The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 885 Xia Yan Vs Dan Di (Below, 1.1W!)

Chapter 884 Xia Yan VS Dan Di (below, 1.1w!)

Trick Room: Create a special enchantment with Psychic, in the enchantment, the speed of all Pokémon is completely reversed, and the order of shots is reversed.

I see.

Centered on Dandi's ice-walking doll, four dark and transparent Barriers appeared out of thin air, and quickly spread to the surrounding areas until they covered the entire arena.

With the complete coverage of "Trick Room", the speed of Beedrill, which was galloping like electricity, suddenly slowed down.

Its golden wings vibrated, and countless fine electric currents burst out from above its wings, surrounding the whole body, so it showed the appearance of a golden arc.


At this point Beedrill is like slow motion, all movements are slowed down.

and correspondingly.

It should be the slowest Rhyperior in the audience, but at this time it is like a terrifying armored tank with full horsepower, walking like a fly.

Although it doesn't seem to have the lightness and agility of Beedrill because of its size, the visual impact brought by the Rhyperior's posture is much greater than that brought by Beedrill.

The speed of the two fastest and slowest Pokémon in the audience was instantly reversed.

And Rhyperior's sharp increase in speed also makes its moves faster.

The red stones all over its body burst into light, along with the huge Horn Drill above its head, as if countless stones were squirming on its body.

next second.

These stones burst out like bullets, like cannonballs, making the Rhyperior look like a real tank, constantly firing highly destructive cannonballs.

Rock Wrecker!

One of the most powerful moves in the Rock series, and also has twice the Attribute restraint against Beedrill.

If Beedrill gets hit unprepared, Beedrill will be hit hard, if not in an instant.

Dan Di wanted to use the sudden "Trick Room" to catch Xia Yan by surprise.

Even if you can't kill Beedrill in seconds.

With Beedrill's tactical position as the number one attacker in Xia Yan's team, the pressure and threat to Dan Di will undoubtedly be much smaller in the future.

boom--! !

The huge Rock Wrecker collided with a violent roar, accompanied by countless splashes of Rock rubble, and a lot of dust from the blast.

And this roar concealed, there are countless fine sonorous friction sound.

Watching this scene, the audience's eyes widened one by one, for fear of missing every detail that followed.

Xia Yan's expression was also slightly serious.


Finally someone made a fuss about him on speed.


Since he had predicted that the Ice Treader Dipole might be the core of Pill Emperor, it was naturally impossible for him to be unprepared.


The familiar flapping sound of feathered wings and a surging air current blew away the large swath of dust, revealing the Beedrill below.

Twineedle is still bright, his eyes are still sharp, and his body is a little embarrassed, but it's not a big problem.

What happened?

Soon on the big screen, a slow-motion playback was given.

Facing Rhyperior's "Rock Wrecker," Beedrill's speed was reduced though because of "Trick Room."

But its response speed will not disappear because of "Trick Room".

Just when the huge Rock Wrecker composed of countless Rocks was about to hit Beedrill.

Its stern Twineedle, splitting out an emerald green cross blade, blocked the greatest impact of the "Rock Wrecker" at the first time, while smashing a lot of Rock.

Immediately after.

Beedrill fluttered his wings, and his whole body was surrounded by airflow, and his body actually spun rapidly in place.

Its Flying speed has been greatly weakened, but the movement in place is not greatly affected.

At the same time as the countless air currents were surrounded, the smashed rock blocks hit the air flow, either being rolled into powder, or being smashed and bombed.

last resort.

The director can only slow down the playback speed again.

Only then did the audience understand.

After being slowed down eight times, the Beedrill still spins very quickly.

the most important is.

As it spins itself, Beedrill's Twineedle flips up and down, each time the long needle dances, it's accompanied by the collapse of a piece of rubble.


Blocked like that?

Didn't it say "Trick Room"?

Beedrill's speed is also exaggerated.

However, unlike the audience's attention, Dan Di's eyes fell behind Beedrill, on Alakazam, who was holding a spoon with a shimmer in his eyes.

"Trick Room". Gone.

