The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 921 Attribute: Full (7.5K!)

Chapter 920 Attribute: Full (7.5k!)

"Alola Region, located in the tropical region, is full of 'southern flavors'. However, there are also many regions that retain the Primal style, which are not suitable for tourism and vacation, such as Mount Lanakila on Ula'ula Island, Haina Desert and other regions. I hope everyone pays attention to safety"

Xia Yan listened to the introduction to the Alola Region on the radio and felt the slight bumps when the plane landed.

Out of the corner of the eye, he glanced at the porthole, and little Vulpix was leaning on tiptoe on the window with a face full of eagerness.

outside the porthole.

A sunny and sunny day.

In the blue sea, the outlines of the four islands appeared in sight.

Soaring Mount Lanakila, sprawling Poni Grove, Brooklet Hill in the stair section, Kala'e Bay full of joy.

The plane passed through the clouds and gradually approached the Alola Region, a densely vegetated and intertwined river network.

Xia Yan silently took out a crystal "infinite crystal", on which the colorful halo still flickered.


After approaching the Alola Region, the frequency of the halo flickering in the enchantment is significantly higher.

There is nothing wrong with stating the direction he is looking for.

The reason why Ono came to the Alola Region is that after the Alola Region opened, with the rapid establishment of the Alola Alliance, the first archipelago tour competition was held immediately after the opening of the Alola Region.

Xia Yan also analyzed it with Latios.

"Infinite Crystal" flickers normally, but the frequency is not right, indicating that Ono has not encountered any fatal threat. The biggest possibility is that he is trapped somewhere.

When Latios learned that Ono was Latias, he was still very surprised.

But after the surprise, there is more worry.

But Alola Region is not too big, but not too small.

Coupled with the complexity of the natural environment, the influx of people after the opening of the Alola Region, and the holding of the first Islands Tour Competition, it is not easy to find.

Moreover, the Alola Alliance has just been established, and the management and penetration of the Alola Region is not yet in place. If you want the power of Assist Alliance, don't think about it.


If it is the Aether Foundation, it may be a lot easier.

Xia Yan gently stroked the little Vulpix's head, feeling the suppleness and coolness of its bangs.

Slightly apologetic:

"Vulpix, when I find Ono, I'll take you back to see Mount Lanakila."

There, is the hometown of Vulpix.


Little Vulpix gently licked Xia Yan's cheek with his tongue.

Being considerate, it naturally understood Xia Yan's main purpose for coming to Alola Region this time.

speak up.

Xia Yan also serves as the deputy director of the "UB Strategy Department" in the Alola Region.

I haven't been back since I left for the Kalos Region last time.

"We are about to land on Melemele Island, Alola Region, I wish you a good trip." The sweet female voice of the broadcast sounded again.

As the plane's turbulence intensified, the landing was quickly completed smoothly.

Alola Region is the southernmost Region in the entire Alliance territory. The journey is not short, surrounded by harsh seas and frequent storms. The Flying channel opened by Alliance with a lot of effort is the fastest and most convenient way to reach Alola Region. .

"Xia Yan Elite."

As soon as he got off the plane and walked out of the airport, someone was waiting for him here.

Look up.

The person who came was Wicke, the deputy director of Aether Paradise of the Aether Foundation and the secretary of Lusamine, the chairman of the Aether Foundation.

"The chairman knew that Xia Yan Elite was coming, so he arranged a pick-up immediately." Wicke explained with a smile.

Xia Yan nodded slightly and returned a polite smile.

"It's work."


"Old, Teacher—"

And behind Wicke, two little ghosts ran out immediately.

It is Xia Yanshou's student, the two children of the chairman of Aether Foundation Lusamine, Glagio and Lillie.

When the two knew that Xia Yan was coming to Alola Region, they also took the initiative to pick up the plane.

Seeing them, Xia Yan's smile finally got a little more real happiness.

Ignoring Grazio's muttering, he rubbed his head into a bird's nest.

The kid is young, and he attaches great importance to hairstyles.

On the other hand, Lillie was a little timid at first, but when Xia Yan patted her on the head affectionately, she immediately relaxed a lot.

The group got into the car.

"Teacher, it's a pity that I couldn't go to Mt. Silver to watch your game live, but Lillie and I watched every game of yours on TV." Glagio seemed to regret not being able to watch Xia Yan's Masters live.

"Hmmmm!" Lillie nodded vigorously.

When he looked at Xia Yan, there was deep admiration in his eyes.

Xia Yan smiled and pinched Lillie's fair and crystalline face.

