The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 905 The Most Dazzling Trendsetter In The New Era (1W+! First Post And Then Change)

Chapter 904 The most dazzling trendsetter in the new era (1w+! First post and then change)

"Alakazam, break free of 'Imprison'!"

Hearing this, Mega Alakazam's expression became very serious, and the surging and powerful Psychic circulated freely in its body.

Psychic, who had become very active for some special reason, became stronger under the call of Mega Alakazam.

In the shadowy, hazy Psychic mist, it seems that the petite Mew figure can be seen overlapping.


With a low drink from Mega Alakazam, a muffled sound erupted from its body, like the sound of paper breaking.

"Imprison" belonging to Reuniclus, completely erased.


"Imprison" is not going to be cracked so easily.

The "Imprison" cast by Reuniclus is also not a conventional method.

It was not the Imprison performed after Alakazam cast "Trick Room", but the "Imprison" that was forcibly performed while Alakazam was casting "Trick Room".

With that, it was Reuniclus' absolute suppression of Alakazam Psychic.

But now.

With Alakazam's Mega Evolution, Mega Alakazam is no less than Reuniclus in Psychic alone.

Naturally, Psychic can also break Reuniclus' unconventional "Imprison".


Following the break of "Imprison", with Mega Alakazam as the center, the position of "Trick Room" was once again spread, and the "Trick Room" of Reuniclus was hedged, completely erasing the influence of "Trick Room".

And Mega Beedrill finally felt that the shackles on their bodies were removed, and they regained their original light and agile stature and speed.

At the moment when "Trick Room" was canceled, Mega Beedrill flew out with wings, golden electric arcs flickered in the field, accompanied by strands of flocculent current, and shot straight towards Escavalier.

At this moment, Escavalier has once again returned to the original slow speed and heavy pace.

In the face of the Mega Beedrill rushing in, Escavalier looked serious, and he felt a strong threat from Mega Beedrill.

However, he did not flinch, and the spear pierced out.


Escavalier's eyes flashed with surprise, with a hint of disbelief.

Before its spear could swing out, the Mega Beedrill's speed increased again, in the blink of an eye.

It felt a sharp pain in the chest, and the terrifying force passed through the thick armor, smashed heavily into its body, and flew out directly.

So fast!

The speed of this Mega Beedrill is a bit faster than it expected.


With one hit, Mega Beedrill took advantage of the momentum to chase after him.

However, just as it tried to get closer to Escavalier again.

The blurry figure flickered in its sight, and the fierce wind was blowing in its face, forcing Mega Beedrill to turn around and focus on the rapidly approaching figure.

boom! !

With a dull collision, Mega Beedrill fluttered back and looked at the Pokémon that stood between it and Escavalier like Ninja with some surprise.


Behind Mega Beedrill, Xia Yan, who was sweating, narrowed his eyes.

"Lightweight Ability?"

see you.

In Reuniclus's hand, a light blue soft ribbon was added.

just now.

As Mega Beedrill approached Escavalier, Alder's Reuniclus also moved, but the target was neither Mega Beedrill nor Escavalier, but Accelgor.

It uses "Trick" to exchange the "Choice Scarf" originally carried by Accelgor to its own body, thereby triggering Accelgor's "Light Equipment" ability.

Lightweight: When you lose the props you carry, your speed is doubled.

Accelgor's speed, which is already terrifying, doubles it.

If it is said, Mega Beedrill, who is good at speed, can barely suppress Accelgor's speed.

So now that Accelgor's speed is doubled, even the Mega Beedrill is a bit struggling and a bit overwhelmed.

this battle.

Not only Alakazam, who is good at Psychic, but also felt the suppression from Psychic from Rival.

Even Mega Beedrill, who is good at speed, felt the pressure of speed from the opponent.

this moment.

Completely incarnate as Ninja's Accelgor, and the speed is increased to the extreme.

Rub hands.

A piece of "Water Shuriken" was thrown from its hand.

It spun around the Mega Beedrill like a peculiar and fuzzy ring, and only the Cianwood-colored water shuriken could be seen constantly flying out.

Mega Beedrill's eyes flickered all over, and his body flew up and down in the ring. Four long needles shot out and swept, and afterimages jumped, Smack Down "Water Shuriken".

With its speed, it can only resist, but cannot launch any counterattacks.

But even so, Alder was surprised.

"The speed of this Mega Beedrill is terrifying."

