The Bloodline System

1178 Viondur Egg Challenge

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


"What better time is there than now to go all out? Stop wavering and make use of what you have," Gustav added.

"Although I wouldn't advice overdoing it like Angy did so as it won't result to the same situation," He added.

"She didn't have any other choice... I don't think she would have done so under normal circumstances," Aildris said before placing his hand on Gustav's shoulder.

"Don't worry yourself, she'll be fine," Aildris added with a comforting tone.

Gustav nodded before Aildris walked out. A few moments later, Matilda and Glade walked in with some food.


The time in Planet Ozious flowed differently from that of earth. Not only was the Galaxy home to a completely different orbit, the planets and major star was completely different as well.

Compared to Earth, Planet Ozious day was almost three times longer. This was why major or sub categories could continue on for a long period of time within just a day.

Currently, it was almost nightfall and Angy had been unconscious for about thirty seven hours. At this point, Gustav already felt that she might not awaken till after the next category began.

If she didn't wake before then, she would be unable to participate even if she regained consciousness before the category ends.

[God Eyes Has Been Activated]

Gustav activated God Eyes for the umpeeth time and could see that Angy didn't have any complications.

Just as he had seen the many other times he scanned her body, she only seemed to be recovering energy very slowly which was why she hadn't regained consciousness.

("There's no point, she's not reawakening before the next main category begins,") The system voiced in Gustav's mind.

'Is there a way to speed up her recovery?' Gustav inquired.

("There is but I think it's best to let her recover naturally... her body will naturally come back stronger so long as there is no outside interference,") The system replied.

'Alright then... so long as she is okay...' Gustav softly carressed Angy's silver hair as he noted internally.

("You have to take her out of your plans... at least for now,") The system voiced internally.

'That's the only option... this makes things a little more difficult.  Angy is truly irreplaceable but I guess we'll have to make do,' Gustav decided as SJ appeared behind him.


"Hmm? You're hungry?" Gustav questioned as he turned around and rubbed SJ affectionately.

Flicker ~ Flicker~

The glowing light within flickered repeatedly in response.


"Is it ready?"

Within one of the accommodation rooms, some creatures resembling humans but with multiple limbs and star like patterns on their bodies could be seen in an encirclement.

"Yes," One of them who stood in the middle with what looked like a black candle voiced.

"Captain Strum, with the flame of the primordial link, we are sure to appear in the same place," The one in the middle added.

"Sure, I hope it works. This will help us win easily," The largest in their midst with a half black, half white face, responded.


In another accommodation location, a group with acorn shaped white heads were also holding a meeting.

"I must kill that earthling! I won't be satisfied if I don't kill him!" Uzeki yelled.

"We have the chance to do that in the Viondur Egg Challenge," Another teammate by the name Dartin spoke.

"Captain, we have to end that earthling for Unda sake," Uzeki said once more.

"It is only because of Unda that this happened in the first. I am against partaking in any form of vengeance," Captain Ilumo responded.

"Unda is one of us, no matter what happened... Gustav Crimson deserves to pay for what he did," Another teammate stated.

"They had a bet and he failed. It is the consequences of his own actions, drop it," Captain Illumo voiced with a tone of authority.

His voice reverberated across the place for a couple of seconds, causing silence before he spoke again.

"Now we have more important matters at hand... The Viondur Egg Challenge," Captain Ilumo.


In another accommodation location a similar scene could be seen playing out with a different group of species.

"It is best we use this to eliminate some competition," One of the flaming headed species voiced.

"Give me a list of participants you have in mind,"


The next day arrived in a jiffy and the participants began leaving for the forth disk.

As for the spectators, the arena on the ninth disk would be displaying the challenge from start to finish on the multiple screens floating in mid air.

The Viondur Egg Challenge would be holding for a duration of three weeks so the spectators were bound to not witness the entirety of it but a lot of them had vowed to witness most of it.

-"We are here today with Foheng participants,"

-"Who do you think would win the Viondur Egg Challenge,"

A couple of earth's reporters who were allowed to come witness IYSOP in person, questioned some of the participants on their way to the fourth disk.

