Chapter 917 Report (5k!)


The night sky is sparse.

The bright Moonlight is scattered all over the sea, and the sparkling ripples have a faint salty smell.

A huge Wailord floated on the sea, rippling with shallow tides, beating on the Wailord and breaking into crystal waves, reflecting the thin moon halo.

On Wailord's back, Manaphy happily hummed a melodious song.

The water Pokémon in the surrounding seas are all attracted by its song, surrounding the giant Wailord.

From time to time, a few Mantines and Dewgongs jumped out of the water, splashing small waves.

And by Manaphy's side.

Also surrounded by a few little guys, taking advantage of its singing, dancing under the Moonlight.

"Nami Mimi~~"

"Masha Masha~~"

Victini and Marshadow held hands, grinning happily and circling each other.


Sylveon is like a shining Pokémon incarnated by the moon.

Under the reflection of Moonlight, it exudes a shallow halo, and the two silk satins follow its dancing posture, sometimes hovering over the head like clouds and glittering, and sometimes flowing between the knees like sea water.

The humming ditty and Manaphy complement each other, but they seem to complement each other.


The crystal-clear little Vulpix followed Sylveon closely, his tail swayed back and forth, and sprinkled the snow-white crystals, making Sylveon look more dreamlike and beautiful.


Togekiss swept the night sky, letting Moonlight illuminate it like a small moon, and the three feathers moving with the wind gently swayed, reflecting a brighter halo.


Newborn Phione called out cheerfully.

Lying tightly on Latios' back, he slid across the water quickly.

The excitement and joy of the little guy attracted more excited welcome from the water Pokémon hovering beside Wailord, as if welcoming their new king.

With a smile on the corner of Latios' mouth, he slid sideways.

Phione's little hand reached into the sea water, and the clear water flowed across his fingertips, making small splashes and splashing on his face, in exchange for the little guy's endless laughter.


The little Nebula Cosmog, who was already tired of playing, curled up into a small group and tucked himself into Xia Yan's arms.

The two eyes were bent into crescents, and with contentment, they went into dreamland.

Xia Yan and others sat on the edge of Wailord.

With his hands on Wailord's back, he looked up at the starry night sky.

The rolled up trousers exposed ten feet of different shapes, submerged in the cold sea water, rolling up snow-white waves.

The rare leisure and tranquility made them reluctant to interrupt such peace.

The birth of Manaphy's child, Phione, allowed them to see the other side of the sea.

Calm and peaceful side.

in such an environment.

It seemed that even the exhaustion from a busy day was taken away as the sea water ran across his ankles.

Xia Yan smiled and looked to the left.

When looking back, it revealed a bit of determination and integrity.

The glasses reflected the moonlight and faded the cold Lorelei of the past.

Look to the right again.

Cynthia with fair skin like the moon and a smile on the corners of her mouth.

Loosen his bow tie, revealing a somewhat lazy and comfortable Steven.

The smile on his face even more.

Seemingly noticing his sight, Cynthia, who squinted, slowly opened a pair of apricot eyes, which seemed to reflect the entire star, and a little crimson halo appeared on her white face.

asked with a smile:

"What are you looking at?"

Xia Yan shook his head and looked up at the night sky again.

Slowly said:

"Unconsciously, we have known each other for a long time, right?"

"Yeah, someone has unknowingly gone from a small club to become an Elite Four on their own." Duan on the other side interjected.

Xia Yan smashed his mouth.

"Tsk tsk, how did I smell the lemon."


Lorelei turned his head sideways and blinked.

Cynthia smiled and explained, "Sour."


Lorelei couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"It doesn't matter if it's sour or sweet, as long as it tastes good."

Du shrugged and said nothing.

Steven sighed lightly and said quietly, "Actually, I envy the four of you."


Several people looked sideways at the same time.

Seeing that the laziness on Steven's face became a little richer, he said slowly:

"Unlike me, if you don't succeed, you can only go back and inherit the family property."

Xia Yan and others: "."

Well, there are a few more sour people.

Steven couldn't help but let out a smug smile.

He already knew how to stimulate Xia Yan.

And have fun.

The five smiled knowingly.

It is precisely because they are familiar enough with each other and their relationship is good enough that after the initial mutual politeness, the daily exchanges become a little more mocking each other.

But it is this kind of mutual ridicule that is constantly enhancing their mutual feelings.

"By the way, where is Yashak, the Temple of the Sea? How long will it take to get there?" Lorelei asked curiously.

Xia Yan hasn't answered yet, Cynthia said first:

"The temple of the sea, Yashak, has always been a legend. The legend is that it was a temple built by the remnants of the water for the 'King of the Sea'. But it has always been floating in the sea, without an accurate location, nor a fixed Location.

Legend has it that only the remnants of the water had a certain way to find the temple of the sea, Yashak.

