The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 129 Pryce And Agatha

Chapter 129 Pryce and Agatha

three days later.

The center of Saffron City, the largest open Battle Tower, has one of the best battle facilities in the entire Kanto Region.

Second only to Kanto Alliance's battleground set up at Alliance headquarters under Mt. Silver.

Alliance will hold all kinds of big and small competitions every year. Some large-scale competitions Normal are held in the battle field of Alliance headquarters, while those relatively Arnold will be arranged in various places.

For example, some youth trainer competitions, novice trainer experience competitions and so on.

As the largest city in Kanto Region, Saffron City is undoubtedly the city with the most events.

Said to be Battle Tower, it is actually like a large open football field, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people watching the game at one time.

So this Elite exhibition match was naturally arranged in this biggest battle field.

When Xia Yan arrived here, there was already a sea of ​​people outside.

Trainers from various cities and regions will come here, wanting to see the strength of Elite Four-level Trainers, and trying to learn something from them.

"Well, I'm right next to this stall that sells grilled squid." Xia Yan said lightly and hung up the phone.

Looking at the crowded and lively scene in front of him, he watched silently.

There's not much difference between him and these people.

They are just a group of normal strength, but they are not low-spirited, hoping to become a member of the Elite Four-level Trainer.

However, in the face of the cruel reality, no matter how many they are, they are actually just a blank piece of paper in the wind.

"Little brother - two skewers?" The owner of the squid stall looked at Xia Yan, who was standing in front of his stall, but couldn't help but greeted him.

"No need. Forget it, give me three strings."

After thinking about it, Xia Yan still bought three large strings of grilled squid.

I don't like it myself, but I can let Beedrill try it out.

In the past three days, because the previous residence did not dare to go back, I could only take the Pokémon to train in some relatively remote corners, and did not prepare anything delicious for them.

"Okay." The boss smiled instantly.

This kind of large-scale event will not only make the trainers enthusiastic, but also stimulate the economy of Saffron City, especially the hawkers who came to the venue early to grab their stalls.

It has to be said that this can be regarded as a re-injection of Saffron City, which has been depressed for a month.

"Xia Yan!"


Steven, who was wearing a small suit, and Cynthia, who had a face that no strangers should enter, came to Xia Yan under the watchful eyes of many people.

"Steven, Cynthia." Xia Yan nodded towards them.

".Thank you last time." Cynthia thanked a little uncomfortable.

Xia Yan knew what she was thanking, it was nothing more than a subconscious reminder from her last time when she was in the dark ruins.

He waved his hand and said, "No, even without my reminder, you will be fine, but I should thank you for looking for me there for so long."

Cynthia lowered her head and bit her lip, not knowing what to say for a while.

"I just wanted to ask you what happened last time, can you tell us now?" Steven smiled and patted Xia Yan's shoulder.

"Wait a minute." He turned to the stall owner and said, "Pack up, thank you."


The stall owner deftly put the fragrant squid into a bag and handed it to Xia Yan.

"Talk while you walk."

"it is good."

Then Xia Yan briefly talked about some of the things he encountered and happened when he entered the Tunnel after he fell, but he did not mention the possible dangers of the Tunnel and Aerodactyl. Finally Assisted Abra's Teleport back to the Ground.

As Steven and Cynthia, they certainly don't sit in ordinary stands.

The two showed their VIP cards all the way, entered the merge channel, and were led by the hostess into the guest seat.

Xia Yan naturally did not speak.

Because when the Elite exhibition game started, he suddenly remembered that he forgot to buy a ticket.

Fortunately, Steven still remembered the Elite exhibition match and called him.

The secluded private room, with semi-circular transparent glass, can overlook the entire battlefield situation,

After entering, Steven and Cynthia summoned their own Pokémon.

Xia Yan thought about it, and took out the Poké Ball to release Beedrill and Abra. The two little guys looked around curiously.

He didn't release Togepi, it's not that he was guarding the two of them, but the shriveled Onion Stick didn't taste very good.

Cheers like a tsunami of mountains and tsunamis broke out in the entire venue, and the rising and falling sharp Growls were heard incessantly.

This is an Elite exhibition match, a match against the top powerhouses of the Pokémon Alliance. Even if it's just an exhibition match, it represents the power of the small group of people at the top of the Alliance.

With the emergence of Host, the cheers were pushed to the top for the first time.

"Next, let's welcome! Ghost Elite from Kanto Region, Agatha——!!"


As the aged Agatha walked out of the passage with a cane in the same old woman's appearance, the whole place was boiling.

Agatha has served as the Kanto Region Elite Four for decades and can be said to be the oldest Elite Four at present. Even if the Ghost-type Pokémon is not lovable, it still has a lot of popularity, especially some who have witnessed Agatha's youth Middle-aged or old men who looked like they were at the time.

As a father or even a grandfather, you can proudly say to your son or grandson.

Behold, papa (grandpa) once was the goddess!

And their sons or grandsons will be even more proud to say: Our goddess is Cynthia!

Xia Yan in the box looked at Cynthia almost subconsciously.

In the future, Cynthia will become like Agatha when she gets old?

Kind of hard to imagine.

When he looked towards Cynthia, he happened to meet Cynthia's line of sight, feeling a little embarrassed for a while.

The passionate voice of the Host sounded again: "Next! Let's welcome the Elite Four, the Ice Elite! Pryce——!!"

When an old man with gray hair and a cold face, wearing a white scarf and also leaning on crutches walked out, many older Trainers shed tears of excitement.

Lifetime series -

Ice-based Elite and Ghost-based Elite, two veteran Elites took the stage at the same time.

As many people know, this can be said to be Pryce's last battle as an Ice Elite.

After the end, he will disarm and return to the field, resign as Elite, and go to a small town to be the owner of the gym.



The two veteran Elites looked at each other, and there were too many things in each other's eyes.

And these things, only the two of them who are present can understand each other.

"Let me see where the peak of your ice element is." Agatha's eyes were filled with fighting intent after a long time.

"It will not let you down."

As the referee's two flags fell at the same time, the sound resounded throughout the venue.

"Game start!"

There are a lot of things to do during the day today, and if the monthly pass is updated, upload it——

(End of this chapter)

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