Accelgor still triggers the "Light Equipment" Ability to bring this effect. If the "Light Equipment" Ability is not triggered, I am afraid it is not Mega Beedrill's Rival.

While sighing, Alder's command did not stop.

The "Choice Scarf" in Reuniclus's hands slowly disappeared and appeared between Volcarona's neck.

"Trick" again.

And Volcarona, who got the "Choice Scarf", also got a huge increase in speed.

Choice Scarf: Allows Pokémon to use only one move, but increases his speed by 50%!

Volcarona's speed is not slow. After receiving the blessing of "Choice Scarf", it has become the Pokémon second only to Accelgor and Mega Beedrill on the field.

Its three pairs of fiery red wings fluttered in succession, the fiery red Cal was hot again, and a dancing red butterfly flew out.

Fiery Dance!

"Choice Scarf" is the perfect prop for Volcarona.

Anyway, the "Fiery Dance" move is the best choice for Volcarona before she fully stacks her buffs.

This move is not only very powerful, but also has a high probability of increasing Volcarona's special attack.

It's literally a remake of "Power-Up Punch".

The difference is that the buff from "Power-Up Punch" is 100 percent, while the buff from "Fiery Dance" has uncertainty.

But the power of "Fiery Dance" is also much higher than "Power-Up Punch".

It is mutual gain and loss.

The disappearance of "Trick Room" did not make Alder panic, and he did not want to set up the "Trick Room" posture again. Instead, he showed Xia Yan what a championship-level variable is.

In "Trick Room", Escavalier, Conkeldurr, and Bouffalant get speed swaps and can take on the responsibility of the main attack.

And after the "Trick Room" disappeared, he decisively chose to release Accelgor's speed, and also let Volcarona obtain a speed blessing to make up for the defect.

Rao Xia Yan could not have imagined such a transformation.

But think about it, an experienced Trainer like Alder must have faced the experience of "Trick Room" being cracked more than once, and naturally has his own way.

And such a change also gave Steven, who was watching the game in the lounge and also wanted to develop towards the heavy space system, a lot of inspiration.

The flame butterfly spread its wings in the air, and in an instant it turned into a huge butterfly, coming out of the sun.


Doron Bart swapped places with Aegislash and appeared at the front of the line.

The heavy shield stood on the ground, and a huge shadow of the shield stood in front of the flame butterfly.

Wide Guard!


With the wanton burst of flames, waves of heat rippled open, and Aegislash's shield plowed deep ravines on the ground.

But luckily it was blocked.


The flames rising from Volcarona's body became more and more intense, and its momentum rose again.

at the same time.

Alder's Conkeldurr and Bouffalant finally moved.

The situation once again put Xia Yan in a very unfavorable situation.


The triple Mega Evolution allowed him to minimize the gap with Alder, but the gap still remained.

Mega Beedrill is entangled with Accelgor, Mega Alakazam is constantly colliding with Reuniclus' Psychic, and Doron Bartto can barely match Volcarona.

But what about the rest of the Pokémon?

Latios did a Mega Evolution though.

But Latios was at the Elite level not long before the Masters, and even with the blessing of Mega Evolution, it wasn't enough for it to be able to face champion-level Pokémon in such a short period of time.

Its growth time is still too short.

And now.

Alder's offensive broke out in full force.

I see.

Bouffalant lowered his head and aimed a pair of huge and hard sharp horns at Xia Yan's side, innumerable strands of black energy wrapped around the sharp horns.

The front hooves keep scratching the ground.

In a sudden moment, he rushed out.

Throat Chop!

The target is straight ahead of Xia Yan, Aegislash who has just finished casting "Wide Guard".

the other direction.

Conkeldurr puffed out his knotted muscles, grabbed a concrete pillar in one hand, and charged towards Aegislash from a different angle.


Togekiss looked serious, his wings fluttered, and the arc-shaped blade flew out from between the wings, pressing towards Conkeldurr, trying to prevent it from encircling Aegislash.


Facing Togekiss's "Air Slash", Conkeldurr waved the concrete column with ease, using the heavy concrete column as an extension of his arm, and with two swings, he easily smashed Togekiss's "Air Slash" without Affects the speed of its dash.

in a blink.

Bouffalant appeared in front of Aegislash right away.

However, Aegislash's figure was blurred again, and in the twisted space, the multi-dragon Bart, carrying black awns and strong dragon energy, dragged his tail and raged out.

Meet Bouffalant's dash head-on.

boom! !

