The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 904 Mom Asked Me Why I Stood Watching The Live Broadcast (7.5K!)

"never mind."

Xia Yan shook his head.

Although he has a good relationship with Darkrai, Darkrai is not his Pokémon after all.


Even if Assist Darkrai's power wins this match, it doesn't make much sense.

As Alder said before.

While training Pokémons to become stronger isn't just for battles, battles are a way to make Trainers and Pokémons work better together.

How would his Pokémon feel if he played Darkrai in order to win?

After working hard for so long, the result is not as great as the trust in Darkrai?

Although Xia Yan's Pokémon will not have such an idea, loss is inevitable.

This is not what a real trainer should do.


Even if you get on Darkrai, is it really a sure win?

Not so.

Might as well bring your own Pokémon.

Played vigorously.

It is also to make Xia Yan more aware of the gap between him and the champion.

After casually making a joke with Darkrai, Xia Yan wiped his palm across his waist, and opened Poké Balls one by one.

Red light flashes and jumps.

Xia Yan's Pokémon also appeared.

Beedrill with a cold twinkle in Twineedle's eyes, and Alakazam with Psychic in his serious eyes.

Even Togekiss, who has always been naughty, showed a serious enough attitude at this time, with his wings flattened and extremely solemn.


Latios shouted, cheering him on.

Aegislash's eyes were full of Taunt, and even with so many champion Pokémons facing him, it didn't mean the least bit of cowardice and withdrawal.

Today, it is prepared to either be beaten to death by the opponent, or grind the opponent to death.

Even Duolong Bartto, who had always been Xia Yan's biggest advantage in the previous Masters, felt a lot of pressure at this time.

Of the six Pokémon on the opposite side, none is weaker than it.

Especially the Volcarona that looks like a small sun.

The strong sense of oppression and the scorching aura that came from it made Doron Bartto feel heavy on his shoulders.

The overall pressure is enormous.

Just from the strength on paper, you can clearly feel the strength gap between the two sides.

One champion plus five Elites, against six Elites.

Even if there is a system bonus, it is not a Rival.

not to mention.

As a veteran champion, how could Alder not have his own system?

It's Alder.

After seeing the six Pokémon summoned by Xia Yan, he nodded with satisfaction.

is really satisfied.

Xia Yan's strength is definitely the best among young trainers.

When will a young Trainer like Xia Yan appear in their Unova Region, it is estimated that Alder can wake up laughing when he dreams at night.

He only needs to firmly protect the current Unova's one-acre and three-thirds of the land, wait for such a trainer to grow up, and then hand over the task of Protect and even the development of the Unova Region to him.


Xia Yan is now an Elite Four in Sinnoh Region.

It is estimated that Sinnoh Region is also very precious to him.

Xia Yan's two Teacher Agatha and Professor Oak were both in Kanto, and Kanto Alliance failed to bring him back.

Unova Region is no need to think about it for the time being.


This does not prevent Alder from admiring Xia Yan.

after all.

Reshiram, the true dragon of their Unova Region, recognized Xia Yan.

"Both parties choose to replace the Pokémon."

Alder asked to change the rules, but Xia Yan didn't refuse. Of course, the referee couldn't say anything.

You can only signal to ask the two bosses if they want to replace Pokémon.

Alder didn't move, and Xia Yan didn't choose to replace.

In addition to the fact that the core of the system is not easy to replace for the time being, Aegislash is more suitable than Infernape to face this kind of lineup that is completely crushed by hard power, at least one more means of defense.

After making sure that neither side wanted to replace the Pokémon, the referee quickly took off.

Aw-! !

The flag fell.

"Battle begins!"

Xia Yan decisively took the lead.

"Beedrill, Sword Dance! Togekiss, Latios, Nasty Plot!"

There is a gap in hard power. If the self-enhancing gain is not enough, even Rival's defense may not be broken.

Therefore, Xia Yan did not attack rashly, but chose to strengthen.

Three Pokémon fortify and defend with Aegislash and Doron Bartto as Alakazam ready to support.

Seeing Xia Yan taking the lead, Alder had the style of a champion and a senior, and did not compete with Xia Yan.

He just grinned, and said with full vigour:

"Reuniclus, Trick Room."

Trick Room?

For this, Xia Yan was both surprised and taken for granted.

Although there is a typical fast-attacking Pokémon among Alder's Pokémon, Accelgor, whether it is Reuniclus, Conkeldurr, Bouffalant or Escavalier, are all typical slow-moving Pokémon.