Alakazam was also affected by the Ice Doll's "Trick Room", and its speed was reduced, but it responded immediately.

Just as "Rock Wrecker" is about to hit Beedrill, its action is "long overdue."

Alakazam also casts "Trick Room"!

Space for space, magic for magic.

The "Trick Room" that enveloped Beedrill at that moment had disappeared.

Coupled with Beedrill's "X-Scissor" and "Retaliation Shield", it perfectly stopped Rhyperior's "Rock Wrecker".

The dark transparent barrier that enveloped the audience quickly faded away.

"Trick Room" ends.

As early as Xia Yan planned his own tactical system, he thought of the weakness of "Trick Room".

So I deliberately let Alakazam learn this trick from Oranguru.

He doesn't have to.

But to make Rival not work either.

This is the first time that Alakazam has used the "Trick Room" move in actual combat after learning it.

Have to admit.

Dan Di had studied him and found a relative weak point in him.

If Alakazam couldn't use "Trick Room" just now, then Rhyperior's sudden outbreak of "Rock Wrecker" might have caused considerable damage to Beedrill, making Xia Yan at a disadvantage from the beginning.

"Is this the tactician master?"

Dan Di sighed silently in his heart.

But come to think of it.

Even the top Specialized Trainers know how to zone defense.

Xia Yan, known as the "Master of Tactics", doesn't know his weakness for no reason.

Beedrill stopped galloping, rubbing the Twineedle, eyes gleaming.

Although it blocked Rhyperior's "Rock Wrecker", the impact was still there.


Xia Yan glanced at Vulpix, and the little guy instantly understood.

"Boom King Kong Gorilla!"

Dan Di was only surprised for a short time, and did not stop his rhythm.

Although "Trick Room" failed, it also gave him a head start.

dong dong dong-

see you.

Standing behind Rhyperior, the pounding gorilla kept slapping his chest.

Immediately after.

The emerald green leaves on his body glowed with a halo, and at the same time, on the ordinary field that was just bare, tender grass seedlings grew crazily.

And these grass seedlings grow rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, covering most of the area in the blink of an eye.

Grassy Terrain!

From the ability "Grass Maker" from the Thundering King Kong Gorilla.

Grassy Maker: Creates a "Grassy Terrain".

It has the same effect as the weather ability Pokémon with the "Blowing Sand" Ability and "Rainfall" Ability, except that the "Grass Maker" Ability affects the field.

Before the Galar Region was announced, only Tapu Moo, one of the four patron saints of the Alola Region, had this ability.

Grassy Terrain: Grass-type moves are more powerful, Pokémon on the grass continue to recover, and moves such as "Earthquake", "Magnitude" or "Bulldoze" do less damage.

and this.

Only the Ability of the Wisdom Tree Booming King Kong Gorilla comes into play, and its actions are not just like that.

The sun, which was originally overlooking the earth, was hanging high in the sky, and the sun seemed to become more violent and scorching.

The heat shone down from Soaring in the sky and rose again, causing Wendy to rise straight up in the entire venue.

Sunny Day!

Charizard, the Fire-type Pokémon, and the Flaming Trump Card, gradually became more and more excited in weather like "Sunny Day".

This banging King Kong orangutan seems to be another core of Dandi's Pokémon.

Although it is only a quasi-Elite level, its impact on the venue and the weather allows it to greatly improve the combat capabilities of the remaining Pokémons of Dandi.

As the grass spread and the weather became hot, Dandi's Flare Trump Card and Charizard also acted.

I saw the flexible soles of the Flaming Trump Card pick up a pebble on the ground, constantly jiggling between the feet, and countless flames surged from its body and quickly wrapped around the pebble.

In just a blink of an eye, the seemingly insignificant stone turned into a huge fiery ball of fire.

With the flashing eyebrows, Trump Card raised his eyebrows and looked serious. He kicked on the ground hard, and shot it out like a shot.

Pyro Ball!

The exclusive move of the Flaming Trump Card, the power is very terrifying.

The temperature of the entire arena continued to rise again due to the appearance of the fireball.

at the same time.

Charizard, who was hovering in the air, struggled to vibrate his wings, rolled up a rolling heat wave, and swept the "Pyro Ball" with the flashing Trump Card.

