It's just that if you don't have the power of darkness, then the card elves do not have actual combat capabilities. At best, they can help you cheat in card games.

The second part is the popularity of this card. Simply put, the more people know this card, the stronger the card spirit of this card will be.

The God Card is an extremely special existence. The power of the God Card comes from the rules of the world, as if the card spirit of the God Card really has divine power.

[Sky Dragon] has the power of thunder and lightning, [Giant God Soldier] has the power of destruction, and [Winged Dragon] has the power of the sun.

Wangdian can create any card at will. As long as the card is known to countless people, he can create a card spirit, and then use it to manifest the power of darkness.

But Wang Dian couldn't create the God Card, which made Wang Dian very confused and curious, but the power of the God Card was just that.

Wang Dian already has some ideas for the production of God Cards, but Wang Dian has become addicted to card games, so he does not plan to continue to stay in this world.

Wang Dian directly opened the portal, walked in, and took a look at the surrounding environment: It's a modern world again.

I don't know that world.

Wang Dian bought some octopus balls and was about to eat them when he suddenly felt space fluctuations. When he looked up, he saw a huge distortion field appearing in the sky above the city.

After a few minutes, the distorted position disappeared, and a huge changeable crystal of tens of meters floated over the city. Wang Dian looked at it curiously: What is this?

At this moment, a voice sounded in Wang Dian's mind: Hello, outsider.

Wang Dian instantly became vigilant and started to observe the surroundings through perception and insight, but did not find any special energy fluctuations.

Wang Dian curiously said with the power of his mind: Who are you?

Where are you?

The voice sounded again: I am the consciousness of the earth.

I'm everywhere.

Can you help me?

Wang Dian was stunned: The consciousness of the earth?

“Can consciousness still be born on earth?”

The voice sounded again: I can't answer your question.

I don't know how I was born, but I am indeed the consciousness of the earth.

It is made up of the will of all living things on earth. The only purpose of my existence is to protect the earth.

This crystal in the sky is the space monster Gob summoned by the source of death.

Can you please help me deal with this monster?

Wang Dian was stunned for a moment and looked at the huge crystal: The source of death?

What it is?

Earth Consciousness: It is a life form formed after the concepts of evil, darkness, and destruction in the universe are energized. Its existence is to destroy.

It can strengthen itself by constantly destroying other planets. As early as two hundred years ago, we discovered each other and have been fighting since then.

It always attacks the earth by controlling monsters in the universe, and I rely on the power gathered by the earth to constantly fight back.

I just used up the remaining energy to kill the dimensional space monster Phantom Dragon. I no longer have enough energy to mobilize to continue fighting.

So please help me.

While Wang Dian was talking to the consciousness of the earth, the crystal in the sky exploded directly, and a huge monster landed in the city, and then started wreaking havoc.

Everyone around them began to flee in panic after seeing the monster. At this time, three special fighter jets broke through the clouds and began to launch a fierce attack on the monster.

Beams of light were fired from the fighter jets, but they did not seem to cause any effective damage to the monsters, and the monsters directly destroyed two of them with backhands.

The last fighter jet returned helplessly. Wang Dian suddenly clapped his hands. He knew it was that world, the world of Ultraman Gaia.

This is an Ultraman world that is different from other Ultraman series. Ultraman Tiga and Ultraman Dyna were created by the same authors.

The Ultraman in Ultraman Tiga and Ultraman Dyna come from ancient giants. Humans transform into Ultraman through the light of hope.

In Ultraman Gaia, Ultraman Gaia and Ultraman Aguru are the consciousness of the earth who lend the power of the earth to mankind for the sake of self-save and the continuation of the earth.

Ultraman is no longer an alien or an ancient giant, but the power of the earth's consciousness. The biggest villain in this world is the root cause of death.

There is not much explanation in the play about what kind of existence the Root Death Body is. We only know that this thing wants to destroy the earth, and it constantly controls monsters to attack the earth.

In the story, geniuses from all over the world spontaneously organized themselves, established the Alchemy Star, and reported the situation of the bodies brought about by destruction to the governments of various countries.

Governments of various countries have also united and established the global defense organization G.U.A.R.D. The one set up to fight on the front line is XIG, and the previous three fighter jets belong to XIG.

Wang Dian twisted his head: I can help you, but I have a condition.

Earth consciousness: As long as you don't harm the earth, I will agree to you no matter what the conditions are.

Wang Dian clapped his hands: Then it's agreed, the Immortal Thousand-Armed Tathagata!

There was a violent vibration on the ground, and all the people who were running away were shaken. Soon, a majestic 30-meter-high wooden Buddha statue rose from the ground.

When the shock subsided, all the people who escaped looked at the Buddha statue stupidly. Has the Buddha come to save us?

In the XIG headquarters, the commander seems calm, but his heart is turbulent. What is this?

The commander shouted directly: Quickly test what this is?

The data test was quickly taken over, and the correspondent girl said incredulously: According to the test.

This Buddha statue is made entirely of wood.

But there is a very huge and undetectable energy contained in the body.

At this moment, another correspondent girl shouted: Look at the top of the Buddha statue, there seems to be a person!

The commander shouted directly: Zoom in the picture!

Soon in the picture, everyone in the headquarters was dumbfounded. There was really a person, and he was still eating octopus balls?

Wang Dian ate the last octopus ball and looked at the monster rushing towards him: It's time to try a new trick.


Three thousand six hundred revolutions per second Gatling activated!

Second Battalion Commander, shoot me!

The two arms of the Buddha instantly turned into wooden Gatling machine guns. The machine guns on both sides had nine muzzles, and wooden bullets one meter long were sprayed out one after another.

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