The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 335 The Kind Xia Yan

Chapter 335 The Kind Xia Yan

Caves of wild Pokémon, especially carnivorous wild Pokémon like Tyrantrum, are always dirty, smelly, and messy in caves where they live.

Tyrantrum's Cave did not disappoint Xia Yan.

The depths of the cave are full of bones, and the smell of rancidity and mold is blowing.

Resisting the discomfort in my heart, I worked together with a few Pokémon to clean it up many times before it was finally cleaned up.

Fortunately, Sharpedo was there and turned into a fully automatic Water Spout machine to let Cave Refresh.

Fire Courtney.

Let go of all the Pokémon and relax.

Because it was too late, I didn't go out to look for food. The Pokémons only had energy cubes for dinner, and Xia Yan would just eat some dry food.

Fortunately, he has always been prepared to pack a lot of dry food when he goes out.

However, there is not much water, so the places of residence have chosen a place close to the water source.

This is a running water, don't worry too much about the water quality, as long as the water is boiled, there will be basically no major problems.


Snorlax, who was lying next to Courtney, opened his mouth and didn't mean to move at all, but just signaled Xia Yan, who was sitting on his stomach in a daze, not to forget to continue feeding him.

Returning to God, Xia Yan continued to throw some energy cubes into Snorlax's mouth.


There are also enough low-level energy blocks on the body to maintain Snorlax's food intake for a while.

Gently stroked the soft hair on its stomach.

"Snorlax, cooperate with me later." Xia Yan discussed.


Snorlax squinted his eyes at his long-term "meal ticket".

Let’s not talk about anything else, Snorlax is still very satisfied with this very “savvy” meal ticket. You don’t have to find food yourself, and the food you eat still tastes good and contains a lot of energy. Energy cubes , you don't have to eat all the time, you have more Rest time.

So Snorlax will still pay attention to Xia Yan's words.

If it was someone else, Snorlax wouldn't care, just closed his eyes and continued Rest.

"Don't keep your breath later, let me fully release it, if I let you move, you move." Xia Yan said.


Snorlax looked confused.

There's nothing wrong with exposing the breath, as it used to do in order to get rid of wild Pokémon that interfered with its eating.

But just move

"I'll give you an extra meal today."

"Crack!" Snorlax nodded decisively.

no problem.

Xia Yan smiled and touched its belly again.

Such Pokémon are very comfortable to get along with, there are not so many complicated things, as long as the food is full.

After getting the reply from Snorlax, Xia Yan took out two Poké Balls.

It contains Yanmega and Tyrantrum caught today.

With the flashing red light, two Pokémon whose Contest Condition had not fully recovered appeared in the Cave.

That is to say, Pokémons like Tyrantrum are relatively large, so the cave they live in is also big enough, otherwise these two Pokémons plus Snorlax may not be able to stay.

As soon as the two Pokémon came out, they saw Xia Yan sitting on Snorlax's stomach.

Just as he was about to make a vicious look, his attention was drawn to the Snorlax beneath him.

Immediately his expression froze.

If anyone took a picture at this time, they would definitely find that Yanmega and Tyrantrum have very similar expressions.

The same awkwardness and restraint.

Xia Yan jumped down with Snorlax's stomach, Beedrill, Yongjira, Togetic and Doublade all surrounded him.

Yanmega's eyes fell on Beedrill and Tyrantrum on Doublade.

with fear.


Snorlax moved his body and stood up slowly supporting the Ground. It was like a wall of Normal standing behind Xia Yan. His squinting eyes seemed harmless to humans and animals, but its aura seemed to Yanmega and Tyrantrum, but it was not at all. friendly.

Moreover, the three-meter Snorlax can be considered huge compared to the two-meter Yanmega and Tyrantrum.

"I won't say more about the gossip. I need a Flying Pokémon and a land Pokémon now as means of transportation. I may also need to participate in battles occasionally. Do you think you can do it?" Xia Yan hugged his chest, facing the two Only Pokémon said calmly.

Yanmega and Tyrantrum looked at each other.

What's the meaning?



Snorlax let out a very cooperative cry, slowly raising it almost to catch up with Xia Yan's swivel thigh, which glowed with a metallic sheen, as if Frillish stomped towards Ground.

boom! !

For a time, the entire cave shook violently, the ground cracked layer by layer, and wide cracks appeared in the ground.

Moves, heavy impact!

Xia Yan: .

Snorlax was still too serious, and he almost thought that this cave that he had finally found would be overwhelmed.

He knew that Snorlax felt that way when he was "acting," not to mention Yanmega and Tyrantrum, the two Pokémon that faced Snorlax.


Tyrantrum's throat wriggled.

The steel-type move is a heavy impact, if it is hit by this.

will die?

The Yanmega is about the same, with a bigger weight gap than the Snorlax.

"Of course, I'm a very good person. Others say I'm a 'good person'. If you don't want to, I won't force it."

The smile on Xia Yan's face did not change.

He added: "But in this way, your role may only be to do Snorlax's sparring. It eats too much and needs to exercise every day."

Yanmega and Tyrantrum looked at Snorlax at the same time.


Is that a sparring?

That is to find a sandbag with meat for Snorlax!

will die?

"Okay, merciful, I will give you the right to choose."

Xia Yan spread his hands.

There was silence in the cave.


Snorlax hit Yawn long, tears welling up from the corners of his eyes.

After a while, I got a little sleepy.

He shouted at Xia Yan again.


'This is too time-consuming, hurry up and finish it? ’


Yanmega's reaction was the fastest. He immediately took a few steps forward, carefully gave birth to a foot, and gently placed it on Xia Yan's palm, expressing his attitude.

If anyone can see the change in Yanmega's expression on Pokémon, they will definitely recognize Yanmega's smirk.

Seeing Yanmega's statement, Tyrantrum was no longer "reserved", and hurried forward, stretched out his short forearm, and placed it in Xia Yan's palm, where did he still look like he was arrogant before.

At the same time they comfort themselves.

There is no shame in surrendering to the strong.

Snorlax obeys Xia Yan's orders, then they obey Xia Yan, that is, obey the strong.

Living in a wild environment without human interference, they have a very strong ability to accept the survival of the fittest.

Thinking of this, the feeling of suffocation in my heart suddenly disappeared.

"very good."

Xia Yan nodded in satisfaction.

First, I took out a box of energy cubes and gave it to Snorlax.

Snorlax didn't mind the box, and after he threw it into his mouth, he lay down on his back. After chewing and swallowing a few times, he heard steady breathing.

Then Xia Yan took out some energy cubes and handed them to Yanmega and Tyrantrum.

"This is yours."

Hit a stick and then give a radish, it is still very effective for catching this wild Pokémon.

Sure enough, Yanmega and Tyrantrum looked intoxicated immediately after eating the energy cube.

It was the first time they had eaten something so delicious.

(End of this chapter)

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