The little guy is also very simple, just blinking at Xia Yan with a pair of big eyes, without any intention of being angry, but with a little doubt in his eyes.

He doesn't seem to understand why Teacher is pinching her.

Xia Yan couldn't help but smashed his mouth.

I just think that I want to look good on Lillie in the future, but I must not be fooled by some stupid thing.


When Xia Yan let go, Lillie immediately focused her attention on the little Vulpix lying on Xia Yan's lap, her eyes lit up, she took the little Vulpix into her arms and rubbed her cheek against the little Vulpix, looking very happy.


The little Vulpix is ​​not exclusive either.

Because it can really feel, Lillie likes it.

Xia Yan looked at Glagio.

"I was busy some time ago. I will conduct an assessment for you tonight."


Glagio's face turned pale and he said seriously: "Okay, Teacher!"

At the same time, there was an uncontrollable look of excitement on his face.

Lillie stuck out her tongue, as if she was still a little afraid of the serious Xia Yan.

"As soon as I received your information, I have already arranged it, and I believe there will be results soon."

Aether Paradise.

After Xia Yan saw Lusamine, she said so.

After Xia Yan learned that Ono was in the Alola Region and lost contact, he immediately contacted the Aether Foundation and the UB Strategy Department.

It's just that the main task of the "UB Strategy Department" is to be responsible for the affairs of the ultimate alien, and the manpower is not very sufficient.


This time, it is Xia Yan's private matter, and it would be great if the UB Strategy Department could help look for it.

The main thing is to rely on the Aether Foundation.


The relationship between Xia Yan and the Aether Foundation is not bad.

Not only is Glagio and Lillie's Teacher, but he also holds the title of host on the project of Aether Foundation and Devon Company specializing in the study of "Ultimate Ball".


Xia Yan said.

It was precisely because the Aether Foundation had been notified long ago that Xia Yan was able to rush over slowly by plane.


The first time I sat in Latios rushed over.

Ono's fame is actually not small among some young trainers.

after all.

With that Kommo-o, she also won a good place in many competitions such as the Lily of the Valley Competition.


She is only strong with a Kommo-o, so she failed to win the championship.

But the Islands Tour competition in the Alola Region is different.

It requires less Pokémon for the Trainer, so Ono is likely to get a good place in this Isles Tour.

This is probably one of the main reasons why she will come to Alola Region.

"It's polite to say thank you."

Lusamine said with a smile.

This caused Zaobo, who was next to him, to roll his eyes.

He Zaobo worked hard, presided over the research of "Ultimate Sphere", but was only the deputy director.

Xia Yan does nothing and is the main person in charge.

Zaobo was originally a stingy person, it would be strange to give Xia Yan a good face.

Even though, Xia Yan is now an Elite Four and a well-known Pokémon Professor.

"Wicke, take Xia Yan Elite to rest first, it will take some time to get accurate information," Lusamine said to Wicke.

"it is good."

After Xia Yan and the others left.

Lusamine frowned slowly, looked at Zaobo, and said solemnly:

"You go and ask over there whether the disappearance of Stephanie named 'Ono' has anything to do with them."

Facing Lusamine, Zaobo immediately put away his anger and asked tentatively:

"Chairman, what if it has something to do with it?"

Lusamine's face became a little unsightly.

His fingers tapped lightly on the table.

"If it's related, ask them what they want to do?! That's the sister of Xia Yan Elite and Xia Yan Professor. We Aether Foundation can no longer conflict with Alliance, try to minimize the big thing, you understand what I mean?"


Zaobo responded with a stern face.

Zaobo, who received accurate instructions, immediately turned and left.


Neither Lusamine nor Zaobo noticed.

As he left, the sly eyes blinking in his shadow, and the wisps of Black mist entwined.

"Umbreon, Moonlight, and Throat Chop!"

Glagio waved his hand and shouted loudly.

see you.

The dazzling Moonlight scattered in the night sky fell into Umbreon's body, and its injuries quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was tight and turned into a dark and fierce dark light, which appeared behind Larvesta in the blink of an eye.

There was a smile on Xia Yan's face.

"Larvesta, Flame Wheel protection."

Just as Umbreon's "Throat Chop" was about to hit Larvesta.

A surging flame of gold and red intertwined instantly rose from Larvesta's body, wrapping itself in a spiral shape.

The attack that led to Umbreon, while effective, had little effect.

On the contrary, the flames ignited by Larvesta tore at Umbreon's soft black short hair, causing a lot of damage.


Umbreon's reaction speed is also fairly fast.

Seeing that the situation is not good, he immediately retreated and retreated, not being burned too seriously by the fire of life.


