The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 980 Isn't It Pure Brotherhood?

Chapter 979 Isn't it pure brotherhood?


Ash's eyes widened, looking at Xia Yan and Steven standing in front of him in disbelief.

Plantina and several others have similar expressions.

"Teacher Xia Yan, the helper you're talking about is the champion of the Hoenn Region, Mr. Steven?" Plantina's eyes flickered.

She couldn't think of anything.

The champion of Hoenn Region, Steven, actually appeared in Sinnoh Region.

And for Steven, Plantina is no stranger.

Because Hoenn's German company and the Zvoch family have a close relationship with their Berlitz family, and to a certain extent, they are partners.

"It's Plantina, didn't you expect to grow so big?"

Seeing Miss Plantina, Steven was also a little surprised.

Facing Steven's gentle smile, Plantina's face flushed a little, and she couldn't help thinking of the first time she met Steven when she was a child.

At that time.

She's really Steven's ultimate Lostelle girl.

"And Ash, you guys are too." Steven also greeted Ash and the others with a smile.

"Mr. Steven."

Ash and the others also bowed and shouted very politely.

Candice and Maylene next to each other looked at each other.

There is Steven, the champion of Hoenn Region, and Teacher Xia Yan, who is completely comparable to the champion in their minds.

a time.

There are actually two championship-level Trainers in Xuefeng City. I am afraid that Team Galactic's plan, if they want to implement it in their Lake Acuity in Xuefeng City, is tantamount to a dream, right?

Vaguely, Candice and Maylene were both excited.

"Let's talk about small talk later, Plantina, Professor Berritz is saying, the goals of Team Galactic are Lake Valor, Lake Acuity, and Lake Verity, right?"

Xia Yan interrupted their chat and asked.

"Yeah." Miss Plantina nodded again and again and added: "My father asked me, Diamond and Pal to go to three lakes to prepare. Mr. Donggua, the master of the Canalave City gym, who knew the whole story, also informed me. The trainer, the gym he knows, supports us."

"It's me." Maylene gestured handsomely.

"So, our goal now is" Xia Yan looked towards the east, west and north.

"Lake Acuity."

Steven took his words with a smile.


Steven gracefully opens the Poké Ball, and his signature Flash Metagross emerges.

Steven, who slept for an unknown number of days, just woke up and felt that the Contest Condition was ridiculously good.

Jump on Metagross's back.

Xia Yan also called Flash Charizard and jumped up with the eldest lady.

"We go first, you follow."

The words fall.

Flash Charizard and Flash Metagross drove the three of them in the direction of Lake Acuity.

"Teacher Xia Yan! Wait for me!"

Ash hurriedly tried to catch up, but found the person behind him motionless.

"What's wrong?"


Paul didn't even bother to look at him, he just turned his head and left, in the exact opposite direction of Lake Acuity.

"If the two champion trainers can't solve it, what's the use of us going? It's better to finish challenging all the gyms earlier."

After speaking, he disappeared into the dense forest of Xuefeng Mountain.

"Miss Shenzi, I'll stay and help repair the temple together." Brandon looked at the witch goddess in Xuefeng Temple.

Hearing this, God Son immediately showed gratitude.

"Thank you so much Mr. Brandon, just"

She looked at Regigigas, who had shrunk considerably in size and was sitting cross-legged on the ground with a very quiet look, with a hesitant expression.

In front of Regigigas, there are energy cubes piled up like a hill.

All were left by Xia Yan.

He really didn't expect Regigigas to be so edible.

But then Xia Yan finally realized.

For other divine beasts, the energy cube is just a small snack. How much energy can the energy contained in it play for divine beasts?

But the honest Regigigas, that is really eating the energy cube as a meal!

It's hell if you can eat enough.

It's just pity Xia Yan's inventory.

"We?" Maylene looked at Candice.

As the owner of the Xuefeng Gym, Candice knew that it didn't make much sense for them to go or not to go, but the responsibility of the gym owner made her make a quick decision.

"Go and see!"