Heat Wave!

The two fire-type moves complement each other.

The airflow of "Heat Wave" makes the flame of "Pyro Ball" more and more wanton, which in turn emits hotter and hotter air, which in turn feeds back to "Heat Wave" to increase its power.

Also, this move doesn't require a Lock On target at all, it has a huge attack range.

It covers almost half of the venue, including all of Xia Yan's Pokémon.

a time.

The billowing heat wave kept hitting the defensive barrier, and the nearest audience, even across the barrier, could feel the heat on their bodies.

And this is not all of Dandi's offensive.

The ice-stepping puppet raised the ice crystal scepter in his hand, and the gleaming green light accompanied by dazzling light shined brightly on top of it.

Most of the blazing sunlight falling in the sky was absorbed by this scepter and blended together, as well as the green energy that was constantly spilling out of the "Grassy Terrain" on the ground.

Solar Beam!

In the weather of "Sunny Day", the intensity of sunlight increased greatly, so "Solar Beam", which originally needed to condense light, skipped the middle process in an instant.

the other side.

Dan Di's Aegislash disappeared into the shadows, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Alakazam.

On its unsheathed sharp blade, it also condenses the same bright sunlight as on the ice doll scepter.

Solar Blade!

After use in "Grassy Terrain" and "Sunny Day" in Rumble King Kong.

Dante's Charizard, Flare Trump Card, Icewalker, and Aegislash simultaneously launch a terrifying offensive.

All are very powerful moves.

It seems that he is worried that the longer it drags on, the easier it will be to be dismantled by Xia Yan.

The quadruple attack covered the sky and made people sweat for Xia Yan.



The closest audience members were still feeling the heat and wanted to wipe off their sweat, but a crystal hexagonal Icirrus slowly fell from the air and landed on their cheeks. A touch of coldness.

How can there be snow in Sunny Day weather?

When this thought flashed through people's minds, they found that the blazing sunlight had long since disappeared.

In its place is the falling Icirrus, mixed with a large amount of ice crystal Hail.


Seeing the little Vulpix in front of Xia Yan squatting on the ground with his head raised, his whole body exudes a thin snow-white crystal energy, and wisps of Mist rise from his body.

The weather changes!

"Read first! Xia Yan Elite read Dandi player's 'Sunny Day' move first, and the 'Snowfall' ability just got stuck after the sunny day——!!"

Host is also a person who feels the alternating existence of hot and cold. Listening to the ability of the ice Vulpix from the headset, he explained it passionately in a timely manner and answered the doubts in the audience's heart.

"Snowfall" Ability!


Ability takes precedence over moves.

On the same level, even more so.

After all, Ability is an ability that has existed since the birth of Pokémon, and moves are acquired through acquired learning, innate and acquired, occupy a certain advantage.

Coupled with Xia Yan's successful prediction, Vulpix's "Snowfall" successfully topped off "Sunny Day", which blasted the King Kong orangutan.

The weather changed suddenly and the temperature plummeted.

The temperature of Charizard and Flaming Trump Card's combined moves "Heat Wave" and "Pyro Ball" has been greatly reduced, and the threat coefficient has also been continuously reduced.

It's not a full impact, but it's had a sufficient impact.

at the same time.

The "Solar Beam" of the ice walking doll dissipated with a bang before it was completely condensed.

On the contrary, Aegislash's "Solar Blade", who was very familiar with offensive moves, took on more offensive roles in Dandi's team and used it.



I saw Alakazam's figure blurred, and Beedrill appeared instead. The long needle waving was wrapped in blue light, and the front of the cross blade was holding Aegislash's "Solar Blade".

On the other hand, Infernape burst into flames all over his body and directly entered the "passionate" Contest Condition, punching Ground hard.


With the rumbling of the Ground, large chunks of Rock flew over, and a huge rock pillar wrapped in dark red flames rose from the ground and quickly rose.

After calculating the trajectory of the "Pyro Ball", it suddenly pierced and fell into the huge fireball.