Umbreon, who was lying on the ground, looked serious.

Obviously it is the Pokémon that is really good at defense. When facing Larvesta, why does it feel like a hedgehog, but it can't break its defense.

"It's almost there." Xia Yan said, calling to stop the test.

Looking at Glagio, who was a little frustrated, he teased, "Why, do you really want to win over your teacher?"

Glagio's expression stiffened, and he immediately responded, "Teacher, you are an Elite Four."

Xia Yan tapped his forehead and said with a smile, "So, you have performed well today, and I am very satisfied."

Hearing Xia Yan say "satisfied", Glagio finally smiled.

"Teacher, brother, you are all amazing."

Lillie, who was holding the little Vulpix and didn't let go, trotted over immediately, her little face flushed a little, and she looked very excited.

Xia Yan rubbed her head.

"Then next, it's time to test your Breeder knowledge."

Hearing this, Lillie's face suddenly collapsed.

boom--! !

But right now.

Not far from the Aether Paradise Laboratory, there was a sudden explosion except for a huge roar.

The huge yellow firelight reflected half of Soaring in the sky.

Even the entire Aether Paradise trembled.


In Xia Yan's arms, Cosmog, who was still asleep, seemed to sense something and floated out of it, blinking round orange eyes and tilting his head.

"So cute~~"

Lillie's eyes lit up when she saw Cosmog.

Xia Yan quickly took the little guy back into his arms.

This little thing may be "Teleport" running around at any time, and it will be hard to find it at that time.

Then he looked at Glagio.

"what happened?"

Glagio didn't seem very surprised, he seemed to be accustomed to this matter.

"I don't know either. There have been occasional explosions recently. It might be some dangerous experiment going on in the research department."

There was also doubt on his face.

"But it's a bit strange. This explosion is actually very regular, once every seven days, but it just happened yesterday. Moreover, the movement of this explosion is much bigger than before."

Xia Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Gu Gu~~"

Cosmog cried out happily, a Psychic halo burst out from him.

"Little guy, don't"

Before Xia Yan's words were finished, Cosmog's Psychic wrapped them, and disappeared in place.

next second.

Change of sight.

Xia Yan, Glagio, and Lillie appeared near the explosion area of ​​Aether Paradise Laboratory.

"Hurry up!"

"Release the restriction Barrier now!"

"This time the situation is not normal. The three of them lost control and ran rampant together. Barrier can't restrain them!"

"Increase the energy output! Be sure to limit them!"


The researchers in the Laboratory were in a mess, and no one noticed the arrival of Xia Yan and the three of them.

And somewhere in the Laboratory.

"It's coming again, and it's going crazy again. These three guys are too powerful. We must catch them this time!"

The speaker was a woman with red hair and a white coat, her face full of excitement.

"That's right! As long as we can catch them, we can ask the Executive to take credit. When the time comes, we can transfer back to the headquarters and get the appreciation of Boss Giovanni, and then we can upgrade to Executive!"

The one who agreed was also a young man with long blue hair in a white coat.

"Don't worry, I'm ready, meow~~ This time the three get out of control together, they can't stop it, I have simulated their limitations. Barrier has created an instrument, and it's absolutely fine to catch one meow~~"

The last person to speak was actually a talking Meowth.

And these three were obviously forgotten by Xia Yan in the undercover Rocket team of the Aether Foundation.

At this time, they are always ready to wait for an opportunity.

"I really forgot about these three guys." Xia Yan secretly thought.

Xia Yan, who had already extended Psychic, naturally noticed the Rockets trio with the cat in the corner for the first time.


Xia Yan can't take care of these three guys anymore.

Attention, on the three guys who caused the Laboratory riot.

Look at the rising fire and the scattered dust center.

It is invisible to the naked eye, but Psychic perceives it very clearly.

"I thought they didn't get it out, but it turned out to be fruitful."

Xia Yan walked towards the center of the explosion step by step.

"Why are you here? No outsiders can enter here!"

I happened to meet Zaobo who was in command.

As soon as he saw Xia Yan, his expression changed instantly.

Xia Yan ignored him at all, just gave him a sidelong glance, flipped his palm, and threw out two Poké Balls.



Sylveon and Milotic appeared in front of Xia Yan.


Little Vulpix was finally able to jump out of Lillie's arms and land next to Sylveon and Milotic.

Staring at the gradually dissipating dust, his expression became serious.

"Gu Gu-"

On the other hand, Cosmog, with a heartless look, seemed very happy.

"Little guy." Xia Yan quickly scolded with a smile and dragged it back.