The two immediately chased after Xia Yan and the others.

at last.

Only Ash, Dawn, and Xiaogang were left.

They looked at each other.

Let's go to Lake Acuity and see Paul's point.

If you don't look at it, it seems that you feel a little uneasy in your heart.

"The group of guys from Hunter J, the movement is quite big."

Lake Acuity.

Team Galactic's top executive year old star, while sculpting on the windy shore, looked at the snow peak mountain from a distance.

"The leader is still as careful as ever."

Although Team Galactic has been planning for this day for so long, the day when the plan is really reached.

When all Team Galactic members felt that the plan was infallible, their leader Cyrus once again gave the plan two defenses.

"With Hunter J's ability, he should have really released Regigigas, right? In this way, the main focus of Sinnoh Alliance will be on the Hunter Guild and Regigigas for the time being."

She turned to look at the drone hovering over the lake again.

The appointed time has come.

However, the "Galaxy Bomb" that Suixing was waiting for did not fall from it.

Suixing pouted involuntarily.



No matter which lake was detonated, the gods of the lake were united.

And as the gods of the lakes in any one of the lakes are severely damaged by the terrifying "galactic bomb", the other two bodies and the Contest Condition will be severely affected.



The lake surface of Lake Acuity shuddered.

Immediately after the waves rippling, a Pokémon with a petite and agile figure but with anxiety and surprise in his eyes flew out of the lake.

"Come out, Uxie!"

Suixing's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly threw out the Poké Ball.

Sableye, Gastrodon and Tangrowth!

"Grab it!"

The three lakes are linked together. Although the "Galaxy Bomb" was not blasted in Lake Acuity, Uxie, who can live in Lake Acuity, was still affected by the explosion.

At this time, it was so weak that it was like an ordinary Pokémon.

Dodging anxiously in the air, but ultimately unable to get rid of Tangrowth's entanglement.

As the door of the unmanned aircraft opened again, a group of Staraptors appeared and surrounded Uxie, and Uxie was successfully captured by a special container that fell from the plane.

"It's done!"

The corner of Suixing's mouth twitched.

Her task was completed perfectly with such ease and simplicity.

without any hindrance

"Metagross, Flash Cannon!"

At this time.

A loud shout, from far to near.

next second.

A bright white metal beam shot from Soaring in the sky in the distance. The Staraptors who had bound Uxie before were hit by the beam and hit the ground, instantly losing their ability to fight.


Sui Xing frowned and looked in the direction of the source of the attack.

just see.

A Flash Metagross carried a handsome young man in the lead, the hem of his small suit rattling in the fast-moving wind.

After that, there was a Charizard with a dark body, full of violent aura, spreading his wings, also carrying the two of them.

A strong sense of oppression came from the two Pokémons.

"Why is he here?!"

Suixing looked at Steven and his Metagross with a look of astonishment.

"Hoenn Champion?!"

"Wrong! It's a former champion!"

Steven looked serious and pointed, "Metagross, destroy that plane!"


Others move faster than him.

A red light flickered around his waist.

"Togekiss, Extreme Speed!"

Plantina, who was sitting behind Xia Yan, clutched Xia Yan's clothes tightly, pursed her lips, and looked at the plane worriedly.

just now.

She saw Uxie fly out of Lake Acuity and was captured by that plane.

at the same time.

She was also worried for her two friends.

If it is said that the "Galaxy Bomb" did not explode here, then one of Diamond and Parr must have faced the impact of the "Galaxy Bomb".


The current situation does not allow her time to care about the situation of her two companions, she must intercept Team Galactic here and destroy their plan!

And here, there are two characters who are comparable to champions!

"Don't think about it!"

Sui Xing's face paled.

Even if Rival has a champion, they don't want to sabotage their Team Galactic plan!

"Sableye, Quash! Gastrodon, Mirror Coat!"

Following Sui Xing's order, the Pokémon she summoned followed suit.

Sableye's two Sapphire-like eyes flashed with a strange halo, and an invisible force immediately blessed Togekiss who was galloping.

a time.