Using Accelgor to raise the upper limit of the speed of Pokémon in the entire space, after the "Trick Room" is swapped, Escavalier, who has a strong explosive attack ability, can get the greatest blessing.

With strong physical attack and fast speed, Escavalier will become the most threatening Pokémon.

The rest, such as Conkeldurr, Reuniclus, and Bouffalant, also get a lot of speed.

Losing a Pokémon boosts the speed of the entire team, and a "Trick Room" like this is a good deal.

Do not.

It should be said to be very cost-effective.

And Accelgor can not only increase the speed of the entire team, but also serve as a lead player to prevent Rival from attacking.

It can be said.

Just this one move, Xia Yan can feel that Alder's lineup configuration is very reasonable.

There are Escavalier, Conkeldurr, Bouffalant in physical defense, Reuniclus, Volcarona in special defense, and Accelgor in speed.

There are hardly any obvious weak points.

The biggest weakness speed is also made up with the blessing of "Trick Room".


How could Xia Yan let Alder open the "Trick Room" so smoothly?

He also has special defenses.


When the dark stance centered on Reuniclus spread to cover the audience, Xia Yan let out a low voice.

Alakazam understood, the spoons collided, making a crisp metal collision sound, and at the same time, the same position spread around Alakazam.

In the area where the two positions are in contact, both positions dissipate.

A stance that counteracts magic with magic by counteracting "Trick Room" with "Trick Room".

But see.

The smile on Alder's face grew stronger.

He is concerned about Xia Yan, how could he not know that Xia Yan's Alakazam also has the ability to offset "Trick Room"?


Alder's lips moved, and he commanded:

"Reuniclus, Imprison it!"

With the sound of Alder falling.

The cells of Reuniclus wriggled like a baby's arm.

A Psychic that was much stronger than Alakazam erupted instantly.

Carrying a mysterious and treacherous halo, under Alakazam's unbelievable gaze, it sank into its body.

a time.

"Trick Room" released by Alakazam came to an abrupt end.

And Reuniclus, who had no obstacles, also seized the advantage of this position very smoothly.

Seeing this, Xia Yan stared.

Can you do this?

Grab "Imprison"? !

In fact, the most uncomfortable is Alakazam.

Alakazam, who has always been proud of his Psychic power, faced a Psychic Pokémon for the first time, and was completely suppressed in what it was best at.

the most important is.

The Psychic "Imprison" brought by Reuniclus made it impossible for Alakazam to break free, and it was difficult to drive any operations related to "Trick Room" again.


This was just the beginning of Reuniclus' suppression of it.

The dense and numerous Psychic threads were drawn from Reuniclus' body.

Wrapped around Alakazam's body.

Suppresses its Psychic completely.


Against Cynthia, Alakazam completely overwhelmed Cynthia's Gardevoir.

Unexpectedly, after just one day, Alder's Reuniclus showed it a perfect remake.

As Xia Yan's most important core, Alakazam was suppressed, which was a huge blow to Xia Yan's entire system.

Even Alakazam was suppressed.

All Pokémon's hearts sank.

"I'm coming, Xia Yan." Alder also reminded Xia Yan with a smile.

Turned to look solemn.

"Escavalier, Fury Cutter!"

I see.

Escavalier wearing thick heavy metal armor was originally not only slow because of the thick armor, but also because of the snail's Attribute.

But under the cover of "Trick Room", its speed becomes very terrifying.

Like a real galloping knight, rushing forward.

A pair of eyes under the helmet aimed at Beedrill, who was also a Bug Type Pokémon and was good at using "guns".


In the "Trick Room", Beedrill's speed advantage cannot be used at all, and it is more like a snail than Escavalier.

And to face the champion level with the strength of the Elite level, it is still this kind of Pokémon that comprehensively strengthens the physical attack. Even if Beedrill is very close to the champion level, it is estimated that it is not easy to stop.

Alder's attack comes after "Imprison" has taken Alakazam, limiting its Psychic.

Not really prepared at all.


"Trick Room" only limited the speed of Xia Yan Pokémon, but did not limit their reflexes.

Reuniclus just suppressed Alakazam's Psychic, and the rest of the Pokémon were barely able to do something.

Beedrill, who was facing Escavalier, had a blurry figure, and Doron Bartto, who flew out of the twisted space after getting up, met Escavalier head-on.

Two "Dragon Darts" shot out.

Tuk Tuk!

But it was resisted by two beautiful flowers of Escavalier's spear.

It can be seen from this.

Escavalier is very good at moving at this pace, and Alder didn't fail to let it experience the change in its speed in "Trick Room".

