The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 901 The Guardian Of The 'Dragon Crystal'! (Triple)

Chapter 900 The Guardian of the 'Dragon Crystal'! (triple)


Xia Yan finally couldn't help but let out a foul language.

The mood is very complicated.

The people next to him also looked different.

The masters' eight-in-four battle list is already in everyone's sight.

And today.

Another day of civil war.

Xia Yan finally met Cynthia, who was also one of the Sinnoh Elite Four.

It was certainly a day worth binge-watching for the audience.

Finally wait until the quarterfinals.

Every game now is very exciting.

However, the most anticipated one is Xia Yan's match against Cynthia.

without him.

At present, only the two of them have Mega Evolution.

The collision between Mega Evolution and Mega Evolution is naturally the most anticipated.


The popularity of Xia Yan and Cynthia are also the two most popular on the scene.

Cynthia's husband fans and Xia Yan's mother fans are now torn apart in the audience.

As two people who have attracted much attention.

At this time, he was sitting quietly on the sofa in the lounge.

One with a bright smile, the other with a bitter face.

"The competition must have done it on purpose. They want to see where the limits of Mega Evolution are." Xia Yan muttered to himself.

It seems that the only way to soothe his wounded heart.

Since the end of his match against Giovanni, the schedule has been getting more and more outrageous.

However, his unintentional remarks really touched Kanto Alliance's little thought.


It's not just that.

Cynthia smiled and ate the smoothie.

Since the last time Xia Yan took her to eat, she found that she liked this kind of cold, sweet and sour food.

"Cynthia, see through."

Xia Yan looked at Cynthia expectantly.

At least.

Let him be a little more prepared.

Cynthia bit her spoon lightly, her sly eyes blinked playfully, and said with a smile, "I'll tell you when the game starts."


Nodding to Glaceon next to Cynthia.

Xia Yan's expression collapsed.

Immediately, he looked at Glaceon with his head held high.

Think about it.

Pulled out a box of little Vulpix's favorite top energy cubes.

He raised his eyebrows at it.

But I saw Glaceon gave him a look of disgust, too lazy to pay attention to him.

Who do you look down on.

What Cynthia gave it to eat were also top energy cubes.

"Small unconscionable, you also have my share in your evolution."

Xia Yan angrily put away the energy cube.

"A little bit—"

Glaceon stuck out his tongue.

It's not stupid, knowing that today's Rival of Cynthia is Xia Yan.

But Xia Yan didn't give up, and took out two thumb-sized Cianwood ice crystals, which looked unusually crystal clear under the light of the palm of his hand.


Seeing this, Glaceon's eyes, who had been disgusted before, instantly lit up.

Eternal Ice!

Cynthia was also a little surprised.

"Have you finished your Vulpix yet?"

Last time Pryce taught Xia Yan's Vulpix and Cynthia's Glaceon at the same time, he gave each of them a bag of "Eternal Ice".

Only after eating this thing can you know how powerful the "Eternal Ice" is.

However, the bag of Cynthia had already been eaten, and Glaceon had benefited a lot.

In fact, the Vulpix portion has already been eaten.

These were exchanged from Mikuli in Jubilife Village during the Xizui period. They were originally the main materials for making "Ice Town Treasures".

Little Vulpix eats every day and lasts a long time.

But this thing, also eat a little less.

"I still have a little bit left, and I'll give you a little bit of it."

Xia Yan gritted his teeth and said with a "meat pain" on his face.

Hearing this, Cynthia smiled lightly.

Looking at Xia Yan with a serious face, his mouth moved slightly and spit out two words.

"I do not!"

The words were also filled with a bit of arrogance and a bit of naughty.

Xia Yan: "."

"Cynthia, don't tell him, you'll scare him later!"

It's not too big of a deal to watch the fun next door.

"Yes, yes, don't tell him!"

Steven chimed in too.


They "anti-Xiayan Alliance" only Cynthia is left.

As the last hope of "the whole village".

Today they are all incarnated as big fans of Cynthia.

Xia Yan glared at them angrily.


Still took out two bags filled with "Eternal Ice" again.

One of the bags was stuffed for Cynthia who had just rejected him.

The other bag went to Lorelei.

At the same time, he said to Lorelei:

"Lorelei, this is the 'Ice of Eternity' that can make ice-type Pokémon better master skilled moves, you can let your Pokémon try it, open it to eat, and ask me if it's not enough. Don't let a guy easily goal achieved."


Du, who was still smiling happily just now, had a stiff expression.

Steven smirked beside him, and Cynthia also smiled brightly, her body trembling slightly.

these two.

