The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 632: Out of control war

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"Mantou, it's a big steamed bun, it's so delicious."

It was dying, the little guy's nonsense.

But under the power of Miao Fa Ruyi, all this has become a reality, and in an instant countless big steamed buns fell from the sky.


"There is food."

"It's big steamed buns, these steamed buns are so fragrant!"

"It's me, mine, all mine."


At the same time, a magical message also appeared directly in the little guy's mind.

"It turned out to be because of me, and all I paid for it was just a few hairs."

Seeing the black magic on the little hand, a strange light appeared in the little guy's eyes.


Speaking of Xiangyu Realm, even though Jun Xue Yin died here, the war was not over. On the contrary, the death of Jun Xue Yin was counted on Yuan Shaantian's head.

Think that all these are the tricks of ape shaking the sky.

So the attack was even more frantic, and even more violent.

At the same time, knowing that his only and last son had died, the Old Snow Sculpture Demon King broke through directly.

It turns out that the poisonous wound on the old Snow Sculpture Demon King has long since recovered, and he has taken a step closer in his cultivation, but it is only because Xue Yinjun will manage the palace very well, and he is interested in cultivating this one that makes him most satisfied Son, so he didn't tell the news, but chose to continue to retreat.

However, when he heard the news of this son again, it was not that this son had become a talent.

It was the news of this son's death.

You know, because of Xue Yinjun's relationship, the other sons of the Old Demon King are dead, crazy, missing and missing. Only Xue Yinjun is left.

This is to make him be the last!

The Old Demon King was angry.

A big battle broke out directly.

Although the strength levels of both parties are the same, they are both golden immortal-level existences, but the time of existence of the old demon king is not known how much longer than Yuan Shaantian.

Its terrifying combat experience is not comparable to Yuan Shaotian.

What's more, with the passage of time, although the nine demon kings usually have disputes, under such circumstances, they are resolutely unanimous.

With the Nine Demon Kings joining the war, there was no surprise at all in the subsequent battle.

Yuan Shaotian was seriously injured directly, and with the help of the master Xiangfei Itachi, he managed to escape.

Yuan Shantian came to his father for his love sister, and those brothers and sisters who could fix a cigarette without closing one eye.

However, Yuan Shaantian was seriously injured, and it was still because of the beating.

His brothers and sisters couldn't bear it.

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Is this because they think they are bullying, but no one?

First of all, the little sister of Yuan Shaotian, who directly led her men, participated in the battle.

The direct and strong suppression of the nine demon kings forced the nine demon kings to respect all kinds of rare and exotic treasures and bow their heads to admit their mistakes.

But then these demon kings.

So he directly stabbed the matter to the empty temple, this is not the temple, but the name of an organization.

To say which realm has the most races and the most chaotic, it is undoubtedly the Yaozu.

At the same time, the monster race is also the most terrifying competition, so in order to keep the group warm, several special and huge forces gradually appeared in this monster race.

An empty temple composed of various birds.

The Sea God Temple composed of various sea animals.

And the beast temple composed of various beasts.

A temple of insects composed of various insects.

And standing at the top, the demon temple composed of various powerful gods, forces, and demon races, these constitute the most basic ruling class of this demon world.

The Sky Shaking Ape was a big family in the Demon Realm, and such a powerful group suddenly attacked those Demon Kings, which is simply unforgivable.

Adding some fuel and jealousy from the Nine Demon Kings, a battle broke out again.

The empty temple started directly.

Although this may only use a small part of the power for the empty temple, these powers are enough to repel the ape shaking the sky and cause severe damage.

At this time, the Sky Shaking Ape clan was completely furious. Originally, all this was just a few children fighting, so it was not a big deal.

But he wanted to start directly in the empty temple, and Tan Men had to wonder if all this was a conspiracy in the empty temple.

At this point, the Shaking Ape clan is participating in the war.

And as the most important part of the Beast Temple, the Sky Shaking Ape clan, several powerful races, completely end, which is no different from the direct end of the Beast Temple.

Those monsters under the Beast God Temple saw this scene, the bosses all started, they naturally followed closely.

So in this way, a sudden battle broke out, but in a short period of time, the change spread to many small worlds of the demon world.

In the past few years, because of the strong suppression of the Demon God Temple, there hasn't been any war in the Demon Realm. Even if there are some battles, it will definitely not spread to other worlds.

And one by one will be severely punished afterwards, so the various ethnic groups have more restraint among each other.

But is this true peace?

No, in the repression of this day after day, the enmity between the various monster races has accumulated to a terrifying level.

The matter of Concubine Xiang was just an introduction, directly detonating these hatreds.

Therefore, this war was only the beginning and completely detonated all of this.

And when the real high-level people in the empty temple and the beast temple discovered all this, they were no longer in their control.

And what pushes all of this directly to the point is.

The sound bird clan of the empty temple directly used the powerful sound power to control the two sons of the patriarch of the sky-shaking ape, UU reading and a group of sky-shaking apes. .

He even attacked the patriarch of the contemporary Sky Shaking Ape.

The patriarch who directly caused the sky-shaking ape was seriously injured, and finally killed his two sons in tears.


In extreme grief and indignation, the patriarch of the Sky Shaking Ape went wild and used taboo techniques to directly push the world, ready to use the world to directly hit the world of the Soundbird clan, completely destroying the entire Soundbird clan.

Seeing that the battle was out of control, Seagod Hall jumped out at this time, trying to end the battle.

But before the father and son killed you, they didn't come out, and now they want revenge, but you are standing up. How can this be tolerated.

Not to mention that the Shaking Ape clan is originally a race known for its fiery temper.

The patriarch of Shaking Sky Ape was directly connected to the guys from the Seagod Temple and beat him up, but the patriarch was alone after all.

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