"Fury Cutter"'s green awn Slash "Dragon Darts" continued to approach Duolong Bartto, and did not shy away from exchanging their positions.

See this scene.

Doron Bartto showed no signs of timidity.

Resolutely meet.

The whole body was covered by the surging dragon energy in an instant, turning into a huge ancient dragon.

Roaring and tearing at the Escavalier.

Available in the next second.

Alder's Escavalier figure suddenly disappeared, replaced by me, Reuniclus.

Ally Switch!

This is not the end.

Reuniclus flashes again without any pause.

The surging red flames are accompanied by golden tiny scale particles mixed with them.

A dancing butterfly completely constructed of flames appeared right in front of Duolong Bartto's attack, dragged a graceful dance, and charged forward with fiery flames.

Volcarona, Fiery Dance!

"Fiery Dance" is Volcarona's exclusive move, which is not only powerful, but also has a great probability to strengthen the special attack of Pokémon.

boom! ! !

"Dragon Rush" and "Fiery Dance" collide violently head-on.

There was an extremely violent explosion, and the aftermath that swept wantonly.

The raised dust and the scattered heat slammed into the enchantment Barrier, in exchange for the constant flickering and roaring of the enchantment Barrier.

to this.

The competition had to urgently activate the backup plan.

This time it was the battle between the champion and the Elite, and the destructive power of the aftermath was beyond their ability to measure, so for the safety of the audience, they could only turn on the energy supply of the enchantment to the maximum.

Now it's just a preliminary collision that approximates the test, and it can bring about such a movement.

They didn't dare to estimate how much damage and impact the battle between the two would bring when it really entered the heat of the battle.

As the raised dust gradually dissipated.

Volcarona fluttered in mid-air with three pairs of crimson wings.

It can be felt that Volcarona's momentum has a rising trend after performing "Fiery Dance".

Obviously, it's lucky, triggering the probability of "Fiery Dance" and getting a special attack boost.

While Doron Bartto was also uninjured, he inevitably stepped back for some distance.

Feeling Volcarona's more and more surging momentum, the pressure is even greater, his eyes are serious, and he stares at Volcarona.

There is also the "Ally Switch" on the opposite side.

The initiator was Alder's Reuniclus.

And Alder's rhythm is also fast.

It's just that Reuniclus took advantage of "Trick Room" and Psychic, so he launched an attack, not giving Xia Yan much time to reflect and Struggle.

Fortunately, the Pokémon's response was fairly quick.

Otherwise let Volcarona wreak havoc into his formation, and that's the real trouble.


This initial temptation was blocked.

Assists Doron Bartto's personal strength.

But you can't always rely on Duolong Bartto in future battles, right?

Xia Yan took a deep breath.

The strength that Alder showed was like a huge rock, pressing down on his chest, making it hard for him to breathe.

I don't know if it's retribution.

Yesterday he pressed Gardevoir of Cynthia with Alakazam, and today he was pressed by Reuniclus of Alder.

Yesterday he won with rhythm, and today he also felt the suppression of rhythm from Alder.

"This is the old trainer, is this the pressure from the champion?"

What Xia Yan had to admit was that he definitely felt an incomparable illusion from Alder.


Beedrill let out a low drink.


Frowning, Alakazam, whose spoon had been bent to ninety degrees, also gritted his teeth and shouted.




Togekiss, Latios, and Aegislash also responded.

Hearing their voices, Xia Yan smiled.

"Don't worry, I'm not afraid to fight. No matter who Rival is, it's not our style to admit defeat."

Hearing Xia Yan's voice in the back of their minds, the Pokémon's eyes became more determined.

That's right!

It's not our style to admit defeat!

As long as Xia Yan has not completely lost his confidence in the battle, as long as Xia Yan has not completely given up, it is impossible for these Pokémons to choose to give up before Xia Yan.

As long as Xia Yan is still willing to fight, they will fight for him until the last moment.

What about championship-level Pokémon?

What about the complete suppression of strength?

How can it be cracked tactically?

If you want them to lose, you have to knock them all down!


Doron Bartto shook his head helplessly, feeling that these little guys were a little too stubborn.

However, the corners of its raised mouth, the more surging fighting intent in its eyes, and the undulating energy fluctuations all over its body illustrate its truest heart at the moment.

And the one who felt the change of the Pokémons, except Xia Yan, was the opposite Alder.

His eyes shone with light, and he couldn't help showing a little surprise at the change in the momentum of Xia Yan's Pokémon.

He turned to a low smile and said, "The little guys on the opposite side are very imposing, we can't be ashamed."