No one hurts each other.


But Lorelei looked serious and took the bag of "Eternal Ice" solemnly.

At the point of "killing" Du, Lorelei and Xia Yan are in the same group.

This made Xia Yan a little moved.

Do you want to establish a camp of "all members targeting Flying Elite" and fool everyone else.

Cynthia opened the bag and looked at the "ice of eternity" filled to the brim.

He took one out of his hand and handed it to Glaceon, who looked eagerly beside him.

After thinking about it, he said:


She stroked her hair lightly, "It's not a very powerful trump card."

"Don't say it!"


Du and Steven hurriedly spoke up.

Xia Yan's eyes flickered, looking at her with surprise.

Cynthia pursed her lips and squinted her eyes with a hint of cunning.

"I can only say that it is the Pokémon I have known for a long time, and it is from the 'Land of the Dragon'."

She still used to call "Dragon's Tomb" "Dragon's Land".

The voice fell.

Xia Yan's strength just mentioned, and instantly slumped.

Saying it means not saying it.

Could it be the terrifying Garchomp in "Dragon's Tomb"?

Should not.

Cynthia and that Garchomp are good, but she already has a Garchomp, and Cynthia's character won't take a second one.

She is not a ferry, so she collects so many Dragonites.


In her words, she still revealed some information.

met very early.

It means that Cynthia and the Pokémon have a tacit understanding, and may not have a deep bond like Garchomp, but it will not be a Pokémon that has just been conquered, unable to exert its strength, and has not run in.

And from the "Land of the Dragon", it is very likely to be a dragon-type Pokémon.

Coupled with what Cynthia is wearing today, it's a very beautiful suit.

Kommo-o? !

Xia Yan's heart trembled slightly.

When looking at Cynthia again.

She's already focused on tweaking Pokémon's Contest Condition.

I heard she didn't say it clearly.

Du and the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they also don't know what Cynthia is hiding.

But it is estimated that it will not be a small trump card.

They just wanted to see Xia Yan's stunned expression later.

"Mr. Alder, strong is really strong."

at this time.

What's going on in the arena is the battle of Unova champion Alder.

And his Rival is Professor Kukui from Alola Region, that is, the Royal Masked Man.


The Royal Mask is not weak either. Given the status quo in the Alola Region, there is no problem with being the champion.

But compared to Alder, it is still weaker.

Just look at the strength of Alder Pokémon.

Not all of them are championship-level Pokémon, but they make up more than half of them.

Maybe it wasn't all his strength.

Compared with other regions, the Alola Region is still more than one step behind.


Alder took the win.

The Royal Masked Man has also withdrawn.


For the Royal Masked Man who had this achievement for the first time in the Masters, it was already very good.

If it hadn't been for Alder, he might have gone further.

And after this battle is over.

It was the battle between Xia Yan and Cynthia.

Host looked down at the card in his hand, and the name on it made him feel terrified from the bottom of his heart.

Xia Yan!

In the last game, Xia Yan's game.

He almost ruined his entire hosting career.

Xia Yan's tactical system, he couldn't explain it at all, and he couldn't even repeat it bluntly.


For his explanation of the embarrassment, the audience expressed their understanding "friendly".

Everyone can't understand it, so don't blame the Host, he still followed at the beginning.

The video of that game, just one day later, the number of views and clicks on the Internet is ridiculously high.


Read it again, I really don't understand.

Even with slow playback, you can't fully understand it.

Clenching the card tightly, he took a deep breath.

"Let's welcome, Elite from Sinnoh Region, Xia Yan Elite——!!"

Everyone was screaming loudly, and with the shout of Host, the atmosphere in the audience was directly pushed to the climax.

The Masters competition alone made Xia Yan gain a lot of popularity.

In addition, Mega Evolution, which has gradually appeared in the arena during this period, has brought his popularity to the peak.

In fact, the audience is very conflicted.

I hope that Xia Yan can play all the way, so that they can see more games and see more Mega Evolution.

I also hope that Xia Yan can end soon, so that he can go back and honestly write his thesis on Mega Evolution.

However, such contradictions did not affect their enthusiasm.

"Next, let's also welcome the Elite Four from Sinnoh Region, Cynthia Elite-!!"

The cheers were no weaker than when Xia Yan appeared.

after all.

No one can refuse a very seductive beauty, and it doesn't cost money to shout anyway.

And when the graceful blonde beauty appeared under the illumination of Spotlight, the audience immediately sent the warmest applause.

Cynthia, who changed her clothes, made a lot of people's eyes shine.

