The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Chapter 412: Yunmengxian Tea

"Don't talk about these unhappy people, although the youngest kid did something wrong this time, he is your brother after all. As an older brother, you need to bear more."

Madam Qian also sighed and said.

"Yes, mother!"

Hearing what Mrs. Qian said, the brothers Qian Wenwu and Qian Wentao quickly bent over to salute.

It is a picture of a mother, kindness and filial piety!

"And you, Wen Shu, Wen Zhuo is your brother anyway, and usually respect him more."

After teaching the two sons, Madam Qian said to the daughter Qian Wenshu again.

"Know the mother!"

Qian Wenshu reluctantly answered.

"Mr. Laimeng, don't just sit down, just eat some of these melons and fruits, as well as this tea. The legend is that the tea comes from the legendary Yunmeng Mountain. You must try it, Mr. Meng."

The former lady said enthusiastically.

"Oh! It turned out to be the legendary fairy tea, so you must taste it well."

Wang Musheng also said with a flattered expression just right.

"Sure enough it is fairy tea, good tea, good tea!"

After a light sip, Wang Musheng was sure that it was tea. As for other things, Wang Musheng was helpless and didn't taste it at all.

No way, for Wang Musheng, it was used to quench his thirst. As for quality, it was not Wang Musheng's special performance.

So, I wanted to blow a few words vigorously, but after thinking about it for a long time, Wang Musheng came up with two good teas.

There is also an expression that looks very enjoyable.

In fact, that was Wang Musheng thinking, to see if there are suitable words to use to play against these actors, otherwise the word Guang is good for tea, it always feels like something is missing!

Unfortunately, in the end, it was still good tea, and Wang Musheng still did not come up with any good words.

"Since Mr. Meng likes it, drink more of that one."

While talking, this Madam Qian stood up personally, added another cup of tea to Wang Musheng, and said with a smile.

"Thank you Madam for the tea, I dare not be, I dare not be."

"Mr. is humble. Mr. Siyuanlu has helped my Qian family a lot. Why should my concubine fill up this cup of tea personally."

"Madam is absurd."

Wang Musheng pretended to say with a humble expression.

"By the way, I don't know what happened to the husband before!"

"What happened before?"

"Mr. Meng doesn't want to make jokes about his concubine. Ms. Meng had been with a kind of elder, and my three sons in the board of directors. Isn't it just for discussing Siyuanlu?"

"Oh, what the madam was talking about! It has been negotiated."

Wang Musheng said suddenly.

"Has it been negotiated? Mr. Meng really acted neatly!"

Madam Qian couldn't help narrowing her eyes slightly.

"Don't forget, I met the Wenzhuo brothers before, plus any big mistakes in the previous cooperation, this time the Wenzhuo brothers showed so much enthusiasm, and that's it."

Wang Musheng shrugged and said.

"In this way, the cooperation between Mr. Meng and the Qian family still uses the previous contract and conditions."

Madam Qian's eyes lit up and said.

"It's not all. After discussion, the Wenzhuo brothers divided the previous amount into 10% of Qian's equity.

In this way, I will be regarded as a member of the Qian family from now on. "

Wang Musheng said with a smile, as if he was very satisfied with this condition.

"Hey, it's a pity. We originally planned to give Mr. Meng 10% of the money’s share capital, plus the three-component money from the Siyuanlu sales meeting, to cooperate with Mr. Meng, but we didn’t expect it to be. One step too late!"

The boss Qian Wenwu sighed deeply, shook his head and said.


Wang Musheng asked suspiciously.

"Exactly, you may not know the role of your Siyuanlu for the Qian family, Mr. Meng, let me tell you that!

It is because of the emergence of Siyuanlu that the Qian family’s income has increased by 20% during the same period. The Qian family, who has been stagnant for many years and has not grown, is also because of the emergence of this Siyuanlu, once again the rapid expansion trend has begun .

As for other prestige, the influence of fame is even greater.

Therefore, let alone these, even with more and better conditions, the Qian family is willing to pay. "

Qian Wenwu gave Wang Musheng a serious analysis.

"Master Qian is really an upright person, and he will disclose such important information to me. It's just a pity that the previous cooperation matters have been negotiated. Otherwise, you must cooperate with Master Qian."

Wang Musheng sighed deeply.

"Mr. Dream really thinks that way?"

"of course!"

"In this case, it is not impossible! Mr. Meng only needs to unilaterally and directly tear up the cooperation contract with the third child."

It was the second child, Qian Wentao.

"Is this all right! You know, if this is a unilateral contract, it will have to pay a lot of compensation."

Wang Musheng said hesitantly.

"Mr. Meng rest assured, you first terminate the contract with the third child, and then immediately sign the contract with my eldest brother. In this way, you will only terminate the contract with the third child.

The contract with our Qian family has not been terminated, so this does not require compensation. At most, it is only the person who performs the contract. He changed one, and the third child was directly replaced by my elder brother.

But in this way, Mr. Meng was able to get 30% out of thin air, Siyuanlu's sales.

why not! "

Qian Wentao said in a seductive tone.

Obviously, this has been planned for a long time, and I want to dig Qian Wenzhuo's corner! So I think about what kind of situation, and even think about the targeted method.


"Ah! Help!"

"There are there are monsters."

"Protect young lady, ma'am."

"what's up!"

Just when Wang Musheng felt that the game was almost the same, he was about to tell a few guys that I was just on a whim, teasing you to play, don't take it seriously.

With a scream, a large number of guards, servants, and maidservants swarmed in from outside in an instant. Not only that, but these people were running and shouting monsters, monsters.

For a time, the originally quiet courtyard suddenly became chaotic, and various noisy sounds also directly interrupted Wang Musheng's words.

Seeing that things were about to succeed, Wang Musheng was about to nod, but he did not expect to be interrupted by these guys, which caused Qian Wenwu's nameless anger to gush out for a while.

Of course, Qian Wenwu felt all of this.

He has decided that if these guys don't give him a satisfactory answer, he must make these guys regret coming to this world.

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