The Bloodline System

1184 Young Adventurer

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


The figure continued on his way forward passing by silently as their voices slowly grew distant.

-"Let's go after his teammates instead..."


In another part of the fourth disk, a figure could be seen speeding across the air with a crowd pursuing from behind.

The figure was a young earthling with curly black hair and a green dotted glow continously bleeping on his forehead.

"Use blink to lose them," Husarius suggested.

"The Vatraint is restricting my use of space abilities," Endric complained as he kept flying across the air on an invisible platform.


A pillar of green light shot past him as he quickly swerved towards the left to dodge it. This wasn't the only attack headed in his direction from behind as multiple others were shot at him.

Thwwwiihh~ Thwwwiihh~ Thwwwiihh~

Red bolts of energy, dark arcs, icicles, wind blades, electric charges... the crowd that numbered around twenty didn't stop hurling attacks at Endric who did his best to escape most of them and counter the ones he couldn't dodge.

"I'll trap him!" One of them voiced from behind.

A spherical shaped net like glow suddenly shot forward with intensity from behind once more as its blue lines gleamed intensely.

Endric swerved to dodge it as well, but it suddenly increased in size, and Endric found himself phasing through one of the massive net like holes.

The moment he was within the massive spherical net, he suddenly felt weakened. Endric's eyebrows furrowed as he noticed the spherical net suddenly start to shrink the moment he found himself within it.


He tried speeding forward so he could go through one of the holes in the net before it could shrink to a point where he wouldn't fit.


Endric's figure got blasted back into the entrapment the moment he arrived before a hole. It was like the massive holes in the net had barriers around them, preventing him from leaving.

"This is not good... the more it shrinks, the more I weaken," Endric voiced as he sent forth a wave of telekinetic energy to prevent the entrapment from shrinking further.

-"A Drupherloc must be responsible for this... they make the greatest traps with their abilities," Husarius voiced.

"I can't afford to be caught," Endric stated.

-"I'll take care of the Drupherloc... prepare to use blink," Husarius voiced as the green crystal phased out of Endric's forehead.

The crystal floated towards one of the holes in the net behind and phased through easily.

Within the crowd of twenty chasing from behind, the green crystal floated towards one of the figures who had squid like tentacles for arms and orange colored triangular head.

They hadn't noticed the crystal on time as it flew speedily in a beeline, arriving before the Drupherloc in a jiffy.


An immensely bright green flash suddenly spread from the cystal, blinding everyone's sight for a split second.

In that split second, the crystal transformd into a greenish humaoid figure which sent a punch hurling at the face of the Drupherloc.


The air shook as the Druperloc who was initially flaying its squid like tentacles to control the entrapment, got sent flying backward. It immediately lost control of the glowing spherical net, which dissappeared in the next instant.


Endric sped forward intensely, the moment he felt his strength return. Husarius hurried towards him after blinding everyone momentarily and phased back into his forehead.



His figure disappeared amidst a small flourescent flash in the next moment.

-"He's gone!"

-"Damn it!"

The figures behind cursed and let out voices of disappointment after Endric managed to escape.

-"Maybe the Vatraints are in partnership with him!"

-"Those lowlives! They must have betrayed us and let the earthling use spatial abilities,"

-"We didn't you fools!"

-"We got blinded just like everyone else and lost sight of him,"

-"The Drupherloc let him go!"

-"These motherless creatures, how can you blame us for failing to catch him,"

A battle soon ensued within the group as they blamed one another other for failing to catch Endric.


"Blink," Endric blinked again and appeared hundreds of thousands of feet from his initial location.

"We should have gone far enough," Husarius spoke.

Endric began floating upwards at this point till he arrived before a floating frosted cloud. He floated forward and stood atop it.

"Looks like tailing them all this time paid off," Endric heaved a sigh of relief as he sat.

"Did you really take everything?" Husarius questioned.

"I did... I met all the conditions for taking them out of their hands so the ability worked fine," Endric replied.

"That's up to thirty two eggs?" Husarius inquired.

"With the addition of the two I initially acquired, thirty five. Maybe I shouldn't have intercepted them till they made use of a designated point," Endric muttered.

"No this was the best option... They are of different planetary groups so they wouldn't have headed to the same designated points since they most likely don't trust each other," Husarius disagreed.

"You're right... I should distance myself more from here in the meantime till big brother sends the link," Endric muttered.


"Young Adventurer, we thank you for protecting our town. Here is our token of appreciation for your humble deed,"

Within what looked like a town square with multiple icy buildings in view, a figure that looked like one of the handlers could be seen passing an orange colored egg to a beautiful looking figure with a purplish headtie covering her forehead.

The figure nodded while accepting the egg before tapping on a button behind her left ear.


The egg disappeared in the next instant and she turned around to leave while the others in the vicinity, ranging from children to adults clapped for her.

Elevora soon found herself outside the icy town and when she turned around, a mist suddenly enveloped its entirety and it disappeared.

"The tasks might not be very difficult but they are very time taking," Elevora mumbled as she turned back around.

"Three eggs acquired in six days seems a bit slow... Should I try searching for other towns like this to complete tasks or should I search for possible locations where eggs are stored?" Elevora paused as she stared in every direction.

What had just happened a while ago was amongst the things Handler one mentioned.

Besides searching for eggs underground, one could look for these misty towns with icy buildings and receive a task from the town chief.

Once this task was completed, under the conditions that no native was harmed, the chief would pass an egg to the person who completed the task.

Elevora had found three different towns in the last six days, completed the tasks given and acquired three eggs so far.

She only felt it was too time taking and was contemplating on finding a different means of acquiring the eggs.


Her eyes suddenly widened as she stepped towards the left speedily, escaping a red beam that shot from behind her.


The red beam slammed into a frosted mountain up ahead ripping a massive hole straight through its center as it came crumbling down in the next moment.

Elevora turned around at this point, spotting the source of the attack.

"I won't miss next time so I suggest you hand over the eggs you have acquired,"

The voice of a cone shaped being with humanoid hands and a head sized hole in it's chest rang out.

'An Oxlrkik....' Elevora instantly identified the alien who also happened to be a participant.

"Why don't you come and take it... if you can," Elevora eyes dropped as her body began to emit intense purplish fog like energy.

"Looks like I will have to encourage you forcefully to relinquish them and you will sorely come to regret it," The hole in the Oxlrkik chest suddenly gleamed intensely with a deadly red glow.


A destructive red beam shot forth from it, causing the air to tremble as it arrived before Elevora.


Elevora instantly leapt into the air, dodging the beam which ripped straight through another icy mountain up ahead, causing its collapse.


Her figure sped forward the instant she escaped the attack, leaving a trail of purple along the air.


Arriving behind the Oxlrkik, Her palm swung down intensely but before it made contact with the participant, a hole appeared on its back.


Another destructive red beam shot out from the back of the Oxlrkik hitting Elevora at point blank range.


"Fool!" The Oxlrkik metallic voice rang out after the destructive beam hit but in the next instant, it's one eye widened.


As the beam thinned out, Elevora could be seen floating in mid air behind the Oxlrkik unscatched. The purplish aura her figure emitted slowly reduced in intensity.



Elevora fist slammed into his back before he could completely utter a word sending powerful shockwaves across the vicinity as the Oxlrkik body was sent hurling across the air.


"Hmm? Is that a designated point?" Gustav wondered out loud as he ascended a frosted mountain.

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