The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 948 Shoot Him, The Gun! (7K!)

Chapter 947 Shoot him, the gun! (7k!)

Xia Yan shook his head slightly.

Volcarona, who had exhausted his energy from Genesect Xiaohuo, gave it to Volcarona, who had just completed his transformation from Larvesta.

Although it has just entered the quasi-Elite level, it is impossible to enter the Elite level through this evolution, which is too exaggerated.

But its "fire of life" has once again been reinforced.

The "fire of life" originating from Ho-Oh has truly become something of Volcarona after this evolution and transformation.

And it is through the power of the "fire of life" that Volcarona can keep the aged Volcarona.

Restoring to the strongest Contest Condition is a no-brainer.

After this time, when it is old, its strength will enter a period of rapid decline.

It is estimated that this is also the reason why it finally wants to show Larvesta the power of "the incarnation of the sun".

But Xia Yan didn't need it to participate in any battle.

It is a very good choice to enjoy the old age.

The light and heat released by Volcarona not only successfully resisted the cold wave from Kyurem, but even the thick frost crystals of the originally frozen Opelucid City were relieved to a certain extent.

"It's not too late. But what do those two guys say?" Xia Yan asked with a smile.


An embarrassed smirk appeared on Genesect Xiaohuo's face.

[Where are you sulking, boss, you stressed not to let them intervene, thinking that you didn't arrive last time you called them, and you took the opportunity to put on small shoes for them. 】

Speaking, Genesect Xiaohuo also pretended to be Reshiram's expression and tone.

[Leaving the legendary incident, we are not allowed to interfere! 】

Xia Yan couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

It is precisely because he guessed that the real intention of Ghetsis freezing Opelucid City is on the black and white Opelucid, so he specially emphasized that they should not be involved.


The two guys seemed to be sulking.

[It is also necessary to explain to them, so it is a little late. 】

Xia Yan nodded slightly.

【leader. What do we need to do now? 】

Listening to Genesect Xiaohuo's impatient words, Xia Yan narrowed his eyes, glanced at [Plasma Frigate], and said slowly:

"Destroy this ship."

At first.

Genesects were also transformed into what they are now under the research of Team Plasma.

There is a beginning and a tail, which is just enough to allow Genesects to vent their accumulated negative emotions.


After hearing Xia Yan's words, the Genesects' eyes suddenly lit up, showing an excited look.

"Go ahead."

【Yes! 】

After receiving the affirmative order again, the Genesects no longer hesitated.

The muzzle on the back immediately glowed with a four-color halo.

The special cassette inlaid in the card slot also provides it with stronger strength.

As Xia Yan walked to the cabin again.

On the deck, a huge roar and explosion sounded immediately.

Not just decks.

The Genesects have turned into the most devastating fortresses, showing the title of "Destroyer of the World" to the fullest.

And inside the cabin.

Ghetsis and the rest of the Team Plasma were in a mess.

"Lord Ghetsis! Massive damage to the No. 1 propeller!"

"Lord Ghetsis! Engine number three is completely destroyed!"

"Master Ghetsis! The hull suffered damage in the eyes, the degree of damage: 12%, 13%, 15%, 20%"

"Lord Ghetsis! We, we, we are about to crash."

boom! !

Ghetsis stamped Ground with a face full of Rage.

With a gloomy and ruthless face, "Calm down! Where's the destroyer's defense system? Where's the energy barrier? Are they all for dry food?!"

The power of [Plasma Frigate] is not only reflected in its huge size and scale.

It is a fortress in itself.

Combines all the technology of Team Plasma.

Not to mention attacking the Alliance, but taking a town is absolutely fine.

Genesect's destructive power is strong.

But 【Plasma Frigate】is impossible without the ability to resist at all.

"Sir, the defense, the defense system is paralyzed." The team member who controlled the defense system cried with a face.

Ghetsis was taken aback for a moment.

But he soon figured out why.

Gritting his teeth, he roared loudly.


At this time, Akroma, who was standing on the roof with "Yan Xia", had Volcarona's golden halo reflected on the faint lenses, blocking his eyes.

But it is still certain that his eyes remain on [Plasma Frigate].