After getting a unanimous response from Alder Pokémon, his expression became more and more serious, and he did not show any underestimation because of the difference in strength.

Although they are stronger, their aura, their determination, and their attitude have already gained their approval and respect.

So, they won't have any reservations.

Alder grinned and spread his arms.

"That's what it feels like, this is the bond between Trainer and Pokémon, this is what Trainer should really be like!"

Alder noticed Xia Yan at the last "Lily of the Valley Youth Competition", and then they met again in the Unova Region Opelucid incident. This was their third meeting, and it was the first time they met, but they didn't expect it to be at the Masters. .

However, Alder valued Xia Yan very much, otherwise he would not have done his best.

Now, he feels that these values ​​are worthwhile, and this is what Xia Yan should really be like.

"Xia Yan feels completely different."

Lucian pushed up his glasses, closed the book, and said sternly.

"I can feel the fire inside him."

Daye also rarely restrained his usual sloppy appearance.

Compared with them, the feeling of Du, Steven, Cynthia, and Lorelei is more obvious.

Staring at Xia Yan in the field, Du pondered for a while before he said solemnly:

"Xia Yan is really starting to get serious."

It's not that Xia Yan was not serious when he fought them.

It's just that when fighting against them, it belongs to the kind of seriousness in fighting on an equal footing.

When facing Alder, Xia Yan straightened his position and put himself in the position of a challenger.

Facing Alder as a challenger, the kind of seriousness with absolute focus.

"Mr. Alder put too much pressure." Steven also said seriously.

"Mr. Alder, too strong."

Lorelei also played against Alder.

Although Alder did not send out a full champion lineup when facing her, Lorelei still felt a lot of pressure from Alder.

That's the pressure of being a champion, the pressure of a veteran Trainer's confidence.

"Xia Yan."

Cynthia pursed her lips, her expression equally serious.


Xia Yan is the only one of the younger generation who is still in the Masters.

As long as he has no grudge against him, he is basically on Xia Yan's side now.

At this time, he represents all the younger generations of Alliance.

On their behalf, challenge the older generation of Alliance.

Whether successful or not, Xia Yan's serious, serious and unyielding attitude is enough to gain the recognition of the younger generation.

And Xia Yan became this representative, and no one was unconvinced.

"Teacher is so serious."

Although Ash was simple, he could also feel the dignified atmosphere in the lounge at this time, Xia Yan's aura on the field, and the oppression brought about by the silence of the audience.

Gary clutched the miniature notebook tightly and stared at Xia Yan on the field.

"Alder champion is too serious. But it is this seriousness that shows how much he values ​​Teacher."

‘Teacher, what should we do? ’

Gary couldn't help but have this doubt in his heart.

At the same time, he couldn't help but put himself into Xia Yan's position. Facing the absolute pressure from the champion, can he face it like Teacher?

Gary doesn't know.

He only knew that just by taking this role, his heart could not help trembling.

on the field.

Xia Yan, who recognized his own thoughts and strengthened the will of the Pokémons, took a deep breath.

Then spit out slowly.

A smile appeared on his face.

Look across to Alder.

"In that case, let me see where our limits are!"

The responses of the Pokémons echoed in his heart.

The goal is the same, the will is the same, and the attitude is the same.

This is the answer that Xia Yan and his Pokémon presented to Alder.

see you.

Xia Yan slowly raised his clenched fists and beat his chest hard. After making a muffled sound, he shouted in a low voice:

"Alakazam, Mega!"

Whoa-! !

I'm coming!

The repressed atmosphere in the audience, with Xia Yan's words surging again, cheers everywhere, reverberating wantonly in the ring-shaped arena.

Is it finally time to fight with Mega Evolution?

And with Xia Yan's words sounded.

The Key Stone held in his palm burst out with colorful brilliance, escaping from between his fingers.

At the same time, the energy of Mega Evolution also burst out from the Mega Evolution stone on Alakazam, wrapping it in an instant.

When the Mega Evolution energy dissipated, in front of everyone was Mega Alakazam, Psychic's wanton surging.

Cross-legged in the air, with a serious expression.

The face of Reuniclus on the opposite side changed slightly, tight and immediately serious.

Invisibly, a collision belonging to Psychic sounded in the air.

Reuniclus can no longer suppress Mega Alakazam, and is even pushed back by the Psychic that erupts from your Mega Alakazam, showing a tendency to be evenly matched.

Xia Yan slowly opened his eyes and flashed what he could see from Alakazam's perspective.

And the fist he placed on his chest did not fall.