Infernape learns and uses it, and the combination of "Great Indignation", "Bulldoze" and "Stone Edge" that he learned just two days ago has been used in actual combat.

The sheer focus of the "Enthusiasm" Contest Condition allows it to pinpoint the position of the "Pyro Ball" with precision.

Small · Precipice Blades!

boom--! !

The huge fireball collided with the dark red rock pillar, and there was a terrifying explosion sound.

Even to a certain extent, the impact of Vulpix's "snowfall" ability has been weakened.

The defensive barrier was flickered by the aftermath of the collision.


"Trick Room" was cracked by Xia Yan, and it was still within the acceptance range of Emperor Dan.

But this "read first" countermeasure made Dan Di a little surprised.

He thought that summoning the King Kong Gorilla would give Xia Yan a passive choice to deal with Milotic, but it was actually hiding his identity as the second core of the King Kong King.

At the end, Xia Yan replaced Milotic with Ice Vulpix, which also gave him a choice to deal with the King Kong gorilla.

But did not expect.

He is hiding "Sunny Day", and Xia Yan is also hiding "Snowfall".

As if from the beginning, he was in Xia Yan's calculations.

He has paid enough attention to Xia Yan. After "Sunny Day" was formed, he did not hesitate for a moment, and directly let the four Pokémon launch the most ferocious offensive, trying to convert the first opportunity he grabbed into a substantial advantage.

But his offensive was almost completely resolved by Xia Yan's capture.

Then quickly seized the opportunity brought by the countermeasure and launched a counterattack.

And the movement of Infernape to resist the "big fireball" of the Flaming Trump Card is the counterattack horn blown by Xia Yan.


It was Latios who inspired Psychic, compiled the Psychic thread, and blocked more than half of Charizard's remaining "Heat Wave" in the form of a net bag.

Secondly, the dark cunning in Togekiss' eyes turned into a white light "Extrreme Speed" behind Rhyperior, and his wings were whitened out.


Lock On Rhyperior.

Air Slash!

The situation is changing rapidly.

However, he is good at special attack and has obtained a strengthened Togekiss. It is a very reasonable choice to use Rhyperior, who is excellent in physical defense but weak in special defense, as the first target.

Although Togekiss is still weak in Attribute, the impact is not great.

Sharp Air Cutter, already approaching Rhyperior.

However, Rhyperior's huge and slow body was blurred for a while, and what appeared at Rhyperior's position was already an ice doll.

Ally Switch!

Dandi's ice-walking puppet was also familiar with the "Ally Switch" move, and he set up his scepter, encouraged Psychic, and fought with "Psychic".


Togekiss winked at it playfully.

Seems to be waiting for this moment.

Psychic surging again, Togekiss's figure suddenly dissipated, and he appeared in front of the ice-walking doll. The one who was short and avoided the high-angle "Psychic" was Infernape!

The fiery flames covered the fists, and the absolute Contest Condition of "enthusiasm" allowed Infernape to unleash this powerful punch.

Bang-! !

Cracks appeared on the scepter of the ice-walking doll, and the figure was directly smashed, and hot flames burst out from its body.

Alakazam disappeared out of thin air, "Teleport" appeared on the way of the ice treading doll flying backwards, the spoon collided, and the pitch-black "Shadow Ball" burst out.

the most important is.

Obviously a Pokémon of the Psychic Type, Alakazam's whole body actually swelled up with the same rich and spiritual energy as the Pokémon of the Ghost Pokémon, making the "Shadow Ball" more powerful than one degree.

It is the "Freedom" Ability!

Alakazam doesn't know when he actually "Role Play" the "Freedom" ability of the Flare Trump Card.

When it casts the Ghost-type "Shadow Ball", its own Attribute is transformed into a Ghost-type with the blessing of the "Freedom" Ability, and the power of its moves is blessed with the same Attribute as its own!

Seeing this, Emperor Dan's heart tightened.

turn out to be.

Xia Yan's goal is not to defend the high-blooded Rhyperior at all, but the ice-walking puppet that will be replaced as the core!

He couldn't help but take a deep look at Xia Yan.

A thought popped into my mind.

How did Xia Yan predict it?