With a severe blow, Bouffalant staggered back two steps, and Doron Bart also moved his head away, feeling the pain from his body.

But Conkeldurr was already close to it.

At this time.

Mega Latios finally relied on its own speed to reach the side of Duolong Bartto, spit out "Dragon Pulse", and instantly formed a raging dragon-shaped energy.

And Mega Latios rushed into "Dragon Pulse" regardless, making the dragon shape formed by "Dragon Pulse" even more vivid.

Conkeldurr didn't hesitate because of Mega Latios' active attack. Dark red Fighting energy appeared on the concrete column.

The momentum of the two concrete columns rose instantly, and the shadows were heavy.

Close Combat!

boom! ! !

Conkeldurr's figure stopped abruptly, Mega Latios clenched his teeth and stared at Conkeldurr, the dragon energy on his body became more and more surging.

a time.

The two sides were deadlocked.

For this situation, let alone Conkeldurr, even Xia Yan was somewhat surprised.

But only Latios had a serious expression, and the strands of dragon energy, mixed with psychic fluctuations entwined in strands, became more and more surging.

It mustered the strength and energy of the whole body.

Although, it's only Elite.

Although, after Mega Evolution it can't quite match the championship-level Pokémon.

But don't forget.

It is also a beast!

Why can Steven's Heatran be in a stalemate with Doron Bartto for a short period of time.

Why can Cynthia's Reggie Elech hold Doron Bartto too?

Why can't Latios?

Although it has a short growth time, it is not so prominent in Xia Yan's team, so eye-catching.


It is a beast!


There was a squeak between Mega Latios' teeth.

What it brings is its absolutely serious will!

With it, it is the pride and pride of being a divine beast!

What it brings is the persistence it learned from Xia Yan and his brothers!

In an instant.

Mega Latios lost his mind and became more focused and serious.

next second.

The energy on Mega Latios surged explosively, but the energy that was flying recklessly converged in an instant, condensing on its body.

A serious "Dragon Breath" was spit out.

"Togekiss, Help!"

At this moment, Xia Yan's connection through Mega Evolution also clearly felt the Contest Condition of Mega Latios.

It's absolutely focused!

In the three Pokémon classes of Infernape, Doron Bartto, and Beedrill, Togekiss, Sylveon, and the little Vulpix Slack Off deserted, but Latios was very serious.

Because it doesn't want to, continue to take on the second core in the team that doesn't seem to be very important.

It wants to do more!

It wants to achieve more for Xia Yan!

"Enthusiastic" Contest Condition!

As Togekiss's "Help" fell, Mega Latios's "Dragon Breath" and "Dragon Pulse" merged, and the burst of terrifying power forced Conkeldurr back, staggering backwards frantically.

Conkeldurr barely stopped until the concrete pillar touched the Ground behind him, ploughing a ravine.

However, it can also be seen that on its other concrete column, its face and chest are slightly charred, raising a trace of black air.

this moment.

The determination and determination of Mega Latios won violent cheers from the audience.

this moment.

The audience finally realized that, Latios, it is also a beast!

It shows the attitude that a real mythical beast should have.

Looking at Mega Latios with its chest rising and falling violently, the purest cheers given by the audience are the greatest recognition for it.

The pale-faced Xia Yan, after putting away the brief surprise, a smile appeared on his face again.

The little guy who would cry during the first battle finally had what a divine beast should look like.

Grinning his mouth, Xia Yan had an old father's relief.

And the attitude and seriousness shown by Mega Latios, which is the least valued, not only surprised Rival, but also greatly affected every Pokémon on Xia Yan's side.

As the elder brother and the eldest sister, you can't lose to the younger brother who has always called himself "older brother" at this time!


The first to break out was Mega Alakazam.

Its Psychic exploded in an instant, freeing itself from Reuniclus' entanglement.

Although it is successful for it to entangle Reuniclus, it can no longer be limited to Reuniclus, it is the first core!

A burst of Mega Alakazam instantly appeared beside Aegislash, driving the spoon to block the assault from Escavalier for it.

Then, Psychic surging in his eyes, countless Psychic threads burst out from its body, entangling and restricting the Accelgor surrounding the Mega Beedrill.

At the same time, the eyes are Lock On, and the wonderful and mysterious power is presented in its eyes, and the "lightweight" Ability Role Play is successful.

But next second.

It transfers the "Light" Ability, Assist "Skill Swap" to Mega Beedrill.