It is also said that only the 'Prince of the Blue Sea' Manaphy can find the location of Yashak, the Temple of the Sea. "

Xia Yan glanced at Manaphy who was humming songs beside him, and added after a little pondering:

"It is also said that Yashak, the temple of the sea, has a 'crown of the sea'. As long as you can obtain this crown, you can become the 'king of the sea' and gain the favor of the sea."

So there will be so many pirates running rampant on the sea.

A large part of it is to find the legendary "Sea Temple" and try to obtain the title of "Sea King".

in the original.

Master Zhi is recognized by the "Crown of the Sea" and can swim freely in the sea without worrying about breathing and movement.


After the end of the theatrical version, Zhiye changed back to Ash Barrier, and this ability was forgotten.

"But looking at Manaphy like this, it should be coming soon." Xia Yan said again.

"Then let's take a look at the 'Crown of the Sea'?"

Du's eyes lit up and asked.

Xia Yan shook his head.

"Without the token of the Water Relics, it is impossible to open the real internal passage of the Sea Temple Ruins."

Even Manaphy can't open it.

This seems to be the mechanism left by the group of water remnants deliberately.


The Remnants of the Water are now almost extinct.

Unlike the Draconid Tribe in the "Meteor's Land" in the Hoenn Region, it is still inherited, and the people of the earth in Aindok, the sword of the earth in the Unova Region, still gather.

Speaking of which, there are quite a lot of remnants of the Pokémon world.

Sinnoh Region also has a group of ancient Sinnoh people.

Cynthia is technically a descendant of the ancient Sinnoh people.

If you can get away with the token of the Remnant of the Water in the future, you can use the power of Manaphy to find the Temple of the Sea again, and get the power of the so-called "King of the Sea".

By the time.

Maybe you can really communicate with the fat head fish.

With Manaphy building a bridge, it's not difficult to find the fat head fish.

"We just sent Manaphy and its child Phione to the Temple of the Sea safely, so as not to be used by people with intentions. You have also seen the power of Manaphy."

Whoever can control Manaphy indirectly has the power to control the sea.

You know, Manaphy can affect fathead fish.

Although Manaphy's strength and ability are not something that a Normal person can handle.

But if the young Phione is caught, it's not a good idea.

After all, even Phione, who was just born, showed his naughty side.

One Latios is not enough for it to toss, and it also pulls Dragonite from Du, Skarmory from Steven and Togekiss from Cynthia.

Several Pokémons take turns watching him, lest he lose himself.

"Send Manaphy and Phione, and we'll go back to hand over the tasks, and it won't take more than one night to exchange some peace of mind."

Then he clapped his palms and said:

"Come on, get something to eat."

Xia Yan stretched and stood up.

Get ready to show your hands.

Hearing this, Cynthia's eyes lit up.

Xia Yan's craftsmanship is well-known in a small circle like them.

Whether it's Pokémon food or human food, he's good at it.

So ever.

A happy dinner for Pokémon and Trainers begins.

Even the huge Wailord got some food.


For Wailord, no matter how much he eats, he can't get enough.

But obviously Xia Yan's attitude, as well as the food he made, has won Wailord's approval.

It is a bit difficult to bring back such a large Wailord.

He also doesn't have such a big lake in Solaceon Town, and it's unfair to Wailord to have only a small range of activities in captivity.

It is best to put it in the sea and can hunt freely.

You can find it again when you need it.

Alakazam is already in Wailord's mouth, leaving Psychic's "anchor" point, and he can feel the Wailord's position at any time.

in joy.

Under the guidance of Manaphy, the Howler Whale finally found Yashak, the temple of the sea.

Xia Yan and the others finally got in and saw the grandeur of Yashak.

the next day.

Mt. Silver vein.

"Teacher, that's about it."

Xia Yan respectfully reported the whole process to Agatha, who was sitting in the seat with a tired face.

It was also the first time he had seen his cheap Teacher Agatha, sitting in the office of the Kanto Alliance Elite Four.

Don't say it yet.

Agatha's office

Those who knew it knew it was an office, but those who didn't, thought it was in the Haunted House.

After listening to Xia Yan's story, Agatha's eyes were bloodshot and her brows were furrowed.

During this period of time, Mt. Silver was really uneasy here. Their Alliance bosses defended day and night, and finally calmed down the biggest turmoil in the wild Pokémon inside Mt. Silver.

It also successfully persisted until the successful conclusion of the Masters.

In the end, Alder of Unova Region defeated Brandon of Battle Frontier to become the champion of the Masters.

It is also expected.

However, after listening to Xia Yan's story, Agatha fell into deep thought.

Sensitively smelled the contradictions hidden in this incident.

"Jie Jie?"

Gengar stuck out his tongue.

He stuck his head out of the shadow on the wall and made a face at Xia Yan.

Seeing Agatha's Gengar, Xia Yan smiled.

He took out a box of energy cubes from his pocket and opened it with wisps of Haze wrapped around it.

This is the favorite energy block of Ghost Pokémon. The materials are not easy to find at all, and its value is far higher than the energy blocks of other Attribute Pokémons, which are almost comparable to those of Dragon Pokémon.