If Xia Yan knew what Emperor Dan was thinking, he would definitely tell him.

In fact, there is no prediction at all.

With Xia Yan's "infinite defense switching" system, no matter who is dealing with the attack, he can immediately replace the Pokémon with the greatest advantage in front of the Pokémon who is about to be attacked.

It's not surprising that Dandi's ice-walking puppet will also "Ally Switch".

And his idea was simple.

If Rhyperior insists on taking Togekiss's "Air Slash", it will not be Infernape's "great outrage" that will replace Togekiss, but Latios' "Luster Purge", further reducing Rhyperior's special defense.

If it's an ice doll, it's Infernape, the flamboyant and absolutely focused.

Dandi has only one ice doll that can use the "Ally Switch". In terms of changing targets, it is definitely better than Xia Yan's three Pokémons with "Ally Switch" moves, Alakazam, Togekiss, and Latios.

Even if Dan Di was given one or two "Ally Switch" Pokémons, it was impossible for him to be better than Xia Yan in switching defenses.

The Normal Trainer, who has to seize the opportunity to command six Pokémon in the blink of an eye, while also commanding the six Pokémon to constantly change positions?

Thinking skills cannot withstand such a complex transition.

If it weren't for the Masters match, where several collisions broke out in one second, it might be possible.

But certainly not in the Masters.

There are only Psychic people like Xia Yan, and under his long-term training, Alakazam and Latios have enough self-judgment ability, and the rest can't replicate his system at all.

The reason why he is said to be a pseudo-tri-core now is that Togekiss, a non-Psychic Pokémon's Togekiss, lacks self-judgment and awareness.

But with Xia Yan's assistance, that's enough.

"Charizard! Flare Trump Card!"

Dan Di drank in a deep voice.


Charizard fluttered his wings and fell rapidly towards the direction of Alakazam and the ice doll. He danced in the air. "Dragon Dance" followed the trend, and the rich dragon energy covered his whole body.

Dragon Rush!

The speed of the flashing Trump Card is not slow. His explosive legs kicked hard on the ground, and the red flames with some golden lines rushed towards Alakazam.

Flare Blitz!

Dan Di also wanted to Struggle to see if he could save the ice walking puppet as the first core.

Even if he couldn't save the ice doll, he couldn't drag it any longer.

Without the first core, he fell into an absolute disadvantage, and he had to make up for the loss as much as possible.

boom--! !

Alakazam's Shadow Ball smashed down hard, stopped the flying ice doll directly, and smashed it to the ground.

Accompanied by layers of cracks in the Ground.

But Alakazam, who had done all this, didn't even look at it, his figure was blurred again, and he defended Aegislash with a spoon full of black awns.

In the end, there was still a trace of willpower remaining in the eyes of Struggle's ice-walking puppet, and a long needle wrapped in green fluorescence was getting closer and closer.

puff! !

Fell Stinger!

Harvest complete!

Beedrill's momentum quickly climbed.

Facing the surging heat wave, he didn't mean to back down. Facing Charizard who fell from the sky, he turned into a golden arc and rushed up quickly.

At the same time, Infernape, who was rushing, arrived first and appeared in front of Beedrill.

He waved his fist of fire, and the top of his head was hot.

Bang-! !

Belonging to the collision of Infernape and the Flare Trump Card, the collision of "Flare Blitz" and "The Great Indignation."

Followed by another heat wave.

The collision of Beedrill and Charizard also erupted in gusts and aftermath.

For a while, two aftershocks rolled up a terrifying gust of wind, raging in the venue, constantly slapping the surrounding barrier protection, causing the protection to flicker with flickering light, causing the staff to be on serious alert again.

the other side.

The fluttering Togekiss and the retracted Latios are constantly staggering.

Sometimes it's just the position exchange on the way of Flying, and sometimes it's the exchange of each other under the "Ally Switch", rushing towards the thundering king gorilla at the back of Dandi.

And Dandi, who was the first to lose an ice doll, not only lost the first core, but also lost a Pokémon.

It fell behind in numbers.



Rhyperior, who had previously exchanged positions with the ice-walking puppet, was already behind Dandi's formation, with dust rolling on his body and rock squirming under his feet, ready for the battle.