The queen's attitude is still the same, but it is a little more capable and serious, which makes people feel like a strong queen who is ready to drive herself.

"Xia Yan." Cynthia's voice sounded.


"Don't let the water go."

Xia Yan showed a helpless expression.

"I do think, then I also have this ability."


The smile on Cynthia's face was even bigger.

The two of them were the only two in their group who had fought against each other before.


In the last time, Cynthia, who was obviously not as experienced in battle as Xia Yan, and whose configuration was also different from Xia Yan, lost.

But this time.

It's hard to say.

"Ask Xia Yan player to summon Pokémon."

The referee took over the right to speak from Host.

Xia Yan, without any hesitation, threw the Poké Ball and summoned Beedrill.

Now it's not just Xia Yan.

Beedrill is also very popular.

It's Mega Evolution, which beats Zapdos, Mega Flash Metagross, Mega CharizardX, and other Pokémons, has many viewers calling it "The Strongest Beedrill."

However, Xia Yan did not dare to recognize this name.

At this point Beedrill appeared, and the audience immediately sent enthusiastic cheers.

"Ask the Cynthia players to summon the Pokémon."

Cynthia didn't hesitate either, and threw two Pokémon between her green jade fingers.


Trump Card vs Trump Card.

It is Cynthia's strongest Pokémon, the shark-like dragon-type Pokémon, Garchomp!

Also Cynthia's Mega Evolution player.

This, in yesterday's match, Cynthia finally showed.

So the audience will look forward to it.

This is very likely to be another Mega Evolution vs Mega Evolution head-to-head battle.

The second one.

Light as a bird, spreading its wings like a triangular glider Normal's Pokémon.

"Cynthia's first two Pokémons are the Sonic Pokémon Garchomp! and the Blessed Pokémon Togekiss!"

Also expected to be two Pokémon.

Xia Yan moved quickly.

The next two Pokémon are Alakazam and Doron Bartto.

Alakazam is the most important core, Doron Bartto is the strongest Pokémon, there is nothing to say about this summon.

Cynthia nodded slightly after seeing Xia Yan's two Pokémon.

Two Ultra Balls, with flashes of red light.

A blue-and-black Pokémon with a humanoid head that resembles a canine, appeared on the field with fierce energy.

road dog.


And another one.

When it came out, it was accompanied by countless snow-white ice crystals and scattered Icirrus, like a Pokémon dancing in the snow.


Lucario's "Spiritual Power" ability can make it counter to Xia Yan Togekiss's "Air Slash".

The ice-type Glaceon also has good restraint on Duolong Bartto, Latios and Xia Yan's Togekiss.

Although the two Pokémon Xia Yan have not been summoned, Cynthia is already predicting.


After seeing these two Pokémons, Xia Yan's mouth twitched.

Sending Togekiss and Latios now, would it make him look stupid?

After a short thought.

"Xia Yan's fourth and fifth Pokémon are the flame Pokémon Infernape! And the same blessing Pokémon, Togekiss!"

Togekiss is definitely necessary. Fairy's restraint against dragons, Xia Yan can use Togekiss to guard against some dragon-type attacks.

If Cynthia is really hiding a Kommo-o in the end, Togekiss's role will be even greater.

Seeing these two Pokémon, Cynthia smiled knowingly.

She throws a Pokémon.

Along with a graceful figure falling lightly in the dance, Gardevoir, the core of Cynthia, appeared in the field.

And her last Poké Ball, she held it in her hand and never threw it out.

"Xia Yan, do you remember the last time you told me that my Pokémon was missing something?" Cynthia suddenly said.

Xia Yan was stunned.

Blinking my eyes twice, I remembered a little, and then I remembered.

"Electric Pokémon."

Cynthia belongs to the more comprehensive Trainer of Pokémon Attribute, and is not specialized in one department.

However, she still lacks some attributes.

For example, Rock, and then Bug Type, and electricity.

But Rock and Ground are not separated, which can be ignored for the time being.

Bug Type Pokémon really doesn't have much Cynthia temperament, and in the end, Bug Type is not that critical.

Only electricity.

is relatively important.

There is a version of Cynthia and an Eelektross.

The most important thing is that the electric system restrains the Flying system.


At that time, Xia Yan led the whole team to "target" the dodo.

Just like now Du leads the whole team to "target" him.


Cynthia's words made Xia Yan's heart burst.


This last Pokémon is an Electric Pokémon, not a Kommo-o?


Why is there an Electric Pokémon in "Dragon's Tomb"?