At the same time, he lifted his palm slightly, and the "Trick" reappeared, gathering all the "Silver Powder" stuck on Mega Beedrill into its palm.

In an instant.

Mega Beedrill's "Light" ability triggers.

And at this moment, Mega Alakazam helped Mega Beedrill completely open the shackles that were restricted to him.


The price for this was that it had to face Reuniclus' counterattack.


The Mega Beedrill, which has been suffocating for a long time, finally ushered in its epic enhancement.

Double the speed!


Accelgor, who was surrounded by Mega Beedrill, felt that something was wrong for the first time. In his eyes, he only saw Mega Beedrill tremble.

Tight and stopped in place.


The "Water Shuriken" that it flings out of, goes through the "Mega Beedrill".


Accelgor, who had reacted, didn't even have time to do anything when he felt a huge impact force coming from his side, causing it in the Agility, the moment it stopped abruptly, to eject and hit the ground heavily.

next second.

Mega Beedrill flickered again and appeared in front of Bouffalant, with sharp needles waving and crisscrossing, and the cross-blade suddenly came out.

Bouffalant flew upside down and fell.

These pictures are only changes completed in an instant.

the next moment.

There was a slight tremor in Conkeldurr's ears, and it subconsciously waved the concrete column to the side, but only saw the afterimage belonging to Mega Beedrill dissipated like a Bubble under the wave of the concrete column.

Suddenly, a sharp pain came from behind him, and he stumbled forward, the concrete column kept sliding against the ground.

It was greeted by another attack from Mega Latios.

a time.

With twice the speed and high concentration, Mega Beedrill, which is faster than Spark, has completely become an existence that cannot be restricted and limited on the field.

The audience outside the venue was stunned.

If the previous Mega Beedrill was fast enough, but they could still see a golden arc jumping on the field, they could also know that it was the Flying trajectory of Mega Beedrill.

but now.

They couldn't even see the golden arc.

On the entire field, only the afterimage of the Mega Beedrill kept flashing and staying, and the golden thread that was almost unrecognizable if you didn't look carefully, was flying up and down, representing its Flying trajectory.

In just one breath, Accelgor, Bouffalant, Conkeldurr all suffered blows from Mega Beedrill.

With his own power, he reversed the passive beating situation on the field.

"Oh, it's troublesome, troublesome, worthy of being Xia Yan."

Alder on the sidelines also showed a somewhat distressed expression at this time.

Mega Beedrill's speed was completely out of his control.

If it goes on like this, the outcome of the battle is really hard to say.

But don't know why.

In the face of such a reversed situation, Alder's heart, which was completely silent because of the death of his companion, actually had a tendency to recover again at this moment.

He seemed to be able to feel that the blood in his body was gradually boiling and burning.

However, Xia Yan at this time also completely seized this fleeting opportunity.

It wasn't just Mega Latios, Mega Alakazam, and Mega Beedrill that exploded.

Togekiss was swapped with Mega Beedrill and appeared behind Conkeldurr, but this time instead of "Air Slash", it used "Metronome"!

The gap in strength has always been there, and it can no longer use conventional means to fight.

Even the "brother" Latios broke out, and Togekiss didn't want it to be underestimated.

The rich Fairy energy erupted from Togekiss's body. The three feathers on the top of the forehead shone brightly, and strands of Fairy energy scattered around Togekiss's body, as if a pair of hands were rubbing "Misty Terrain". .

Although the effect is like "Misty Terrain", not the real "Misty Terrain", and it can't bring about that effect, it also shows the strength of Togekiss as a Fairy-type Pokémon.

At the same time, its feet slowly landed on the ground, and the feathers swayed faster and faster.

next second.

A muffled sound erupted from Togekiss's body, and the Fairy-type energy that was running wildly became more filled.

Conkeldurr, who was staggered forward by the Mega Beedrill attack, was hit by Mega Latios' "Luster Purge" again and flew backwards, just in time to meet Togekiss after landing.

Seemingly sensed Togekiss' Contest Condition at this point, the rest of Alder's Pokémon, especially Accelgor, were trying to back it up.

available in the next instant.

The shaking on Togekiss's feathers stopped suddenly, its eyes were full of seriousness, and the terrifying Fairy energy burst out again.

And in an instant, all of them were gathered back into its body.