Latios's eyes flickered, and he was the first to spit out a pure white beam of cleanliness, sweeping towards Rhyperior.

While Rhyperior struggled to wiggle his tail, a huge Rock rose up and intercepted Latios' "Luster Purge".


Latios' light suddenly came from another angle.

It and Togekiss are constantly shifting positions relative to each other, Rhyperior simply cannot defend from all angles.

In addition to the "Air Slash" that Togekiss kept cutting out, it also fell from all directions.

a time.

Rhyperior has become a toy in the hands of Togekiss and Latios Pokémon, like a tank dealing with a bomber, only to be beaten, but it is difficult to fight back.

For Dan Di, the only good thing.

That is, Rhyperior's physical strength is thick enough to last for a while.

When "Air Slash" caused Rhyperior to fall into the "creeping Contest Condition", Togekiss used "Extrreme Speed", leaving Rhyperior's range and approaching the front of the Thunder King Kong gorilla.

For this reason, the Boom King Kong orangutan had to fight back, grabbing the Ground, and when he lifted it up again, he had a huge and sturdy wooden stick in his hand.

Wood Hammer!

But what greeted it was not the expected "Air Slash" belonging to Togekiss, even though its wings were already covered with white light.

But did not fall.


It was a pale light beam that seemed to have no temperature.

But at the moment when this pale light beam touched the "Wood Hammer", Banglei King Kongchiang realized that he was wrong.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the Wood Hammer in its hands was completely covered with rigid ice crystals, and it was covering its body at an unresponsive speed.

Ice Vulpix.

Absolutely cold!

Togekiss used the "Ally Switch" again, but not with Latios, but with the ice Vulpix behind Natsuhiko.

When the King Kong Gorilla was completely covered by frost and turned into a lively ice sculpture, Togekiss, who was replaced in the backcourt, also swung out the "Air Slash", which was still stagnant. The goal was to reach Aegislash, who was entangled with Alakazam.

The Host outside the arena was holding the microphone, his eyes were dull, and his mouth was reciting the words of several interlaced voices constantly coming from the headphones.

Fast change!

He finally understood the meaning of the ever-changing.

The situation on the field was changing too fast.

The most important thing is that the positions of Xia Yan's Pokémon are too erratic, and the positions change more frequently than when he is fighting with Ma Zhishi.

Every change of position and every move seems to contain changes, with deeper meanings.

But he just kept repeating, "Alakazam swapped places with Ally Switch and Beedrill, Togekiss and Latios swapped places with Ally Switch, Vulpix and Togekiss swapped places, Alakazam and Latios swapped places. Incapacitated by Vulpix's attack."

The audience was also dizzy.

But that didn't stop them from staring at the venue.

They couldn't figure out the position change, but the huge movement caused by the collision was enough to make their hearts surge.

Just like.

Charizard and Beedrill are now fighting, and the Flare Trump Card and Infernape.

Out of the corner of Dandi's eyes, when he caught sight of the Booming King Kong orangutan, which had been frozen into an ice sculpture, sweat had already appeared on his forehead.

too much stress.

Xia Yan's backhand in an instant gave him too much pressure.

Almost one ring after another, it didn't give him any chance to breathe at all.

Even if he strained all his attention, he was still losing ground.

If he didn't do his best, he might collapse in an instant.

'Is this Xia Yan's full strength? Is this the repressive force given by Xia Yan? No wonder they attach so much importance to Xia Yan and want to fight Xia Yan. ’


Very strong indeed!

Dan Di clenched his hands.

‘Is this the top young generation of Alliance? ’

For the first time, the young Dan Emperor, who carried forward the Galar Region and carried the expectations given by Loz, felt a heavy oppressive force.

But soon.

The confident Dan Di slowed down.

He is still young and he still has a chance.

Even now.

Fire gleamed in Dan Di's eyes.

He's not the type to throw in the towel either.


Even if you want to lose, you have to show Xia Yan his strength and ability.


Charizard also felt the surging flames in Dan Di's heart, and instantly made a high-pitched voice, and the dragon roared everywhere.

next second.

