The Black Card

Chapter 1237: Killing price

Shi Lei didn't have time to explain too much to Wei Bodi. At present, Xu Zhida's attitude is not clear. At least Shi Lei already has a seventh sense, and he can't feel that he has any lost thoughts in his mind. He found that Shi Lei used his satellite phone to communicate with the outside world, but he was afraid of change.

So Shi Lei simply told Wei Bodi that the small island was purchased by the Indian consortium, and the person in charge of the island was Xu Zhida. Wei Boti no longer asked more, but quickly gave Shi Lei a quote.

"Pushing the island off, that is, damaging the man-made buildings on the island, ignoring the casualties, right?" Wei Bo asked.

Shi Lei nodded and said, "That's what it means."

"Considering that it is likely to cause human death and there are many, but everything on this small island is invisible, it is inherently dangerous, and the price of this mission is 30 million soft sister coins. . "

When Shi Lei heard it, he froze.

In fact, he was really a little worried that the price of the night pupil was so high that he couldn't bear it. After all, he had thought about letting the night pupil hit to help kill himself, but that quote directly reached 500 million yuan. Moreover, Wei Bodhi also told him that one person's life is 500 million, two people are one billion, but three people are two billion, and four people are four billion.

In the case of forgery at the scene of the accident, Hitomi Night uses the power of n-1, the larger the number of people, the higher the amount of money is unbearable.

Therefore, Shi Lei went to Wei Bodhi, in fact, just wanted to see how this quotation could be achieved, but he knew very well that he might not have the ability to please the dark night pupil.

That's why he fiddled with that data, not just because it would cause the test to fail, but because it would have a more serious consequence.

But this time, the quote was as low as 30 million soft sister coins.

The mission price of SSS members, Wei Boti said very clearly, is 1% of Shi Lei's previous price.

Although Shi Lei was an A-level member before, in fact, all the powers he possessed surpassed A-level in the Dark Eyes membership system, and there was little difference from S-level. The ferryman once told Shi Lei that his actual grade, in the evaluation of the pupils of the night, was A +.

After that, Shi Lei also learned that his A + level member will soon be promoted to an S level member as long as the cumulative amount of completed tasks reaches a certain amount. Therefore, when he obtained the status of an SSS member, his price was not a reduction of one thousand times, but one percent. This means that when Shi Lei proposed to obtain an SSS member status, his The membership level is already infinitely close to the S level.

But even so, Wei Boti's offer to Shi Lei this time is really a bit too low.

On this island, I am afraid that there are no fewer than a hundred people. If it is to use more extreme means to flatten the human buildings on the island, it can be described as a pot.

For the death of a hundred people, the cost of this task was unimaginable by Shi Lei.

Thirty million, which means that with Shi Lei's original level, it took three billion to allow the pupils of the night to complete this task.

But even if it was 3 billion, it was only enough for Shi Lei to let the dark night pupil help himself to kill less than three people. According to Wei Bodhi's approach to power, the cost of the three deaths was 3.5 billion.

Of course, Shi Lei's request was "accidental" death, that is, there will be no traces and traces left. Forcibly killing a person directly, regardless of the aftermath, this offer should be much lower.

However, no matter how low, they will not violate the principle of the pupils of the night. They do not encourage their members to use the extreme method of killing, so they always adopt the power method.

One hundred people counted down to the power of n-1, even if they started with only one dollar, they would still be an astronomical number, not just three billion.

This shows that the pupils of the night are also isotropic to the task released by Shi Lei, that is, the things on the island and the people on the island as described by Wei Boti can not see the light, even if it is dead, as long as the island is flat The method did not attract international attention. I am afraid that these people's deaths can only be explained by disappearance, and no one will expose them.

And this condition caused great changes in prices.

"As long as 30 million?" Shi Lei muttered.

Bodhi said dissatisfied, "Why? I think the price is too low? I can give you 30 billion yuan, as long as you are willing to pay."

Shi Lei laughed and said, "Okay, 30 million, I definitely can't handle this money now, but I think, with your great powers, if you want to transfer the 30 million directly from my account, it should be Isn't it difficult? Then leave it to you. "

Wei Bodi agreed, and Shi Lei added: "The time you have to level this island is to ensure that I have left the island and within a safe distance before proceeding."

"Then you can rest assured that we are not stupid enough to kill our own members and even the publishers of tasks."

Shi Lei hung up the phone, put the satellite phone back in the cabinet, and hung the painting back, and everything returned to its original state. He returned to his chair and sat down, drinking and waiting for Xu Zhida to return.

Unexpectedly, Xu Zhida pushed in the door, still turned back and locked the door carefully, his face was dark, it seems that he has got an answer that he didn't want to get.

"How?" Shi Lei shook the wine glass in his hand.

Xu Zhida said a little short of breath: "It seems that you are right, no matter what the researchers say, you can only reduce the degree of pollution, and it is not possible to make the pollution disappear."

"Now you finally understand, this means that no matter how successful your experiment is, once it is finally put into production ~ ~ equals everyone who uses your technology to bring a nuclear pollution source with them. Walking around. There may be many safeguards, but the number of accidental deaths in the world each year is at least tens of millions, plus this source of nuclear pollution, an accident is a large number of people, consider this consequence yourself.

This data is extremely shocking, and Xu Zhida certainly understands it.

For this reason, he also asked those people deliberately, of course, the answer came out with the gun against the opponent's head.

Xu Zhida asked: "If an accident occurs, a small reactor leaks, how much nuclear pollution will result?"

The answer from the other side is measured by the current volume of the car battery. Once a small reactor leaks, its pollution radius will reach three to five kilometers.

This is a radius, even if it is three kilometers, it also means that its polluted area will reach nearly thirty square kilometers. Moreover, there is no doubt that people who use these batteries can be found in extremely densely populated urban areas. This will cause palladium poisoning, which will be an extremely scary value.

"But, what else can I do now? Do you want me to return to China?" Xu Zhida murmured, seemingly very confused about his future.

Shi Lei smiled and said: "If so many things happen, if you let me say that I will still treat you as my brother and my best friend, then I must be lying to you. But at least I and the infatuated brother , Have never thought about accounting for you after the fall. You just can't figure it out for a while, and then it is used. We will still be friends, but we can't be as close as before. "

Xu Zhida's eyes lightened slightly. He looked at Shi Lei and said seriously: "Really?"

Shi Lei nodded. 898) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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