The Black Card

Chapter 1208: Meaningless chance

"Cunning yellow weasel, you boring guy, you don't know if you are always so smart by yourself, will it sooner or later bring you death?"

The scepter was violently violent, screaming in despair.

Shi Lei was calm, and allowed the scepter to jump in his own brain. He even picked up a bottle of red wine he had opened before, poured a glass, and took a sip.

"Well, it's too long, it's sour. This cheap red wine is really not used to drinking now." Of course, Shi Lei is not really so arrogant, he is only deliberately in the air scepter. .

The scepter jumped for a while and finally calmed down slowly.

It kept a purely mechanical voice as much as possible, and said to Shi Lei, "The fourth-level manager, this task is to find a batch of calligraphy and painting. This batch of calligraphy and painting contains a large, detailed roster, such as noble I will put it in my mind later The APP mode is stored in your brain and you can retrieve it at any time. There is no time limit for this task, but if you can complete it in the upcoming quota cycle, there will be a reward ... "

Shi Lei interrupted the scepter, because he suddenly remembered the previous task, that is, the twelve manuscripts.

"Speaking of which, you have n’t paid me back the twelve manuscripts. The previous debts are still outstanding, so you ca n’t wait to release a new task. Does n’t it look good?”

The scepter said resentfully: "The twelve manuscripts will be returned to you after you return to your country. After that time, someone will send them to you, so you don't need to worry."

Shi Lei shrugged and said, "Well, let's not talk about the manuscripts. Old man Zheng just told me a bunch of calligraphy and painting, you can't wait to release such a task. Do you expect me to give that house to me? Demolished, are you digging three feet? "

Because they are all a group of calligraphy and paintings, Shi Lei easily associates what Mr. Zheng said when he was leaving with Wu Dong.

The scepter didn't bother about it, it just said, "With regard to this task, there are very few prompts that I can give you, noble, you can only confirm the existence of those calligraphy and paintings, but you cannot determine their specific location and owner. This Everything requires a four-level manager to look for. "

Shi Lei rolled his eyes and said, "You're too ridiculous, right? No clue at all, where do you let me go to find those calligraphy and paintings? You can just say that it was in the underground of the house I bought. ? "

The scepter showed some patience. It said, "The supreme black card, and noble like me, have never said that the relevant subject matter of this mission is related to the house you purchased. This is just It is your wishful thinking. The existence of these calligraphy and paintings is the result of the comprehensive analysis of the supreme black card through many cluttered clues. At present, we can only confirm the existence of these calligraphy and paintings, but we cannot determine where they are. Because the people who hide this group of calligraphy and painting use some very special methods to prevent the possibility of detection. Since more than 80% of the clues we get are from Europe, so what we can make Judging that there is a great chance that only these calligraphy and paintings are in Europe, not the house you call. "

Shi Lei frowned, did he really misunderstand the black card and scepter?

He asked again, "Are you sure it has nothing to do with that house?"

"As distinguished as I am, it's just that the probability of those paintings in Europe is far greater than in the house you bought."

"This is far greater than, what is it? What are the odds of being in an old house?"

"Less than a millionth."

Shi Lei nodded his head and said, this is indeed a small chance.

But he still felt wrong, so he asked again: "So what's the chance in Europe?"

"About a thousandth."

"Crouch!" Shi Lei scolded directly.

thousandth? This is indeed much larger than one in a million, which is directly a thousand times the odds gap.

However, the difference between one-thousandth and one-millionth is too small, so that this gap exists only mathematically, and it has no meaning for the probability in fact.

Besides, is that house a little bigger? More than one acre of land.

In addition, the surrounding streets, which is the responsibility area of ​​that house, are just over two acres of land.

But what about Europe? How big is the whole of Europe? Europe is more than a thousand times bigger than that house.

If you consider this probability factor according to the size of the area, the probability of that batch of calligraphy and painting appearing in Europe will probably not be greater than that in that house, and it will even decrease as the area shrinks.

This is simply a huge pit!

"Can you still point your face? With such a large area in Europe, only one thousandth of the chances can be found in those calligraphy and paintings, and that house is a little bigger? In terms of area, the chances of finding those calligraphy and paintings in Europe are actually Smaller? "

The scepter slowly rotated, saying very indifferently: "Fourth-level manager, your math and logic skills are really worrying. The probability of calligraphy and painting in that house is only one in a million, so if you take the area When the size is increased to the whole of Europe, the probability will only decrease further, and it will probably be a chance that is less than one hundred billionth. And if the probability of those calligraphy and painting in Europe is considered in conjunction with the area of ​​Europe, either, shrink After that, the odds become zero. Or, after shrinking, the odds will greatly increase. How can it be converted in the way you want? "

Shi Lei can understand the meaning of the scepter, because if Europe is divided into two, then it must be that half of them have these calligraphy and paintings, and the other half are the parts that are cut out. As a result, on the land where those calligraphy and paintings are stored, the odds of finding them will be doubled ~ ~, and on the other piece, the odds will be directly reduced to zero.

"Then you have reduced the area to me, it is better to shrink to a specific location, so that my chance of finding those calligraphy and paintings is directly 100%."

"Stupid marmot, if the supreme black card and the noble as I can do, still need you to say? I just doubt that your brain domain development is only less than three percent. Or, It's because your brain capacity is too small, so even if 100% of the brain domain is developed, it will not have any essential changes for you. You are still a stupid groundhog! "

Shi Lei rolled his eyes and was too lazy to care about these with a scepter. He said directly, "Europe is so big, please forgive me. I can't possibly find those **** calligraphy and paintings. I can't finish it in three months, even when I die It was impossible to complete before. All I can do is just hit the luck. If there is a clue of those calligraphy and paintings one day, I promise you that I will try my best. But for now, let's not bother and make me like Headless flies are looking for the whereabouts of a group of calligraphy and painting in Europe. Do you think my ability has exceeded the limit of the black card? What can it not find, let me find it? "

The scepter stunned, it seemed that Shi Lei made sense, but it had to seduce Shi Lei with rewards.

"Four-level manager, you don't want to listen. If you complete this task in three months, what kind of reward will you get?"

Shi Lei waved his hand and said disgustingly, "Never mind, I may feel itchy after listening, but I really don't want to put all my energy into such a large European area in the next three months , To find a batch of calligraphy and painting. However, since the task has been released, you always have to give me the tools. So, bring that tool first! "8)) !!

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