In the flying soil, Conkeldurr tried his best to turn around and meet Togekiss head-on. It was confident that even if it suffered a lot of injuries, it would still cause a lot of damage to Togekiss, and even kill it in seconds!


boom--! !

Togekiss is like a bomb Normal, bursting with countless Fairy-type energy, the continuous flickering halo suddenly covers the entire arena, and the strong light blocks everyone's sight and camera.

The roaring sound and the explosion of Fairy-type energy, the terrifying energy that suddenly rolled up, caused all Pokémon trying to approach to retreat uncontrollably.

Misty Explosion!

Togekiss' "Metronome", actually shakes to "Misty Explosion"!

No one thought of this, even Xia Yan was very surprised.


The huge destructive power presented by this move, as well as the damage it caused to Conkeldurr, is not just "considerable" to describe.

After self-destructing the Fairy-type energy in his body like a bomb, Togekiss showed a hint of satisfaction in his eyes, and his body trembled slightly with the corners of his mouth raised, and fell to the ground.

What kind of destructive power is the full power of an Elite Pokémon Self Destruct?

boom! !

Conkeldurr fell heavily among the rubble on the ground, Accelgor who came to rescue smashed on the barrier Barrier, Bouffalant who approached staggered back, and Escavalier passively set up defenses to resist. These scenes were the best results.

Togekiss not only achieved the extreme one-for-one change, but also caused the rest of Alder's Pokémon to suffer a lot of damage.

Swapping Elite Pokémon for Champion Pokémon, and even hurting the rest of the Champion Pokémon, is the answer to Togekiss.

Although "Metronome" is uncertain, it seems that when Togekiss used "Metronome", he had a premonition of the moves that would come out.

And the attitude it showed also completely ignited all of Xia Yan's Pokémon.

Mega Latios roared, his figure flickered, and he appeared in front of Bouffalant. The energy of the dragon he was biting rose up, facing the champion Pokémon without any fear.

Alder was also infected by Xia Yan's high enthusiasm.

No longer stick to the form, speak loudly, and choose to collide with Xia Yan head-on.

Volcarona raised the flames again, more terrifying than before.

Duolong Bart shot two "Dragon Darts" from the top of his head, disturbing Volcarona, his body dragged into the void, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Volcarona, tearing away, forcing Volcarona to turn around to deal with it.

Reuniclus floated on Escavalier's side, and together with Escavalier, who had concentrated the Bug Type energy, they swept towards Aegislash, who was staunchly guarding the final line of defense.

Mega Beedrill's wings were like lightning, and its body jumped. It suddenly approached Accelgor at the barrier of the enchantment. The roaring spear swayed away from Accelgor's "Water Shuriken" in the interweaving of thunder and blue light.

Mega Alakazam stepped out of the twisted space, and the five spoons turned into sharp spiritual arrows. With the terrifying spiritual power contained in them, they slashed towards Bouffalant with Mega Latios.

a time.

In the venue, there was a roar, and the aftermath burst.

The barrier protection of the entire arena kept moaning of "pain".

But it didn't have any effect on the audience outside the stadium. They just clenched their fists, pulled their throats, and kept roaring.

This bloody and bloody battle has already aroused the blood in the hearts of all the audience.

Aegislash mounts "King's Shield" against Escavalier's Sucker Punch, only to be hit by Reuniclus' attack.

Bouffalant faced Mega Latios' "Psychic" with an impact, and both sides suffered damage at the same time, and Mega Alakazam's attack also smashed Bouffalant into the air.

Mega Beedrill ravages Accelgor with sheer speed.

Volcarona engulfs Doron Bartto with ever-increasing flames.

The chaos on the field finally stopped with a roar of explosions.

The audience's breath froze.

I see.

Aegislash fell to the ground, incapacitated!

Bouffalant lies in the rubble, incapacitated!

Mega Latios suffers Reuniclus Sucker Punch turning around.

Mega Evolution energy collapses.

In the end, he was exhausted and fell to the ground.

Escavalier was attacked from behind by Mega Alakazam "Teleport".

Although he did not lose his combat ability directly, he was not far from losing his combat ability.

And the other side.

Breathing heavily, Mega Beedrill finally relied on the absolute speed advantage to dismount the equally fast Accelgor, and by the way, he raised his own momentum limit with "Fell Stinger".

Duolong Bartto's body was charred black, and he fell heavily on the field under the sight of Volcarona, whose fiery red wings were somewhat broken.

Although he is also a champion Pokémon, and the strength of Duolong Bartto is also very strong, he can also get some blessings of "destroying the world".

