The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 537: world

"Is that guy again, the weird guy he created?

Don't worry, I know him very well, and I have a business deal with him, he will definitely not blame you. "

The little fat man said disapprovingly.

"Still not, I need you to be responsible for my own life."

Liu Qingyun shook his head again and said.


"That's it! Now is not the time."

When the little fat man was about to say something, Wang Musheng said aloud first.

"Whatever you want, as long as you are not in a hurry, I don't care."

Hearing Wang Musheng's words, the little fat man shrugged and said.

It wasn't that Wang Musheng was scared, but just because he knew what happened next.

Wang Musheng was very cautious about whether he would interfere with his life trajectory.

The gadget has changed one's original life trajectory, so what will be the situation of the current self, will it exist?

Or, is he completely unable to go back?

Wang Musheng didn't want to die.

I don't even want to go back.

Therefore, this time he will try his best to follow the offline in his memory and try not to change his original destiny trajectory.

It's the same this time.

Therefore, Wang Musheng and the others had to stay here in Cangzhou for a period of time.

It was a rare relaxing experience. Wang Musheng was too nervous during this period of time.

Wang Musheng did not choose to travel throughout Cangzhou, or anything else.

Instead, I chose to quietly buy a small courtyard in a small remote city in Cangzhou, and experience the simple life of living at sunrise and resting at sunset.

At this time, Wang Musheng somewhat understood the fairy gods in the legend.

They are cold-blooded, they are majestic, as if nothing can provoke them.

This is not ruthless.

It's just countless years, they have seen too much and experienced too much of various things. These experiences have made their hearts numb and hardened.

Even, they have been able to understand fate, cause and effect.

When they see a person, they only need a glance to know his past and present life, karma, and even future destiny.

In this way, even the basic curiosity is gone.

Powerful strength, body, as long as there is heaven and earth aura, they don't even need to eat or sleep, they can ignore day and night, spring, summer, autumn and winter.

A powerful soul and a stable character can keep them in front of absolute reason at all times.

It can be said that these immortals at this time are just a stone with powerful rationality.

Stone is not their pursuit.

It's just that their pursuit of the experience on the road has turned them into a numb stone.

"It's really pathetic!"

Yes, it is pitiful.

In Wang Musheng's view, an immortal **** with no seven emotions and six desires and mental numbness can no longer be called a normal life.

In contrast, it is more like a ruthless power machine.

"Is it necessary for power to pursue, or is this a bigger calculation?"

Once Wang Musheng looked at things, perhaps based on simple preferences, good and evil.

However, he now discovered that in front of the mighty fairy gods, good and evil are really ridiculous.

They are more like the flag bearers of the chessboard of heaven and earth, and everything is just for their own planning.

Not only people, but even this world.

Like them, they have escaped from the low-level evil tastes.

It is absolutely rational.

But not because of a momentary impulse, do something.

Maybe Wang Musheng at this time really looks like a strong man!

Before he, although he had a strong power, his mentality was ultimately a failure.

The little fat man on the other side, Jiang Hongfei.

But there is no Wang Musheng's disposition. He is obviously the embodiment of order, but he prefers to challenge order, play with order, and is particularly interested in various gossip information.

He will always disappear for a while inexplicably.

Then appear again.

What followed was to tell Wang Musheng all kinds of things he saw, heard, and even the strange and interesting things he took to guide.

For example, the two people have fornication.

That guy fell off the cliff and got a peerless heritage!

Or another demon was born successfully.

and many more!

At the same time, he told Wang Musheng, which of them were guided by him, which of them were his masterpieces, and so on.

"I said, you are a product of the law, why do you like these?

And also like to do these meaningless things.

It's like the woman who gave birth to 18 births because of your twisted fate, so what is the use besides increasing the danger to her as a mother. "

"How can it be useless, so at least I will feel very happy, very interesting!"

"Just because of mood?"

"if not?

A group of ants-like guys, this is their only value. "

The little fat man said disapprovingly.

And this is the monk's attitude towards ordinary humans.

In fact, when the power level between the two reaches a certain level they can no longer be said to be the same race.

The only thing they are similar is that the skin is similar.

There are no years in the mountains, and the world has been thousands of years.

For the current Wang Musheng.

This should be the case!

He still remembers.

When I was still a mortal.

In that world, one of his favorite songs contains such lyrics.

Only a few autumns in life!

Don't stop drunk.


At that time, I also lamented the shortness of life.

At best, it is only a few decades.

If there is a serious illness, a small disaster or something, you won't even be able to survive these short autumns.

However, all this was still yesterday.

Now I can completely ignore the passing of time and the passing of years.

There is a feeling of sitting alone in the yellow courtyard, watching the vicissitudes of life quietly.

"Heh, what's wrong with me recently, because my skin has become old, does my heart become old too?

There is always a feeling of inexplicable sadness.

Speaking of which, I have lived hundreds of thousands, millions of years!

Although during this long period of time, only the first few hundred years are meaningful, after all, the age has arrived! "

The following things did not surpass Wang Musheng's original fate.

Returned again after three years.

After learning about his cheap sister's situation, in a rage, he made a roar at the Three Immortal Gate, took away Yue Ling, and shattered the plans of the so-called Sea God Race.

As for the Sea God Beast, Wang Musheng also asked Little Fatty.

The little fat man answered yes.

"Haha, you look down on this world too.


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