The flames on its tail instantly expanded, and red flames spread all over the body.


at the same time.

Emperor Dan raised his right hand, and at his wrist, a bright red prism was unusually bright.


And Charizard sensed that Dan Di's heart was their last stubbornness, and also the last "Overheat"!

The raging flames spread out in an instant, and with pure natural energy submerging into Charizard's body, the flames expanded and expanded again.

Between the wings, it is like a proud fire dragon.

The dragon roared, and the fire was brilliant.

The audience outside the venue watched this scene and opened their mouths one by one.

The terrifying high temperature, and even the snow and ice brought by Vulpix, completely lost its suppressive effect.

"Overheat" ability plus "Overheat" plus "Z move", outside the Galar Region, this is already Dandi's strongest move.

He is no longer worried about which Pokémon Ally Switch Xia Yan will let.

Because he is confident, under this move, no matter which Pokémon of Xia Yan is, it can't resist.

Even Beedrill.

at the same time.

The only remaining Aegislash and Rhyperior, also struggling to entangle Alakazam, Togekiss, Latios and Vulpix, regardless of the injury situation, have to stop.

For a while, the four Pokémons really let the four Pokémon throw the rat, and they didn’t want to touch the desperate Pokémon.

Only Infernape and Beedrill remained.

Watching this terrifying scene, Beedrill was ready.

Dandi thought it couldn't stop it, but Beedrill was equally confident that he could stop it.

But this time.


He had been eyeing Charizard's Infernape from the very beginning, and after a "Enhanced Fire Punch" shot back the flash Trump Card, dark red flames rose from his whole body, and he shouted loudly.

The same "fire" burst out.

Both Xia Yan and Beedrill heard Infernape's high-pitched cry.

Among the sparks, Xia Yan nodded slightly towards Beedrill.

The outcome has long been decided, and this is Dan Di's last stubbornness.

Since Infernape is also excited and takes the initiative to take responsibility, let it be.

As the eldest brother, Beedrill was also very moved by Charizard's last move, but he didn't insist as much as Infernape, so he simply gave it to Infernape and rushed towards the flare Trump Card to prevent it from interfering with Infernape's display.


Infernape roared in rage.

Behind him, there seemed to be a ferocious crimson beast, also roaring together.

in the venue.

Another pillar of fire rose into the sky, and the two flames intertwined, entangled, and collided in the air, constantly spraying the surrounding barrier, causing the barrier to groan overwhelmed.

in the lounge.

Daye stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with a look of excitement, and Infernape beside him, like him, clenched his fists excitedly, and the flames spilled out of his body uncontrollably.

As a result, the people next to him couldn't help but distance themselves.

"I'm going, Daye, what are you doing so excited about the battle?" Aaron wiped his sweat off his forehead.

The temperature in the entire lounge has risen several degrees because of Da Ye and his Infernape.

Du patted Aaron on the shoulder, and stared at the arena, "I can't wait to play with these two guys."

"Dante's Charizard is very strong." Steven couldn't help but sigh.

This last move alone is enough to gain the approval of everyone in the lounge.

"Xia Yan Senior's Infernape, this Contest Condition is too good, too focused."

And when they sighed and the audience was shocked, the last confrontation between two fire-type Pokémon belonged to two flames.

Charizard's fluttering tail, the flames on it, took away the flames that wrapped Charizard's body.

Like a roaring fire dragon, savagely gnawing at the dragon's mouth, tearing at the air, it pounced on Infernape.

And in Infernape's eyes, it seems that flames are about to erupt.

The energy of the whole body is also condensed in the fist.


It made a move that everyone could not have imagined, directly ignoring the roaring fire dragon, and smashing the fist with the strength and energy of the whole body, and slammed into the Ground.

When playing against the Flare Trump Card, "enhancing Fire Punch" several times has already raised its attack power more than one step.

This punch is a punch of all the energy.

The result was the collapse of the entire site, the Grassy Terrain made by the King Kong Gorilla being burned to the ground in an instant, and the violent vibration that completely shattered all the grounds.

