The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 569: Yuqiu

  Because the original batch of monks who also got chance from Yang Tianxiao knew the relationship between Bai Yuchan's and that terrifying existence inexplicably.

  , together with the appearance of Bai Yuchan, also helped them rule the rear.

   So these existences also open one eye and close one eye, which directly makes Bai Yuchan really in the limelight for a while.

   With a group of like-minded people, in this troubled world, sheltering one party, its reputation can be said to be the player's birth of Buddha for a while.

   What directly pushed Bai Yuchan's reputation to the top was an attack on the sanctuary by Yuqiu, the son of the demon emperor from the Eastern Region.

  No one would have thought that when the human monks of the Eastern Region were helping the Western Regions resist the attack of the Sanctuary, the monsters of the Eastern Region on the other side suddenly attacked the rear of the Sanctuary.

   Millions of monster monks whose lowest level is above the Nascent Soul Stage.

   plus Yuqiu, the great prince of the monster clan in the early days of the Earth Fairy level,

   suddenly appeared on the land of the sanctuary, at the rear of the sanctuary front. If there were no accidents, the power of the sanctuary would definitely suffer a huge loss.

   But, who knows, as soon as Yu Qiu arrived on the land of Sanctuary, he directly collided with Bai Yuchan.

   A big battle broke out without any hesitation.

   The battle lasted for three months.

   The one million army of the monster race, in the end, there are less than 30,000 left.

   There is one more horrible river in the south of the sanctuary land, which almost directly divides the entire sanctuary land in half.

   More than ten thousand miles of land, completely turned into a Jedi, without a 10,000-year recovery, it will no longer be suitable for living creatures.

   Even the eldest prince of the demon clan, Yuqiu, was severely wounded and escaped.

   It is Bai Yuchan that caused all this.

   Bai Yuchan also showed everyone her terrifying power that day, even though it was only the power in the early stage of ascension.

   But she used her strength to tell everyone that even if it was an earth fairy-level existence, he was not afraid.

   In that battle, Bai Yuchan showed an almost invincible defense.

   A person who dares to use his own flesh and blood to resist the powerful existence of the Earth Immortal level, please defend against the mana bombing.

   There is also that almost endless power.

   In the three-month battle, even the Yuqiu demon prince, who has always been known for his strong mana, has exhausted his mana many times.

   But Bai Yuchan has maintained this terrifying fighting intensity for three months.

   That wanton mana.

   is as if her mana will never be exhausted.

   It was precisely because of her horror, almost unreasonable fighting posture, that she abruptly blocked this Eastern Region Monster Race sneak attack.

   At the same time, it was also this day. I had already fallen into a relatively calm battle, but it was escalating again.

   from the previous confrontation.

   has risen to the extreme of omnipotence.


   sneak attack.


   Although it seems that this kind of battle seems not as intense as before.

   But although the previous battles were fierce, they all maintained a certain bottom line.

   After all, they are for profit, not really want to destroy each other.

but now.

   This bottom line has been first broken by the Yaozu.

   Everything, but any existence that can hit the opponent and reduce the opponent's attack power.

   does everything.

   Although the battle does not seem to be intense.

   But, no doubt the war has become more dangerous.

   Death has also become more terrifying and common.

   Another 10 years in a blink of an eye.

   The three-domain wars of the Eastern Region, Sanctuary, and Western Region finally eased.

   But this is not because one of the parties won the final victory, or that one of the parties finally compromised.

   All this is because of another thing.

   Speaking of this matter, there is another person, Fang Tianxing.

   There is also a special force, Jiexianmen.

   Yes, it was the force that killed Wang Musheng once in Qianjin Town, and had a fate with Wang Musheng.

   Speaking of this Jiexianmen, there is still a story I have to tell.

   Although the Tribulation Immortal Gate is not the most powerful force in this sanctuary, it is the strength that has the longest heritage, and it is both righteous and evil.

   Compared with other middle door experiences, it is a twists and turns.

   The inheritance of this robbery immortal gate is extremely stable.

   This is all because of the special power of reincarnation controlled by the Jiexianmen.

   When every strong sect is born, you will cultivate the reincarnation embryo for the strong, once the strong dies.

  The soul will be reincarnated again, and live again.

   Although every reincarnation inevitably causes certain damage to the soul.

   But this is also a different kind of eternal life.

   In addition to the various magical methods and resources controlled during these countless years, even if the Jiexianmen did not develop very much, it slowly developed and expanded.

   All of this is wonderful to them.

   But just ten thousand years ago, because of a strange secret clue, the suzerain Fang's line suffered betrayal, and the suzerain Fang Qiankun died.

   The strong of the Fang family died dead, the sealed ones were sealed, and the younger generation were all reincarnated embryos.

   There is Fang Tianxing among them.

   was originally a genius child of Jiexianmen.

   finally became the reincarnated embryo of others.

   And this reincarnation method is the most vicious. In order to be able to preserve this lost integrity as much as possible, he will not destroy you.

   Therefore, at the very beginning, UU read as the existence of reincarnated embryos, they still have their own meaning.

   can perceive the development of everything around.

   is just unable to control the body, and unable to move.

   Until the end, the reincarnated completely swallowed the soul of this body, and they will completely die.

   This is very scary.

   Obviously he can do things without knowing everything around him, but he cannot control his body and react.

   can only wait quietly, the soul is slowly eaten away, but there is no resistance at all.

   If there is really purgatory in this world, for them, this is undoubtedly the most terrifying purgatory.

   In contrast.

   Fang Tianxing is undoubtedly one of the most tragic among them.

   The reincarnated person who occupied his body was the defeated man he had always pressed under him, and the grievances with Fang Tianxing were simply exhausted.

   So, the final result can be imagined.

   Fang Tianxing has suffered all kinds of humiliation.

   What made Fang Tianxing collapse even more was that that guy directly manipulated his body and destroyed his whole family, brother, sister, father, mother, and...!

   Those pairs of fear, dazed, and desperate eyes have been torturing Fang Tianxing deeply until now.

   However, Fang Tianxing is also lucky in comparison.

   It was precisely because of that guy's hatred that he wanted to torture Fang Tianxing for a longer period of time, and he was not in a hurry to destroy Fang Tianxing's soul.

   That's why Fang Tianxing had a chance to break free.



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