The Black Card

Chapter 895: Shi Lei's new mission

Shi Lei came to Europe, not only to find medicine to deny himself.

It is obvious that the leader who investigates the pupils of the night has certain risks, even if in principle Shi Lei wants to help them.

It is obviously a more complicated process for Yao Qiji to investigate the leader of the pupils of the night, which is far less concise than asking the black card and scepter directly.

Therefore, on the side of Yao Keji, Shi Lei was only used as a backup method. After returning to Wu Dong, he immediately went to find a scepter.

When Shi Lei asked the scepter, the scepter did not answer Shi Lei for granted.

Obviously, the scepter is only responsible for answering Shi Lei's authority. Other questions about the black card itself may be answered, but it depends on its mood.

There is no doubt that when facing Lei Shi, the mood of the scepter will not always be too good.

So Shi Lei naturally did not get the answer.

However, under Shi Lei's efforts, the scepter once again issued a mission to Shi Lei.

Because Shi Lei had a black card, so the reward for this task was naturally the answer that Shi Lei wanted.

At the beginning, the reward given by the scepter was about the true age of the leader of the pupils of the night.

Shi Lei certainly couldn't agree. This answer doesn't make much sense.

This is, at best, one of the final answers that Shi Lei seeks is not so indispensable.

Let Yao Keji help with the investigation, the results may not be too accurate, but Shi Lei does not need a completely accurate answer. All he needs is to confirm some guesses in his mind. Shi Lei directly rejected the task of scepter.

Of course, the task itself cannot be refused, but if the task is not completed, there will not be any punishment. Shi Lei only needs to passively do not handle the task, which is equivalent to giving up the task.

There is no doubt that the black card and the scepter need Shi Lei to help complete the task. The task reward is expressed by the scepter and can be discussed.

"The insatiable yellow wolf mouse, you are getting lower and lower now. You should know that the supreme black card will give you a task. This is not a matter of bargaining."

Facing the dying struggle of the scepter, Shi Lei said disdainfully: "I don't care. The task is no punishment mechanism. It's a big deal. Since then I will not complete any task for you. Your biggest threat is nothing more than The rewards I get from you will be reduced, but now that I have a reputation system, the rewards you can give, in principle, I can all get from the reputation system. But it is more difficult. As long as I can live Going forward, I will certainly be able to get the rewards I need from the reputation system. So, noble scepter, you should understand that your previous threats are no longer a threat to me now. So do n’t always think Try to get what you need at the least cost. "

In this regard, the expression of the scepter is only silence, and it also has to admit that Shi Lei's logic is so self-consistent. After he gave up those rewards, in terms of tasks, the black card really has nothing to threaten Shi Lei.

"What do you want?" The Scepter had no choice but to ask.

Shi Lei smiled lightly and said, "I complete your mission, but I need to get all the information of the leader of the night pupil. I know that even if the leader ’s information is not the pupil of the night, it is probably the entire night The pupil is the most mysterious one in more than a thousand years. But you, or black card, must have all her information. "

The scepter continued to be silent, but Shi Lei was waiting for its answer.

The leader of the pupil of the night is really a strange existence.

She is like a rubber man, but maintains high trust in ferrymen who are already implementing rebellion plans.

She should theoretically be fifty or sixty years old, but she seems to be only forty.

She even trusted Shi Lei more than the ferryman, but she completely denied the words that Shi Lei had brought Wei Bodhi.


There are too many contradictions in her.

Shi Lei has some doubts, but must be confirmed, and to prove these, Heika and Scepter are undoubtedly the most direct direction.

Shi Lei believes that when he understands the secrets of the leader of the pupils of the night, he can indirectly, and even directly understand, what is Heka's strong interest in art.

And when the reason why Hei Ka ’s interest in art is completely displayed in front of Shi Lei, then Shi Lei may find the weakness of Hei Ka, so as to get rid of the black card completely, and no longer be threatened by the black card's slander.

Of course, all this is just speculation, but Shi Lei must go step by step.

The confrontation with the black card, the real confrontation, rather than the sharp-skinned battle with the scepter on each settlement day, start with the real data of the leader of the pupil of the night.


After a long while, the scepter finally spoke.

"Well, noble like me, I can answer your request. After you complete this task, you will get all the information of the leader of the night pupil."

Shi Lei laughed. He had expected that the black card would eventually choose to compromise. After all, just the information of the leader of the night pupil is not enough to alert the black card. Furthermore, Shi Lei had reason to suspect that Heika hoped that he would know everything about the pupils of the night.

"So, the deal." Shi Lei said with a smile.

However, the scepter prevented him from withdrawing from the black card.

The scepter said: "Don't worry, the fourth-level manager, because your requirements for task rewards have increased, so this task also needs to be improved."

Shi Lei was unwilling at once, he said eagerly, "Hey, do you want to nod your face? Do you repent now when you say something good?"

The scepter laughed twice and said, "The mission rewards previously released can only let you know the true age of the leader. If you want to know all her information, you must also complete a higher level. Mission. Forget it, it ’s noble like me to pity you. This mission can be completed as a side mission and a complete mission. The side mission is that you get the collection of the Mayor of the City of London, the Monet painting. Complete the side mission You will be able to learn the true age of the leader of the night pupils. The complete task is that you have all the collections of the mayor of the city of London. After completing, you will be able to learn all the information of the leader of the night pupils. About the mayor of London All the family's collections, distinguished as I will give you a list, as long as you get everything on the list, it is considered to complete the task ~ ~ Shi Lei is speechless ...

Can the entire family of the mayor of London be killed directly? Would it be okay to **** all of their collections after the kill?

A Monet's painting may still have room for discussion, but the family's entire family's collection, is this simply a delusion?

Shi Lei felt the shamelessness of the scepter and the black card, and scolded them more than 36,000 times.

"Never mind, I only asked myself before I was limited in my ability to learn something. Not only was the complete task unsuccessful, but I also gave up the sideline task. Let's take a few shots and we will love whoever in the future."

Shi Lei stretched out his hand and stuck on the eject key.

This is simply an unattainable task, and Shi Lei will certainly not freak out trying to complete it.

However, an accident happened. He obviously held down the eject key, but the black card was not ejected. The scepter was still spinning arrogantly on the screen, and he also made strange laughter, which seemed to be laughing at Shi Lei's disappointment. Capacity.

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