Floating cameras that transmitted the footages back to earth could be spotted around them.

"Huh? We will win of course. None of them can stand against us," One of Foheng representatives stated.

-"Who are you most wary of?" Another reporter questioned.

"Strum, Vilax, Irland, Fhirus and... Crimson! Hmph! They still can't hold a candle," One of them answered.

-"Who are you most wary of?" The reporters would occasionally ask the participants they came into contact with.

"Crimson, Strum, Vilax, Fhirus, Irand, Volx..."

"Vilax, Strum, Volx, Crimson, Strum, Gasula, E.E..."

"Endric, Strum, Crimson, Fhirus, Irand..."

While everyone had a list to give, certain names always popped up every time from different species.

The participants had been taking note of the opponents who had been performing the best out of over fifty thousand participants.

The earth reporters approached yet another group with multiple limbs and star like patterns on their bodies.

-"Captain Strum, who are you most wary of?" They questioned the one with the black and white face.

"Nobody," He answered with a proud smile.

-"Not even the participants who have been doing the best so far?"

"No one is good enough to waste a one second thought on," Captain Strum responded.

-"Then who do you think will win?" The reporters questioned yet again.

"I," Captain Strum stated before walking away with his teammates.

Just after they left, a group with dark clothes covering their entire body also passed as well, emitting a dreadful energy.

-"Is that...? Captain Gustav Crimson is approaching, let's question him too,"


"Phew~ We're finally here," Teemee voiced as they arrived within a massive hall missing a roof.

"Captain, I really appreciate you giving me the chance to be a part of the main team," A participant with green eyes and hair voiced.

"Never mind about it, we just needed to fill in the space," Gustav said with a dismissive tone.

"Still, I am grateful," The new addition replied with respect.

"I WELCOME YOU ALL TO THE VIONDUR EGG CHALLENGE," Handler one who happened to be standing on an exalted podium announced with an excited tone.

Everyone focused their attention on him the instant he started speaking.

"As you may already be aware, this challenge will be holding for three weeks and your tasks are as follows..."


An holographic projection of different colors of eggs soon appeared before everyone.

These eggs were up to three feet tall and the colors they each had were;

< Violet >

< Indigo >

< Orange >

< Neon >

< Dark red >

< Ultramarine >

< Raisin Black >

The colors of the eggs displayed on the holographic screens were specifically listed out as Handler one resumed briefing them.

"One of each with the colors listed must be found and combined at the designated points. The combination of all seven eggs with each color would form a Viondur Egg which of course gives a certain amount of points.

The team with the highest number of points at the end of the three weeks is the winner," Handler one explained lengthily.


on a small piece of block.

This male, avoided the lightning strikes from above and even parried them sometimes as the small piece of block kept taking him forward.

"He is getting there," Glade voiced out.

"Do you really think he can supass Fildhor's record?" Falco questioned.

"Doubt it," Teemee and Glade responded at the same time.

They briefly glanced at each other before turning away.

On the screen, a golden colored lightning bolt suddenly descended from the sky and landed right in the turbulent sea.


The sea suddenly rose with intensity throwing the purple haired male high into the sky. The piece of block kept spiralling intensely in the air as he reached out to grab it.

However, before his hand could make contact with it...

Thrraaahhh~ Thhrraahhh~ Thrrraahhh~

Seven lightning bolts descended from seven different positions in the sky and struck him down.


His figure evaporated in the next instant and a display of 'Game over,' was shown on the holographic screen.


Some of them let out disappointment sounds as a figure who was standing up ahead pulled a transparent helmet off his head.

This was the same person who had been displayed on the holographic screen. He had a face full of smiles even though he was a bit disappointed as he approached the group.

"I tried my best," Dennis voiced out.

"Yeah you tried," Some of them nodded.

"I will break the record," One of them who was flat faced voiced out with confidence.

"We should probably go and join the others in training," Falco said to Teemee and Glade.

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