But after all, Volcarona is the strongest Trump Card Pokémon as the champion Alder, and he also received the speed blessing of "Choice Scarf", and can continue to strengthen himself with "Fiery Dance".

Replacing Doron Bartto at the cost of his own heavy losses was an unexpected thing for Volcarona and Alder.

Xia Yan also affirmed the damage caused by Duolong Bartto.

It also requires exercise.

It also needs to constantly tap the energy hidden in its body. As long as it is given another half a year to a year, it is not impossible to face Volcarona.

But it has just entered the championship level after all, and compared with Alder's Volcarona, which is already a little invincible in the championship level, the gap is still obvious.

If Duolong Bartto can be exchanged with Alder's Trump Card Volcarona limit, Xia Yan thinks it can be exchanged with Agatha's Gengar, but this is obviously impossible.

Veteran Trainers, of course, have a reason why they are called "veteran".

Long training time is their biggest advantage.

situation on the field.

Changes happen almost instantaneously.

When the two sides calmed down quietly, only Mega Beedrill and Mega Alakazam were left on Xia Yan's side.

On the Alder side, there are only Volcarona, Reuniclus and Escavalier.

To be able to use one champion to add five Elite-level Pokémon to six champion-level Pokémon, for Xia Yan, it has been very successful, and it has exceeded everyone's expectations.

Many people are thinking.


Give Xia Yan one or two championship-level Pokémons, or let Xia Yan grow up for another year and a half, and maybe the situation will be completely different.

But he is still young after all.

But he was young enough to get Alder, the champion, to give him the greatest recognition.


In the eyes of many people, Xia Yan was already very successful if he could replace one or two of Alder's Pokémons.

Unexpectedly, Alder has lost three Pokémon now, and Xia Yan still has two remaining combat power.

To be honest, even Alder was surprised.

Excited and excited sweat broke out from his forehead.

For him, it had been a long, long, long time that he had not experienced such a heart-pounding battle.

"Xia Yan!" Alder said loudly, his voice full of approval and excitement.

Xia Yan, with a tired face, slowly raised his eyelids and looked towards Alder.

Although Mega Latios gave him a sigh of relief after releasing Mega Evolution, he still felt dizzy and couldn't hold on for long.

Seeing Alder raise his right hand, on his wrist, the Z-Ring and the fire-red crystals inlaid on it shone brightly.

He also saw that Xia Yan was about to hold on.

So the final decision is made to decide the winner.

Xia Yan grinned with difficulty, pinched his thigh with his palm, and forcibly lifted his spirits.

He was already very satisfied with the battle against champion Alder, and he was even surprised.

If it hadn't been for the Pokémon's burst of seeds, they might have lost a long time ago.

But now.

Since the Pokémons haven't given up yet, as a Trainer, he naturally has no chance of giving up.

Following Alder's actions, Xia Yan slowly raised his right hand.

on it.

"Bug Z" burst out with bright and dazzling Cal.

The final match.

Reuniclus removed the "Choice Scarf" from Volcarona and moved it to Escavalier, with whom he beat up towards Mega Alakazam.

Volcarona suddenly spread its wings and rose to the dome of the enchantment. The fiery red natural energy surging from Alder's body all followed Volcarona's three pairs of fiery red wings and submerged into its body.

In an instant.

Like a real sun, emitting dazzling light and heat, it appeared in the field.

When fighting Doron Bartto, "Fiery Dance" boosted Volcarona's special attack to the maximum.

Now it can really match the title of "Sun God" in ancient times.

Huanghuang is hot and golden.

Spread the crowd.

Even with the barrier of the barrier, the audience outside the venue became sweaty.

This was Alder's strongest blow.

And the other side.

Mega Beedrill also absorbed all the natural energy from Xia Yan, and the sparkling cyan energy, in the intertwining and entanglement of the arc, completely submerged into Mega Beedrill's body.

Mega Alakazam, who was defending against Reuniclus and Escavalier Beat Up, also tried his best to withstand the price of an attack, canceled the "Skill Swap" for Mega Beedrill, and returned his Ability to "Adaptability" again.

As a result, the Bug Type energy on Mega Beedrill became more and more arbitrary.

In the interlacing of innumerable blue and golden lights, a huge sky-high spear appeared in front of Mega Beedrill.

Simple waving and swinging seems to be accompanied by the distortion and cutting of space.

this hand.