Originally, Togekiss, whose speed was as fast as white light, immediately stagnated.

at the same time.

"Flash Cannon" by Steven's Metagross was blocked by the "mirror launch" by Gastrodon, who jumped up.


Because of the strength of Metagross, it crushed Gastrodon and directly blasted the old star's Gastrodon into Lake Acuity.

But it is undeniable that Metagross attacked again, or was resisted by Gastrodon.

"Tangrowth, Ingrain, Power Whip!"

Suixing did not breathe a sigh of relief, facing Togekiss whose speed was slowed down, he commanded Pokémon again.

see you.

Tangrowth, which seems to be the biggest obstacle to intensive phobia, has both feet firmly ingrained in the fertile soil, and a steady stream of energy is injected into its body along the feet.

Huge vines like the two waving arms stretched wildly and slapped towards Togekiss in the air.

Yingying green light lingered on the vines.

Xia Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Nasty Plot, Air Slash!"

"Just yah-!!"

Togekiss puffed out his mouth and looked angry.

At the same time as the black light in his eyes flickered, his wings quickly fell, and two sharp milky white blades made of air met Tangrowth's two tentacles.

Boom! !

With a precise hit, the vines were bounced off by Togekiss.

Immediately after.

After those two "Air Slash", two more followed, under Tangrowth's astonished gaze, smashed directly on its body.


With the additional effect brought by "Air Slash" and the trigger of Togekiss's "Heavenly Grace" ability, Tangrowth immediately fell into the cringe Contest Condition.


Seeing this, Suixing hurriedly shouted.


Sableye was greeted by two fierce "Air Slash" in bright white.


For a moment.

Two Pokémons, Sableye and Tangrowth, both fell into the "creeping" Contest Condition.

One control two, easy!

With the successive "Air Slash" falling, Suixing's Sableye and Tangrowth have no intention of waking up.

With this terrifying control, Suixing's expression instantly lost control, and his face was stunned.

When she's ready to summon Pokémon again.

Just listen.

boom--! !

A huge roar was accompanied by a splash of flames and debris.

I don't know when, next to Team Galactic's plane, a dark door opened as if to the void, and Duolong Bart's fierce Dragon Claw directly divided the plane into two, like brilliant fireworks bursting in the air.


Plantina looked happy.


With Teacher Xia Yan and Mr. Steven present, Team Galactic has no power at all.


Xia Yan frowned.

"Damn!" The firelight reflected on Suixing's hideous face.

The absolute strength suppression from Xia Yan and Steven left her with no way out.

She couldn't stop it.

Just as he was about to summon Pokémon again and prepare to retreat, he suddenly felt a chill in his neck.

I don't know when, a sharp long sword with a cold glow was placed on her neck.

Aegislash stared straight at her in exasperation with playful eyes.

Just a touch.

Just got beaten up?

The old star is stunned.


At this time.

Xia Yan and Steven finally arrived at the shore of Lake Acuity.

Plantina trotted to the lake, watching the wreckage of the plane that kept falling from the sky.

"Where's Uxie?"

Looking for Uxie's figure.

"Hahaha-don't look for it! Uxie, it has been transmitted long ago!"

Suixing, who was under control, couldn't help sneering after seeing the anxious appearance of Miss Plantina.


Plantina's expression froze, "Being, being teleported away?"

"I originally thought that the leader was too cautious, but now it seems that the leader's caution is still necessary."

Suixing said, looking at Xia Yan and Steven who were approaching, "I didn't expect that even the champion of Hoenn Region, Steven Stone, came to Sinnoh."

Steven frowned, "I said it was a former champion."

After emphasizing it over and over, he looked at Xia Yan, "What should I do?"

Xia Yan's face was also somewhat heavy.

"Take the Hunter Guild and Hunter J as a point of confusion to attract attention and achieve the capture of the gods of the lake?"

"That's right!"

Sui Xing's head was raised, and he had no sense of being a prisoner at all, and even had a strong pride on his face.

