The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 358 Glorious Breeder

Chapter 358 Glorious Breeder

The infusion of dragon energy was smooth.

With little hindrance, Doron Bartto managed to inject all the dragon energy from the dragon crystal shard into the Pokémon egg.

After doing this, Regidorago in the Rhythm Furnace suddenly fell silent.

It seems that because of losing the Dragon Crystal as a medium, he gave up the idea of ​​breaking free from Imprison.

It seems to be because of Doron Bartto's Contest Condition.


Doron Bartto shouted softly towards Regidorago.


Circles of faint dark red ripples rippled from the furnace, and it nodded slowly as it passed through the Doron Bartto.

Taking a deep look at Regidorago in the Rhythmic Furnace again, Doron Bart waved his tail gently and came to Xia Yan.

The eyes that were pure like a child before had disappeared.

In its place were eyes that were deep, wise and full of comprehension.

Xia Yan looked at it, and it also looked at Xia Yan silently.

Gently pursing his lips, Xia Yan knew that the current Duolong Bartto should not be the "it" it was before.


Without Yongjira's Psychic Help, Doron Bartto's voice sounded in Xia Yan's mind.


If the voice of Duolong Bartto was a pure and beautiful girl before, then the voice now is that of a mature and intellectual royal sister.

"Regidorlago showed me a lot," Doron Bartto said.

Hearing this, Xia Yan was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, some understood.

Duolong Bartto's absent-mindedness just now was not because he was controlled by Regidorago, but because Regidorago passed on his memory to Doron Bartto in his own way?

in a short moment.

Dolong Bartto, who has experienced the impact of a lot of memory pictures, is like experiencing the life of a normal Pokémon, and he has completed the transformation of thinking and consciousness in an instant.

This is Xia Yan's guess, but he feels that only this explanation makes sense.

This is the Pokémon world, not the fantasy world, otherwise Xia Yan would really wonder if Duolong Bartto was "robbed".

"You humans." Doron Bartto's voice sounded again.

Hearing this extremely complicated voice, Xia Yan showed helplessness.

The inferiority of human beings, from the point of view of what Doron Bartto and Regidorago have experienced, human beings are probably a race that should not exist in this world, right?

But what they experience is not representative of everyone.

Xia Yan opened his mouth, but before he could speak, he was interrupted by Duolong Bart.

"Thank you for showing me another side of humanity."

Or, look up at Togetic, Yongjira, Beedrill, Doublade.

He lowered his head and touched the Pokémon egg in his hand with a complicated expression.

"They're happy to follow you."

The four Pokémons swept by Duolong Bartto slowly came to Xia Yan's side.

Xia Yan's complicated expression gradually calmed down, and his eyes stared straight at Duolong Bartto, without any intention of dodging.

He said calmly and slowly, "You can too."

Doron Bart was taken aback.

Looking at Xia Yan with a sincere face, and the four Pokémon beside him, especially Togetic who kept nodding his little head.

He couldn't help raising his mouth.

In just over a day after leaving the ruins, it really lived happily.

If it can, it really doesn't really want to experience those pictures that Regidorlago showed it, and let it experience a lot of things it doesn't want to experience and face in such a short period of time.

If you can keep the previous Contest Condition, follow Xia Yan carefree, and then slowly enrich your experience.

Growing up in the warm atmosphere of Xia Yan and his Pokémons, Doron Bartto thinks he should be happy.

The atmosphere eased.

"Is it okay?" Duolong Bart murmured, as if he was asking Xia Yan, and he seemed to be asking himself.

But unfortunately, some things cannot be reversed, and some memories cannot be erased.

"Yes." Xia Yan answered it firmly.


Togetic waved his hand at it.

"But now you don't seem to be qualified to become my dragon trainer."

The smile on Doron Bartto's face did not disappear, and his tone was ridiculed.

Pokémon Trainer is a name that has only been promoted and used since Alliance became the master of the Pokémon world recently.

in ancient times.

The Trainer of the Dragon Pokémon is called the Dragon Trainer.

"Give me some time." Xia Yan said without hesitation.

Doron Bartto was stunned again.

Looking at Xia Yan with a confident face.

It was the first time I saw such a confident Xia Yan.

Previously, in Xia Yan's impression, he was a good person, made delicious food, and treated his Pokémon very well, and Pokémon also liked him very much.

"Besides, what about the little guy in your hand?" Xia Yan said again.

Doron Bart looked down with a complicated expression.

"You've been waiting for hundreds of thousands of years, would you mind waiting another three years?" Xia Yan raised three fingers.

"Within three years, I will definitely become a dragon trainer worthy of your strength."

"Three years?"

Three years, for Doron Bartto, were really, really fleeting.

"Also, I will take you out of this place. This is just a small corner of the whole world. A wider world is waiting for you to experience."

Xia Yan continued.

Doron Bartto nodded, "I really want to leave, Regidorago needs my help, I will help it find the dragon crystal, and I also know how to leave this place."

Xia Yan's expression stiffened.

‘Is Regidorago doing a little too much? ’


Inside the Rhythmic Furnace, Regidorrago made another move.

Duolong Bartto felt its meaning, and glanced at Xia Yan with a little surprise.

In a soft voice: "Regidorago said, you are a good person."

Xia Yan: "."

Do you want to label people without the slightest basis?

"It said that you have a lot of auras that it is familiar with. With these auras, it is destined that you and that group of people will not be together."

Azelf? Or Marshadow?

Xia Yan took a deep breath and said with a serious face: "First of all, I have to make a statement, I am absolutely, not, a, good person!"

Good people this stuff, too much burden.

He's still a villain.

The kind of villain with a bottom line.

"Okay, I understand." Doron Bartto nodded.

But looking at the eyes, there is a little bit of understanding there?

Without waiting for Xia Yan to continue to persuade, it said directly: "I will follow you."


"I'll wait for you for three years. After three years, I'll give you a chance. If you beat me, you can become my dragon trainer. I won't do anything for you during this period, except for this child."

On the other hand, the color of Doron Bartto's body gradually lightened, as if it had been erased by an eraser, Normal, and gradually disappeared.

Doron Bartto, classified by Pokémon Pokédex, is an invisible Pokémon.

"Meaning that I can no longer be responsible for your diet?"

Xia Yan rubbed his chin, and said something intentionally and unintentionally.

Doron Bartto: "."

"Three times," said Doron Bartto's voice. "I'll help you three times."

"Then let's halve the previous amount. After all, it's not easy for me. There are so many Pokémons to support. After three years, I have to win you over and give you so many good things. What if you continue to grow?" Xia Yan He muttered, but his voice was not lowered much.

Togetic next to him covered his mouth.

This time it learned to be good and didn't interrupt.

Yongjira gave a "teachable" look.

"Five times! No more!"

Duolong Bartto just disappeared halfway through his body and immediately appeared, waiting to look at Xia Yan, and silently rebuked him.

"make a deal!"

Xia Yan smiled.

Anyway, it will be his Pokémon after three years, and it may not even take three years. What's wrong with training it in advance?

Don't say it yet.

Although the current Doron Bart is obviously not as simple as before, it has become more interesting to communicate with it.

Otherwise, with the mind of Duolong Bart before, it is estimated that he may not understand the hidden meaning in Xia Yan's words.

the most important is.

The current Doron Bartto should be able to maximize its strength, right?

At least it's Elite!

Elite level bodyguard!

As a glorious quasi-god Pokémon breeder, Xia Yan wanted to ask.

Who else? !

(End of this chapter)

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