It is also Xia Yan's strongest move now.


next second.

At the same time the Mega Beedrill's wings fluttered, the black spots on Volcarona's wings, like solar flares, blurred at the same time.

The audience's eyes widened one by one, even if the dazzling light had made them unable to open their eyes, they did not want to miss this scene.

screen at this time.

presented in sight.

It was a fiery red sun smashing towards the ground with a rolling heat wave.

Wherever the fiery heat wave passed, everything was turned into powder and annihilated in the high temperature of thousands of degrees.

But under this picture like the end of the day.

A gigantic long spear swirling in blue and yellow rose from the ground and appeared abruptly in this devastating scene.

And the Mega Beedrill holding a spear, at this moment, is like a warrior who challenges the doomsday alone.

boom--! !

For a moment.

The world seems to have fallen into absolute peace, and all the voices, big and small, have been covered up in this collision.

The terrifying momentum and the aftermath of the sweeping air waves completely defeated the final barrier of the venue.

A group of top Trainers arranged by Alliance took action one after another, doing their best to resist the impact of the aftermath.

About ten seconds passed.

The terrifying aftermath of the collision finally slowly dissipated.

Heat waves and fierce air blades spread throughout the audience.

The silver arena suffers its biggest loss ever.

But everyone's attention is always on the field.

When the dust completely dissipated and the picture was presented in front of everyone, the sound of gasping for breath came one after another, and everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

see you.

in the venue.

In the end there was only one Pokémon standing stubbornly, and that Pokémon was Alder's Reuniclus.

As the smoke of gunpowder dissipated, the Psychic protection surrounding Reuniclus also dissipated completely.

It fell from the air as if exhausted, with a little palpitations in its eyes.

In addition, all the Pokémon, all fell into the ruins.

Whether it's Alder's Volcarona or Xia Yan's Beedrill.


Even Xia Yan himself fell unconscious on Alder's broad shoulders and passed out.

Triple Mega Evolution, plus Z moves, Rao Shi Xia Yan's physical fitness is different from ordinary people, and his mental strength is particularly outstanding. At this time, he can no longer bear the pressure and completely fainted.

Alder's face was dusty, but he grinned happily.

Feeling the weight on his shoulders, he was particularly satisfied: "The future is yours. No, it's yours now."

Whoa-! !

This sound, Alder didn't hide it, was heard by everyone.

What does this mean?

The top Trainer of the older generation of Alliance, and the handover of the top Trainer of the younger generation of Alliance!

Xia Yan, who had just become an Elite Four for only three months, was able to fight such an old and powerful champion as Alder to such an extent that Alder had only one heavily damaged Reuniclus standing in the end.


Even if Sinnoh Alliance said that Xia Yan will succeed the Sinnoh champion tomorrow, the audience will be convinced.

Such strength is enough to shut up all questioning voices.

Only with such strength can Xia Yan truly represent the younger generation of Alliance today.

Only he can represent the rise of the younger generation.

The old era of Alliance is coming to an end, and a new one is coming!

And in this huge wave of changing eras, Xia Yan will be the most shining and the highest sprinter!

Seeing this scene, Igor, the president of Sinnoh Alliance, smiled crookedly.

The president of Kanto Alliance happened to be the opposite. He wished he could bring the president of the Saffron City Pokémon guild who failed to keep Xia Yan, and beat him up.

How old is Xia Yan?

Less than twenty years old!

At such an age, he still has an infinite future.

Even Kanto Alliance, who has always produced a lot of talents, could have such a genius Trainer that he could wake up laughing when he dreamed, and his nose was crooked with anger when he watched him pass by.

The Elite Four, who are less than 20 years old, can compete with the old champion to the last Pokémon.

For Xia Yan, this was already a success.

Although he is now in the top four.

But there is no doubt that the brightest new star in this Masters is Xia Yan!

No matter how good the finals were, it couldn't hide his Cal.

This led to some interesting things that happened after Alliance.

For example.

Agatha Elite, who has never been very gregarious, suddenly attends some important meetings. Facing questions raised by others, she will reply "I am Xia Yan's Teacher".

a time.

The entire Alliance high-level, because of Agatha and Xia Yan, set off a wave of apprentices.


PS: No, everyone has been reading the book for so long, can’t you see that Darkrai appeared because I was laying the groundwork for the following? Why do you think Xia Yan can send a Pokémon that hasn't been captured yet?

(End of this chapter)

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