And just as the little guy was carried back by Xia Yan, three bright white Air Cutters ripped apart the air and wiped them in the direction of Xia Yan.


Milotic's eyes were upright, and on top of his slender tail, Milotic's tail was instantly wrapped around it, turning into a spiral water column, and the surging water force was drawn towards the three "Air Slash" that were shot.

Aqua Tail!

Bang Bang Bang! !

The aftermath of the energy shock scattered, blowing away all the dust raised around it.

at the same time.

The existence of the three attacking was finally revealed to Xia Yan.

The three are almost identical, with the shape of a beast, but with a fish-like tail, and the whole body looks like it is pieced together from parts of different creatures.

And the most eye-catching is undoubtedly their heads.

Wearing a huge brass helmet like a shackle, not only blocked their faces, but also made them look more weird as a whole, especially the huge metal block that looked like an axe inlaid on the helmet. It's like their horns, but seems unusually heavy.

Looking at the three Pokémons, the corner of Xia Yan's mouth slightly raised.

"Sure enough Type: Null."

"Quick! Protect Master Glagio and Miss Lillie, and limit Barrier's full output! Lock the three Attribute: full back!" Zaobo didn't care when he saw Type: Null attacking Xia Yan, but he saw that he was standing beside Xia Yan. Grazio and Lillie were immediately tense.

"Minister Zaobo, Restriction Barrier. Broken, broken."

"Bastard! What are you waiting for, hurry up and call the people from the Operations Department?!" Zaobo stared.

"It has been notified, but it is estimated that it will take time."

"Isn't there Xia Yan Elite?" Someone whispered.

It has been recognized by many people.

The dignified Elite Four are here, what support from the Operations Department is needed?

"And Xia Yan Elite is also one of the leaders of our Aether Foundation project."

As soon as this sentence came out, many people reacted immediately.


The Mega Evolution announced by Xia Yan not long ago has a great impact on the entire Pokémon world.

Although they are employees of the Aether Foundation, they are also researchers.

For the famous Professor Xia Yan, who is also one of their leaders, I have long wanted to meet him.

Now, not only have I met Professor Xia Yan, but I have also met Xia Yan Elite.

Zaobo's face darkened.

He just didn't want to see Xia Yan showing off his prestige, so he wanted to solve it himself.


The people below him have already put their minds at ease and handed over the matter to Xia Yan.

Xia Yan is confident that he can handle Zaobo, a careful guy.

Moreover, he is careful and careful, and he still has the ability.

At least.

These three Type: Nulls have been developed quite successfully.

Without Xia Yan intervening, I heard that the research on "Ultimate Ball" has also made good progress and achieved good results.

He turned his head and asked, "Is this what you researched?"

I just saw Mewtwo, which was researched by the Rockets a few days ago.

Now I see Type: Null, which was researched by the Aether Foundation, which is the future Silvally, little Arceus.

Artificial Pokémon, it doesn't seem to be particularly weak.

Zaobo's nostrils widened, "What?"

Xia Yan smiled.

"Privately researching and creating Pokémon violates the Alliance's "Pokémon Research and Exploration Safety Regulations". Are you very courageous?"

"Who said this is a private creation of Pokémon?! Attribute: It was developed to fight against the ultimate alien beasts. This is to contribute to the Alola Alliance!"

The "Attribute: Full" plan was Zaobo's original direction.

However, the created Silvally is not easy to control, and it is also highly repulsive to AR systems. In order to adapt them to power, they have to be equipped with helmets that limit energy and AR systems.

Without the arbitrary conversion of the "AR system" on the Attribute, Silvally cannot switch the Attribute with Solaceon, so the name "Type: Null" came later.

It means that it only retains the Attribute of the Normal system.

Still, Zaobo prefers to call them "Attribute: Full".


While Xia Yan and Zaobo were communicating, the three Type: Nulls on the opposite side couldn't sit still.

Zaobo was right in saying that Type: Null was created to deal with the ultimate beast.

And the reason why they are collectively rampant today is probably because they feel the existence of the small nebula Cosmog.

After all, in the final analysis, whether it is Cosmog, or its final evolutionary Lunala and Solgaleo, it can be regarded as a kind of ultimate alien beast.

Mainly because they are from Necrozma, from Ultra Space.

see you.

Three Type: Null rushed towards Xia Yan with a fierce look.

Crush Claw!


Dragon Claw!

"Teacher!" Seeing Type: Null's ugly and fierce appearance, Lillie immediately grabbed Xia Yan's arm in fear.

Instead, Glagio looked at Type: Null, feeling their powerful aura, and a flash of eagerness flashed in his eyes.