Is it

Looking at the smile on his face, the audience breathed slightly.

Could it be that Xia Yan Elite can perform double Mega Evolution like Duo? !

wouldn't that

Before they could understand, they heard Xia Yan speak again.

"Beedrill, Mega!"

Whoa! ! !

It's actually a double Mega Evolution!

Since the last video of Mega Evolution failing, people have come to realize that Mega Evolution isn't really something to try.

A single Mega Evolution has the risk of crashing out of control. How much pressure does a double Mega Evolution bring to the Trainer?


The audience's worries were obviously superfluous to Xia Yan.

As the first person to discover Mega Evolution and take advantage of it, he is the most skilled person in the world at present.


With a low drink from Beedrill, the dazzling Mega Evolution energy enveloped it like Alakazam.

puff! !

The sharp spear pierced out, and the glowing Mega Evolution halo gradually dissipated.

Mega Beedrill appeared in everyone's sight.

Sharp narrow scarlet eyes, a long needle more imposing than the opposite Escavalier spear.

The dark red "King's aura" spread, and in a trance, the opposite Accelgor and Escavalier even faintly felt the oppression brought by the Mega Beedrill aura.

Double Mega Evolution is here!

The number of championship-level Pokémons suddenly went from one-to-six to three-to-six.

Most importantly, Mega Alakazam broke free from Reuniclus' Psychic suppression and restored Xia Yan's system.

"Wait! Xia Yan Elite him!"

"He, his fist still hasn't dropped!"

"What, what does this mean?"

"Just kidding?!"

"Could it be. There's more?"


The audience's lips trembled slightly.

Looking at the field.

His face was a little pale, but Xia Yan, whose eyes became brighter and his smile more attractive, raised very bold and even absurd ideas in his mind one by one.

But I don't know why, as soon as this thought collided with Xia Yan's expression at the moment, it made them feel that no matter how incredible it was, it was possible.

Even the opposite Alder, after seeing Xia Yan's double Mega Evolution's brief surprise, noticed Xia Yan's movements again, and felt a little incredible.



under the light of Spotlight.

In the magnified image on the big screen, Xia Yan's lips opened again with a smile, confirming all these bold conjectures and assumptions.

Just listen to him spit out a sentence, a word that is loud.

"Latios, Mega!"

Whoa-! !

The audience was in an uproar, and they all stood up uncontrollably.

Not just live.

The audience in front of the TV and the computer also stared at the screen, clenched their hands, and stood up involuntarily with their teeth clenched.

Mom: Why stand up and watch the live broadcast?

Me: I can't kneel because my knees are stiff.

Mother:? ? ?

Under the gazes of countless people, Latios raised his head, and a colorful glow burst out from his neck, covering it in an instant.

Shadows and shadows, Latios' silhouette changed under the stimulation of the Mega Evolution energy.


A dragon roar.

The Mega Evolution energy dispels annihilation, and what everyone sees is that the color of the body has turned purple, and the body is more like a jet plane.

Mega Latios!

"Really, really, Latios is really Mega Evolution."

"Three, triple Mega Evolution?!"

"Xia Yan Elite, how can you hold on?"

"Look carefully! Now Xia Yan Elite's complexion is like a blank sheet of paper, covered with sweat!"

"How much perseverance is this?"

Looking at Xia Yan, whose face was as white as paper but his eyes were as bright as stars, deep admiration rose from the bottom of everyone's heart.

No matter what the outcome of the battle, this perseverance and determination is enough to make people awe-inspiring.

Alder's expression was also slightly dull at this time.

But he quickly reacted, took a deep look at Xia Yan and his Pokémon, and his expression became very serious.

He felt Xia Yan's seriousness and hard work.

In order to return this seriousness, he must also give the same seriousness, which is the best respect.

At the same time, he also knew that the current Contest Condition Xia Yan would never last long.

Therefore, the battle must be ended before Xia Yan is completely exhausted, so that his efforts will not be let down.

"Fight, Xia Yan!"

Listening to Alder's words, Xia Yan let the sweat from his forehead slide down the corners of his eyes, soaking his clothes.

"Show us our style."

Xia Yan's voice resounded in the hearts of all Pokémon with some difficulty.

In addition to making the Pokémon's eyes flash with a hint of distress, his voice was instantly replaced by an indomitable aura.

If you want to fight, then fight vigorously!

"Alakazam, break free of 'Imprison'!"

Xia Yan also issued the first order.


PS: I tried my best, but I found that I couldn’t finish writing it. Today is 1.5w+ again, I really tried my best, you guys! (crying.jpg)

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