Seeing this box of energy cubes, Gengar's eyes lit up instantly.

He turned into Haze and appeared on Xia Yan's side with a "gratified" face, and his fat and broad palm patted Xia Yan's shoulder.

'It's not in vain for me to say good things to you. ’

Xia Yan chuckled and shook his head.

Having known Agatha for so long, Xia Yan is quite familiar with her Gengar.

Know what kind of temper this guy is.

The kind of character that is not stingy without seeing a rabbit and not a hawk.

It is somewhat similar to his Xia Yan.

So Gengar looked at Xia Yan very pleasing to the eye.


"Teacher is very tired recently, please calm down."

Hearing this, Gengar's eyes narrowed slightly, and when he saw Agatha's tired look out of the corner of his eyes, he collapsed and nodded silently.

Flip your palm.

He took out a booklet from its four-dimensional space, and looked around.

After confirming that Agatha was not paying attention, he quickly shoved it into Xia Yan's arms.

Then, whistling as if nothing had happened, he returned to the shadow on the wall, shaking his head three times.

This look, if put in a movie, is a proper spy chief.

Xia Yan couldn't help laughing and crying.

However, he caught a glimpse of the book that Gengar had just stuffed in, and it read "Basic Theory and In-depth Analysis of Legion Construction".

Needless to say, the author must be Agatha.

But neither did Gengar.

If not Agatha is willing to give.

Is it available to Gengar?

This troublemaker was caught by Agatha.

When I go back, I can't do without a pimp to cure its naughty spirit.

However, it is estimated that Gengar is also happy to eat this pimp.

Wait until Gengar walks back into the shadows.

Agatha spoke slowly.

"You mean. It's obviously the secret research of the Rockets. Giovanni wanted to complete the research results in one fell swoop while the Alliance was holding the Masters without paying attention to the Rockets, but was attacked by that group of people?

If it weren't for the appearance of Giovanni, I'm afraid that the terrifying Super Mewtwo might fall into their hands? "

"At least, it will run out of control."

Xia Yan added.

With Mewtwo's two Mega Evolution stones prepared by the group, losing control was their worst option.

And the Mega Mewtwo after the runaway runaway, that destructive power

Cinnabar Island is considered light.

It is estimated that after this incident, the group of people who previously commanded the affairs of Cinnabar Island and delayed the information will inevitably be investigated by Agatha.

"So, Giovanni expected something?"

Agatha stuck to the cane, rubbing the end of the cane with her fingers.

Xia Yan also put away the posture of reporting and sat opposite Agatha.

"I guess so."

"Then Giovanni walked ahead of us? He prepared all this, seemingly for Mewtwo, but was actually designing that group of people?" Agatha raised his head slowly.

Xia Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a bit of seriousness.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."


Agatha laughed angrily.

"The problems within Alliance are now being led by the Rockets."

Xia Yan shook his head and said:

"Teacher, I don't think it's a bad thing. At least, what Giovanni knows, it means that the other party has revealed his tricks. What we need to do is to seize the other party's tricks and follow the clues."

Agatha nodded slightly.

"But you must also pay attention, you can't be brought into the pit by Giovanni, and at the same time he is pitting the group of people, he will pit us again."

"I see."

"Also, you are the person in charge of this incident and have contact with Giovanni. The other party will definitely suspect that you may know something, so be careful." Agatha urged.

Xia Yan grinned.

"I'm afraid they won't come."

Hearing this, Agatha couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah, your kid is an Elite Four now."


Xia Yan rubbed his nose.

"However, they must not be able to hold back about revealing their faults. Their plans and actions are likely to speed up. It is estimated that they are looking for you, one of the leaders of the Hunter Guild. Remember to pay attention."

Xia Yan's expression paused.

"it is good."

Agatha waved her hand.

"Okay, let's go get paid."

The rewards of the Masters Tournament, as well as the rewards of this quest, are the rewards provided by the Federation, which should not be underestimated.

Xia Yan stood up without moving.

Agatha frowned and asked, "Wait for what?"

Xia Yan smiled and said:

"Teacher, look, the difficulty of this task is not the same level as the one you mentioned earlier."

"Gengar, see off!"

Agatha didn't listen to Xia Yan, and shouted with a cane.

"Jie Jie!"

Wind Howl's Ghost-type energy instantly wrapped Xia Yan and threw it out.

Gengar chewed his mouth and clapped his palms proudly and walked back.

Agatha smiled sullenly.

"That stinky boy."

Immediately, he saw Gengar with a sullen face, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said slowly:

"Gengar, my Legion's brochure."


Gengar was squeamish one second, then widened his eyes the next.


From the grown mouth, a few pieces of energy cubes fell.


Growl, who heard Gengar's horror from the office, and Xia Yan, who was thrown out of the office, got up from the ground contentedly and patted the dust on his body.

In terms of "yin", no one really can compare to his Teacher.

Now that Agatha knows about this, there must be more she can do.


PS: 1.2w today! Ask for a monthly ticket~~

(End of this chapter)

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