The Black Card

Chapter 849: Turned out to be a recidivist

This is undoubtedly a great gift for Shi Lei.

Even according to the current valuation of the institute, a one-point share is worth more than one million US dollars, and only the fourth person's price barely equals it.

The first three people, Shi Lei are all taking advantage, and the position of the fourth person is not shot by the pupil of the night. It can be confirmed that he or she is in the bank, but his identity cannot be confirmed.

As long as any one of these four robbers is caught, the inner ghost in the bank is ready to go out.

Shi Lei has 10,000 ways for the robbers to reveal his identity.

In this regard, Shi Lei felt hesitant. Is it really good to take advantage of Ding Yu?

However, for Ding Yu, the loss has already reached 30 million, which is equivalent to about 5 million US dollars. For the current research institute, it is already equivalent to at least four points of shares. What's more, in order to recover these 30 million, Shi Lei needs to pay another sum.

In particular, if Ding Yu chooses to use the so-called member benefits to pay for this time, even if he does not need to determine the position of the fourth person, he will pay at least three years.

For more than three years, in Ding Yu's view, it is far more important than the company's three shares.

Shi Lei had the intention to refuse or at least lower the price. After all, he was somewhat responsible for the stolen cash. He just didn't want to wait for the time required for the transfer. He also wanted to use 30 million cash cash to make a huge psychological impact on Ding Yu.

However, Shi Lei did not dare to refuse or reduce the price easily, because this requires him to use the amount or cash related to the amount to pay, in exchange for the promise given by Ding Yu, which in the black card, 100% will be counted as consumption.

Normal consumption requires the other party to set prices, and cardholders have no right to set prices.

Therefore, Shi Lei must not take the initiative to raise the price, but he can't bear to get more shares of Ding Yu ...

Although Ding Yu's emotional quotient is very general, he can also see that Shi Lei seems embarrassed to covet his shares.

He smiled and said, "Mr. Shi, for you, maybe 1.5 million points, or 4.5 million points, and the highest is 9 million points. It looks like You are indeed taking advantage of me. However, the 30 million funds have been lost to me. As long as they can be recovered, it is 31.5 million points, 34.5 million. Two points ... Regarding the current value of the institute, I am actually taking advantage of you. Moreover, if I follow the regulations of the organization, the price I pay will be greater in my opinion. Therefore, Mr. Shi, don't you It's so tangled again, maybe after determining one's position, all four can be arrested and brought to justice! "

Shi Lei looked at Ding Yu, and Ding Yu's face was full of sincere expression.

After thinking about it again, Shi Lei said, "Well then, I hope that after one person is seized, we can get all four of them."

Ding Yu smiled slightly, took out his cell phone, and dialed to the pupil of the night.

Shi Lei also said, "The person withdrawing money is responsible for depositing the money into four different accounts on average. Therefore, this person must be the one most trusted by the other three. He is most likely to know the rest of the people's hiding place. People. "

Ding Yu nodded, and the phone was connected at the moment. He said, "Mr. Shi wants to know the exact location of the person holding the cashier's note to the bank to withdraw money."

There was a sudden stun on the phone, and then he laughed: "Check one by one? This is a good way to save money. However, the organization may not be able to promise such a task release. After all, the robbers in this robbery were four people. I need to reflect this situation to the top. Whether or not it can be achieved according to Mr. Shi ’s idea, I have to organize and decide. "

Ding Yu frowned. He said, "Wait a minute, I'll tell Mr. Shi about this situation."

Then he hid the microphone and repeated the words to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei signaled Ding Yu to let go of his microphone, and said directly, "You tell me that if they insist on packing, then I'll get out of this 15 million, but since then, your organization should never expect I help them identify anything. Everyone takes a shot. "

Ding Yu almost couldn't hold back his laugh, so he didn't need to tell the other party any more. The other party had already heard Shi Lei's words. He cautiously told Ding Yu that he would completely repeat Shi Lei's request to him.

Next, wait patiently.

The time is not too long, just ten minutes, Ding Yu's phone rang.

After being connected, Ding Yu didn't even speak, and told him that the organization had agreed to Shi Lei's request, and he would soon send the exact location of the withdrawal to Shi Lei. Similarly, he would ensure tracking within 72 hours. Then, he said that 1.5 million would be deducted from the 50 million that Shi Lei had in the pupils of the night.

After hanging up the phone, Shi Lei's cell phone rang again. Just like last time, Shi Lei received a web address from the pupil of the night.

Shi Lei typed the URL into the computer browser, and just like last time, there was only a very simple program icon on the page opened in the computer browser.

Click on the icon, or a page similar to an animation, which details all the actions of the robber after he snatched the promissory note.

What surprised Shi Lei was that the robber did not leave Hong Kong Island, but after finishing the ticket, he threw the car near the Shekou Port and returned to Hong Kong Island itself. That happened to continue his life.

This is an extremely confident robber. There must be more than one such case on him.

According to this situation, Shi Lei has reason to believe that, except for the inner ghost of the bank, the other two people are also on Hong Kong Island and have not left the country.

As long as they have not left the country, it is highly likely that this person will know their exact location.

Next, it depends on whether Shi Lei can catch this person smoothly and force him to say the positions of the other two people.

With the specific coordinates, as well as the street name and house number, Shi Lei found that this address is basically an office building. This guy should now work for a company in this office building.

Ding Yu immediately wanted to notify the police, but Shi Lei stopped him.

"You tell the police, why does the police believe you? And, for such a person, he can return to the company and continue to work after such a big vote of robbery. He is by no means a person who can speak easily. Individuals will receive the sound of the wind, and then we will have to ask for the help of the pupil of the night again. "

"How can we do without notifying the police?"

"I went to him to talk to him ~ ~ Mr. Shi! They are robbers, you ..." Ding Yu was obviously worried about Shi Lei's safety.

Shi Lei smiled and said, "You don't know enough about me, except for the identity of the investor and appraisal expert, I'm still a master of martial arts."

Of course Ding Yu still didn't believe it. He was more worried. But Shi Lei insisted that he had no choice but to let Shi Lei go to find that person alone.

Shi Lei let the tortured Ding Yu rest in the hotel. He went downstairs and called a car and went straight to the designated address.

This is an office building in Central. Shi Lei went to the lobby on the first floor and checked the sign on the wall. It was found that the original robber named Xu Lezhong worked as a financial investment company.

Shi Lei checked the company online, and he found that the company also had a robbery one year ago, which has not been solved yet, and the amount involved was as high as 43 million Hong Kong dollars.

Xiao Seliang said


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