Even the spectators sitting outside the venue only felt their buttocks go numb, as if the entire arena was shaking violently.

boom--! !

Charizard's last dragon fell, drowning the entire Infernape.

Rao is also a fire-type Pokémon, and Infernape is definitely unable to eat this trick.

But it didn't want to resist this move.

It wants, yes.

Boom-! !

A huge rock pillar bathed in magma rose from the ground, and it rose rapidly with the momentum of thunder, rising continuously.

The rock pillars covered with dark lines like lava flow, wrapped in violent power, wiped over Charizard.

The terrifying power and impact, the pain caused by it directly drowned Charizard's consciousness and fell heavily to the ground.

Incapacitated to fight!

But the rock pillar that climbed didn't seem to be about to stop, and slammed into the defensive barrier.

A scene that surprised everyone appeared.

click -

Accompanied by a crisp sound.

On the top of the defensive barrier arc, a gap was actually broken, and the tip of the flame pillar rushed out of the barrier.

And the heat condensed in the enchantment also followed this hole, rising rapidly, turned into a large amount of white air, and dissipated in the air.

Looking at Infernape and Charizard lying on the ground, especially when they saw the huge, thick Rollout flaming rock pillar that required several people to hold hands to embrace, each with their mouths open.


This is the first time the barrier of the Masters has been damaged.

The violent visual shock has surpassed the sum of all previous battles.

The Host outside the venue was also stunned for a long time before finally reacting.


Under the amplification of the microphone, the sound of swallowing saliva spread throughout the audience.

But no one would laugh at him now.

Because, riding the Flying-type Host, it was only a few meters away from the peaking rock pillar.

The heat brought by the heat wave above covered his cold sweat.

"A terrifying, terrifying blow! Cause, Charizard, incapacitated—!!"

Whoa-! !

Cheers stopped.

This final collision made the wife's heart surge.

At this time, Dan Di also stared blankly at the rock pillar, his eyes fell on Infernape who fell to the ground.

Infernape fell under Charizard's attack?


After performing that move, Infernape had exhausted all the energy in his body and passed out.

Before Charizard's attack Smack Down, he was already incapacitated.

Immediately, a thought appeared in Dan Di's heart that made him feel a little absurd.

Infernape, who has just entered the Elite level, has such strength. If it is Xia Yan's Beedrill, does it really have the ability to block Charizard's last move?

Even if Attribute is restrained.

Because, before handing it over to Infernape, Xia Yan's Beedrill looked serious, but didn't show any panic.

The rest of the battle has actually become very simple.

In order to give Charizard a chance, Aegislash and Rhyperior forcibly delayed regardless of the opponent's attack. After Charizard, they lost their ability to fight.

The Flare Trump Card was too weak to support, and fell under Beedrill's long needle.

"The six Pokémons of Dandi players are all incapacitated, so the winner is - Xia Yan Elite!!!"

boom! !

The audience burst into cheers.

Some are for Xia Yan, and some are for the young Dan Di.

Brilliant duel.

Xia Yan and Dan Di, under the referee's signal, walked to the center of the ruins and held each other's hands.

"Very exciting battle." Xia Yan said truthfully.

A look of helplessness appeared on Dan Di's face, and he shook his head and said, "The gap in strength is too great."

He doubted that if Infernape hadn't exhausted all his moves at the end, he would have been shaved like Ma Zhishi.

Xia Yan patted his shoulder.

"You are still young, the future is yours."

The future is yours.

Although Emperor Dan knew that Xia Yan's words were true, he was indeed younger.

But why do you think "the future is yours", then.

Does the future refer to the future in which Xia Yan becomes more and more powerful?

Seeing the stagnation on his face, Xia Yan laughed heartily.

The two hugged each other, encouraging and complimenting each other.

Don't say anything more.

There is time to go back.

It's more important to get back to treating Pokémon now.

And because their battle was too intense, there was too much movement.

It doesn't matter if the venue is completely broken, the connection boundary is broken.

The team made an emergency remedy, and it is estimated that they will have to wait before they can continue the game.


PS: 1.1w is finished and sent! Write a little more detail, can you accept it?

(End of this chapter)

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