"So, the place that was blasted was Lake Valor." Xia Yan pressed his chin and rubbed lightly.

"Lake Valor? Pal?!" Plantina didn't question Xia Yan's guess, but just thought of Pal who rushed to Lake Valor, her face full of worry.

"How do you know?" Suixing couldn't help but asked.

Xia Yan glanced at her.

Although he knew the reason, he still said to Suixing: "Because, Cyrus doesn't trust you, he trusts Zhenxing the most."


But this sentence made Suixing jump up like a cat Normal whose tail was stepped on.

"What is Team Galactic going to do with the gods of the lake?" Steven asked.

"It's not for the Red Chain." Xia Yan replied casually.

Sui Xing's body was shocked, and he looked at Xia Yan in disbelief, "How, how do you know?"

This matter, even in Team Galactic, is a plan that only a few people know about.

Now, Xia Yan said it casually.

Xia Yan shrugged.

"When I played Red Chain, I didn't have you guys."

He rarely spoke the truth, but no one believed him.

Suixing even cast a look of "Do you look at me like a fool".

"Tsk." Xia Yan smacked his mouth.

These days, it is often difficult to be believed by people when they tell the truth.

"Then we are now"

"Go to Veilstone City, Team Galactic's headquarters is there." Xia Yan turned over and came to Charizard's back again.

Suixing widened his eyes again.

Does he know this?

Who is this man who is acting with the champion of the Hoenn Region, and who are still vaguely headed by him? !

Why never heard anything about him before?

But the strength is terrifyingly strong.

What does it mean that even the Hoenn champion is willing to do what he wants?

"What about her?"

Xia Yan pursed his lips.

On the snow not far away, Candice and Maylene arrived.

"Leave it to them."

Xia Yanming knew that Team Galactic's planned goals were the three lakes and the gods of the lakes, so why couldn't he stop them in time?

on the one hand.

It was because the Hunter Guild led by Hunter J attacked the Xuefeng Temple and forcibly awakened the sleeping Regigigas, which indeed caused a certain degree of disturbance and obstruction.

He needs the power of Regigigas to wake the unconscious Steven.

With Regigigas, he also has a good relationship.

But in fact, if you want to stop it, Xia Yan Quash wakes up Steven, and there is actually a chance to stop it.

But he did not choose to do so.


That's on the other hand.


Team Galactic's Cyrus, the man who laid out everything carefully, actually had a backup plan.

Team Galactic has data about Red Chain, and they have created a chain that is very close to Red Chain as a backup.

Even if.

The capture plan of the gods of the lake failed, and Cyrus was still able to rely on something very similar in nature to continue to enforce the plan.

No matter what, Cyrus' plan will go ahead.

In Xia Yan's view, pulling two helpers (Steven and Regigigas) is obviously more important.

And now what Xia Yan needs to do.

Just find help.

For example.

The champion of Sinnoh Region, cute Cynthia!

By the time.

Left Steven, right Zhulan, it's not his turn to be the main force in this incident, right?

Not surprisingly.

At this time, Cynthia should be the leader Cyrus who has already been in Veilstone City and Team Galactic.

on a luxury ship.

Xia Yan, Steven, and Plantina stood at the window, looking at the fleeting white clouds in front of them.

The three have different hearts.

Plantina is worried about Parr, who is facing an explosion, and whether he will be injured.

Steven wondered how much rare cosmic ore would be hidden in Team Galactic, and how much he hadn't collected.

Xia Yan was thinking about what he could do to lie down in this incident.

And Veilstone City, located to the east of Mt. Coronet, near the sea at the edge of Sinnoh, appeared in the sight of the three.

Maylene, the gym owner of Veilstone City, is still in Xuefeng City.

As the airship slowly landed in the open space outside Veilstone City.

The three walked on the streets of Veilstone City.

Veilstone City is built on a steep rocky mountain that has been dug, and the Rock's wall creates a grim atmosphere for the entire city.

It is isolated from other towns and lacks communication due to its terrain.


Veilstone City is huge, but it is also very prosperous.

