The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Chapter 417: Wannian Baoshen

   "Well, what's the matter with Lanling?"

  Wang Musheng couldn't help but looked at it in doubt. He was sitting on a stool, eating a hammer-shaped magical weapon while dangling his calf Lan Ling.

   "Ah, Baba, I went to play with sister Lingyun!"

   Obviously, the little guy also heard the conversation between the two and saw Wang Musheng's gaze. He quickly climbed off the stool and jumped toward the corner of the courtyard. Murong Lingyun, who was reading, ran over.

   "What is the situation, what good did this little guy do."

   Wang Musheng couldn't help but asked in confusion.

Wang Musheng quickly learned the whole story from the dry mouth of the mastiff. It turned out that it was this little guy who secretly stole the spirit fruit wine brewed by Wang Musheng. Then he gave it to the old Taoist priests in exchange for a lot of small snacks. That is, some strange little props, magical implements and so on.

   "As expected, she is my daughter, she is smart, and she knows how to do business at such a young age!"

   After knowing the whole story, Wang Musheng was not angry, but his eyes lit up and he couldn't help but praise him.

   "Hehe, it's a dragon!"

   "But she is my daughter now."

   "She is a blue dragon!"

   "But she is my daughter now."

   "Not a dear!"

   "But she is my daughter now."

   "Can you change other words?"

   "She is my daughter."



Although here, Wang Musheng enjoys the emperor’s general treatment, no, or surpasses the emperor’s general treatment, no matter what, as long as Wang Musheng wants, wants to eat, wants to drink, as long as Wang Musheng says, these things at the latest, It was able to be sent to Wang Musheng and his party the next day.

   Not to mention anything else, just with Lan Ling's terrifying appetite, in the past few days, I have never said to Wang Musheng that he was hungry and wanted to eat.

  Because, the little guy has never stopped his mouth all day long. It is not all kinds of meals, or all kinds of exquisite pastries and delicious snacks.

   Of course, the little guy is not an ungrateful person. Since the last time he stole the spirit wine from the Jade Emperor Realm, he has not been punished by Baba, and even given a small reward.

   The courage of the little guy is completely increased.

   would often take out some gadgets from the Jade Emperor Realm to reward these young ladies who have been cautiously waiting for themselves and always give themselves all kinds of delicious and delicious food.

   But what Xiao Lanling didn't know was that the Jade Emperor World was a place carefully constructed by Wang Musheng, and there was nothing ordinary in it.

   may be just an inconspicuous weed on the side of the road, and it may also be a good elixir.

   is the thousand-year-old, ten thousand-year-old ginseng, which is also everywhere in it, and it is no different from weeds.

   Xiao Lan Ling is not interested in these things that Baba calls big carrots, but those young ladies like them?

   Therefore, the subsequent rewards are mainly based on these ginseng.

   When Xiao Lanling ate the same food she liked one day, when she was very happy, she took out a large carrot that was more than one meter in size. The big carrot in her eyes was rewarded by Wannian ginseng to this young lady who served her.

   At the time, the lady obviously didn't know what it was, and regarded it as a weird-looking, super huge carrot.

   It turned out that the maid wanted to take the big carrot back to her room. After all, this was bestowed by the nobleman, even if it was just a big carrot, she had to put it carefully.

   At this time, I met the head of the Qian family, the supreme controller of the entire Qian family.

   After understanding the whole story from the maid’s mouth, the patron told the maid a piece of news that made her heartbeat slow.

   "This is not a white radish, it is a ginseng that has grown for more than ten thousand years."

   Wannian ginseng, what is that? Even if this maid has no knowledge, she can understand what kind of treasure it is.

   The maid's first feeling is not happiness, but fear, fear that cannot be restrained.

   It's over. I actually took such a valuable thing from the little nobleman. Will I be killed directly because of punishment? I don't want to die!

   At this moment, the little maid slumped to the ground as soon as she softened, and her tears couldn't help but burst out.

   A small mouth was lightly opened, and there was a series of teeth knocking sounds.

   Extremely, under the fear of being killed, this little maid couldn't even speak.

   "Don't be afraid, get the reward of that noble person, this is your luck, and you can enter the eyes of that noble person, no one in the whole Qian family will touch you, including me."

   Just when the handmaid's anxious heartbeat slowed by half a beat, a sound like a natural sound appeared in her ear.

   "Old, sir!"

   "You can rest assured! If you want, you can sell this ginseng to the Qian family. Of course, if you don't want to, you can stay with you."

   "Master, I am willing, I am willing to give this ginseng to the Qian family, I don't want anything."

   For the maid at this time, as long as she can not die, it doesn't matter what else.

   Looking at the performance of this maid at this Qian Fangkai couldn't help but shook his head, and motioned to the guard behind him to take over the Wannian Baoshen from the maid.

   just said.

  "What is the price of ten thousand years of ginseng, you should know that if I turn all of it into gold and silver for you, it will not be a good thing for you, because you can't protect this huge wealth.

   As the price of this ten thousand years ginseng, I will give you a thousand taels of silver and one percent of the Qian family.

   gives you freedom at the same time, and from now on you will no longer be a servant.

   If you are willing to stay at Qian's house, I will give you a new employee contract.

   If you don’t want to, you can also go to the Qian’s book pavilion as the shopkeeper.

   Even if you don't do anything, you are still a member of the Qian family. Just relying on one percent of the Qian family's members can make you and your family worry-free forever. "

   After finishing talking, Qian Fangkai left. As for the rest of the matter, naturally someone would take her to handle it, so the maid was treated so favorably.

  , of course, is because of the preciousness of the ten thousand years ginseng, but more importantly, this reward comes from Wang Musheng and his party, so Qian Fangkai pays such attention.

In a big family, the speed of information dissemination is beyond your imagination, but for a moment, this maid, who was rewarded by the nobles for her good performance, turned her over, not only possessed members of the Qian family, but also gained her life. Unfinished gold and silver.

   You know, this sister was just like them yesterday, just a humble servant girl, but today she has become their master.



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