The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 583: Leave

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Therefore, in terms of protection and their own interests, they chose interests.

They gave up the world by themselves.

Why let others guard it for them.

The second daughter was silent.

"In this space, there are various monks in the ascension period, 40 million, plus the 30 million monks in the integration period, the tribulation period, and the ascension period. The army of monks.

What's more, what you need to know is that our system is different from yours. We have more powerful techniques, more powerful techniques, and even all kinds of strange treasures.

Therefore, we generally have the invincible power of the same level, and even leapfrog challenges. At this point, you cannot equate our monks with those ordinary monks.


In addition to these monks.

Our most powerful force is these warriors who destroy a clan. They are the creations of the world lord, a kind of war beast that specializes in micro-wars.

They have power that can almost never be exhausted.

And strong patience that can continue to fight.

It is with the support of these fighters who destroy the clan and the powerful artillery that we have been able to persist until now.

We have ten million for such a powerful fighter.

And over the years, even if we have paid enough attention, the losses of these powerful fighters have exceeded one million. "

Corpse Shenghua continued.

"Is this your real strength?"

"Yes, although I don't understand why, one thing I want to tell you is that the demonic waves you are experiencing now are not even one ten thousandth of what they were before.

So, don't be fooled by these victories, that is not the real power of the Demon Race at all. "


"This is the task assigned to us by the world master. Even if we are leaving, we hope that there will be no problems here."

"So, for so many years, you have sold us all kinds of natural treasures, powerful spells, and techniques with those low to terrible prices."

"Only when your strength becomes stronger can you have a certain chance to hold here and hold your world.

You can think about it in a good direction. Maybe all of this won't get so bad?

In this space, we have left a variety of materials that are sufficient to sustain your consumption for a long time.

There are even two last resorts, which may help you as a last resort.

In the end, it was my bet. Anyway, you did achieve the final victory this time. This is the clue to the guardian heritage. "

While talking, the dead flower took out a jade slip.

"Are you really indifferent to the inheritance of the Guardian?"

Bai Yuchan took the jade slip, but did not check it for the first time, but looked at the corpse Shenghua inexplicably and said.

"You won't understand the greatness of the realm master, what he gave us far exceeds the inheritance of a guardian.

The most important thing is that the world master ordered us to stay here back then, just for the passage of the devil world, not for anything else. "

Ji Shenghua shook her head and said with emotion.

"Where is the world master, he must be able to solve all this, right?"

"The realm master knew four hundred years ago that you are coming here today to replace our positions. What do you think?

The power of the world lord far exceeds your imagination.

All this is naturally not a problem for the world master.

However, the world master has ordered us to guard here for four hundred years, why does he have to take action? "


The corpse Shenghua left, with all his subordinates, and slowly disappeared into this space under Chi Ruyan and Bai Yuchan's eyes.

Everything is so silent.

When they came back to their senses, everyone around them, as well as those war behemoths, had all disappeared.

Only this empty space is left.

There are mountains of resources.

An elixir to enhance strength.

A potion to treat injuries.

There are also talents who refine various magic weapons.

And a formation plate, a special jade symbol.

And the jade slips in their hands.

"We think of ourselves as opponents, but who knows, in the eyes of others, we are just a group of children.

All this is so ridiculous.

sorrow. "

They left this space, and the moment Shi Shenghua left, he directly gave Chi Ruyan and Bai Yuchan the control of this space.

But when they left this space, they were faced with the different looks of a group of former allies.

"The corpse and the flower are gone.

The other four fortress cities were also directly vacant.

And just at this moment, you two also mysteriously disappeared.

Daoist Ruyan, and Daoist Yuchan, shouldn’t you guys explain this to everyone! "

"What explanation...!"

Bai Yuchan was in a bad mood for such a violent question, but he asked directly, but he didn't wait for Bai Yuchan's words to finish.

He was directly interrupted by Chi Ruyan and said.

"You have won, and the Corpse Shenghua took their own people and left. Now this northern land is all yours."

"Then, what about the legacy of the Guardian?"

Hearing this, none of these people felt sorry or guilty, but asked with joy.

"it's here."

After speaking, Chi Ruyan threw the jade slip in his hand directly.

Then he ignored anything and left here directly.

From this day on, the entire Northern Territory land has once again entered a violent era.

Although they were a little dissatisfied with the leaving of the dead flower, all the mess was thrown to them.

But the same, because the corpse and flowers left, so the last cake, but one less person to share with them.

The movements in the hands are not slow.

The first battle did not break out in the final guardian heritage.

Instead, it broke out in the battle of against these four giant cities.

Normal disputes alone cannot last more than ten years.

After ten years of knowledge, this slowly subsided.

The four cities have just returned to the Three Regions Alliance, one in each region, and the remaining one belongs to the Sea Clan.

When it all calmed down.

Only then entered, in the era of the guardian inheritance.

In the jade slips left by the corpse and flowers at the time, they recorded the most detailed information of the entire Northern Territory, and at the same time, there were the entire nodes of the inheritance seal.

And behind that seat, the advantages and disadvantages of the Great Seal of Demons, laid down by the Jade Emperor Realm and eight giant cities.

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