Just listen to him murmur: "This is my masterpiece and achievement"

the other side.

Xia Yan took the Pokémons directly to the inner cabin where Kyurem was being held.

The Team Plasma members guarding here are considered the elite of Team Plasma.


These so-called elites seem too insignificant when facing the current Xia Yan, who is still unreserved.

After a few flashes of Beedrill's streak, he was subdued with barely any resistance.

To deal with these so-called elites with a champion Beedrill is already a bull's-eye.

He came to the huge transparent glass and looked down at Kyurem, whose Contest Condition was a little sluggish.

And Kyurem, also holding his head up, looked at Xia Yan who came here.

After a brief eye contact.

Xia Yan did not hesitate.



Infernape understood, took a step, and immediately a dark red flame burst into his whole body. The flames in his eyes were shining, and he didn't hesitate to wave a heavy punch with a surging fist and flame towards the glass cage that blocked Kyurem. fist.

This cage was specially designed for Kyurem, aiming at ice-type energy and dragon-type energy.

But for Infernape's flame, it failed to bring much resistance.

In an instant.

The fire light instantly filled the entire inner cabin, and a huge pillar of fire rose into the sky, burning a huge hole directly on the solid cabin.

The raging flames finally found a vent.

To the [Plasma Frigate], which was quickly fragmented, and pushed it on the road of destruction again.

ka ka ka-

a time.

The fine cracks filled the cage again.

The extremely cold energy rushed out along these gaps, causing the scorching high temperature originally brought by Infernape to be quickly cooled.


Upon seeing this, Kyurem no longer hesitated.

The sturdy Dragon Tail, wrapped in a strong cold air and surging dragon energy, slapped directly on the barrier.

boom! ! !

The instantaneous surge of energy caused the entire cage to shatter directly.

Countless tiny crystals scattered at the same time.


Break free from the cage!

It fell straight off the 【Plasma Frigate】.

Although the height here is high.

But for an existence like Kyurem, such a height would not cause any damage at all.

boom--! !

In a few seconds.

In the Opelucid City of Ground, there was a huge roar, and a huge amount of frost and dust scattered in all directions.

"Slip away." Xia Yan chuckled softly.

Alakazam's Psychic wraps them up again.

After a dodge, he walked out of the twisted and folded space and returned to the square of the Opelucid City gym.

"Xia Yan Elite!"

Seeing Xia Yan coming back, everyone hurriedly surrounded them with joyful expressions on their faces.


As long as Xia Yan Elite is there, even the rampant beasts can be calmed down, let alone a mere Team Plasma.

It's still a long time ago that he was disabled, and he was afraid of Team Plasma.

"Xia Yan Elite."

Drayden also came to Xia Yan, but his face did not show much joy, but more worry.

Looking at the crumbling [Plasma Frigate] in the sky, he expressed his worries.

"If such a huge ship falls, the Opelucid City is afraid."

Hearing this, many people reacted.


Although Team Plasma's plan was destroyed, Kyurem was saved, and the frost covering Opelucid City was melting little by little.

But if this [Plasma Frigate] is smashed straight down, the damage it will bring.

I'm afraid, at least a third of the entire Opelucid City will be destroyed, right?

That's also a huge loss.

At the same time as Drayden raised his concerns, Kyurem, who landed, firmly Lock On【Plasma Frigate】with his anger-filled gaze, and without hesitation, he spit out a mouthful of pale frost towards the crumbling【Plasma Frigate】in the sky.

all of a sudden.

The extremely cold airflow swept again, and the terrifying frost spread rapidly.

Where the pale light beam passed, even the air was condensed, blooming bright ice flowers, gathering into a huge icicle.

As the main target of Kyurem's attack,【Plasma Frigate】, naturally, under Kyurem's attack, was completely frozen into a huge ice cube.

Just that way.

[Plasma Frigate], which could hold on for a while, completely lost the chance to hold on.

Like a huge ice crystal Meteorite, it smashed towards Opelucid City.

The faster and faster falling trend, the gradually surging downward airflow, has already made Opelucid City feel the terrifying power that this fall will bring.

Drayden and the others, who were witnessing this scene, couldn't help but have a pale expression on their faces.

But Xia Yan's words made them overjoyed.

