The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 650 Bright application prospects

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Genetic technology can only show the perfect effect when human beings carry out interstellar immigration.

Xiao Ming and Xiaochu once simulated the way of human interstellar immigration by playing games in the virtual world.

When human beings have no better way to distance, they can only use time to make up the distance.

The lifespan of human beings is limited, so in the long journey, it is absolutely impossible to realize alien immigration by relying on the life course of people's own life. Humans can only use technical means to fight against time and distance.

In the simulation game, humans discover planets suitable for human habitation through observation and other means, and then launch immigrant spacecraft.

There are three important systems loaded into every colony ship.

1. The life system of the initial immigrant.

The initial immigrant must not be an astronaut or scientist in the traditional sense, but a frozen embryo in the most primitive state. All vital signs of the embryo are stopped and will only be activated after arriving at the destination.

These embryos are called initial immigrants. After arriving at the destination, the life system of the initial immigrant begins to wait after the immigrant embryo wakes up and develops, waiting for the brain development to complete, and the system will perfuse it with thinking.

This technology can ensure that the minds of the best astronauts on the ground hundreds or even thousands of years ago can be injected into the resurrected embryos, and the astronauts will be reborn on a distant habitable planet.

2. Survival guarantee system.

If the habitable place is suitable for immigration, the initial settlers will step down from the spacecraft to work. If the human inference is wrong and the planet is not suitable for survival, then the immigrants will conduct a comprehensive study of the planet in the survival guarantee system. The life guarantee system can ensure that the initial immigrants can still survive under harsh conditions, and the research is to be completed. After the mission, the initial settlers will grow new initial settler embryos, freeze them after successful cultivation, and then die of their own choosing.

The frozen embryos will continue their journey to the depths of the universe with the exploration spacecraft.

3. The gene pool and thinking pool of human civilization.

If the place is suitable for immigration, the initial settlers will use these gene pools and thinking pools to create the first settlers, the first animals and plants.

Humans need a certain population to thrive, and the best way is to use the human gene pool to create immigrants at will.

This is the great application of genetic technology in the future. Within Pangu Technology, only Gao Siqi and Zheng Xuanyu know the real purpose of genetic technology.

Gao Siqi asked: Can our He Yuchu technology be applied in South Anfei? The laws here are not that strict.

Gao Siqi looked at He Yuchu in the glass container, and hoped that she would not be an alternative after her birth, and also hoped that the technology brought by He Yuchu could be accepted by more people.

Xiao Ming also has his own considerations about this matter, he said: To create a new life similar to He Yuchu completely through the gene pool, this is not a legal issue, but an ethical and moral issue, and the society does not yet have the ability to accept this. .

Technological innovation must be far faster than people's acceptance, and it is reasonable for Xiao Ming to reject Gao Siqi's proposal.

But we can apply this technology to the field of fertility. Xiao Ming also has his own considerations: Provide the possibility of having offspring for couples who are infertile Open the green channel.

Really! Gao Siqi was immediately excited.

Really. Xiao Ming gave a definite answer, Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, ignoring crossovers, and after studying permutations and combinations, we can know that the number of different spermatogonia that can be formed by different spermatogonia is 223 times. Fang, that is 8388608, the same is true for egg cells, which are also 8388608. These 8388608 will have a next generation after they collide with each other, so there are many possibilities for the next generation of the two sides. This is also the reason why brothers and sisters look alike but not exactly the same. .

We can be the first to use artificial methods in hospitals in South Anfe to help infertile couples raise the next generation in the laboratory,

Our approach is to harvest their somatic cells, strip chromosomes and genes, perform artificial chromosome meiosis, and then randomly pair.

We should try our best to follow the natural development. If it is a defective gene, we should intervene and treat it. If the gene is not defective, then we will let it develop naturally. The purpose of this is only to ensure the health of the next generation of users, not to artificially shape genes. Of course, we can let the user choose the gender.

After the gene pairing is successful, we put the embryos into a culture container in the laboratory to let them develop naturally, and then let them out of the glassware at about 40 weeks and then hand them over to the user.

Xiao Ming said to Gao Siqi: Our technology is not making a mess of world ethics, but helping more people.

Gao Siqi is deeply touched by this point. Taking Pangu Technology Group as an example, Gao Siqi knows that many employees have no way to have their own children after marriage.

Some young employees are pregnant, but fall out during pregnancy, and some have no way to conceive.

For these reasons, Pangu Science and Technology Medical Center also conducted an experimental analysis and found that this has a great relationship with the living habits and environment of this generation of women from childhood to adulthood.

For example, in food, many female employees want to eat food stalls, barbecue, skewers, and hot pot outside, and like to have supper and drink at night, which will definitely have an impact on fertility.

For example, the environment, Xia Guo's economy is growing rapidly, and people's income is continuing to increase. But my colleagues who are enjoying economic dynamism, our environment has been severely polluted over the past three decades. Air, drinking water, food pollution, etc. After these pollutants enter the body, the impact on fertility is very serious.

The last thing is living habits. In the past, the women of Xia Guo did farm work, and their physical fitness was very good. They gave birth to one baby a year, three or four was not a small amount, and five or six were considered a lot. Xiao Ming’s parents and brothers and sisters all had three. Today's young women sit in front of the computer every day. They don't usually take a walk or run in the morning. The biggest exercise is to go shopping. Physical fitness also determines that it is very difficult for you to have the next generation.

Gao Siqi learned that there are employees in Pangu Science and Technology Park who want their children to be IVF in major hospitals. Not to mention spending money, people's physical and psychological pressure is very high.

And IVF also has serious defects, and genetic defects cannot be avoided.

Natural birth, each little tadpole has to kill thousands of horses before being a beauty, it is relatively healthy and perfect.

In test tube babies, the tadpoles are artificially selected, and they are not naturally eliminated by natural selection, and the defect rate is also high.

Many defective test-tube babies will die automatically after they enter the belly of women due to poor development, and those who are born smoothly are also accompanied by various congenital diseases.

In addition to the above examples, most of them are infertile at all because of their own reasons.

Xiao Ming's decision today is definitely to save people from fire and water.

Gao Siqi said to Xiao Ming, I have to thank thousands of girls for this decision.


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