"Xia Yan, do you know what is the deepest buried in the 'Land of the Dragon'?" Cynthia suddenly asked again.

She is also not worried that she will be coveted by saying "Land of the Dragon".

Anyway, when most people talk about the "Land of the Dragon", what they think of is Blackthorn City in the Johto Region, not the "Tomb of the Dragon".

And even if you know about the "Dragon's Tomb", you will not be able to enter without the guidance of the ancient Sinnoh blood.


Cynthia blinked slyly.

"It's a huge 'Dragon Crystal', which is also the main source of energy for the Pokémon inside to survive."

Huge 'Dragon Crystal'?

What does it have to do with Electric Pokémon?

and many more!

Xia Yan's expression gradually became weird, his eyes gradually widened, "You mean"

"You know the legend of Regigigas, right?"

At this point, Cynthia threw the last Poké Ball in her hand.


A sharp growl sounded as if mixed with electronic sounds, and in an instant, countless thunder lights flooded the enchantment, even more terrifying and dense than the thunder light brought by Zapdos summoned by Giovanni before.

In the center of these thunder lights is a small-looking, golden Pokémon, with five small blue rings on both sides of the shoulder blades and abdomen, barely distinguishing his hands and feet.

At first glance, it looks like a huge light bulb with super high brightness.

"Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht the last Pokémon for the Cynthia player, yeah. yeah."

Host was dumbfounded again.

What the hell is a Pokémon?

But it seems.

So strong.

Xia Yan's expression was sluggish, and he murmured: "Lei, Reggie Elech?!"

The legendary Electric God Pillar.

Reggie Elage!

Cynthia saw Xia Yan's sluggish appearance, and the corner of his mouth outlined a bright arc.

She raised her hand slightly, and Reggie Elledge appeared under her.

Countless golden lightning flashes flashed, but they didn't hurt it in the slightest. Even as if they were very intimate, they rubbed against Cynthia's hand, bringing a little numbness.

"Xiaodian has always lived in the 'Land of the Dragon', and its duty is to guard the huge 'Dragon Crystal', I think you should know the reason?"

Xia Yan slowly calmed down, and when he heard Cynthia's words, the corners of his eyes trembled unsatisfactorily.


Of course he knows!

Naturally, Regigigas, who used "Dragon Crystal" to create the Dragon God Pillar, found that it was a little bit unable to control the Dragon God Pillar that was about to be created.

Just a head can have the power comparable to several other divine pillars.

Do you still have the complete Dragon God Pillar?


Regigigas doesn't mean to stop.

But Dialga and Palkia didn't want to see the full Dragon Pillar appear.

Therefore, those "Dragon Crystals" Imprison were kept in their space at that time, and finally kept to the present.

Or maybe.

Yes Regigigas kinda doesn't want to go on.

Ask Dialga and Palkia Imprison for "Dragon Crystal".

Send the electricity god Pillar, Reggie Elek, to guard it.

In short.

"Dragon's Tomb" contains a huge "Dragon Crystal", which is easy to understand. After all, there are so many dragon-type Pokémon living, and there is always a source of energy.

Then Reggie Elech is in charge of guarding the "Dragon Crystal", which makes sense.

In fact, Xia Yan was a little strange before.

Why did he only see Regigi Dorago, the dragon god pillar of Imprison, in the different dimension of Regigigas, but not Regigi Elech, the electric god pillar?

turn out to be.

It was actually in the "Dragon's Tomb".

Legend has it that there was originally an ancient battlefield, and it was in the same place as "Meteor's Village" or even "Dragon's Cave".


Did Regigigas take part in the ancient battle of Dialga, Palkia and Giratina?

"So, it."

Look at how close Reggie Elage and Cynthia are.

Well, when he didn't ask.

Steven has a Heatran, and Cynthia has a Reggie Elech, which seems reasonable.


Xia Yan, a little butterfly, has completely changed the world.

Don't say anything else, just say it right in front of you.

The strength of Cynthia and others is definitely not comparable to them in the same period in the original work.

It can be said.

Xia Yan has raised the strength level of the future champions of each Region with the strength of one person.

But it is.

If he didn't make a difference in the world of Pokémon, what a failure to live.

And now.

The only certainty is that.

Whether it is Du, or Lorelei, Steven, or Cynthia, the heights they can reach in the future are definitely higher than in the original book, and much higher!

Xia Yan also knew Cynthia's intention for using Reggie Elech.

Electric God Pillar Reggie Elech, Speed ​​Species Strength, up to 200!


PS: Today's share, 1.2w! Ask for a monthly ticket~~

(End of this chapter)

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