"Don't worry, I'm ready."

One by one, they looked at Xia Yan in surprise.

Although, they didn't know what preparations Xia Yan had made.

I don't know how Xia Yan is going to stop the smashing process that seems like a natural disaster.

But Xia Yan's every opening has been realized.

This time, it is definitely no exception!

Now that Xia Yan Elite is ready, there is absolutely no problem.


Some people could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course, some people are still staring at the faster and faster [Plasma Frigate].

Just when the huge ice cube was about to touch the Ground.

Suddenly, in the process of its fall, the moment the head of the ship was about to touch the Ground.

A huge twisted space suddenly opened.

Thousands of strands of dark mist rose up.

next second.

[Plasma Frigate] disappeared from everyone's sight and failed to bring any substantial damage to Opelucid City.

People's eyes widened one by one, not knowing what was going on.

Such a big ship actually disappeared out of thin air?


Although I don't know the reason, it didn't stop the crowd from cheering.

They recited the name of the "true hero" Xia Yan Elite one by one.

If it weren't for Xia Yan Elite, this time Opelucid City included them, I'm afraid


Duolong Bartto, who was slightly panting, returned to Xia Yan and nodded towards him.

Seeing this, Xia Yan smiled, and his clenched fists slowly loosened.

Pokémon World Junkyard, Distortion World!

Giratina, who seems to be living a very leisurely life recently, is resting on the slope of a Topsy-Turvy that has destroyed the world.

Suddenly, the door to destroying the world was opened.

Immediately afterwards, a ship that was frozen into ice cubes "opened" in such a grand manner.

Giratina felt very uncomfortable with the extremely cold air attached to it.

It blinked twice.

Rubbing his eyes, he made sure it wasn't an illusion.

Giratina: ? ? ?

Instantly felt Taunt's Giratina get up.

It wanted to see who had the guts to throw things into its ruined world.

Just got up.

I saw Doron Bartto wave at the mouth of the space that was gradually repairing and healing.

Giratina's movements suddenly stopped.

Is it Xia Yan?

I saw two boxes of energy cubes also floating out of it and slowly landed in Giratina's hands.


Giratina continued to lie back down the hill.

Nodding slightly towards Doron Bartto.

next time.

Such a big piece of junk.

To add money.

The return of Doron Bartto means Giratina is fine.

As long as this big brother is appeased, there will be more places to throw garbage in the future.

Xia Yan turned his head to Drayden, whose eyes were a little dull, and said, "Mr. Drayden, please arrest all the members of Team Plasma who escaped. I'll solve Kyurem's problems, and more."

While speaking, Xia Yan walked straight towards Kyurem, who had not yet finished venting on Rage.


And the Ghetsis who escaped from Plasma Frigate.

The man behind the dignified Team Plasma, it is not so easy to meet Giratina with 【Plasma Frigate】.

When Xia Yan walked into Kyurem with a group of Pokémon, it was still in Rage's Contest Condition.

Kyurem, the dignified "Three Dragons of the Way", has been captured by Team Plasma Taunt again and again, captured by Team Plasma, and desecrated by humans. Such humiliation is unacceptable to the arrogant Kyurem.

"Calm down! Kyurem!"

Xia Yan frowned and shouted.

The huge dragon head that suddenly turned around and Sen's cold and sharp eyes locked on Xia Yan.

Pokémon beside Xia Yan felt the threat from Kyurem and stood in front of him one after another.

Even in the face of divine beasts, they will not be afraid.


Although Kyurem left Rage, he still knew Xia Yan.

last time.

"Giant Chasm" Kyurem met Xia Yan.

this time.

It was caught and Xia Yan saved it.

Kyurem's ability to simply understand the right and wrong is still preserved.

Seeing Kyurem barely calmed down, Xia Yan was also slightly relieved.


Before he could speak, he saw a slightly embarrassed figure walking out of the ruins not far away.


"Cough, cough, cough—"

Ghetsis, who was on crutches, stared at Xia Yan with a black face.

It's him again!

It's him every time!

Ghetsis didn't speak, his eyes said it all.

He took out a sophisticated instrument, pointed it at Kyurem and pressed the button without hesitation.

