The Black Card

Chapter 1191: Next credit cycle

After having dinner in the evening, Shi Lei returned to the hotel, and he immediately called Wei Bodhi.

"Bodhi, please help me investigate. The ferryman's connection with India. According to the information I got, he also owns a consortium in India."

Wei Bodhi suddenly said, "Your news? Where did you get the news?"

"The news came from within your organization, the contact person on Hong Kong Island, Ding Yu. Due to your recent internal problems, he should have left the organization but he failed to do so. He still remembers that the ferryman originally sought him. At that time, he mentioned something about his consortium. "

"Anything like this? Let me see ..."

Wei Boti immediately inquired the contact person on Hong Kong Island and determined that it was Ding Yu, and it was indeed someone at the headquarters who had contacted him some time ago to let him continue to be the contact person on the Hong Kong Island area. Otherwise, he should have been two months ago. Out of organization.

After checking Ding Yu's information, Wei Bodhi understood, she said: "The loss in Asia this time is actually not large, mainly due to the relatively large loss of organizational structure in Europe and the United States. However, the location of Hong Kong Island is very important. Ding Yu is We know exactly that he has explicitly rejected the ferryman, so the organization has considered extending him for a period of time. "

"You don't have to explain it to me, he'll have no problem agreeing."

"Well, did the ferryman intend to invest in Ding Yu's research institute with his own consortium? He didn't agree?"

"Ding Yu is a scientist. Although he received a British-style Western education from an early age, he has a stronger concept of the country than many ordinary people. He does not want non-ethnic capital to appear in the gene of Hong Kong, so he refuses to ferry people. . "

Wei Bodhi nodded and smiled: "This person is good. Is there a consortium in India? We just investigated that there is a consortium belonging to ferrymen in South America. However, this is not the final result in the ongoing investigation. "

Shi Lei also said: "Ding Yu said the same thing. He said that the ferryman mentioned that he owns a total of four consortia, one in Europe and one in India, and the remaining two belong to one continent. Since you have investigated one in South America, Well, I estimate that the remaining one is probably in North America, and it should be the United States. He has no reason to let go of such an important region in the United States. "

"Oh? Why so sure? Aren't there Africa and Australia?"

"Australia is attached to the United Kingdom, most of Africa is also attached to Europe to a large extent, and the status of the United States is too important, so ..."

Wei Bodhi also realized that she said, "You are doing a good job of analysis. Then, my investigation will be more concentrated in the United States. This is much easier. I hope your analysis is correct."

After a pause, Wei Boti said, "However, in the Asian consortium, why was he established in India instead of China or Japan? These two countries are the most powerful economies in Asia. If you follow this It seems logical that the last one may not be in the United States. "

"It's different. Huaxia's development is only 30 years old. The concept of investment consortium has only begun to rise in recent years. In the era of ferrying people, Huaxia is not his best choice, and India is obviously more suitable than Huaxia."

Wei Bodhi nodded, feeling reasonable, but still asked, "What about Japan?"

"Japan is too small, and it has always been the world ’s second largest economy after the Soviet Union. But in such a small country, it has created such a huge wealth. There are many consortia, and it is not easy to be embarrassed. And Japan is actually a country From the perspective of capital, it is very exclusive and far less controllable than India ... "

"Well, believe you, I will focus on investigating the United States."

"You have to give me a copy of the Indian consortium first, the sooner the better."

"Why are you so anxious?" Wei Boti was quite puzzled.

"Xu Zhida may be sent to India by the ferryman, and his presence is always a threat. Moreover, if I find Xu Zhida, in him, he may find some clues about the whereabouts of the ferryman. After all, at this stage, the ferryman People do n’t dare to show up easily. I doubt that Xu Zhida has become his spokesperson and executor to some extent. Therefore, the consortium in India is far more important than the two in North and South America. "

"Okay, I'll have someone analyze and obtain it as soon as possible, and I will give you the information before tomorrow morning."

After hanging up the phone, Shi Lei found Yao Er again and asked him to use his relationship to investigate the Indian consortium.

Although the pupils of the night do not need to worry about doing things, they are not afraid of more information sources.

Sitting in the hotel room, Shi Lei was meditating.

He wasn't thinking about ferrying people, he was thinking about black cards.

In this quota cycle, he still needs to buy a collectible worth about 10 million yuan, which has always been considered easy, but now only about half a month before the settlement date, Shi Lei really has to pay close attention.

The remaining more than 2 million was easy to handle, and it was a big deal to upgrade and modify his own car.

What he is thinking about is the next quota cycle and his scoring problem after the end of this quota cycle.

In this quota cycle, there should be no value consumption, so in terms of scoring, it should be a basic score of six points.

At the same time, nothing can lead to the deduction of points, and Shi Lei's score is still zero after the end of the previous quota cycle.

This means that after the end of this quota cycle, Shi Lei's total score is likely to be only six points.

After thinking about all his consumption in the past two and a half months, Shi Lei determined that he did not have any consumption that would be deducted from points, nor did he have any value-for-money consumption.

And the next credit cycle ~ ~ Shi Lei will need to give out nearly six million to Ding Yu to complete all his non-profit-making investments in the predecessor research institute of Hong Kong Gene, which is also his next credit cycle The amount of non-revenue investment is only in the early 24 million.

In the next year, Shi Lei will need to inject 200 million yuan into Kong Fandong's research institute. At the same time, he must also pay 100 million yuan to Bai Boshui and get back the 20% Qiyue shares mortgaged in his hands. This means that Shi Lei needs to make 300 million non-profitable investments.

The first period is only 24 million. It seems a little bit. Is there any way to increase the proportion of non-return-type investments?

If it can be increased smoothly, Shi Lei's future quota cycle will be more convenient to complete.

Thinking about it, Shi Lei suddenly realized another problem. Since he now has enough physics knowledge, he is ready to provide some suggestions to the research institute of Kong Fandong to help him break through the research and development. How to explain the physical knowledge he possesses is secondarily. The key is that there is an article in the black card code, "Gu Yuan must not give the black card to the owner free or paid for the scientific and technological achievements that the black card can achieve. Unrelated others. "

Although physics knowledge is inherent to the earth, who knows if he has a superb physics mastery?

Once the super class, it belongs to the "scientific and technological achievements that can not be achieved by the universe." If Shi Lei had given Kong Fandong, he would have violated the black card rule, which would not even make up for the opportunity to avoid punishment.

Of course, the biggest loophole in this code is that it has nothing to do with itself. It seems that Shi Lei must also find a way to reach a contract with Kong Fandong, and then make himself close to 100 with Kong Fandong. ) Download Free Reader !!

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