"Teacher Xia Yan! Pal is at the Pokémon Center, I'll go find him first!"

Plantina didn't know where to get the news about Pal, and said anxiously.


Xia Yan nodded.

Looking at Plantina's back quickly leaving, Steven couldn't help sighing, "The proud eldest lady at the time has finally found a real friend now."

Xia Yan squinted at him, "Is it like you found Wallace?"

Steven responded with a smile.

"That's right. But it can also be said that I found a friend like you."

Friends who can depend on their lives.

Although Steven and Xia Yan have not been together for a long time.

But just the fact that Xia Yan came to Sinnoh alone with him in a coma, found the furious Regigigas and comforted him, and finally woke him up, can be remembered by Steven for a lifetime.

Steven, the former champion who is willing to sacrifice his life for the Hoenn Region, is the first time he has met a person who is willing to "dedicate" his life for him.

Xia Yan's expression froze.

The body trembled slightly, and the goosebumps immediately rose up unconsciously.

"When I didn't ask."

Quickly walked towards the direction of the Team Galactic building.

Steven looked puzzled and didn't understand why Xia Yan's reaction was so strange.

Isn't it pure brotherhood?

When the two came to the Team Galactic base building with a huge billboard "Aiming for the Universe", Xia Yan showed a surprise.

The Team Galactic building was not damaged in the slightest.


From the outside, the building appears to be empty.

Not to mention Cynthia and Cyrus who fought fiercely here.

"Not here?"

Xia Yan frowned.

The development of things slowly developed in an unexpected direction.

But it is inevitable.

With his involvement, things are definitely going in a different direction than the original plot.

Just that way.

Xia Yan didn't know where to find Cynthia.

"What's the matter, Xia Yan?"

Steven asked as he frowned.

"Cyrus seems to have anticipated and evacuated the members of Team Galactic ahead of time, so it will not be easy to find him. Also, Cynthia does not know where to go."


Steven looked surprised.

Take out your phone.

The number was dialed.

Xia Yan's expression was stunned.

A pat on the forehead.

Both champions, Hoenn Region champion Steven and Sinnoh Region champion Cynthia have contact information, which makes sense.


Steven hung up the phone and said, "Cynthia, in Sunyshore City."

"What is she doing in Sunyshore City?" Xia Yan couldn't help asking.

"It seems that I heard that the master of the gym in Sunyshore City has an extremely negative attitude, which has seriously affected the Alliance's assessment of the Trainer. And Daye, who is in charge of the assessment of the gym in the Sinnoh Region, is friends with that person, and there is nothing to do with him, so Cynthia will do it herself," Steven said hesitantly.


Team Galactic in the Sinnoh Region is about to blow up the entire Sinnoh.

The Sinnoh champion is still in the gym at Sunyshore City? !

So what are he and Steven now?

The emperor is not in a hurry, the eunuch is dying?

at the same time.

Miss Plantina also came over on a bicycle and said solemnly:

"Teacher Xia Yan, Pal cultivated at the Pokémon Center in Sunyshore City."

Lake Valor, apparently a little closer to Sunyshore City, was rescued there, which is reasonable.

It was just Plantina's next sentence that changed their expressions slightly.

"I also got news that Dia, oh, that is Diamond, another friend of mine, he got on Team Galactic's giant airship. And that airship seems to be heading towards Sunyshore City."

Xia Yan and Steven looked at each other.

Hearing the words, Xia Yan's thoughts quickly surged.

Sunyshore City again.

So what is there in Sunyshore City worth a trip to Team Galactic?

There is only one answer.


Huge energy!


Is Cynthia following Team Galactic to Sunyshore City under the guise of a gym assessment?

That way, it all makes sense.

It's just that Xia Yan doesn't understand.

With Cyrus's preparedness for every step of the way, it's impossible not to take into account the energy aspect.

But he still took people to Sunyshore City.

For what?

Things have deviated farther and farther from the track that Xia Yan is familiar with.

But no matter what the result is, this Sunyshore City, they must go.

(End of this chapter)

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