A special sound wave that immediately wraps Kyurem.


In the roar of pain, Kyurem's eyes, who finally calmed down, were filled with scarlet again.

"If you don't call Reshiram, wait for the destruction of Opelucid City." Ghetsis's hoarse voice finally sounded.

He was still struggling with Reshiram.

Xia Yan frowned and looked at Kyurem, who was completely out of control.

The Waveguide force spreads rapidly, and the Waveguide Force tries to approach Kyurem with soothing and friendly feelings.

But I heard Ghetsis grin and say, "It's useless! I didn't control it at all, I just magnified its negative emotions infinitely. The purpose is to weaken the influence of its own will and foreign will!"

To put it simply, it is to obey the original intention of the current Kyurem, so the role of Xia Yan's waveguide power has little effect.

"Destruct! Destroy Kyurem! I want the entire Opelucid City to be buried with Team Plasma!"

Ghetsis's face was full of madness.

Team Plasma, which he has worked so hard to manage for so many years, is now completely destroyed because of Xia Yan's two interventions.

Just now, at the same time that [Plasma Frigate] fell, Ghetsis received bad news again.

Hidden in every corner of the Unova Region, the Team Plasma base was suddenly attacked at the same time, all destroyed and uprooted!

This also means that the era of Team Plasma is completely over.

Although Ghetsis didn't know who the attacking force was, he obviously counted this on Xia Yan's head.

This time.

He was right.


The hunters' guild attacked the secret bases in each Region of Team Plasma!

Kyurem, who was completely devoured by Rage, brought destruction such as destroying an Opelucid City, which was all light.

Xia Yan took a deep breath.

can only say.

Akroma I XX XX XX!

"Darkrai, Genesect, Meloetta, Marshadow, Little V, please help me hold Kyurem."

One after another Eudemons revealed their stature.

Darkrai Haze surging, resolutely stood directly in front of Kyurem, with a serious look.

Take money to work.

Darkrai, who does not keep his promises, is not a qualified Nightmare God.

The Genesects also fell on both sides of Darkrai.

Plus the help of the three little guys, Meloetta, Marshadow, and Victini.

It's absolutely fine to hold Kyurem.

Ghetsis also stared blankly at these Eudemons that appeared out of thin air.

He didn't understand why there were so many legendary Pokémon around Xia Yan.

But there is no time for him to be stunned and puzzled, because Xia Yan's attack is here!

"Alakazam, Mega!"

Directly open Mega Evolution and enable the strongest core Mega Alakazam.

Ghetsis hurriedly summoned his Pokémon.

Hydreigon, Toxicroak, Drapion, Eelektross, Seismitoad and Cofagrigus!


Ghetsis couldn't help cursing after seeing Beedrill attacking himself suddenly, and finally being frightened by Hydreigon.

This guy Xia Yan is not like those young orthodox trainers at all, and he is even more proficient in the control of the essence of field warfare than the head of the underground force.

In the face of Xia Yan who was able to command so many Pokémon at the same time, Ghetsis had to come up with Team Plasma's black technology again.

【Akroma Enhancement Device】!

Side effects are dangerous.

But that's what makes it extremely powerful.

With the baptism of the special sound waves, the six Pokémons of Ghetsis showed varying degrees of momentum.

The strength has been greatly improved.

It can be seen from this.

Ghetsis represents the lower limit of Team Plasma, while Akroma represents the upper limit of Team Plasma.

How powerful Akroma's technology is, the higher the ceiling of Team Plasma can be.


Getting ripped off by Ghetsis with a good hand.

Xia Yan didn't mean to keep his hands at all.

There is no need to hold back against Ghetsis either.

Eye sockets flashed Psychic.

The figure of Mega Alakazam, suspended beside him, flickered indistinctly, passed through the twisted and folded space barrier, and appeared directly beside Toxicroak.

Four times weaker Psychic Toxicroak, absolutely unable to withstand the attack from Mega Alakazam.

Toxicroak Assist "Sucker Punch" got the first shot, but it was greeted by Doron Bartto who replaced Alakazam.

Doron Bartto, wrapped in the energy of "Dragon Rush", slaps Toxicroak directly.

at the same time.

