The Black Card

Chapter 884: Boss and Ferry Story

The ferry's mother successfully gave birth to him, and also used him to successfully ransom those people, but she was also warned that she must leave Europe with the ferry and was banned from appearing in North America.

As a result, the ferry's mother came to the Maldives with him still alive.

No one can resist the beauty of the Maldives, even if that person is just a prostitute.

After several years of profligacy, the mother of the ferry also realized that she would not only be able to continue to support the ferry, but that she would not be able to survive.

A middle-aged woman who indulge in alcohol and tobacco used her last sum of money to open a bar.

In the early 1980s, the Maldives was not a holiday resort nowadays. Although there were tourists, the number was far less than it is now.

The business of the bar was good and bad, unable to sustain the woman's splurge, but finally settled the mother and child's life.

Women just no longer splurge, but still restless.

Even in her thirties, women are a little bit pretty even if they look slightly older due to tobacco and alcohol. In particular, she is a white person, and she still stands out in a country as small as Maldives.

When the ferryman is doing his homework, he often sees his mother being approached by a man in the bar, and then the mother's breathing sound comes from the corner behind the bar, or in the bathroom.

Throughout childhood and adolescence, ferry people can see some drunk men wearing trousers and belts coming in from the back door almost every day. Behind them, there is always a woman with disheveled hair.

And that woman was his mother.

Finally one day, the ferryman couldn't bear this life anymore, he stole a sum of money from his mother and left here.

"I don't know if my luck is good. On the third day when I arrived in the UK, I actually saw a person who was nine points like me. He was also surprised that we became friends. Wait until I take him. When the behavior was similar, I killed him when I was 70% to 80% of the walking posture. "

Shi Lei was startled and looked at the ferryman in puzzlement. He asked, "How old were you at that time?"

"Fifteen years old." The ferryman laughed at himself and took a long drink.

"Then you impostor?"

The ferryman nodded and said, "His parents are often not in the country, they are businessmen, and there is only one old lady in charge of taking care of him. I figured out a way to send that old lady away and re-invited the individual to take care of me, the couple After I came back, I didn't find any abnormalities at all. So, I received a good education. In the eyes of my classmates and friends who are like me, my temperament changed and I did not like to communicate with people. Except for school, all day long They just locked themselves in to study at home. But they didn't expect that I was no longer the person they knew. "

Shi Lei looked at the ferry with a little precaution. A man who can kill at the age of fifteen deserves everyone's attention.

"You want to tell me that your family and your past are very unfortunate, so your character is very distorted, so whatever you do now, is it forgivable?"

The ferryman took a look at Shi Lei and said with a smile: "Mr. Shi, you are so naive. How can a person like me need to be forgiven by others? I don't care."

Shi Lei was speechless.

The ferryman was admitted to the university with excellent grades and even received a full scholarship. Then, he liked a female teacher in the school, but the female teacher was like a person without any feelings. She came to class coldly every day, and left coldly after class. Except for the lecture, she would not say a word. Tell them.

No matter how the ferryman expressed his love to the female teacher, the other party neither showed disgust nor refused him, but never showed any attitude of acceptance. The female teacher always just looked at him coldly, then turned away before he finished speaking.

In the view of the ferryman, this is different from rejection. He thought that the female teacher was so natural. He even thought that the female teacher was also interesting to him. Otherwise, in an old-fashioned country like Britain, she should have explicitly rejected him. Notify the school.

So, one day after class, the ferryman followed the female teacher and found her home. Later that night, she got into her house through the window and took the female teacher.

When the night was over, he realized it was a crime, but at the time, he even felt that the female teacher was just indifferent in nature. Because when he was lying on that female teacher, that female teacher didn't even act in any way to resist, didn't even let him get away, but just let him invade his body silently.

The whole process lasted for more than half an hour, but the female teacher seemed to be sleeping with her eyes open, and did not respond at all, until the young ferryman ended his hurry for the first time.

Until graduating from university, the ferryman did not dare to say anything to the female teacher. He was fortunate that the female teacher did not report him to the police. He just felt that in the female teacher's class, there would be a strange thing from time to time. He looked at himself, but when he followed the search, he found nothing.

On the day he graduated, he was still glad that he could finally leave the school. He even vowed that he would never return to the city.

However, the female teacher found him when he threw the bachelor hat into the sky.

Shi Lei interjected at this time: "That female teacher is your leader?"

The ferryman nodded and said, "Yes. She found me at the time, and I was terrified. Although I killed someone when I was fifteen, but if it wasn't for her, maybe I'm a middle class now. The merchant, who inherited the couple ’s legacy, lived like a normal person. However, she found me just before I was leaving school, and she told me with a feelingless voice that she wanted to come again with me. "

Shi Lei silently ~ ~ The leader of this pupil of the night is indeed a weirdo who does not take an unusual path.

"I was scared, but she took me to a corner of the school. When she presented her perfect body in front of me, I couldn't bear it and invaded her again. That time, she There are some responses, but now I think of it, it was absolutely acting, she could not feel the happiness between men and women. That was also the only time she showed the normal woman side when doing that kind of thing with me. It ’s a pity That was just a performance. I stayed in that city and met her three times a week. After the meeting, I did n’t have to say anything, I just had to do it. After half a year, she took me into the headquarters of Night's Eye. "

Shi Lei sighed: "Actually, your leader is more devastating to you than your mother?"

The ferryman did not answer, but continued to say, "I am different from other people. As soon as I enter the pupil of the night, I have a high status. When I learn about the operation mechanism of the pupil of the night, I only feel excited. That's it. Using the power of the pupils of the night, I surveyed my mother, the people who were likely to be my father at that time, and the couple who were not normal for me .... "

An electric light suddenly flashed in Shi Lei's head. He said, "The man in the couple is actually your biological father, right?" 8)

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