Naturally, Xia Yan will not panic because of these three unfinished products.


Sylveon let out a low roar, and the pink Fairy energy surged from it, the Fairy's stance extended and spread, and the "Fairy Field" quickly filled the audience.

Immediately after.

Its sound turned into a shock wave, and layers of pink sound waves swept away.

Hyper Voice!

Because of the ability of Sylveon's "Fairy skin", the Normal-type moves it uses will also become Fairy-type moves, and the power of the moves can be greatly improved.

The diffused sound waves will not only defeat the Type: Null dragon energy of "Dragon Claw", but also swept all three Type: Nulls at the same time.

Mines seized the opportunity to stir up the water, and the turbulent "Hydro Pump" spewed out of his mouth, and the current engulfed the three Type: Nulls as they were affected by the Sylveon "Hyper Voice".

the next moment.

Little Vulpix shook his tail slightly, and while the whole body was covered with snow-white crystals, a pale light beam spit out from his mouth.

The currents with Milotic will join together.


The turbulent water was frozen into solid ice, and the three Type: Nulls were also imprisoned in it.

This short shot of no more than three seconds not only defused the attacks of the three Type: Nulls, but also successfully restrained them. Glagio, who was behind Xia Yan, could not help clenching his fists.

Is this the on-the-spot combat effectiveness of the Elite Four-level Trainer?


Do not!

ka ka ka-

The pale solid ice shook violently, and fine cracks appeared on the ice surface.

boom! !

The huge solid ice burst, and pieces of ice of different sizes scattered, revealing three of them, Type: Null, covered with ice balls.

Xia Yan nodded secretly.

While the energy and AR systems are limited, Silvally's physicality is still there.

However, the combat experience is also lacking, and any combination of moves will take them all.

"Vulpix, absolutely cold."

Xia Yan said slowly.

Vulpix understood, and his short limbs moved, but the speed was not slow at all.

Before the three Type: Nulls had adapted to the extremely low temperature, they spit out a pale ice bundle again and hit the Type: Null on the left.


Type: Null, who finally broke free from the ice layer, was covered with ice crystals, completely losing the ability and opportunity to break free again, and lost the ability to fight.

Milotic's soft body slowly lifted up, and a surging current surged from under it for a while.

Riding the tide of Normal, washed away the other two Type: Null.

Sylveon followed with a "Quick Attack" forward, with pink eyes staring at the two Type: Nulls, and the huge "Baby-Doll Eyes" brought an intimidating atmosphere, forcing its physical defense to drop.

Then, the seemingly light satin turned into two extremely powerful whips and smashed it down.

boom--! !

Immediately, the Laboratory Ground cracked and collapsed, and countless rocks and rubble were scattered.

Last Resort!

This Normal-type move "Last Resort", after obtaining the blessing of "Fairy skin", is quite terrifying.

It's just that the "Last Resort" move is very restrictive if you want to use it.

It takes a Pokémon to use a few moves first before it can really reach its full potential.

Sylveon was able to use it after using the four moves of "Fairy Field", "Hyper Voice", "Quick Attack" and "Baby-Doll Eyes".

But Xia Yan heard that a Pokémon who really masters the "Last Resort" move can use it at most with only one move.

Sylveon still needs to be strengthened in the training of this move.

But well.

For Type: Null, it can't be stopped.

So far.

The three Type: Nulls are all incapacitated.

Seeing this, Zaobo let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, steady.

However, in the next second, he instantly widened his eyes again.

"what are you doing?!"

see you.

Xia Yan flicked his arm, and the three Ultra Balls were thrown out by him, hitting the three Type: Nulls respectively.

Because they have lost their fighting ability, naturally they have all been subdued without a doubt.

Sylveon also rolled up the Poké Ball and handed it to Xia Yan, as if asking for credit.


Zaobo blankly watched Xia Yan put away the three Ultra Balls before he reacted.

A shrill voice sounded, "This is Aether Foundation stuff!"

Xia Yan squinted at him and said calmly:

"You are suspected of illegally creating Pokémon, violating the Alliance regulations, and these three Pokémon are too dangerous, I will help you temporarily keep them."


Xia Yan's eyes gradually became cold, and his tone was full of coldness.

Staring at Zaobo subconsciously kept retreating, and fell to the ground.

"I want to know the whereabouts of Ono!"

Xia Yan deliberately paid attention to the exchange between Lusamine and Zaobo and let Zorua listen.

Xia Yan was not very satisfied with their concealment of him.


PS: Cough, please forgive me, after all, the author has to take the college entrance examination again recently, so I am a little busy to say~~

(End of this chapter)

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