Togekiss swung "Air Slash" and blocked Drapion's rescue route. When it paused for a moment, Aegislash, who emerged from the shadows, cut out the Void Blue Greatsword without hesitation.

Sylveon replaced Beedrill's position and faced Hydreigon's "Dragon Rush". The Fairy-type energy spread, easily resisting Hydreigon's attack, and slowing its progress.

Four times as weak as Fairy's Hydreigon, in front of Fairy's Sylveon, it is really difficult to cause any substantial damage.

Ninetales took advantage of the momentum to stir up the energy, and the pale beam ripped through the air barrier, instantly freezing one of Hydreigon's wings, which could not dodge in time.

Infernape went straight into the "passionate" Contest Condition and punched Ground while the flames were soaring.

With a huge roar, a huge column of lava fire rose from under Eelektross.

Rao is an Eelektross with the "Float" ability, and he can't ignore this level of attack from Ground.

Seismitoad of Ghetsis tries to rescue.

However, he was directly and firmly bound in place by Latios' "Grass Knot", and at the same time suffered four times the damage from grass-type moves.

The only Cofagrigus that was not attacked was also because its "Mummy" ability was too special.

But no Pokémon attacked it.

But it also can't attack any of Xia Yan's Pokémon.

So many Pokémon.

Cofagrigus can't touch any of them?


The more Pokémons there are, the stronger Xia Yan's "Infinite Defense" system extends toward the "Infinite Legion" system.

Xia Yan, who has an absolute advantage in terms of his own hard power and the number of Pokémons, used dazzling tactics to get Ghetsis's command directly stuck there.

How about strengthening your own Pokémon?

What if you're the leader of Team Plasma but have plenty of battle experience?

Xia Yan's system is now getting better and better. After Togekiss, Duolong Bart, and other inferior cores are gradually familiar with and accustomed to their own sub-core identities, the entire system runs more smoothly and freely.

Every Pokémon in Ghetsis has to be ready to be attacked by at least two Pokémon at all times.

at the same time.

Neither of them can be sure who the actual Pokémon is until the attack is dead.


Each one has the potential to be the target of an attack on them.

Also, each one may just be a temptation or a Feint.

Under the system of falsehood and falsehood, Ghetsis's Pokémon simply can't stop such an attack.

As for counterattack?

Once they try to fight back, prepare for the mad baptism of the Horacio Shower Normal.

Hydreigon, who first fell to the ground, is the best proof.

This is no longer a battle at the same tactical level.

This is the crushing of red fruit.

Ghetsis can't even command.

is the best proof.


When his last Seismitoad fell to the ground, Ghetsis hadn't quite recovered from his crushing sluggishness.

He was arrogant and did not want to believe that in frontal combat, he had no ability to resist Xia Yan at all.

Not long ago, he thought that as long as there was no Reshiram, he would be ashamed of Xia Yan.

Now he finally realized.

How naive is this idea.


He will not be so miserable in the 6v6 duel.

But a pity.

There are no rules in the field.

"Infinite Legion", officially revealed.

In particular, under the core of the completely liberated "Mega Alakazam".


There is Alakazam's "Trick Room" facing the space, "Psychic Terrain" facing the field, "Misty Terrain" facing the dragon, and "Snowfall" ability facing the weather.

As the Pokémon grow.

The weaknesses of Xia Yan's system are also being erased little by little, becoming more and more perfect.

Some Pokémon are not designed to strengthen the system, but to complete the zone defense.

"Gah! (Okay, amazing!)"

The onion soldier standing beside Xia Yan did not participate in the battle.

It hasn't even integrated into the system, Xia Yan just let it be observed and familiar.

For the first time, I was shocked when I saw Duck Ya who Xia Yan really showed his full strength.


Ghetsis fell to the ground.


He murmured, "Arrest me."

While speaking, he took the initiative to raise his hands.


Xia Yan looked at the "naive" Ghetsis with a playful expression.

"When did you hear that Xia Yan Elite and Xia Yan were police officers and arrested people?"

Ghetsis looked up in disbelief.

I saw Xia Yan patted the onion wanderer on the shoulder.

"Duck, shoot him, Sharpshooter! Oh no, Throat Chop!"

(End of this chapter)

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