and has a deep relationship, they cannot conduct an investigation at all.

The fact that the other party is a foreign consortium has made it difficult for police to investigate.

What's more, there are only less than four hours left from the time given by the Australian side. It is obviously not realistic to want to find a breakthrough from a consortium of this size in such a short period of time.

Shi Lei stood up and said to the deputy director of the Provincial Department, "Let me make a phone call, is this consortium related to the British royal family? I can find someone, and it may be useful."

The deputy director heard nothing but was happy. He said: "It's too late and the time is too short. Unless the three guys can be found, the Australian side will definitely unilaterally release information about this case."

Shi Lei insisted: "I'll contact you, what if it works?"

The deputy director had no reason to stop, and Shi Lei went upstairs and made two calls.

The first call was to tell Wei Bodhi his suspicion of the consortium, which may greatly shorten Wei Bodhi's investigation of the three people, because from the clues found by the police, the three were not Australians It is the British, which further confirms Shi Lei's speculation that the three people are likely to be the executors who killed Dai Zhenxing and the two stars. They are beside Dai Zhenxing to protect his safety. Second, But it is more to monitor him.

On the second call, Shi Lei called Duke Scola's home ~ ~ Crawford, who is now serving in the City Hall of London.

Although Crawford was in the UK, he also heard about Shi Lei, which made him very surprised.

"Mr. Scola, how did you know about me?"

Crawford laughed and said, "A good friend of mine has just left me, and he has a very good relationship with you."

Shi Lei frowned, thinking for a while and then said, "Song Ziyan?"

"It seems that Song's concern has not been wasted. In recent days, he has been running towards me almost all the time, and his efforts have also paid off. I just talked to the Australian President's Office in front of him. Although it was difficult, I finally let them agree and give the Chinese police some time to temporarily not announce the murder. Oh, by the way, you have to thank an Australian friend He's called Stone. "

Shi Lei really didn't expect that this incident not only involved Song Ziyan, but also involved Huo Chengdong.

And they got the most needed time for the domestic police.

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